That was more of a request by me for you to stall a bit.
I've blown most of my work-time yesterday and today on invasion planning.

And there's still a personal project I'd rather try to get on the road finally.

I see. I can definitely stall, there are some more distant interludes I would like to get down before the pacification begins in earnest.
Well, the fortress is nice.

How are we gonna ensure it is not infiltrated for about half a year now? Until we get on with killing off the Efreeti economy at the moment they'd be most vulnerable to that?

Our enemies, plentiful as they are, are all but guaranteed to try and do so just to fuck eith us - it isn't like they know what reason the Fortress serves, they'd just see it as an installation that is somehow important to us.

I think, the best we can do is to stuff it full of Watchman-creatures, on land, on water, and underground - and then hope the wards and the constant attention would discourage all but the best infiltrators existing across the Planes.
Around a 300x Watchcats, and 200x Watchmoles should do the job of making a tight 24/7 net over every corner of the Fortress.
Maybe also adding something with Telepathy+Mkndsighr combo to cover the entie place - not sure what though.
How are we gonna ensure it is not infiltrated for about half a year now? Until we get on with killing off the Efreeti economy at the moment they'd be most vulnerable to that?
We have a fundamental advantage here, in that there are no civilians in the area, once the construction is done.

We can definitly only let vetted personel near the fortress, which makes infiltration infinitly harder than into any regular city (where too many people come and go to check them all with any invasive method).
@DragonParadox, it isnt like you were gonna drop Ymeri as a single chapter, though?
I think you can just write about the fight, it'll be several chapters, then there's the aftermath for us to handle (looting the remains of her court, having Burny bless his chapel in SD as thanks, us oratoring at people as a result of 'heroic actions' of the ships' crews, etc).
Azel would have the time to write the Citadel shebang, methinks :V
Well, the fortress is nice.

How are we gonna ensure it is not infiltrated for about half a year now? Until we get on with killing off the Efreeti economy at the moment they'd be most vulnerable to that?

Our enemies, plentiful as they are, are all but guaranteed to try and do so just to fuck eith us - it isn't like they know what reason the Fortress serves, they'd just see it as an installation that is somehow important to us.

I think, the best we can do is to stuff it full of Watchman-creatures, on land, on water, and underground - and then hope the wards and the constant attention would discourage all but the best infiltrators existing across the Planes.
Around a 300x Watchcats, and 200x Watchmoles should do the job of making a tight 24/7 net over every corner of the Fortress.
Maybe also adding something with Telepathy+Mkndsighr combo to cover the entie place - not sure what though.
Why don't we make it an active military base? Staff it with Legion personnel, a group of Praetorians and Inquisition agents, and keep a large contingent of our available forces there, many of whom are Watchman creatures.

We could also form a dedicated defense group for it as well, as you suggested.
Updated Qyburn

"It is the highest honor and the greatest prize to see the well groomed mind overcome the feeble chains that the world seeks to bind it with. How can you call yourself scholar, if you cannot even grasp this simple truth?"

Name Wisdom Qyburn
Age 65 (?)
Alignment Neutral Evil
Race Pseudo-Illithid; Medium Aberration (Amphibious)
Special Racial Ability Gain two off-hands
Level 15
Class Arcanist 1 / Psion (Fleshbinder) 3 / Cerebremancer 11

Feats (Crafter Loadout) Tomb Tainted Soul (free bonus feat), Improved Familiar, Precocious Apprentice, Psicrystal Affinity (Resolved), Craft Wonderous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Graft Flesh, Craft Construct, Corpsecrafter, Bolster Resistance
Feats (Combat Loadout) Tomb Tainted Soul (free bonus feat), Improved Familiar, Precocious Apprentice, Psicrystal Affinity (Resolved), Split Psionic Ray, Improved Metamorphosis, Psionic Meditation, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Thanatopic Spell, Easy Metamagic (Thanatopic Spell)
Major Drawbacks Animal Animosity, Easy Target
Class Features Arcane Reservoir, Arcanist Exploits (Quick Study), Consume Spells, Fleshbound Familiar, Detect Psionics, Discipline (Egoist), Discipline Talents (Synesthete, Vigor, Mine is the Gift), Mind over Magic (+3), Magical Manifesting (6th), Weave the Sources
Special Abilities Telepathy 100 ft., Improved Uncanny Dodge
Incarnated Powers: Conceal Thoughts, Danger Sense, Detect Psionics, Detect Remote Viewing, Detect Teleportation (Medium)
Permanent Spells: Channel Vigor
Contingency Spells: Renewal Pact; Stalwart Pact

