Ok, ao now that's out of the way, a bit for our downtime;
Sibling's Tales
Second Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC
Horen the Snake-Boy, Horen from the Marsh, Deaf Horen, Horen of Sweetspring, a lot of names for a boy scarce his seventh summer, yet he got a new one again. His latest name is one he believes as his best one yet, Horen the Horenary Sibling.
It was Mexxor who suggested it, to which the rest of the First Brood agreed. Horen was relieved they didn't choose Horen the Nest-Warmer instead, or Yss-forbid, Horen the Walking-Tree-To-Cling-To.
So with his scaly siblings slithering along, they dived into the city once more.
The noise is still unbelievable, but he would never regret trading it for silence again. To be able to talk to someone, to be heard and talked back to, is to him the greatest treasure in the world. His greatest fear would not be being deaf again, but be being not understood and laughed at his words.
They talked to all kinds of people as Svitran blessed him to explore with his siblings today, as the Great Serpent willed. Their task? Finding out how do non-snake people deal with their siblings.
"We got separated by slavers, him sold as a laborer in Volantis, me a pillow slave in Lys." says the silver haired lady as she spun the Fairy-spun Sweets she's peddling into a stick. "When Volantis joined, I spent all my savings at the Mirrors to find him and we've been sending letters. Now we'll meet again as his ship will arrive soon. Then, I'll hug him and I'll tell him how I sorely miss my
"My sister was way older than me and had a family as I grew up." spoke the legionnaire as he polished his spear. "All of them died of plague but her, so I'm taking care of her now as we only have each other."
"I honestly don't know." grumbled the Xorn. "We delve off to find our own way as far as we can from each other after hatching."
Chittering with laughter, the Essarian pointed at a bunch of others spinning and catching a wooden plate across the roofways. He gestures to mean that the half dozen of them are all his siblings as he leaps up to catch the thrown plate then spin it back at them.
"Murk has thousand broodmates, yes yes!" the fish-man gurgled as it lifts a jug to bring back with its employer back into the bay. "Thousand, then three. Broodmates made good first eating!"
"Brother was a pirate who beat me up when I didn't have money." says the old street sweeper. "The King hanged him with his other raping friends and this place has become so much better since."
From ships just anchored...
The braided-haired sailor paused. "I have a dozen half-siblings across the Narrow Sea. Pops took me to meet them all. They're all good saps."
To the Terminus slowing to a stop...
"I am looking for her." said the floating man. "My nephew has been killed in the war and she has to know personally."
To the Great Arena...
"Got eats by big-teeth when we small." The dappled-man stood to ready himself for the fight. "Bargur stank, so hope big-teeth got bad shits for it."
To the loud noises of the palace being built...
"All minotaurs siblings little snakes." huffed the brown one with blue painted horns. "All born at once in Mantarys. Little ones be ones to have brothers and sisters now."
They walk around throughout the day asking lots and lots of all sorts of people.
"My siblings perfect their skills with combat as I, Zabar seek the beauty in the world." says the bronze-faced man. "Now would you lot mind staying still so I may sketch your forms to perfect as a painting later?"
Across the Temple of Fire...
"Bastard burned my face then killed my sister, so I ran away." says the very large and scary man as he ate chicken. "Soon, I'll go to kill him to test this new body of mine." he declares while staring at the flames without fear.
While passing by the The Temple of the Moon...
"Oh, no it's not a warforged. It's my old body." the boy says as he puts down one of the little figures. "Kylla's off somewhere looking for trouble." The walking doll didn't mind as the snakes climbed it to be able to watch the game.
The boy brings up a figure of the king. "They made it, you know? The King and his Companions, I mean." he nods thoughtfully as he puts aside the king's figurine and puts the king in dragonman form in its place, to the loud groans of his playmates.
"They made it to help bring me back. And Kylla thought it's a great piece of art and made it walk around. So I bring it with me when she's not around."
Along Companions' Alley...
"They say that Ser Waymar's sister was poisoned by the Tyroshi. They say that his wrath got the king vowing to crush Tyrosh a fortnight, hence the sudden attack out of nowhere." giggled the girl as she skipped together with her friend.
Along the path to the keep...
"Brother! I found you!" Said a loud booming voice.
Which was promptly answered by a load groan from a man riding a winged horse. "Great Stallion, why are you here?!"
The loud man huffed, "What else, little brother of mine?" then shouted and struck a pose pointing at the Great Tree, "I Marbo, son of Rhango, will climb that tree!"
And finally into the keep as The Great One asked of them as the last place to be. After all, you have to save the most important one for last. Especially someone as important as the Royal Niece.
"Hi Horen! Hi Vherys! Hi Zerya! Hi Laxxus! Hi Mexxor!" and on she went as she named all of the one and ten First Brood playmates.
"I found a brother!" Princess Rhaenys declares and ushered them to meet a boy in the nearby room with all the pillows. "I'm tha big sister, but he's bigger than me. Say hi to Jon!"
The young boy awkwardly waved and look bewildered as the snakes converged on him to talk about their day.
Horen, contentedly laid down on one of the pillows and recalled all of the stories. He was sure that the Great One would really like all the tales about siblings they've gathered. Especially as it seems, He wants to know how to deal with His own.
Notes: Horens knows a lot more words now as Yss cheated to get his holy texts out if anyone recalls.