Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 14, 2020 at 10:25 AM, finished with 40 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Receive an operational report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] Slaver's Bay, where devils plot in the shadows
    [X] Liomond Lashare
    -[X] +1 Warblade
    -[X] +1 Balance, Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledges (engineering, history, war), +2 Intimidate
    [X] Receive an operational report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] City of Brass, where the foundations are laid for a most perilous raid
    [X] Receive an operational report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] Vialesk, where enemies overt and hidden move against your envoys -
    [X] Receive an operational report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] Qohor, where dreams of madness spill into the waking world
    [X] Receive a research report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] Developing Imperial Powered Armor
    [X] Receive a research report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] Developing Imperial Powered Armor
Which is the job of the administration. In a stunning act of circular logic, you need priests to establish a temple and a temple to have priests.
This is intentional. As pretty much all legal nonsense in the Imperial constitution. It's bureaucratic chicanery to enable arbitrary persecution of people who preach things that the state doesn't like.

These mechanisms already exist and they work exclusively by having a secular, bureaucratic institution supervising the religions. That way, there is no risk of collusion between faiths and no undue power (that is, any) given to the faiths.
Good. My main question was control. The idea of the Synod seems to me elegant but not principled. If this meant that our bureaucracy ALREADY controls religions, then I'm glad. It's just that I never came across a clear description of the rights and duties of the priests. Where can they be guarded, where can they not, how many priests can be assigned to a temple, what temples does the ceremonial guard assume of 120 soldiers? Or it was a one-time permit for one Red Priests temple with Tyrosh?

Your analysis is so far the first attempt to plan anything. Some disagreements with the assumptions made aside, that is basically where we are, yes.

Get to a neutral territory, try to diplomance into leaving/joining, duel it out if fails.

Planning beyond that is mite hard with everyone reflexively shrinking away from matters Lucan-shaped since it's been a sensitive topic for far too ling for our own good.
But bottom line to that is, we just don't know what to say at him, because we don't known enough of him IC.

If you follow my assumption of a meeting in Heaven.

Look around Lucan. This place was inhabited by those who always did the right thing. They did not accept the lesser evil, did not compromise ... Some of them are now trading slaves nearby, others are sitting in cages ... you know, it's amazing to fight the infection of the slave trade on earth to see it in Heaven.
Do you know what's the worst thing? The thing that ruined the local skies and turned angels into slave traders wakes up literally under the Wall of our house. I'm not wondering if it will be possible to complete it, but I know that when the question of the survival of the Heavens, Westeros will already lie in ruins. The Seven Kingdoms are not just the land that I want to conquer and rule as a godless despot, or whatever you imagines. Westeros this is my legacy, my duty and I do everything possible to save its inhabitants.
Let me be frank with you Lucan. I do not believe that you, with all the Chosen, can save MY kingdom even with the support of the Lannisters. And therefore, from my point of view, Lucan, you look like a crazy septon who does not allow people to enter the burning monastery, and does not allow them to be save those inside from the fire, because everyone around does not worship the Seven.
Therefore, before we continue negotiations, I ask you to answer one simple question, answer not to me but to yourself. Lucan, do you really believe you can handle what comes without me? Imagine that you and I did not agree, and you kill me, and by some miracle you persuade my heirs to forget about Westeros. My empire cleans the slaver's bay of all the villainy, evaluates the powers of the Qarth, fights the Deep Ones and prepare to flood Vestros with fire when Winter engulfs it. Introduce yourself and think, and now say what you consider unacceptable, my rule or war against all the enemies of the human race alone, and I will understand whether you really are a crazy septon over which I will have to step over to save his parishioners.

Just a sketch. Perhaps I have the wrong opinion, but I think we need to work with Lucan as directly as possible. The problem is not only that we do not understand him, but also that he does not understand us. Therefore, I suggest playing with the open cards. Yes, we absolutely do not go under his definition of a "good person", but we have a purpose and how we think it justifies the means we use. And the main question is whether he believes that being too scrupulous in the choice of means, he will not fail the main purpose?