Languages Spoken Westerosi Common, Low Valyrian, High Valyrian, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal, Aboleth, Aquan
Senses Dark Vision 60 ft., Blindsense 30 ft.

HP 15d6 + 60 (CON) 10+1d10 (False Life) + 24 (Heart of Earth) = 148+1d10
AC 10 + 3 (DEX) - 1 (Easy Target) + 10 (Armor) + 1 (Armor Enhancement) + 7 (Shield) + 5 (Insight) = 35; Touch 24; Flat-Footed 27 / +4 against traps
Movement 40 ft, Swim 40 ft.
Initiative 3 (DEX) + 2 (Competence) = 5
Attack +7.5 / +2.5 (BAB) - 2 (STR) = +5 / +0
Spell Resistance 11 + 15 (HD) + 4 (Sking of the Psion) = 30
Resistances Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5
Immunities Mind-Affecting effects (Mindblank), Divination (Mindblank), Death effects (Soulfire), Energy Drain (Soulfire)
Familiar Necrotic Mold (CR 3)

6 (-2)
DEX 11 + 5 (Enhancement) = 16 (+3)
CON 12 + 6 (Enhancement) = 18 (+4)
INT 25 + 6 (Enhancement) = 31 (+10)
WIS 18 + 4 (Enhancement) = 22 (+6)
CHA 17 + 3 (Enhancement) = 20 (+5)

5 + 1 (CON) + 5 (Resistance) + 5 (Insight) = 16 / +2 against Good or Evil
Reflex 5 + 3 (DEX) + 5 (Resistance) + 5 (Insight) = 18 / +2 against Good or Evil, +4 against traps
Will 9.5 + 6 (WIS) + 5 (Resistance) + 5 (Insight) + 4 (Greater Psycrystal Staff) = 29 / +2 against Good or Evil;
General Bonuses +4 against soul trapping effects, +4 against mind-reading effects

15 + 6 (WIS) + 3 (Class Skill) = 23
Bluff: 0 + 5 (CHA) + 10 (Circumstance) = 15
Heal: 15 + 6 (WIS) + 3 (Class Skill) = 23
Knowledge (Arcana): 15 + 10 (INT) + 3 (Class Skill) = 27
Knowledge (Religion): 15 + 10 (INT) + 3 (Class Skill) = 27
Knowledge (Nature): 15 + 10 (INT) + 3 (Class Skill) = 27
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 15 + 10 (INT) + 3 (Class Skill) = 27
Knowledge (Psionics): 15 + 10 (INT) + 3 (Class Skill) = 27
Sense Motive: 15 + 6 (WIS) + 3 (Class Skill) = 23
Spellcraft: 15 + 10 (INT) + 2 (Precocious Apprentice) + 3 (Class Skill) = 29

Power Points: 170 (Psion) + 70 (Psion INT) + 7 (Skin of the Psion) - 9 (Symbiotic Staff) - 33 (Inertial Armor, Force Screen, Defensive Precognition) = 205
Powers Save DC: 10 + Power Level + 10 (INT)
Powers Known (Manifester level 14):
0th - Conceal Thoughts
1st - Minor Metamorphosis, Corrosive Aura, Force Screen, Inertial Armor, Sense Link, Defensive Precognition (MS), Call to Mind (MS), Energy Ray (MS)
2nd - Concussion Blast, Share Pain, Ego Whip, Psychic Bodyguard (MS), Cloud Mind (MS)
3rd - Metamorphosis, Dispel Psionics, Touchsight, Ubiquitous Vision, Body Adjustment (MS)
4th - Hidden Body, Psychic Reformation, Telekinetic Maneuver, Psychokinetic Charge, Schism
5th - Pierce the Veils, Leech Field, Shatter Mind Blank
6th - Major Metamorphosis, Breath of the Black Dragon, Cleanse Spirit, Disintegration, Temporal Acceleration, Sustained Flight (IS)
7th - Decerebrate, Fission, Bend Reality

