It could be physical possessing the dragon. Protection from evil doesn't help when you just control the nervous system of a dragon.
The easiest way with the forces available would be to use the Dragonbeasts and Black Brutes to pin Balerion and having one of the molds take him over.
Poisoned Offerings

Eighteenth Day of the Third Month 294 AC

More guard duty was not what Azirah the Once Gilded had expected to find on her return to the material world, much less guard duty on a mass summoning preparation, but there was much demand for her sisters' time as the wheels of empire turned towards war, particularly with lesser baatezu and especially lejnth to command, and her posting in Vialesk had been counted 'light duty' by the Commander of Hosts. It was still stranger than words could say to think of Mereth thus, commander of a host not even a hundred strong, but so they were rebels among rebel angels.

Still, Azirah would be lying if she said she did not appreciate the purpose of this particular ritual, demons called and shackled to cold stone, dipped in lead and slipped into arcane spaces whose only openings lie in the gullets of things that had never lived. 'Fireflies' they were called apparently, unliving vessels of destruction wrought of flesh that had never lived.

From what the fury had heard, there were all manner of decoys and traps inserted into the other false skulls, from holy water to acid and flame to riddles leading to an employment opportunity, at least if one could trust the word of a laughing alu demon. It would serve as a sort of ironic justice to inflict another demon's idea of humor upon anyone who might wish to set loose the stored demons, she had to admit.

Of her fellow guards, Azirah had few complaints. The steel herald spoke not and kept to their intricate patterns in flight, the glass golems patrolled the shore, silent as the tools they were, the eye-beasts and briars chatted upon their plinths, though without being too tardy about calling out the 'all's clear'. The dead flew on silent wings. If it could be said she took any issues with the company, it was with the legion solders on their false dragon beasts.

Mortals need rest and food, the comforts one could not find on the wing, so it seemed to her that as soon as a company of eight grew accustomed to the strange sight over the Snare they would have to leave and others would fly in. Why the hollow mementos of death disquieted them so, Azirah could not say. What was it that made the dead more frightful than death to these mortals who willingly made war their trade?

At least they were more disciplined than the actual dragon in their midst, or perhaps she should say dragon-beast; Balerion the Black Dread, a hulking beast that filled the sky being directed by the king's somewhat surly familiar, though hardly with perfect results. As a flock of seagulls strayed too close, the beast dove after them, though she doubted there was enough meat on all the birds together to be worth his while. Perhaps he was simply bored of pattern flying. It's jaws closed catching only one particularly stupid bird that had almost seemed to fly into the dragon's mouth...

Out of the corner of her eye, Azirah caught a barely perceptible shiver run through the beast's muscles, a missed wing beat soon recovered from. A damnably familiar tell.

She spoke without sound to each of her sisters in part: "Attack in progress. Something possessed Balerion. I cannot see it, but it is most likely tanar'ri given the nature of the ritual."

  • Guard detail outside the Snare: Balerion, 8x Fiery Dragonbeasts, 24x Erinyes, 6x Heralds, 12x Glass Golems, 16x Vigilant Briars, 6x Blood Clot Molds, 6x Black Brutes, 5x Watchmoles
  • Guard detail inside the Snare: Quburn, Mereth, 8x Erinyes, 4x Heralds, 8x Glass Golems, 4x Vigilant Briars, 4x Blood Clot Molds, 4x Black Brutes, 2x Greater Blood Clot Molds, 2x Black Champions, 1x Adult Mind Dragon, 5x Watchmoles, 2000x Fireflies, 1000x Spitters, 500x Spitter Swarms

How do your guards react?

[] Pretend not to notice and wait for reinforcement

[] Try to distract or contain the possessed lesser dragon

[] Write in

OOC: One of the watchmoles almost caught this instead, 1 off making the spot check, but in the end it came down to diabolic experience. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.
We could let Belerion try to search for the demons until reinforcements come, right?

It is unlikely that they would find anything
We could let Belerion try to search for the demons until reinforcements come, right?

It is unlikely that they would find anything
No, he's likely going to be used as a spoiling attack as part of a greater assault. Or they might just try stealing him, he's not a bad catch.

I told ya we should have eaten him!

But does anyone ever listen to the poor ol' egoo?!

This is fun.
Most fun to this, of course, is that sans the Erynies and PCs (not... all that many compared to the meatshields), pretty much everything in the Snare is something we can throw away without a thought.
These motherfuckers are trying to steal our dog!

The gall, the cheek, the audacity!

The sheer chutzpah!

Provided we don't viciously murder them and feed them to our god of choice we might have to consider a job offer.