Unlikely that we can replicate that effect and I was specifically looking for a way to do it without dedicated research.
We can cut down on the cost by decreasing the pressure to 1000m, halving width and length of the pool, and thus only need 1/8th of that, namely 15.625 castings.
Yeah, I was just pointing out that it is fairly complicatd for a water tank (I'm not agaist it, I approve of all the shenanigans and all the prestige).
Will we be using forces effects to contain the water in case someone deliberately breaks the (obviously hardened) glass?
Yeah, I was just pointing out that it is fairly complicatd for a water tank (I'm not agaist it, I approve of all the shenanigans and all the prestige).
Will we be using forces effects to contain the water in case someone deliberately breaks the (obviously hardened) glass?
Some say realms are forged in blood, others claim they are carved in stone or tilled from the soil. For your part, you know realms are forged in parchment, or in this enlightened age paper. It's ramparts are set before your desk, a siege you can never hope to win. Speaking of sieges, the Military Academy here in Sorcerer's Deep has expanded once more to accommodate the influx of students from beyond the Narrow Sea and likely in time from far stranger places like Sallosh.
The expansion of the administration as well as law enforcement throughout the Stepstones and the Three Daughters continues apace, with only the discovery of an efreeti espionage cell in Tyrosh being particularly noteworthy. The merchant who fronted the operation is an oread formerly of the Peerless Empire whose assets are currently tied up in legal proceedings between the two realms, but who did not pose a significant threat to the welfare of your citizens nor to state secrets. In a twist of irony, the operation planned for Tyrosh in some way mirrors the one Maelor set up in the City of Brass, mostly passive, a foundation for further espionage. It's possible there are other such 'merchants' who slipped through the net, but now the Inquisition has a pattern to look for.
It is from Myr, however, that the worst news comes. Unlike in neighboring Lys, the school system there had expanded at a prodigious rate in no small part due to the efforts of the local aristocracy. Alas, while many of those efforts were motivated by a genuine desire to improve the city and in time reap the benefits of a more educated populace, some were reaping a darker harvest.
Tyrosh has not seen the last of the daemons who almost spelled its end. A small but insidious cult formed on the ruined estate of one of the magisters previously involved, sinking its claws deep into the man who acquired the land from the state. Driven by desire to sow distrust and ruin in equal measure, the so-called 'Eaters of Worms' aimed to introduce cursed talismans and mind-twisting text into classrooms across the city. Pestilence and death would follow, generous nobles revealed to be monsters and, it was their hope, anarchy would reign on the very day you were to set the crown of Empire upon your head.
It was perhaps only through the efforts of one of the city's new made healers that this dark plan could not bear full fruit. A woman with an interest in the arcane beyond the rituals she learned by rote, though not quite enough of to seek out the Scholarum, Ateria of Myr, realized that the sleepy and listless children spotted one cold afternoon were not suffering from any simple chill, but something far worse. She was able to leave the school without arousing suspicion and called upon the lawmen at once, who in turn called upon the inquisition, its investigators, its mages, and even its praetorian squads.
Thankfully, the cult did not have the means to accelerate its plan, nor the assets to stand its ground once secrecy was lost. None of the students and only a handful of teachers died before healers could be summoned from Sorcerer's Deep and Tyrosh. It is hard to even estimate how many lives the young healer saved by uncovering the plot, thousands at the very least.
Expand Imperial Military Academy (12/10) -> Complete
Expand Administration in Stepstones (22/42)
Expand Law Enforcement in Stepstones (12/51)
Expand Administration in Tyrosh (6/30)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Tyrosh (Found Efreeti)
Establish Messenger Service in the Western Disputed Lands (27/110)
Establish Public Schools in Lys (13/19)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Lys -> Nothing found
Establish Public Schools in Myr (3/4) -> Critical Fail
Establish Healthcare Services in Myr (11/56) -> Critical Success
What reward do you give to Ateria and what (if any) resources do you move into the area?
[] Write in
OOC: So not only was there a crit fail on an action with only 4 progress left, the roll for 'how bad' was 3, plague cult, but you then crit succeeded on a healthcare-related action and I decided to weave them together and throw in some rolls for the Inquisition, which thankfully went well.
Some say realms are forged in blood, others claim they are carved in stone or tilled from the soil. For your part you know realms are forged parchment or in this morning enlightened age paper. It's ramparts are set before your desk, a siege you can never hope to win. Speaking of sieges the Military Academy here in Sorcerer's Deep has expanded once more to accommodate the influx of students from beyond the Narrow Sea and likely in time from far stranger places like Sallosh.
The expansion of the administration as well as law enforcement throughout the Stepstones and the Three Daughters continues apace with only the discovery of Efreeti espionage cell in Tyrosh being particularly noteworthy. The merchant who fronted the operation is an oread formerly of the Peerless Empire whose assets are currently died up in legal proceedings between the two realms, but who did not pose a significant threat to the welfare of your citizens nor to state secrets. In a twist of irony the operation planned for Tyrosh in some way mirrors the one Maelor set up in the City of Brass, mostly passive, a foundation for further espionage. It's possible there are other such 'merchants' who slipped through the net, but now the Inquisition has a pattern to look for.