MS - Power learned from a Mindstone
IS - Power learned from a Ioun Stone

Aracane Reservoir: 4 - 1 (Heart of Earth) = 3
Arcane Spells Save DC: 10 + Spell Level + 10 (INT)
Arcane Spells Prepared (Caster level 12):
0th - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Resistance, Mage Hand, Scrivener's Chant, Prestidigitation
1st - Heightened Awareness, Bestow Wound, Ebon Eyes, True Casting, Protection from X - 4 + 3/day
2nd - False Life, Wither Limb, Mirror Image, Stone Bones, Invisibility - 5 + 3 - 1 (False Life) /day
3rd - Alter Fortune, Dispel Magic, Mind Poison, Necrotic Bloat - 4 + 2/day
4th - Assay Spell Resistance, Celerity, Enervation - 4 + 2 - 1 (Heart of Earth) /day
5th - Feeblemind, Necrotic Skull Bomb - 4 + 2/day
6th - Freezing Glance - 2 + 2/day

Arcane Spells Known:
0th: Amanuensis, Arcane Mark, Breeze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Drench, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance, Scrivener's Chant
1st: Bestow Wound, Decompose Corpse, Disguise Self, Ebon Eyes, Heightened Awareness, Magic Missile, Protection from X, Scholar's Touch, Summon Undead 1, True Casting, True Strike, Unseen Servant
2nd: Blindness/Deafness, Darkness, False Life, Ghoul Glyph, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Stone Bones, Unseen Crafter, Wither Limb
3rd: Alter Fortune, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Flashburst, Gentle Repose, Heart of Water, Mind Poison, Summon Undead 3
4th: Animate Dead, Assay Spell Resistance, Celerity, Dweomer of Transference, Enervation, Greater Invisibility, Heart of Earth
5th: Daywalker, Feeblemind, Haunt Shift, Necrotic Skull Bomb, Permanency, Psychic Turmoil, Stop Heart, Summon Undead 5, Teleport, Wall of Force
6th: Battlemind Link, Freezing Glance

Channel Vigor: Select one of the following effects, which can be changed as a Move Action. Currently using "Mind" effect.


Fractal Eye - Active: Concentrate

Description: This blood red crystal wrought in the semblance of a multifaceted eye, perhaps from the eye of some strange being, for not even Qyburn can tell where the craft of life ends that of unliving matter ends with the Deep Ones possesses sort of pseudo-consciousness entering a seemingly symbiotic relationship with any psion willing to implant it in their forehead. Once implanted it will rant the wearer power according to their power and station.

CL 1: Sense:
The wearer can manifest clairvoyant sense at will. Aura Faint clairsentience;
CL 4: Gather: Continually grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information.
CL 8: Concentrate: Continually grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus on concentration checks.
CL: 11: Penetrate: Grants the wearer a +2 bonus on manifester level checks to overcome a creature's power resistance.
CL 15: Repudiate: Allows the wearer to manifest dispel psionics three times per day with a +20 modifier on the dispel check (the wearer uses the +20 modifier in place of his manifester level).

Attuning the eye to a different ability takes an hour of meditation.

Special: Though implanted the eye takes up the same slot as a pair of glasses or a lens as the rudimentary consciousness within appears to be 'jealous' of such items.

Symbiotic Staff - Extra Uses: 2

Description: Grown from the Ivory of some nameless sea beast and the tortured minds and flesh of ilithid who failed the Elder Brain in some unspeakable way now known only to it staffs such as these are now the preferred weapons of its enforcers, in a cruel twist of irony.

Ability: As Greater Psicrystal Staff

Symbionts Included:
  1. Invigoration
  2. Kenosis
  3. Greater Power Echo x2
Bane: Must connect directly with the mind of the user via the spine (or equivalent biology) where it will consume 1 PP each day, a feeding only just sufficient to keep it on the wretched edge of life. The act is painful enough that the user must make a DC 15 will save each day to avoid becoming confused for 1d4 rounds. The staff is ever hungry so if one is minded to feed it more often the bearer may draw even greater benefits at their peril

Extra UsesPP CostWill Save to Avoid ConfusionRounds Confused on Fail

Should the user even be confused for more than 8 consecutive rounds the staff will attempt to consume their mind and usurp their body to some no doubt mad and incoherent ends. Will DC 35 to resist devouring.

Skin of the Psion:

Description: Wrought from the flayed outer membranes of 'lesser psionic beings' this graft if the only one not possessed of any observable sentience though if one listens carefully it is posibile to just make out a faint wailing wailing just on the edge of conciousness.

Ability: This psychoactive skin grants the wearer 7 bonus power points per day and power resistance 21 or in the case of beings with higher base Power preexistent grants +4 to it

  • 1 Single-Use Crystal Fate of One Charms (13th Manifester Level)
  • 1 Single-Use Crystal Temporal Acceleration Charms (Augmented to 15th Manifester level, 2 round duration)
  • 1 Singe-Use Crystal Reddopsi Charms (13th Manifester Level)
  • 1 Singe-Use Crystal Null Psionic Field Charms (11th Manifester Level)
  • 2 Brilliant Barrier Charm
  • 1 Fortunate Fate Charms
  • 2 Plane Shift Charm
  • 2 Sending Stones
  • 2 Teleport Charms
  • 4 Enlarging Amethysts
  • 4 Extending Garnets
  • 4 Silent Spinels
  • 4 Still Ambers
  • 2 Maximizing Sapphires
  • 2 Widening Emeralds
  • 2 Quickening Diamonds
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Updated Qyburn

"It is the highest honor and the greatest prize to see the well groomed mind overcome the feeble chains that the world seeks to bind it with. How can you call yourself scholar, if you cannot even grasp this simple truth?"

Name Wisdom Qyburn
Age 65 (?)
Alignment Neutral Evil
Race Pseudo-Illithid; Medium Aberration (Amphibious)
Special Racial Ability Gain two off-hands
Level 15
Class Arcanist 1 / Psion (Fleshbinder) 3 / Cerebremancer 11

Feats (Crafter Loadout) Tomb Tainted Soul (free bonus feat), Improved Familiar, Precocious Apprentice, Psicrystal Affinity (Resolved), Craft Wonderous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Graft Flesh, Craft Construct, Corpsecrafter, Bolster Resistance
Feats (Combat Loadout) Tomb Tainted Soul (free bonus feat), Improved Familiar, Precocious Apprentice, Psicrystal Affinity (Resolved), Split Psionic Ray, Improved Metamorphosis, Psionic Meditation, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Thanatopic Spell, Easy Metamagic (Thanatopic Spell)
Major Drawbacks Animal Animosity, Easy Target
Class Features Arcane Reservoir, Arcanist Exploits (Quick Study), Consume Spells, Fleshbound Familiar, Detect Psionics, Discipline (Egoist), Discipline Talents (Synesthete, Vigor, Mine is the Gift), Mind over Magic (+3), Magical Manifesting (6th), Weave the Sources
Special Abilities Telepathy 100 ft., Improved Uncanny Dodge
Incarnated Powers: Conceal Thoughts, Danger Sense, Detect Psionics, Detect Remote Viewing, Detect Teleportation (Medium)
Permanent Spells: Channel Vigor
Contingency Spells: Renewal Pact; Stalwart Pact

Languages Spoken Westerosi Common, Low Valyrian, High Valyrian, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal, Aboleth, Aquan
Senses Dark Vision 60 ft., Blindsense 30 ft.

HP 15d6 + 60 (CON) = 114
AC 10 + 3 (DEX) - 1 (Easy Target) + 10 (Armor) + 1 (Armor Enhancement) + 7 (Shield) + 5 (Insight) = 35; Touch 24; Flat-Footed 27 / +4 against traps
Movement 40 ft, Swim 40 ft.
Initiative 3 (DEX) + 2 (Competence) = 5
Attack +7.5 / +2.5 (BAB) - 2 (STR) = +5 / +0
Spell Resistance 11 + 15 (HD) + 4 (Sking of the Psion) = 30
Resistances Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5
Immunities Mind-Affecting effects (Mindblank), Divination (Mindblank), Death effects (Soulfire), Energy Drain (Soulfire)
Familiar Necrotic Mold (CR 3)

6 (-2)
DEX 11 + 5 (Enhancement) = 16 (+3)
CON 12 + 6 (Enhancement) = 18 (+4)
INT 25 + 6 (Enhancement) = 31 (+10)
WIS 18 + 4 (Enhancement) = 22 (+6)
CHA 17 + 3 (Enhancement) = 20 (+5)

5 + 1 (CON) + 5 (Resistance) + 5 (Insight) = 16 / +2 against Good or Evil
Reflex 5 + 3 (DEX) + 5 (Resistance) + 5 (Insight) = 18 / +2 against Good or Evil, +4 against traps
Will 9.5 + 6 (WIS) + 5 (Resistance) + 5 (Insight) + 4 (Greater Psycrystal Staff) = 29 / +2 against Good or Evil;
General Bonuses +4 against soul trapping effects, +4 against mind-reading effects

15 + 6 (WIS) + 3 (Class Skill) = 23
Bluff: 0 + 5 (CHA) + 10 (Circumstance) = 15
Heal: 15 + 6 (WIS) + 3 (Class Skill) = 23
Knowledge (Arcana): 15 + 10 (INT) + 3 (Class Skill) = 27
Knowledge (Religion): 15 + 10 (INT) + 3 (Class Skill) = 27
Knowledge (Nature): 15 + 10 (INT) + 3 (Class Skill) = 27
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 15 + 10 (INT) + 3 (Class Skill) = 27
Knowledge (Psionics): 15 + 10 (INT) + 3 (Class Skill) = 27
Sense Motive: 15 + 6 (WIS) + 3 (Class Skill) = 23
Spellcraft: 15 + 10 (INT) + 2 (Precocious Apprentice) + 3 (Class Skill) = 29

Power Points: 170 (Psion) + 70 (Psion INT) + 7 (Skin of the Psion) - 9 (Symbiotic Staff) - 33 (Inertial Armor, Force Screen, Defensive Precognition) = 205
Powers Save DC: 10 + Power Level + 10 (INT)
Powers Known (Manifester level 14):
0th - Conceal Thoughts
1st - Minor Metamorphosis, Corrosive Aura, Force Screen, Inertial Armor, Sense Link, Defensive Precognition (MS), Call to Mind (MS), Energy Ray (MS)
2nd - Concussion Blast, Share Pain, Ego Whip, Psychic Bodyguard (MS), Cloud Mind (MS)
3rd - Metamorphosis, Dispel Psionics, Touchsight, Ubiquitous Vision, Body Adjustment (MS)
4th - Hidden Body, Psychic Reformation, Telekinetic Maneuver, Psychokinetic Charge, Schism
5th - Pierce the Veils, Psychic Crush, Shatter Mind Blank
6th - Major Metamorphosis, Fuse Flesh, Cleanse Spirit, Disintegration, Temporal Acceleration, Sustained Flight (IS)
7th - Decerebrate, Fission, Bend Reality

