Right now, proscribed material smuggling is the most watched for criminal enterprise in SD. There are liable to be more idiots who think in a city of magic to get ahead you must need dark magic (and not the state approved variey!) to get ahead, or the odd person who read some low magic ritual material and got it into their head they know better than the Scholarum despite just being a dabbler, like that one guy that Garin killed back in Braavos who released an ooze on some street urchins.
So I imagine Ysilla has been busy listening to all the office gossip and jurisdictional disputes between the Lawmen and the Inquisition. Best part is when she has a conversation with her mom and dad and mentions a bunch of names and they end up thinking she's talking about rival nobles. But it's just middle management who are more likely to go out for drinks later than stab each other over generational internecine buggery.