@egoo just in case can you specify looting protocols? I don't want to leave this to chance. This would be the first bit of loot we get out of Operation Starfall.
Looting protocols being..?

DP already said we're getting bodies, loot and captures next update, but I am willing to edit in if ya have any specific details in detaining/grabbing stuff.
Looting protocols being..?

DP already said we're getting bodies, loot and captures next update, but I am willing to edit in if ya have any specific details in detaining/grabbing stuff.
Looking around this area of the Feywild, checking the book right now to see if she's hidden away any pieces of loot, if she knows where the corpses of the other lords are, etc. Especially the corpse of her former lady. With the Tale of Dusk Dancer in our grasp we have the ultimate informant.

This is something to take advantage of ASAP.
The 1st thing we should read in the Dusk Dancer book is where she hid the original Violent Veil's body.

Edit: Faceless'd by Duesal
The odds that she probably absorbed it is not low.
I think Violet Veil was either Dusk Dancer's mother or sister. The corpse is likely either intact somewhere we can reach, or it's totally destroyed by Dusk Dancer to ensure we can never get it.

I'm thinking we're dealing with the latter. This bitch was so filled with spite she doomed herself to try to kill as many of our vassals as possible.
Looking around this area of the Feywild, checking the book right now to see if she's hidden away any pieces of loot, if she knows where the corpses of the other lords are, etc. Especially the corpse of her former lady. With the Tale of Dusk Dancer in our grasp we have the ultimate informant.

This is something to take advantage of ASAP.
Actually, I'll do one better.
[X] Duesal

Feel free to write loot-protocols, am too sleepy to do that right kow, sorry.

And no one will have to worry about me missing the chance to edit before the moment DP starts writing the next update.
[X] Take everything
-[X] Quickly skim through the new book and find where Dusk Dancer and her slain kin have hidden their relics and where the corpse of Violet Veil resides.
--[X] Spam Harvest Knowledge and Legend Lore as needed.
-[X] Make sure to raid every single nook and cranny for loot that you can divine from Dusk Dancer's book and the corpses of her most powerful.
-[X] Once the corpses and relics are all secured, look through the Dusk Dancer book and see if she knows where the corpses of the lords of the other courts have been spirited away to.
-[X] And lastly, see if there are any leads on where the Lord of the Indigo Court is hiding.
[X] Permanence an Energy Transformation Field in Lya's personal laboratory (because best wards we have available, ever) via Diamond Dust, have the book's dying stymied by it.
-[X] Throughout this month, have a Lya (whichever's free) read through and transcribe it in the free time available from the experiments and research.
-[X] Obviously have some magic-sensitive assistants keep a constant eye on the book, ensuring it doesn't somehow adapt or something.
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"They say that Ser Waymar's sister was poisoned by the Tyroshi. They say that his wrath got the king vowing to crush Tyrosh a fortnight, hence the sudden attack out of nowhere." giggled the girl as she skipped together with her friend.


Ysilla you little shit. Absolutely hilarious, well done A++ job.

@DragonParadox I remeber Ysilla and Kylla being told if they wanted to join the Inquisition they'd have to do grunt work under Glyra's guidance during the Grand Tourney. How'd that turn out and how're they doing now?
They've been on at least one raid with the Inquisitional Stormtroopers so far. Some pretty harmless thing that turned out to be nothing more then a few smuggles with more guts then brains, but still.
Right now, proscribed material smuggling is the most watched for criminal enterprise in SD. There are liable to be more idiots who think in a city of magic to get ahead you must need dark magic (and not the state approved variey!) to get ahead, or the odd person who read some low magic ritual material and got it into their head they know better than the Scholarum despite just being a dabbler, like that one guy that Garin killed back in Braavos who released an ooze on some street urchins.

So I imagine Ysilla has been busy listening to all the office gossip and jurisdictional disputes between the Lawmen and the Inquisition. Best part is when she has a conversation with her mom and dad and mentions a bunch of names and they end up thinking she's talking about rival nobles. But it's just middle management who are more likely to go out for drinks later than stab each other over generational internecine buggery.
Right now, proscribed material smuggling is the most watched for criminal enterprise in SD. There are liable to be more idiots who think in a city of magic to get ahead you must need dark magic (and not the state approved variey!) to get ahead, or the odd person who read some low magic ritual material and got it into their head they know better than the Scholarum despite just being a dabbler, like that one guy that Garin killed back in Braavos who released an ooze on some street urchins.

So I imagine Ysilla has been busy listening to all the office gossip and jurisdictional disputes between the Lawmen and the Inquisition. Best part is when she has a conversation with her mom and dad and mentions a bunch of names and they end up thinking she's talking about rival nobles. But it's just middle management who are more likely to go out for drinks later than stab each other over generational internecine buggery.
Office politics would be a lot more bearable, if there was a socially acceptable number of stabbings per year.