MS - Power learned from a Mindstone
IS - Power learned from a Ioun Stone

Aracane Reservoir: 4
Arcane Spells Save DC: 10 + Spell Level + 10 (INT)
Arcane Spells Prepared (Caster level 12):
0th - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Resistance, Mage Hand, Scrivener's Chant, Prestidigitation
1st - Heightened Awareness, Bestow Wound, Ebon Eyes, True Casting, Protection from X - 4 + 3/day
2nd - False Life, Wither Limb, Mirror Image, Stone Bones, Invisibility - 5 + 3/day
3rd - Alter Fortune, Dispel Magic, Mind Poison, Necrotic Bloat - 4 + 2/day
4th - Assay Spell Resistance, Celerity, Enervation - 4 + 2/day
5th - Feeblemind, Necrotic Skull Bomb - 4 + 2/day
6th - Freezing Glance - 2 + 2/day

Arcane Spells Known:
0th: Amanuensis, Arcane Mark, Breeze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Drench, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance, Scrivener's Chant
1st: Bestow Wound, Decompose Corpse, Disguise Self, Ebon Eyes, Heightened Awareness, Magic Missile, Protection from X, Scholar's Touch, Summon Undead 1, True Casting, True Strike, Unseen Servant
2nd: Blindness/Deafness, Darkness, False Life, Ghoul Glyph, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Stone Bones, Unseen Crafter, Wither Limb
3rd: Alter Fortune, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Flashburst, Gentle Repose, Heart of Water, Mind Poison, Summon Undead 3
4th: Animate Dead, Assay Spell Resistance, Celerity, Dweomer of Transference, Enervation, Greater Invisibility, Heart of Earth
5th: Daywalker, Feeblemind, Haunt Shift, Necrotic Skull Bomb, Permanency, Psychic Turmoil, Stop Heart, Summon Undead 5, Teleport, Wall of Force
6th: Battlemind Link, Freezing Glance

Channel Vigor: Select one of the following effects, which can be changed as a Move Action. Currently using "Mind" effect.


Fractal Eye - Active: Concentrate

Description: This blood red crystal wrought in the semblance of a multifaceted eye, perhaps from the eye of some strange being, for not even Qyburn can tell where the craft of life ends that of unliving matter ends with the Deep Ones possesses sort of pseudo-consciousness entering a seemingly symbiotic relationship with any psion willing to implant it in their forehead. Once implanted it will rant the wearer power according to their power and station.

CL 1: Sense:
The wearer can manifest clairvoyant sense at will. Aura Faint clairsentience;
CL 4: Gather: Continually grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information.
CL 8: Concentrate: Continually grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus on concentration checks.
CL: 11: Penetrate: Grants the wearer a +2 bonus on manifester level checks to overcome a creature's power resistance.
CL 15: Repudiate: Allows the wearer to manifest dispel psionics three times per day with a +20 modifier on the dispel check (the wearer uses the +20 modifier in place of his manifester level).

Attuning the eye to a different ability takes an hour of meditation.

Special: Though implanted the eye takes up the same slot as a pair of glasses or a lens as the rudimentary consciousness within appears to be 'jealous' of such items.

Symbiotic Staff - Extra Uses: 2

Description: Grown from the Ivory of some nameless sea beast and the tortured minds and flesh of ilithid who failed the Elder Brain in some unspeakable way now known only to it staffs such as these are now the preferred weapons of its enforcers, in a cruel twist of irony.

Ability: As Greater Psicrystal Staff

Symbionts Included:
  1. Invigoration
  2. Kenosis
  3. Greater Power Echo x2
Bane: Must connect directly with the mind of the user via the spine (or equivalent biology) where it will consume 1 PP each day, a feeding only just sufficient to keep it on the wretched edge of life. The act is painful enough that the user must make a DC 15 will save each day to avoid becoming confused for 1d4 rounds. The staff is ever hungry so if one is minded to feed it more often the bearer may draw even greater benefits at their peril

Extra UsesPP CostWill Save to Avoid ConfusionRounds Confused on Fail

Should the user even be confused for more than 8 consecutive rounds the staff will attempt to consume their mind and usurp their body to some no doubt mad and incoherent ends. Will DC 35 to resist devouring.

