Shadow Cat
Advanced Plant-Imbued Shadow
Cat (+4 RHD) - CR 6
Tiny Plant
Hit Dice: 6d8 (30) + 12 (CON) = 42 HP
Initiative: +7 (DEX)
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 24 (+2 Size, +7 Dex, +5 Natural), Touch 19, Flat-Footed 17
Base Attack: +4
Full Attack: 2 Claws +11 (1d2+7), 1 Bite +11 (1d3+7)
Space: 2-1/2 ft., Reach: 0 ft.
Special Qualities: Scent, Darkvision 90 ft., Low-light Vision, Fast Healing 5, Spell Resistance 17, Damage Reduction 10/Magic & Slashing, Plant Traits (Immune to Mind-Affecting, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Polymorph, Stunning, Critical Hits), Spell-like Abilities, Vulnerable to Fire (+50% damage)
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +8
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 24, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 22, Cha 18
Skills: Balance +24, Climb +20, Disable Device +16, Hide +33 (+41), Jump +24, Listen +15, Move Silently +30 (+38), Spot +15, Tumble +16. Racial Modifiers: +4 Climb, Hide, Move Silently, +8 Balance & Jump, +8 Hide & Move Silently while in a forest, tall grass, or in heavy undergrowth.
Feats: Darkstalker, Hellcat Stealth, Skill Focus (Hide), Stealthy(B), Weapon Finesse(B)
Languages: Low Valyrian (Braavosi), Sylvan, Westerosi Common
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

  • Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 9th caster level; At Will: Freedom of Movement (Self only), 3/Day: Entangle (DC 17), Magic Fang, 1/Day: Sunburst (DC 24), Tree Stride
  • Woodland Stride (Ex): Shadow Cats can move through any sort of undergrowth at their full movement rate without taking any penalties or suffering any damage. Magical enchantments designed to impede movement still affect them.
  • Acute Senses (Ex): Shadow Cats can instantly sense anything within 60 feet. They cannot be flanked or surprised and can detect invisible foes or opponents in heavy fog or other obscuring conditions allowing them to strike without any miss chance.
  • Shadow Step (Su): Shadow Cats can Teleport up to 60 feet as a Move Action, so long as they start and end this travel in dim light or darkness. They can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds.
  • Shadow Blend (Su): In any conditions other than full daylight, a Shadow Cat can disappear into the shadows, giving it Total Concealment. Artificial illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this ability, but a Daylight spell will.
  • Evasion (Ex): If the Shadow Cat makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage. A helpless Shadow Cat (such as one who is unconscious or paralyzed) does not gain the benefit of Evasion.
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@egoo, I hate to do it to you, but you need to update your tracking pages to include the updated Shadow Cat link. Here's it is; Shadow Cat (CR 6, 6 HD)[1,200 IM].

The +4 RHD really did wonders for the Shadow Cats compared to the 2 HD version @Azel first made for us. Between the extra skill points and feats, and the crazy Size and Racial bonuses to Hide, Move Silently, and most of their other skills, the whole package really comes together. We don't need to worry about those without the Watchman template being useless, that's for sure.

A +33 bonus to Hide checks (+41 in forests, tall grass, or heavy undergrowth) plus the Darkstalker and Hellcat Stealth feats, their Shadow Blend and Shadow Step abilities, and the Tree Stride SLA means that the Shadow Cats are basically fucking ninjas.
Those shadow cats are also crazy smart.

I wonder in a "fallen empire" setting what people will think of our empire, since we have so many plant themed stuff, and there are so many plant themed creatures that might still tend to our gardens or other buildings after hundreds of thousands of years later, yet it was all owned by a Red Dragon out of all things.

Assuming, of course, that by the time this fallen empire setting kicks in it looks like a classic D&D setting instead of what we made.
Those shadow cats are also crazy smart.

I wonder in a "fallen empire" setting what people will think of our empire, since we have so many plant themed stuff, and there are so many plant themed creatures that might still tend to our gardens or other buildings after hundreds of thousands of years later, yet it was all owned by a Red Dragon out of all things.

Assuming, of course, that by the time this fallen empire setting kicks in it looks like a classic D&D setting instead of what we made.
I'd say you're incorrectly assuming the empire ever falls, but then the Valyrians probably thought the same.
Assuming, of course, that by the time this fallen empire setting kicks in it looks like a classic D&D setting instead of what we made.
I'm expecting Magi-Punk. Cyberpunk, but the basis for all technology is magical.

That or plain Science Fiction but the same, if things are less dystopic and most the civic and social services are left intact.
I'm expecting Magi-Punk. Cyberpunk, but the basis for all technology is magical.

That or plain Science Fiction but the same, if things are less dystopic and most the civic and social services are left intact.
Like, the "Imperium" falls, but the foundations that made it work still keep running within the successor states? Things like postal services, the roads, etc, still run more or less as they should, but the taxes just go to different people?

That the nations that spring up instead of going back to murdering each other try to coexist and try to achieve economic victory instead of wiping out the rest from the map?
I'm expecting Magi-Punk. Cyberpunk, but the basis for all technology is magical.

That or plain Science Fiction but the same, if things are less dystopic and most the civic and social services are left intact.
I remember @das_slash made an omake where the Imperium had fallen somehow but pockets of law and order were governed by surviving Heralds.
Vigilant Shadow Cat
Advanced Plant-Imbued Watchman Shadow
Cat (+4 RHD) - CR 8
Tiny Plant
Hit Dice: 6d8 (30) + 30 (CON) = 60 HP
Initiative: +7 (DEX)
Speed: 60 ft.
Armor Class: 28 (+2 Size, +7 Dex, +9 Natural), Touch 19, Flat-Footed 21
Base Attack: +4
Full Attack: 2 Claws +11 (1d2+7), 1 Bite +11 (1d3+7)
Space: 2-1/2 ft., Reach: 0 ft.
Special Attacks: Eye Rays, Revolting Gaze, Unavoidable Gaze
Special Qualities: Telethapy 100 ft., Scent, Darkvision 90 ft., Low-light Vision, Fast Healing 5, Spell Resistance 19, Damage Reduction 10/Magic & Slashing, Plant Traits (Immune to Mind-Affecting, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Polymorph, Stunning, Critical Hits), Spell-like Abilities, All-Around Vision, Eternal Sentry, Touch the Intangible, Vulnerable to Fire (+50% damage), Vulnerability to Gaze Attacks
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 24, Con 20, Int 16, Wis 28, Cha 24
Skills: Balance +24, Climb +20, Disable Device +16, Hide +33 (+41), Jump +24, Listen +22, Move Silently +30 (+38), Spot +22, Tumble +16. Racial Modifiers: +4 Climb, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, +8 Balance & Jump, +8 Hide & Move Silently while in a forest, tall grass, or in heavy undergrowth.
Feats: Darkstalker, Hellcat Stealth, Mindsight, Skill Focus (Hide), Stealthy(B), Weapon Finesse(B)
Languages: Draconic, Low Valyrian (Braavosi), Sylvan, Westerosi Common
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Telepathy (Su): Vigilant Shadow Cats can communicate Telepathically with any creature which has a language within 100 feet.

  • Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 9th caster level; At Will: Freedom of Movement (Self only), 3/Day: Entangle (DC 20), Magic Fang, 1/Day: Sunburst (DC 27), Tree Stride
  • Woodland Stride (Ex): Vigilant Shadow Cats can move through any sort of undergrowth at their full movement rate without taking any penalties or suffering any damage. Magical enchantments designed to impede movement still affect them.
  • Acute Senses (Ex): Vigilant Shadow Cats can instantly sense anything within 60 feet. They cannot be flanked or surprised and can detect invisible foes or opponents in heavy fog or other obscuring conditions allowing them to strike without any miss chance.
  • Shadow Blend (Su): In any conditions other than full daylight, a Vigilant Shadow Cat can disappear into the shadows, giving it Total Concealment. Artificial illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this ability, but a Daylight spell will.
  • Shadow Form (Su): As a Standard Action, the Vigilant Shadow Cat can turn into an animate pool of darkness for up to 10 minutes per day. This duration need not be used at all once, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. This ability functions as per the Gaseous Form spell.
  • Evasion (Ex): If the Vigilant Shadow Cat makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage. A helpless Vigilant Shadow Cat (such as one who is unconscious or paralyzed) does not gain the benefit of Evasion.
  • Eternal Sentry (Ex): A Vigilant Shadow Cat does not age or breathe. It does not require food, drink, or sleep.
  • Touch the Intangible (Su): Vigilant Shadow Cats can touch, attack, and grapple Incorporeal, astral, and ethereal creatures normally.
  • All-Around Vision (Ex): A Vigilant Shadow Cat's eyes allows it to see in all directions. It also benefits from a +4 Racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks and cannot be Flanked.
  • Vulnerability to Gaze Attacks (Ex): A Vigilant Shadow Cat suffers a -4 penalty against all Gaze attacks and loses any resistance or immunity it has to the effects of a Gaze attack.
  • Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 20th Caster Level; Constant: Detect Magic, True Seeing, At Will: Quickened Dimensional Anchor, Discern Location, Greater Teleport (self plus 50 pounds), Plane Shift (self plus 50 pounds).
  • Revolting Gaze (Su): The Vigilant Shadow Cat can make a Gaze attack against any creature within 30 feet. If the creature fails a DC 20 Fortitude save, it is Staggered for one hour. If it succeeds, it is instead Sickened for one round.
  • Eye Rays (Su): Once every four rounds as a Standard Action, a Vigilant Shadow Cat can make a Ranged Touch Attack against all creatures within 100 ft. (make only one attack per creature). The subject takes a penalty to Constitution equal to 1d6+3 for six minutes. The subject's Constitution score cannot drop below 1. A successful DC 20 Fortitude save reduces this penalty by half. This penalty does not stack with itself. Apply the highest penalty instead.
  • Unavoidable Gaze (Ex): A Vigilant Shadow Cat can actively Gaze as a Standard Action affecting all creatures within 30 feet. The opponents must attempt a saving throw but can try to avoid it via averting their eyes or wearing a blindfold (causing the Vigilant Shadow Cat to have Total Concealment from the opponent). Thus, it is possible for an opponent to have to save against the Gaze attack twice during the same round, once before their action and once during the Vigilant Shadow Cat's turn.
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What do ya'll think of the new picture for the Vigilant Shadow Cats?
I remember @das_slash made an omake where the Imperium had fallen somehow but pockets of law and order were governed by surviving Heralds.

The war against the others left the world uninhabitable (by human standards), and at least the culture of the PoV character see Heralds as gods and continue to practice imperial laws, but as a series of rituals and taboos.

And I think something went wrong with the catgirl project at some point, i would return to the drawing board?
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The war against the others left the world uninhabitable (by human standards), and at least the culture of the PoV character see Heralds as gods and continue to practice imperial laws, but as a series of rituals and taboos.

And I think something went wrong with the catgirl project at some point, i would return to the drawing board?
I would be interested in an upgraded form of Heralds, probably well after we've already upgraded the Harbinger into a True Outsider who uses that as one of their alternate forms.

Something with a bunch of abilities that can be used to rebuild civilization, basically. Call them 'Gardeners'.
I would be interested in an upgraded form of Heralds, probably well after we've already upgraded the Harbinger into a True Outsider who uses that as one of their alternate forms.

Something with a bunch of abilities that can be used to rebuild civilization, basically. Call them 'Gardeners'.
Pretty sure that's Planetos version of naming a ship "Titanic", they are going down in flames.
Shadow Cat
Advanced Plant-Imbued Shadow
Cat (+4 RHD) - CR 6
Tiny Plant
Hit Dice: 6d8 (30) + 12 (CON) = 42 HP
Initiative: +7 (DEX)
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 24 (+2 Size, +7 Dex, +5 Natural), Touch 19, Flat-Footed 17
Base Attack: +4
Full Attack: 2 Claws +11 (1d2+7), 1 Bite +11 (1d3+7)
Space: 2-1/2 ft., Reach: 0 ft.
Special Qualities: Scent, Darkvision 90 ft., Low-light Vision, Fast Healing 3, Spell Resistance 17, Damage Reduction 10/Magic & Slashing, Plant Traits (Immune to Mind-Affecting, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Polymorph, Stunning, Critical Hits), Spell-like Abilities, Vulnerable to Fire (+50% damage)
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +8
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 24, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 22, Cha 18
Skills: Balance +24, Climb +20, Disable Device +16, Hide +33 (+41), Jump +24, Listen +15, Move Silently +30 (+38), Spot +15, Tumble +16. Racial Modifiers: +4 Climb, Hide, Move Silently, +8 Balance & Jump, +8 Hide & Move Silently while in a forest, tall grass, or in heavy undergrowth.
Feats: Darkstalker, Hellcat Stealth, Skill Focus (Hide), Stealthy(B), Weapon Finesse(B)
Languages: Low Valyrian (Braavosi), Sylvan, Westerosi Common
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

  • Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 9th caster level; At Will: Freedom of Movement (Self only), 3/Day: Entangle (DC 17), Magic Fang, 1/Day: Sunburst (DC 24), Tree Stride
  • Woodland Stride (Ex): Shadow Cats can move through any sort of undergrowth at their full movement rate without taking any penalties or suffering any damage. Magical enchantments designed to impede movement still affect them.
  • Acute Senses (Ex): Shadow Cats can instantly sense anything within 60 feet. They cannot be flanked or surprised and can detect invisible foes or opponents in heavy fog or other obscuring conditions allowing them to strike without any miss chance.
  • Shadow Step (Su): Shadow Cats can Teleport up to 60 feet as a Move Action, so long as they start and end this travel in dim light or darkness. They can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds.
  • Shadow Blend (Su): In any conditions other than full daylight, a Shadow Cat can disappear into the shadows, giving it Total Concealment. Artificial illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this ability, but a Daylight spell will.
  • Evasion (Ex): If the Shadow Cat makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage. A helpless Shadow Cat (such as one who is unconscious or paralyzed) does not gain the benefit of Evasion.
Definitely not useless. You need a well built lvl 5-ish character to have a tiny chance to spot them and they can easily gut a man with their claws.
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@DragonParadox, we unlocked the ability to make Mimics in Gogossos, right? Are they automatically loyal?
Well, we provide the food, right?

Mimics from most sources, including D&D, seem mostly motivated by feeding. Give it food, and it'll probably be your friend, if they're one of the ones who are intelligent enough to figure out that it's way better to have a guaranteed source over an inconsistent one.
Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 17, 2021 at 4:08 AM, finished with 179 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Off-screen:
    [X] Have the site of the battle burnt out, giving special care to leaving no blood/other remains of Gregor around.
    -[X] Also have Viserys cast the Rest Eternal (Wild Arcana + Spell Enhancer + Encouraging Harmonic Chorus & Moment of Greatness, results in CL 41 to to power through the curse, only removable if the cursed body is on-hand) on the body, ensuring Gregor will not be returned to life, and feeding the body to out Barghests for additional surety. (50% chance permadeath, need Wish/Miracle to restore the body and break the curse afterwards or CL 41 to power through the curse to resurrect).
    --[X] A small piece of body is stored in the cloak, as insurance in case the previous methods fail - the Staff of Yss works wonders even past reincarnations, let alone resurrections.
    --[X] Same applies to Loch, once Oberyn is done with his fun.
    [X] Next on-screen:
    [X] State Economy, Scholarum, Infrastructure reports
    -[X] One super-chapter per report. Cover the whole Imperium for each topic, please. Too many provinces to separate without it bogging everything down.
    -[X] And don't worry about not pumping the chapter out in a day, @DragonParadox. Imo, one a few days is better than spending 6-7 chapters covering the subject topic across the whole Imperium. It will get even worse once Westeros is taken.
    [X] Lorch fight.
    [X] Lorch fight.
    -[X] Have the site of the battle burnt out, giving special care to leaving no blood/other remains of Gregor around.
    -[X] Also have Viserys cast the Rest Eternal (Wild Arcana + Spell Enhancer + Encouraging Harmonic Chorus & Moment of Greatness, results in CL 41 to to power through the curse, only removable if the cursed body is on-hand) on the body, ensuring Gregor will not be returned to life, and feeding the body to out Barghests for additional surety. (50% chance permadeath, need Wish/Miracle to restore the body and break the curse afterwards or CL 41 to power through the curse to resurrect).
    --[X] A small piece of body is stored in the cloak, as insurance in case the previous methods fail - the Staff of Yss works wonders even past reincarnations, let alone resurrections.
    --[X] Same applies to Loch, once Oberyn is done with his fun.
Part MMMDCCXII: Improvements Arcane
Improvements Arcane

Twenty First Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

Designing an item for the purpose of energetic arcane detonation is far simpler than the triggering of a recording device, at least without the use of a thinking mind or brain that would add undo cost to the project either in the form of necromancy or flesh-craft. Nonetheless, efforts continue making use of simplified runic script to create a trigger that is both resilient enough to stand up to the wear of the deep jungle and the blood-chilling winds of the north.
-Wisdom Riz'Neth of 'Snake Port'
Proximity Alarms: Progress 17/25


The scope of the project's ambition often leaves me breathless. Alas that it also leaves me without time in the day to explore the full scope of potential changes. The noble art of alchemy as we understand it today is a wondrous chimera off uncounted traditions, each rooted in a different understanding of the world, or worlds as the case may be, from the ancient serpentfolk to the First Men, from the pyromancers of the Red Faith to the wisdom seekers of Volantis. Even as alchemy distills matter so too do we distill knowledge at a rate that seems dizzying and heady as the finest wine.
-Wisdom Denys Trainer, Head Alchemical Researcher

Thankfully he is not head poet.
-Wisdom Ceria Storm (scribbled in the margins of the report)

Improved Alchemy: Progress 43/50


Well, this would have come in handy this month against the fey and the aboleth and... too many to count really. If only I had finished it earlier. Poor work ethic, me.

[Spell-Crafting: Research a Greater version of Baleful Teleport [no distance limit, 8th level]: Complete 21/16


Being the full and unabridged account of all the new protections at the Flesh Forge of Gogossos, including but not limited to; thought-stopping mechanisms, runic verification arrays, divine blessings and the regimen of automated mind probes necessary to prevent servitors and staff from falling to Far Realm influence such as has occurred in the previous incursion, the document itself is deemed a potential security threat and should be destroyed upon reading.
- Lady Saenena Caleris

Secure the Flesh Forge, and fleshsmiths, against memetic attacks (Heavy): Complete 62/45


While working with dead flesh lacks a certain charm that only the constant permutations of life can bring there is something to be said for the ease of application and the elegance of a minimalist aesthetic. Reforged bone is thus melded to arcane metal, the carefully sculpted echo of life melded with the precious notes of the Deep Earth. Still, I wonder if any of the living might be inclined to make use of this art, not you of course, Your Grace, your marvelous cloak already guards you better than adamantine ever could, but perhaps Wisdom Lya. She is rather lacking in protection. Redundancy is all well and good, but discorporation can be quite inconvenient.
-Wisdom Elaheh Marita, Apostle of Flesh

Undead Template Research: Metal-Clad Template (Mithral and Adamantine): Complete 32/20


A second Forge has been erected near Mantarys with the aid of the Scholarum mages in the city. The region's slight but detectable association with the magics of fire opens up a bevy of fascinating possibilities for the future, perhaps the creation of elementally enhanced warforged or even empowering the furnaces further for speed and effectiveness.

Several of the sorcerers who worked on the project also brought up the possibility of spinning the fading light of the Upper Planes into Warforged bodies, allowing those celestials for whom the weight of the world has grown too heavy to take on bodies of the material world rather than fade into memory and reverie. Proposals included with the present report.

Last though certainly not least the folk Sarnor are beginning to seek out the forges, only the most adventurous for now or those who find their present existence most loathsome, but I have no doubt the rate of transmutation will only grow with time.
-Wisdom Anu, the Brass-Smith

Forge of Creation -- 2.0: Complete 28/15

Sarnori rebirth has begun


The first step to creating more delicate workings that interact with the Ethereal Plane has been attained. The first simple, contiguous objects to pass through force effects, have been a spheres of various metals and small animals, moving up to sentient. At this level of progress, mass and complexity is limited and certain arcane materials like adamantine, Valyrian and Imperial Steel cannot pass through at all. Materialized creatures and objects with strong auras of enchantment are unable to move outside of the effect.

Divinations have shown that beings that depend on magic to survive like fey, dragons and certain far-born mutates would suffer unfortunate health effects from passing through the barriers. More study is needed.
-Incarnate Beryl the Strategist

Selectively Permeable Force Effects - Tier 1: Gateway Research: Complete 32/25


Though the Azure Court has been nothing but helpful in our exchange, the process of making sense of their lore is complex and filled with false starts and frustrating dead ends. By the very nature of the fey's susceptibility to Far Realm influence the secrets held herein are hidden behind allegory and code that flow into one another, behind spell that enchants one's own mind even as it twists the world. Perhaps I should say 'fey such as I', yet it still feels strange upon the lips and stranger upon the quill no matter that every frozen mirror, every pond's surface, reminds me of it.

I do not know if it is the fault of my lingering attachment to mortality as the envoys say or simply my lack of affinity to what the Azure Court is, but it will be months yet before we may can add this lore to the libraries and vaults of the Scholarum. I pray my tardiness does not harm those whom might otherwise have been protected by a deeper understanding of what lies beyond the Farthest Sphere.
-Rina Cox

The Key to Madness: Progress: 11/40


With the present report I can finally claim to have attained some deeper understanding of how and why the arc of the mind bends to the whim of the enchanter and how those processes can be ameliorated and reversed. This is not a task for wizards, nor even for those who heal by the light of sorcery alone, but for those patient souls who take up a mind healer's arts in full. Treatment plans would of course have to adapt to each patient's circumstances, but I am confident that with care and understanding even the most ensnared of minds can be freed of the lingering tangles of enchantment.

There are certain indications that this study could be expanded to deal with memetic dangers such as the touch of the Far Realm or the corrupting will of the Abyss, though such lie beyond the remit of this study. Suggestions for further study included with the present report.
-Incarnate Mercy of the Soul

The Mind's Games: Complete 46/32


We have had three near poisonings, one instance of a researcher falling prey to paranoid delusions and several sample containers corrode at unforeseen speed. One might almost be lead to suspect that this noxious miasma from the borderlands of Hell does not wish to be studied, much less made use of in a controlled fashion. Still, we should be able to offer an answer about the potential utility or countermeasures by next month at the latest. After the troubles of this month I do not hold out much hope of an unmitigated success, but I will be damned if it isn't comprehensive as I can make it.
-Valeria the Wondersmith

A Baleful Mirage: Progress 45/60


We have found out a lot of what we shouldn't do at least, compression by will and by inert dream construct, magnification in the manner of light and last but certainly not least creating a 'vortex of faith'. The latter did attempt to kill us, but it was much too weak to pose a serious threat. Surprised Aenie though, she's pretty jumpy about the Dream.

Project Distilling Dreams: Progress 25/60


Attempts to create razor wire, as a cheap and effective way to prevent trespass, have all but stalled thanks to the attempts of an ambitious scholar to improve upon the project for their own prestige and aggrandizement. The notion of running arcane lightning through the wire likely has value, but the means by which it was attempted do not as witnessed by the fire that raged throughout half the wing of the university. Thankfully there was no loss of life, though the disruption of courses was significant. A suggestion for flesh-forged firefighters is included in the report.
-Slagor of the Deep, Dean of the University

Razor Wire: Progress 3/18

Lost 8.000 IM

OOC: How do you guys like these snippets for research? I will still be doing proper interludes for particularly momentous ones as well as crit fails and successes, but this will let us move at a faster clip through normal progress reports.
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We have found out a lot of what we shouldn't do at least, compression by will and by inert dream construct, magnification in the manner of light and last but certainly not least creating a 'vortex of faith'. The latter did attempt to kill us but it was much too weak to pose a serious threat. Surprised Aenie though, she's pretty jumpy about the Dream.
"I'm not sure why she is so skittish. Barely anything tried to murder us this month."
Attempts to create Razor Wire, as a cheap and effective way to prevent trespass have all but stalled thanks to the attempts of an ambitious scholar to improve upon the project for their own prestige and aggrandizement. The notion of running arcane lightning through the wire likely has value, the means by which it was attempted do not as witnessed by the fire that raged throughout half the wing of the university. Thankfully there was no loss of life, though the disruption of courses was significant. A suggestion for flesh-forged fire-fighters is included in the report.

-Slagor of the Deep, Dean of the University
Razor Wire: Progress: 3/18
Just how can you fuck up something this simple so badly?