Power and Patronage
Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC
"Even if you offered nothing except earnest friendship, you would still be welcome in these halls. The cruel Masters of Ghis and the mindless dead are as much the Imperium's foes as they are of all sane people, and gladly I will speak with you about what common cause can be made against them," you reply graciously and not without a measure of relief. After the mess that was dealing with Yi Ti a delegation that is forthright about both its nature and purpose is a relief, even when than purpose includes asking you to protect exposed land half a world away.
Lhazar is not Qarth and it will never be the treasure trove that the City on the Jade Gates is, but its people no less than any others deserve protection and it is a time honored tradition to seek that protection with the mighty realms of the age. You can certainly do better than the bloody Dothraki Khalasars.
You catch sight of Rhango in the crowd and to your surprise you catch a knowing smile also on his weather-beaten face, whether he had actually guessed your thoughts or is amused that the 'Lamb Men' had come to you for succor you cannot say nor does it truly matter. You have meetings to attend to. The delegations from Yin, the Warlocks, the...
As you step from the hall leaving guests and new sworn vassals to mingle freely you begin to feel an odd hum about the air, more felt than heard. At first you take if for simply the excitement of a day long anticipated. It is much more...
within you vibrates like the strings of a lyre with a note you cannot name in any of the tongues of men and spirits, not even in the tongue of dragons.
"What happened?" Lya asks as she catches up to you down the long stretch of empty corridor. Ser Richard and Mereth had already stopped dead in their tracks, but they are looking for an external threat.
Fragments of words and echoes of feelings tumble through your mind at the edge of perception; fear, regret, determination, phantom feelings with no beginning, middle or end that you can make sense of. "Ward check me," you say tersely.
Ser Richard curses sharply under his breath, his expression clearly showing that he would dearly like an enemy to stab right about now. You can sympathize. Even as the echoes fade Lya looks up from her task, eyes still shinning with divination magics with no clear answers. As far as she can tell nothing had influenced your mind unduly.
"I think we should do some divinations into this, just to be sure, ask er... the Old Gods." Though the only witnesses beyond the four of you are likely to be watcher mimics she avoids speaking Bloodraven's name so as to preserve whatever last few days of anonymity he might have. It is however the talk of gods and champions in general that gives you the answer.
"Oh... how did the old saying go? 'I expected this but not so soon'," you jest a little faintly. Today was already the day in which you have taken responsibility for the fate of the Imperium and its citizens, you had not expected it to be the day you would be directly responsible for the soul of one of those sane citizens. You had expected study, perhaps research.
"That is usually the lady's line," Lya quips back automatically, though with the advantage of two heads to think with it does not take her a moment longer to realize what you mean. "You are sponsoring someone's magic. That is a soul connection and its not and attack of any kind..."
"And is flows in only one direction," Mereth finishes to your surprise. At Ser Richard's inquiring look she adds. "Do you think any Archduke would allow worshipers if they could be easily attacked through them?"
"He is not a worshiper. I neither need nor desire such," you reply firmly. No matter what one calls the connection there is no denying it is as easy as breathing to scry the scene inside Teana's office, easier than even scrying your own mark. You see a fidgeting student being questioned by one of the Headmistress' shades, her material presence being busy here at court. Still, you have a bit of time to spare to speak to the boy...
Marco, the name floats to the forefront of your thoughts.
How do you address the first Imperial Oracle?
[] Write in
OOC: And done, fourth update for the first time in a long while. You guys can consider this compensation for all those one update days. I do not think I will be doing this often though, it's really pushing my focus. 2-3 updates per day seem best.