It is however from Myr that the worst news comes. Unlike in neighboring Lys the school system here had expanded at the prodigious rate in no small part due to the efforts of the local aristocracy. Alas while many of those efforts were motivated by a genuine desire to improve the city and in time reap the benefits other more educated populace some were reaping a darker harvest.
Tyrosh has not seen the last of the daemons who almost spelled its end. A small but insidious cult formed on the ruined estate of one of the magisters previously involved sunk its claws deep into the man who acquired the land from the state. Driven by desire to sow distrust and ruin in equal measure the so called Eaters of Worms aimed to introduce cursed talismans and mind-twisting text into classrooms across the city. Pestilence and death would follow, generous nobles revealed to be monsters and, it was their hope, anarchy would reign on the very day you were set the crown of empire up on your head.
It was perhaps only through the efforts have one of the city's new made healers that is dark plan could not bear full fruit. A woman with an interest in the arcane beyond the rituals she learned by rote, though not quite enough of a one to seek out the Scholarum, Ateria of Myr realised is that the sleepy and listless children spotted one cold afternoon were not suffering from any simple chill, but something far worse. She was able to leave the school without arousing suspicion and called upon the lawmen at once, who in turn called upon the inquisition, its investigators, its mages and even its praetorian squads.
Thankfully the cult did not have the means to accelerate its plan, nor the assets to stand its ground once secrecy was lost. None of the students and only a handful of teachers died before healers could be summoned from Sorcerer's Deep and Tyrosh. It is hard to even estimate how many lives the young healer saved by uncovering the plot, thousands at the very least.
Expand Imperial Military Academy (12/10) -> Complete
Expand Administration in Stepstones (22/42)
Expand Law Enforcement in Stepstones (12/51)
Expand Administration in Tyrosh (6/30)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Tyrosh (Found Efreeti)
Establish Messenger Service in the Western Disputed Lands (27/110)
Establish Public Schools in Lys (13/19)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Lys -> Nothing found
Establish Public Schools in Myr (3/4) -> Critical Fail
Establish Healthcare Services in Myr (11/56) -> Critical Success
What reward do you give to Ateria and what resources do you move into the area?
[] Write in
OOC: So not only was therea crit fail on and action with only 4 progress left, the roll for 'how bad' was 3, plague cult, but you then crit succeed on a healthcare related action and I decided to weave them together and throw in some rolls for the inquisition, which thankfully went well. Not yet edited.
Oh hey, for once we do find the spies.
Now, only if the Efreeti weren't the objectively the least problematic of all the factions to spy on us...
And that the Daemonic influences from Tyrosh still plague our realm is kinda showing of how big a deal they are.
Like, we scoured the place.
Then we scoured for months to track down all possible cults and their stuff.
Then we had Inquisition exist and look into stuff for months. Starting with Zagreus, and all the more since.
And still, stuff slips through the cracks.
Good plan on the asshole's part, a major plague breakout on the day of the coronation would've not made us stop, but would've probably been used by some other group to try and make more shit go up in flames at once. If not straight up Daemon incursion. Again.
Have stuff sold to them have really well-hidden water/ice in them.
Like, maybe have it be filled with finest lead particles to mess with divination or something.
Then slip the note to CoB guards anonymously about them traders carrying contraband.
Have stuff sold to them have really well-hidden water/ice in them.
Like, maybe have it be filled with finest lead particles to mess with divination or something.
Then slip the note to CoB guards anonymously about them traders carrying contraband.
I was picturing more like a bait and hook to pull resources from them. A Ponzi scheme of some kind. Or maybe invite them to the totally useless Purse Club and entertain them there, while spending resources in our economy and making it better.
A thing I thought we could put the Scholarium under is the use of ritualizing the Detect ______ spells. There is a lot of those and are weak and common enough spells that would help the Inquisition but are so low level that making a ritual of them would only inconvenience anyone really trying to spy on us. Good for young cults which don't know what the fuck they are doing.
I see no reason to move any resources at all. The reason we have a pool of assets for the Inquisition is to ensure that we don't have to micromanage this stuff.
I suppose we could send more Flesh Forge creatures into the region to help the Inquisition but they should have already have access to that. Rewarding the hero of the story on the other hand...what would be good? Money?
I suppose we could send more Flesh Forge creatures into the region to help the Inquisition but they should have already have access to that. Rewarding the hero of the story on the other hand...what would be good? Money?
Sure. It would set her for life and make her a damn good practitioner. Maybe something that enhances Medicine Skills?
Edit: That's a 5e thing. Never mind.
Sure. It would set her for life and make her a damn good practitioner. Maybe something that enhances Medicine Skills?
Edit: That's a 5e thing. Never mind.
Put up a basic header on the front page. I'll work on it more in the morning, this is just to have something. If anyone has ideas for it don't hesitate to mention them.
