Apparently so. At least the upper ranks. The lower ranks are so numerous as to be effectively infinite for most purposes.

We've been doing a bit of brainstorming on how to industrialize the Summoning and destruction of high level Daemons. CR 20 Olethrodaemons are a bit of a hassle to plan around, but I've got a scheme guaranteed to kill CR 18 Purrodaemons and CR 16 Astradaemons within 2 minutes of being Summoned without any additional effort.
I figure doing this is exactly the kinda thing that'll get a Horsemen brought down on you with a cavalcade of chucklefucks following the Beacon it lights off momentarily.

But if we can foolproof a plan to take out a Horseman, we are probably already far past the point of needing to worry about it.
What gods would that be? Heaven answers to Asmodeus now, and we haven't seen any gods meaningfully capable of opposing him even if they were interested in doing it. That balancing act died with the breaking.
If both gods and the material plane exist they liklely have some form of that agreement.

That being said.

I do like the idea of booting the feywild off into the aether. Ideally with a literal giant boot.
I think Daemons might actually be our best bet. I mean, they are already concentrated death, war, famine and pestilence, so they should be the equivalent of using high octane fuel for this ritual.

Just press them through a strainer to get their raw energy, set it on fire, then spread the mess straight over the Court of Stars with a large hose.
IIRC, blood sacrifice has solved every single major roadblock we've come across in this quest.

That and menacingly having a polite discussion with someone about how they should capitulate to literally all of our demands and making them think it was their only option.
IIRC, blood sacrifice has solved every single major roadblock we've come across in this quest.

That and menacingly having a polite discussion with someone about how they should capitulate to literally all of our demands and making them think it was their only option.
The Imperial Airforce doesn't run on blood sacrifice.

@Azel @egoo

Suggestions for the coming ritual:

1. Instead of one day of perpetual summoning, make it two days. Instead of 5,772 HD we have 11,544 HD and quite literally double the options.

2. Gods involved in here would be:
  1. The Old Gods of Forest, Stream, and Stone -- The ones who lead the ritual since it was theirs to begin with, and because Bloodraven is just as unenthusiastic about this Feywild plan as we are
  2. The Merling King -- Take advantage of that Death Domain
  3. Yss the Timeless Serpent -- Take advantage of that Death Domain, possibly mix his venom in there somehow
  4. R'hllor the Red, Lord of Light -- Take advantage of that Fire Domain
    1. See if we can bargain further to have his strongest heralds fight at our side against the Court of Stars, which honestly he should agree to given the scale of the sacrifice
  5. Moonsinger Goddess -- This one is only potentially, but we can sacrifice items to her and take advantage of her Freedom Domain after explaining the Feywild plan to her and why it absolutely sucks for every poor human schmuck stuck in the Reach. I was thinking of getting her to smite the connection between the Court of Stars and the Kingdom of the Reach as hard as possible. It wouldn't need to break the connection even, just weaken it enough that the rest of the above ritual is more effective against the Fey. Arguably this has the greatest potential for fucking with the Court of Stars' plans, which is enough for me to seriously give it consideration.
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I want to be upset about the planned atrocities.

But your all so happy. Like a puppy. A blood soaked puppy dragging a trail of entrails behind it while wagging its little tail behind it.
I want to be upset about the planned atrocities. But your all so happy. Like a puppy. A blood soaked puppy dragging a trail of entrails behind it while wagging its little tail behind it.
It's mostly hysterical, giddy relief that 16,000 pages of playing in this quest isn't about to come crashing down for nothing because we couldn't conquer the Reach.
Moonsinger Goddess -- This one is only potentially, but we can sacrifice items to her and take advantage of her Freedom Domain after explaining the Feywild plan to her and why it absolutely sucks for every poor human schmuck stuck in the Reach. I was thinking of getting her to smite the connection between the Court of Stars and the Kingdom of the Reach as hard as possible. It wouldn't need to break the connection even, just weaken it enough that the rest of the above ritual is more effective against the Fey. Arguably this has the greatest potential for fucking with the Court of Stars' plans, which is enough for me to seriously give it consideration.
Keep her out of this. Really.

She is a... Neutral Good goddess, right? She will be absolutely no bueno with butchering a few thousand sentients to commit a spot of genocide on the Fey.
Maybe we can figure out how to substitute Explosive Packs with a concoction made from ground up Cacodaemons.
So like an Enervation bomb?

Seems like a waste of time, or a specialty artillery shell for things pretty much immune to blunt force trauma and metal flechette.
It's mostly hysterical, giddy relief that 16,000 pages of playing in this quest isn't about to come crashing down for nothing because we couldn't conquer the Reach.
And it would have been at least partially the Tyrells fault at that.
So like an Enervation bomb?

Seems like a waste of time, or a specialty artillery shell for things pretty much immune to blunt force trauma and metal flechette.
No, I meant finding a way to extract the essence of a Daemon and make it explode. With fire and shrapnel. Which may or may not be super cursed.
I want to be upset about the planned atrocities.

But your all so happy. Like a puppy. A blood soaked puppy dragging a trail of entrails behind it while wagging its little tail behind it.
Look, all of us here have invested literal years of our lives into this thread.

I'm pretty sure most of us would lay waste to entire realms if backed up against a wall with no other options.

At least here, we are able to make the choice of who's realm gets bulldozed into a parking lot.
Keep her out of this. Really.

She is a... Neutral Good goddess, right? She will be absolutely no bueno with butchering a few thousand sentients to commit a spot of genocide on the Fey.
Fair enough, we can make do with the rest. The Old Gods, the Merling King, Yss, and R'hllor are collectively all the firepower we need, and they're all perfectly happy with accepting fiendish sacrifices and doing us favors which benefit their worshipers. Or just because they're always hungry.
I figure doing this is exactly the kinda thing that'll get a Horsemen brought down on you with a cavalcade of chucklefucks following the Beacon it lights off momentarily.

But if we can foolproof a plan to take out a Horseman, we are probably already far past the point of needing to worry about it.
Actually, I don't that it would be that difficult to make the Snare into a complete death trap for one of the Horsemen if they were stupid enough to show up, assuming of course that we know it's coming and have a bit of prep time. Some fairly extensive prep work would need to be done ahead of time, but with that ready all we would only need would be a few rounds to get set up. As long as we successfully negate their 1/Day Wish SLA, they wouldn't be able to escape.
Actually, I don't that it would be that difficult to make the Snare into a complete death trap for one of the Horsemen if they were stupid enough to show up, assuming of course that we know it's coming and have a bit of prep time. Some fairly extensive prep work would need to be done ahead of time, but with that ready all we would only need would be a few rounds to get set up. As long as we successfully negate their 1/Day Wish SLA, they wouldn't be able to escape.
Do SLAs get negated by Spellbane? If so, that's the obvious solution. Of course we'd have to watch out for the Horsemen potentially getting extra "benefits".
Actually, I don't that it would be that difficult to make the Snare into a complete death trap for one of the Horsemen if they were stupid enough to show up, assuming of course that we know it's coming and have a bit of prep time. Some fairly extensive prep work would need to be done ahead of time, but with that ready all we would only need would be a few rounds to get set up. As long as we successfully negate their 1/Day Wish SLA, they wouldn't be able to escape.
Wasn't there a spell that worked similar to Spellbane but affected an area? If only Wish needs to be blocked, we should be able to find a solution. Worst case, cast Spellbane on a sturdy undead that is just out of reach of the Horseman, but still close enough to affect him.
I just remembered that faeries reform if killed in the fae wild.

I am now so on board with this plan.
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@Azel @egoo

Suggestions for the coming ritual:

1. Instead of one day of perpetual summoning, make it two days. Instead of 5,772 HD we have 11,544 HD and quite literally double the options.

2. Gods involved in here would be:
  1. The Old Gods of Forest, Stream, and Stone -- The ones who lead the ritual since it was theirs to begin with, and because Bloodraven is just as unenthusiastic about this Feywild plan as we are
  2. The Merling King -- Take advantage of that Death Domain
  3. Yss the Timeless Serpent -- Take advantage of that Death Domain, possibly mix his venom in there somehow
  4. R'hllor the Red, Lord of Light -- Take advantage of that Fire Domain
    1. See if we can bargain further to have his strongest heralds fight at our side against the Court of Stars, which honestly he should agree to given the scale of the sacrifice
  5. Moonsinger Goddess -- This one is only potentially, but we can sacrifice items to her and take advantage of her Freedom Domain after explaining the Feywild plan to her and why it absolutely sucks for every poor human schmuck stuck in the Reach. I was thinking of getting her to smite the connection between the Court of Stars and the Kingdom of the Reach as hard as possible. It wouldn't need to break the connection even, just weaken it enough that the rest of the above ritual is more effective against the Fey. Arguably this has the greatest potential for fucking with the Court of Stars' plans, which is enough for me to seriously give it consideration.
Or we could take our time over the next month in order to pile up even more HD for a sacrifice, one which would probably require a major action there would be so many captured Demons needing to be killed.

As I detailed here:
I think it's time that we craft an item which casts Lesser Planar Binding.

It would not be particularly effective against anything but Imps, Quasits, Lemures, and similarly pathetic lesser Outsiders due to the minimal caster level and save DC, but it could be activated every 10 minutes, non-stop, 24/7. The time in between uses could be used to subdue the Summoned Larder bait. We could staff it with Heralds and Glass Golems, various support personnel, and Irony.

Looking at the limitations of Lesser Planar Binding, namely that it can Summon one Outsider of 6 HD or less, I think our best targets would either be Brimorak Demons or Bearded Devils. Each of them are 6 HD and only have a Will save bonus of +3.

With a saving throw DC of 17 vs the normal +3 Will save bonus of Brimoraks and Bearded Devils, about 70% of attempts should succeed. At 70% effectiveness, working 24/7, about 100 of 144 uses per day would be successful, or 3,000 per month. That would equate to approximately 18,000 HD per month without needing to use time from Viserys or any Companions.
If we craft an item of Lesser Planar Binding, we can set up a system to Summon approximately 3,000 Brimorak Demons per month.
So, in a 24hr-day of dedicated summoning Lya and Viserys can summon 1994 Quasits, who'd have no chance against Irony's breathweapon even when bull's unbuffed, even more so when buffed.
Truly, dreams do come true.
Do y'all think VIserys would continuously cackle all day long and have an ominous soundtrack set up to play in the Snare for the summoning-day?

But, Daemons are great in the way that we can't care less about their masters' attention, since they can't be even kept "I'm not touching them, they don't touch me... for now" like Archfiends and the Archdemosn that would keep an eye on us if we got their really-short-span attention. They are by definition enemies of ours, already.

@Azel, Cacodaemons have only 1 more Fort save than Quasits, same amount of HD.
So 1994 Cacodaemons, 5982 HD a day.
You don't link the proper artwork.

1. Instead of one day of perpetual summoning, make it two days. Instead of 5,772 HD we have 11,544 HD and quite literally double the options.
We also need to power R'hlor's Ymeri-killing.
If we start next month we can quite well feed him too :V
If the Reach becomes our generation's Dorne I'm willing to turn it into glass, though I prefer to burn down the feywild honestly.