Skin of the Psion:

Description: Wrought from the flayed outer membranes of 'lesser psionic beings' this graft if the only one not possessed of any observable sentience though if one listens carefully it is posibile to just make out a faint wailing wailing just on the edge of conciousness.

Ability: This psychoactive skin grants the wearer 7 bonus power points per day and power resistance 21 or in the case of beings with higher base Power preexistent grants +4 to it

  • 1 Single-Use Crystal Fate of One Charms (13th Manifester Level)
  • 1 Single-Use Crystal Temporal Acceleration Charms (Augmented to 15th Manifester level, 2 round duration)
  • 1 Singe-Use Crystal Reddopsi Charms (13th Manifester Level)
  • 1 Singe-Use Crystal Null Psionic Field Charms (11th Manifester Level)
  • 2 Brilliant Barrier Charm
  • 1 Fortunate Fate Charms
  • 2 Plane Shift Charm
  • 2 Sending Stones
  • 2 Teleport Charms
  • 4 Enlarging Amethysts
  • 4 Extending Garnets
  • 4 Silent Spinels
  • 4 Still Ambers
  • 2 Maximizing Sapphires
  • 2 Widening Emeralds
  • 2 Quickening Diamonds
I've updated the link in my Character Sheets page for Qyburn.

You should have him using False Life and Heart of Earth for long-term Temp HP every day. That would be 10+1d10 from False Life and 24 from Heart of Earth.

148+1d10 effective HP is pretty nice.

EDIT: Oops, forgot her was an Arcanist. Can only have so many 4th level spells readied to use for now. Never mind on Heart of Earth.
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So trawling for info on the Lannisters(best be prepared and all that) I found this tidbit

Not really. Lanna is a proper PC, level 15-ish from what Marwyn says. At those ratified heights you have to go looking for challenges rather than be trained by and institution.

Lanna was, as of two months ago in-world, around level 15. Assuming a fair few things she is at most level 17 right now. Meaning that there was around 20 Lannister mages with around this level of power.
Darleth did good, I think we should start paying back.
What is the 'easiest' Runewarded location we'll take the soonest in the Reconquest?

I think letting him at it while we go Reconquering is the reasonable amount of gratitude shown.
Lanna was, as of two months ago in-world, around level 15. Assuming a fair few things she is at most level 17 right now. Meaning that there was around 20 Lannister mages with around this level of power.
I don't follow your reasoning here. How does that equate to there being 20 Lannister mages of roughly equal power to Lanna?
I don't follow your reasoning here. How does that equate to there being 20 Lannister mages of roughly equal power to Lanna?
Oh right. Sorry I forgot to pull out the relevant tidbit for that. DP said that there were 20 mages of Lanna's caliber in the organization.

Numbers: The Golden Shields count roughly three hundred mages worth the name, two thirds of those among the Dutiful; hedge mages, healers and minor artisans mostly who should be easy enough to incorporate into the Scholarum after the conquest. Guardians make up about four fifths of the final hundred; better trained, equipped and possessing many skills that allow them to function with limited or no support, whether that be exploring an ancient barrow or gathering information at court. In many ways the final twenty are trained to mirror Lanna and Gerion, who experienced traveling across the world. Looking back on the matter I suspect the drive to create mages of many talents may have cost them dearly in the end.
I've updated the link in my Character Sheets page for Qyburn.

You should have him using False Life and Heart of Earth for long-term Temp HP every day. That would be 10+1d10 from False Life and 24 from Heart of Earth.

148+1d10 effective HP is pretty nice.

Also changed his powers a bit:
- Fuse Flesh -> Breath of the Black Dragon
- Psychic Crush -> Leech Field

Given the experience in the last battles, he really needed some AoE capabilities and 6th level Arcane spells opens up an amazing avenue for this. At his current manifester level, Breath of the Black Dragon is a 60ft. cone, 65 ft. with Invigoration active, and with Battlemind Link, he can thus cause enemies in an area to suffer -2 on their saves against his own and the linked casters spells, as long as the creatures are hit by both. Also, say hello to Thanatopic Necrotic Skull Bomb, cast with a Bilestone skull for maximum suffering.

Edit: Hearth of Earth is fine. It costs him a 4th level spell and one point from his Arcanist Pool though.
Darleth did good, I think we should start paying back.
What is the 'easiest' Runewarded location we'll take the soonest in the Reconquest?

I think letting him at it while we go Reconquering is the reasonable amount of gratitude shown.
Runestone, Storm's End, Winterfell, and the Wall.
I dont think 'mirror' equates to "they are of same level".
Reasonably it'd be 10 through 13 all-around, maybe some 15s, but not 20x 15s for sure.
Oh right. Sorry I forgot to pull out the relevant tidbit for that. DP said that there were 20 mages of Lanna's caliber in the organization.
Ah, I see your misunderstanding. Those don't mirror them in power, but in their class progression or ability to gain higher levels. It's the difference between turning out wage mages who cap at 5th or 6th level and the elites who can make it to 10th level, perhaps even higher with enough time and experience.
Ah, I see your misunderstanding. Those don't mirror them in power, but in their class progression or ability to gain higher levels. It's the difference between turning out wage mages who cap at 5th or 6th level and the elites who can make it to 10th level, perhaps even higher with enough time and experience.
Ahh. Does that mean that there are not going to be 20 level 15 mages the Lannisters are about to field against us...because I am pretty sure we outnumber them on level 15s also.

Also changed his powers a bit:
- Fuse Flesh -> Breath of the Black Dragon
- Psychic Crush -> Leech Field

Given the experience in the last battles, he really needed some AoE capabilities and 6th level Arcane spells opens up an amazing avenue for this. At his current manifester level, Breath of the Black Dragon is a 60ft. cone, 65 ft. with Invigoration active, and with Battlemind Link, he can thus cause enemies in an area to suffer -2 on their saves against his own and the linked casters spells, as long as the creatures are hit by both. Also, say hello to Thanatopic Necrotic Skull Bomb, cast with a Bilestone skull for maximum suffering.

Edit: Hearth of Earth is fine. It costs him a 4th level spell and one point from his Arcanist Pool though.
Breath of the Black Dragon is a good one. Right now the cone AoE is 60 feet, but it'll just keep on increasing as Qyburn levels. That's really unusual for cone AoEs, which are normally locked to a particular range. Better yet, it's eligible for the Enlarge Power Metapsionic feat. It doesn't even increase Power Point cost, unlike most cones which would need Wide Power at a cost of 4 PP.

I don't know when Qyburn would ever set up his build to include Enlarge Power, but it's a nice option to have when you need gigantic 120+ foot cones of acid for one reason or another.
Ahh. Does that mean that there are not going to be 20 level 15 mages the Lannisters are about to field against us...because I am pretty sure we outnumber them on level 15s also.
There shouldn't be. They've had a much more limited pool to recruit from than we have (both in raw numbers and people of appropriate social rank to be deemed worthy of such power), less time to do it, and fewer opportunities for them to level.
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Ahh. Does that mean that there are not going to be 20 level 15 mages the Lannisters are about to field against us...because I am pretty sure we outnumber them on level 15s also.
Hm... looking only at high-level casters, we got:
- Benerro, Qyburn, Zherys, 5x Verdant Phoenixes, 35x Greater Bloodclot Molds coming through the caves
- Viserys, Dany, Lya coming from above

The Lannisters are... uhm... there's a word for it... something with F....
Yeah, at best they'll be level 12 or 13. And even then that's a bit much for PCs they tried to power level.

Eh idk man, plently of Other gribblies in Westeors they could've hit up, the Mindflayers were pulling shit in the Westerlands and I don't think Tywin would have any compunctions about tossing baby mages into the PoE to powerlevel them via sink or swim.