Wait, what? Since when are Fey reborn in the Feywild after being killed?
In Pathfinder they are always reborn if killed in the Feywild:

Fey are created when soul energy, such as that shed by new souls traversing the First World, melds with the plane's energy. Fey slain in the First World are simply regenerated, but if killed on the Material Plane, fey souls traverse the River of Souls as any other.[5]

edit: Even sick still a decent Ninja DP.
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That is how it works in pathfinder like reverse outsiders, if they did on their home plane they are reborn, if they die in the real world they stay dead, which is part of the reason many of them want to get into the material realm. Games are better when there are real stakes.
Yeah... so we will need to hunt the Bright One again. But by now one of our weaker minions could probably take him. Imagine him showing up to Braavos and getting soloed by Alysande Redsail.
Ah, my bad.

In that case either dragging the poisoned nobility back to Prime Material or sacrificing them to the Old Gods needs to be our priority, or we're going to lose a lot of loyal citizens to their retaliation.

Keep in mind that fey resurrection is the baseline for most deaths, not divine smiting, though exactly how things will play out will need to be discussed IC.

Good night guys, if I keep getting better tomorrow there might be an update or two.
Ah, my bad.

In that case either dragging the poisoned nobility back to Prime Material or sacrificing them to the Old Gods needs to be our priority, or we're going to lose a lot of loyal citizens to their retaliation.
Migh be, might not.

That's why I wanted to know the mechanics in detail. If we are lucky we have enough time to set up friendly Feycourts in the Reach, while also finding and fortifying most of the passages.
Besides, the Queen herself will almost certainly grow a lot weaker if we beat her now, simply because she won't be Queen of anything for a while and that harms her narrative.
Similar for the big Lords.
The upper echelons of the court would likely take centuries to reform. And like as not return changed in certain ways.
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That is how it works in pathfinder like reverse outsiders, if they did on their home plane they are reborn, if they die in the real world they stay dead, which is part of the reason many of them want to get into the material realm. Games are better when there are real stakes.

... I hate Fey logic. No wonder why therace of immortal outsiders hasn't conquered the world yet, they charge neckfirst into the guillotine
... I hate Fey logic. No wonder why therace of immortal outsiders hasn't conquered the world yet, they charge neckfirst into the guillotine
Think of it like a stage.

The character might die, but the actor does not.

They'll come back later to play the part again in the next showing. Or play another part in a different play.

Unless somebody snipes their role of course :V .
Think of it like a stage.

The character might die, but the actor does not.

They'll come back later to play the part again in the next showing. Or play another part in a different play.

Unless somebody snipes their role of course :V .

Thing is, they like to play when the actor dies too.

I swear, fey logic looks more like Far Realm bullshittery the more I know of it.
So I have a possible reach goal for us to consider going for at some point. Remember that spell Planar Refuge? It works by imposing the rules of the material plane on any other one it's cast on. It's situational as a spell for mortals, but in the hands of some gods we might be able to get something more from it.

The OG are fey adjacent and have the ability to access the feywild, so what if we leveraged that to use weirwoods to cover the parts of the feywild directly on top of imperial territory with a similar effect permanently? Trees everywhere would be difficult, but if we work out the range issue with large trees using smaller ones as repeaters or something it has potential.

Having consistent divinely enforced rules makes it possible to garrison the area, and monitor what uses it. More than that, we could colonize it and create a sort of over-empire that could serve as a logistics hub without introducing the issues that teleportation does.

I have no idea what the quasit cost of this would be, if it is even possible, but stealing a thin slice of the feywild would be pretty useful for all sorts of things.
So I have a possible reach goal for us to consider going for at some point. Remember that spell Planar Refuge? It works by imposing the rules of the material plane on any other one it's cast on. It's situational as a spell for mortals, but in the hands of some gods we might be able to get something more from it.

The OG are fey adjacent and have the ability to access the feywild, so what if we leveraged that to use weirwoods to cover the parts of the feywild directly on top of imperial territory with a similar effect permanently? Trees everywhere would be difficult, but if we work out the range issue with large trees using smaller ones as repeaters or something it has potential.

Having consistent divinely enforced rules makes it possible to garrison the area, and monitor what uses it. More than that, we could colonize it and create a sort of over-empire that could serve as a logistics hub without introducing the issues that teleportation does.

I have no idea what the quasit cost of this would be, if it is even possible, but stealing a thin slice of the feywild would be pretty useful for all sorts of things.
Consider me very, very interested. An Imperium home base in the Feywild would be fantastic.
So I have a possible reach goal for us to consider going for at some point. Remember that spell Planar Refuge? It works by imposing the rules of the material plane on any other one it's cast on. It's situational as a spell for mortals, but in the hands of some gods we might be able to get something more from it.

The OG are fey adjacent and have the ability to access the feywild, so what if we leveraged that to use weirwoods to cover the parts of the feywild directly on top of imperial territory with a similar effect permanently? Trees everywhere would be difficult, but if we work out the range issue with large trees using smaller ones as repeaters or something it has potential.

Having consistent divinely enforced rules makes it possible to garrison the area, and monitor what uses it. More than that, we could colonize it and create a sort of over-empire that could serve as a logistics hub without introducing the issues that teleportation does.

I have no idea what the quasit cost of this would be, if it is even possible, but stealing a thin slice of the feywild would be pretty useful for all sorts of things.
We might have a better shot at doing this by using the Imperial Pseudo-Deity, since it's already going to use Imperial Steel wires to give it influence over land areas.

Though planting a Weirwood on every Feywild portal should help a lot to get a solid border going.
So I have a possible reach goal for us to consider going for at some point. Remember that spell Planar Refuge? It works by imposing the rules of the material plane on any other one it's cast on. It's situational as a spell for mortals, but in the hands of some gods we might be able to get something more from it.

The OG are fey adjacent and have the ability to access the feywild, so what if we leveraged that to use weirwoods to cover the parts of the feywild directly on top of imperial territory with a similar effect permanently? Trees everywhere would be difficult, but if we work out the range issue with large trees using smaller ones as repeaters or something it has potential.

Having consistent divinely enforced rules makes it possible to garrison the area, and monitor what uses it. More than that, we could colonize it and create a sort of over-empire that could serve as a logistics hub without introducing the issues that teleportation does.

I have no idea what the quasit cost of this would be, if it is even possible, but stealing a thin slice of the feywild would be pretty useful for all sorts of things.
Planar Refuge would probably be preferred, especially if we can stack the effect for triple range, but another route we could take would be to grow Heart Trees with Planar Perinarch (as you mentioned recently, IIRC) as their only spell for triple effect. If it was even possible to do this with a 9th level spell effect, I'm sure the cost in sacrifices would be considerable, but the rewards would be amazing for the OG. A triple range 20th level Planar Perinarch would give them, or more likely Bloodraven, nearly godlike control of the environment within a 225 foot radius of the tree, since the Feywild is considered a Highly Morphic Plane.
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I'd rather go with Refuge, since it allows us to force some consistency on the Feywild. Right now, the problem is that the Feywild paths are always changing and shifting, paths opening and closing all the time. But if we start nailing them down with Refuge Trees on the Feywild side, we should be able to stabilize them and make it harder for new connections to form, since the old ones can't fade and free up their narrative potential for re-use.

We would be slowly building a clearly demarcated border between the planes.
King of Fey: "We're not paying for a fucking wall."

Viserys: "Since when were you under the impression that you haven't already paid for it?"

King of Fey: *turtled*
Viserys: "Omae wa mou kame."
King of Fey: