Hijinks (Minor Artifact)
This set of seven dice appears completely ordinary and harmless to the observer. Even spells to detect magic, identify items or similar effects will react to them as if they were completely mundane. To notice the magic innate to these dice, a person must carefully study them for 10 minutes and then pass a DC 25 Will Save, followed by a DC 35 Spellcraft check to identify their abilities. The owner of the dice is always aware of their abilities.
The shape, material, texture and other aspects of the dice can be changed by the owner at will and can even mimic coins, though under careful examination, these coins would be identified as exceptionally good forgeries. When rolled or flipped, Hijinks will always land exactly as the owner wants them to, performing even impossible feats such as perfectly balancing on a corner or having a six sided die show a seven.
While in possession of Hijinks, the owner gains the Feat Deceitful as a Bonus Feat. If the owner already has this feat, he instead gains any one feat that has Deceitful as a prerequisite and can change his pick once every seven days. The owner also receives a +10 Bonus on all Bluff checks made to appear innocent, harmless or unimportant.
Lastly, the owner can activate one of the following effects seven times a day:
- Use one of the Feats
Conceal Spell,
Feign Curse,
Intoxicating Flattery, even if you do not fulfill their prerequisites.
- Re-roll any one roll you made as a Swift Action.
- Force an enemy to re-roll a skill check, save or attack roll made against you or to resist an effect you caused as an Immediate Action. A creature can only be affected by this ability once in a seven day period.
- Cast
Greater Magic Aura or
False Vision as if you were a Bard of your level.
Merely physically possessing Hijinks does not confer true ownership over the dice. As long as the current owner still lives, taking these dice from them invokes a strong curse on the thief. For every full seven hours that a person that is not the owner possesses the dice, they take a penalty of -1 to all dice rolls they make and are hounded by ever worse luck. Once they get rid of the dice, the bad luck ends, but should they retake them, it returns in full force. If no creature is actively keeping the dice on their person, they will disappear from their current location in 1d6 hours and return to their owner in some lucky happenstance after another 1d6 hours have passed.
To become the owner of Hijinks, the dice must be taken from the previous owner by besting them in a game of chance or successfully tricking them in some fashion to hand them over willingly. When the owner is killed, roll 7d6. If the creature dealing the killing blow has equal or more HD then the sum of the rolled dice, then that creature becomes the new owner. If not, the dice disappear and either seek out a new owner on their own or wait for their previous owner to be resurrected and return to them.