Some say realms are forged in blood, others claim they are carved in stone or tilled from the soil. For your part, you know realms are forged in parchment, or in this enlightened age paper. It's ramparts are set before your desk, a siege you can never hope to win. Speaking of sieges, the Military Academy here in Sorcerer's Deep has expanded once more to accommodate the influx of students from beyond the Narrow Sea and likely in time from far stranger places like Sallosh.
The expansion of the administration as well as law enforcement throughout the Stepstones and the Three Daughters continues apace, with only the discovery of an efreeti espionage cell in Tyrosh being particularly noteworthy. The merchant who fronted the operation is an oread formerly of the Peerless Empire whose assets are currently tied up in legal proceedings between the two realms, but who did not pose a significant threat to the welfare of your citizens nor to state secrets. In a twist of irony, the operation planned for Tyrosh in some way mirrors the one Maelor set up in the City of Brass, mostly passive, a foundation for further espionage. It's possible there are other such 'merchants' who slipped through the net, but now the Inquisition has a pattern to look for.
It is from Myr, however, that the worst news comes. Unlike in neighboring Lys, the school system there had expanded at a prodigious rate in no small part due to the efforts of the local aristocracy. Alas, while many of those efforts were motivated by a genuine desire to improve the city and in time reap the benefits of a more educated populace, some were reaping a darker harvest.
Tyrosh has not seen the last of the daemons who almost spelled its end. A small but insidious cult formed on the ruined estate of one of the magisters previously involved, sinking its claws deep into the man who acquired the land from the state. Driven by desire to sow distrust and ruin in equal measure, the so-called 'Eaters of Worms' aimed to introduce cursed talismans and mind-twisting text into classrooms across the city. Pestilence and death would follow, generous nobles revealed to be monsters and, it was their hope, anarchy would reign on the very day you were to set the crown of Empire upon your head.
It was perhaps only through the efforts of one of the city's new made healers that this dark plan could not bear full fruit. A woman with an interest in the arcane beyond the rituals she learned by rote, though not quite enough of to seek out the Scholarum, Ateria of Myr, realized that the sleepy and listless children spotted one cold afternoon were not suffering from any simple chill, but something far worse. She was able to leave the school without arousing suspicion and called upon the lawmen at once, who in turn called upon the inquisition, its investigators, its mages, and even its praetorian squads.
Thankfully, the cult did not have the means to accelerate its plan, nor the assets to stand its ground once secrecy was lost. None of the students and only a handful of teachers died before healers could be summoned from Sorcerer's Deep and Tyrosh. It is hard to even estimate how many lives the young healer saved by uncovering the plot, thousands at the very least.
Expand Imperial Military Academy (12/10) -> Complete
Expand Administration in Stepstones (22/42)
Expand Law Enforcement in Stepstones (12/51)
Expand Administration in Tyrosh (6/30)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Tyrosh (Found Efreeti)
Establish Messenger Service in the Western Disputed Lands (27/110)
Establish Public Schools in Lys (13/19)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Lys -> Nothing found
Establish Public Schools in Myr (3/4) -> Critical Fail
Establish Healthcare Services in Myr (11/56) -> Critical Success
What reward do you give to Ateria and what (if any) resources do you move into the area?
[] Write in
OOC: So not only was there a crit fail on an action with only 4 progress left, the roll for 'how bad' was 3, plague cult, but you then crit succeeded on a healthcare-related action and I decided to weave them together and throw in some rolls for the Inquisition, which thankfully went well.
Made some additional edits to the chapter, @DragonParadox.
Good to know. That annoyed the hell out of me when the forum forced me to make such a header, but denied me the ability to upload a picture, leading to the header always looking half-finished and ugly.
Good to know. That annoyed the hell out of me when the forum forced me to make such a header, but denied me the ability to upload a picture, leading to the header always looking half-finished and ugly.
This might seem excessive, but most of this stuff we already have on hand. Enchanting the Healer's Tools will cost 250 IM, the Bead of Healing will cost 900 IM, and the Cloak of the Hedge Wizard will cost 250 IM. She performed a major service for the Imperium, so we should reward her accordingly. All of these items will be very helpful for her and should bolster her career nicely.
[X] Reward Ateria 1,000 IM, a commendation for her service to the Imperium, a set of Masterwork Adamantine Healer Tool's enchanted to provide a +5 Competence bonus to Healing skill checks, Ring of Protection from Evil, Ring of Sustenance, Healing Belt, Handy Haversack, Bead of Healing, jar of Restorative Ointment, Traveler's Anytool, Vial of Efficacious Medicine, a Cloak of the Hedge Wizard (Divination), and the following Alchemical items (Antiplague x30, Antitoxin x30, Healing Salve x100, and Healy Myrrh x30).
-[X] Additionally, extend to Ateria an invitation to attend the Scholarium in Sorcerer's Deep, or any other branch she desires, if she ever chooses to gain a more formal grounding in magic.