So I have a possible reach goal for us to consider going for at some point. Remember that spell
Planar Refuge? It works by imposing the rules of the material plane on any other one it's cast on. It's situational as a spell for mortals, but in the hands of some gods we might be able to get something more from it.
The OG are fey adjacent and have the ability to access the feywild, so what if we leveraged that to use weirwoods to cover the parts of the feywild directly on top of imperial territory with a similar effect permanently? Trees everywhere would be difficult, but if we work out the range issue with large trees using smaller ones as repeaters or something it has potential.
Having consistent divinely enforced rules makes it possible to garrison the area, and monitor what uses it. More than that, we could colonize it and create a sort of over-empire that could serve as a logistics hub without introducing the issues that teleportation does.
I have no idea what the quasit cost of this would be, if it is even possible, but stealing a thin slice of the feywild would be pretty useful for all sorts of things.