Excuse me for out-of-context question. At the beginning of our journey we saved a woman, Nerys, in the bandit-mandragora camp. Then she depatured to Tyrosh. Did she managed to get there well? Have we ever met with her after the conquest of Tyrosh?

P.S. I am continuing translation into Russian, but it goes extremely slowly.
Better link, formatting is better here.
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@Goldfish, I was browsing the charactersheets, and I realized Riz'Neth doesn't seem to have one yet. IIRC he was a sorcerer of the Sixth Circle who very recently broke into the Seventh Circle?
@Goldfish, I was browsing the charactersheets, and I realized Riz'Neth doesn't seem to have one yet. IIRC he was a sorcerer of the Sixth Circle who very recently broke into the Seventh Circle?
I'll get around to building one for him sometime if no one else wants to. Been working on applying level ups and upgrades in my free time lately, so it'll be a while before I can get to him.
Awww I just wanted to say I really enjoyed that interlude! Good work on whoever sent out the herald to try to correct the crew's fears and arranged for them to see a baby snek acting so silly and endearingly (come on that must've been set up). I was very manipulated into going "aaawww." it's good to see our efforts in helping their population bounce back is working!

Also, wow is Snake Port gonna be our Hollywood since it's the source/origin of the TV enabling stone?
Awww I just wanted to say I really enjoyed that interlude! Good work on whoever sent out the herald to try to correct the crew's fears and arranged for them to see a baby snek acting so silly and endearingly (come on that must've been set up). I was very manipulated into going "aaawww." it's good to see our efforts in helping their population bounce back is working!

Also, wow is Snake Port gonna be our Hollywood since it's the source/origin of the TV enabling stone?
We're probably going to use this as a kicking point for computer production, too. Serpentstone Valley. ;)
do we have any imperial clerics drawing from our mythic path yet?
None known yet, though Viserys should be very close to starting that.

Also @Goldfish, while on the subject of Serpentfolk I hunted down Vrath the Hexblade's charactersheet. Would you mind adding it to your big list?
Here's an updated character sheet for Vrath, @DragonParadox, which includes gear we assigned him and a bit of an upgrade to the stats on his armor which have been added to the crafting schedule for this month.

He's missing some of the racial abilities one of his people are supposed to have, but I'm not sure which kind of Serpentfolk he is so I've left them out for now.

Name: Vrath
Alias: The Blackscale
Age: 191
Alignment: True Neutral
Race: Serpent Folk (Monstrous Humanoid)
Level: 8
Class: Hexblade 8
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Serpentine Compression, Telepathic Distraction, Ability Focus (Hexblade's Curse), Spell Focus(Enchantment), Power Attack
Flaws: Grudge Keeper, Metal Intolerance
Race Features: Spell-like abilities, Poison, Spell resistance
Class Features: Dark Companion, Hexblade's Curse, Arcane Resistance, Mettle, Greater Hexblade's Curse

Languages Spoken: Serpent-tongue, Telepathy

AC: 10 + 3 (NA) + 5 (DEX) + 6 (Breastplate) + 2 Deflection (vs Chaos/Evil) = 24/26
Initiative: +5 (DEX)
Attack: +8/+3 + 1 (Enchantnent) + 5 (DEX) = +14/+9 [2d6+5]
Spell Save: 10 + 5 (CHA) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency: Daggers, Longbow, Greatsword (DEX)
Immunities: Possession/Mental Control
SR: 19

8 (-1) Strength
17 + 3 = 20 (+5) Dexterity
11 + 3 = 14 (+2) Constitution
16 (+3) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
18 +2 = 20 (+5) Charisma

SAVES: +2 vs Chaos/Evil; +5 vs spells and SLAs; +2 vs Fear; -4 vs Cold
FORTITUDE: 2 + 2 = 4
REFLEX: 2 + 5 = 7
WILL: 6 + 0 = 6

Bluff: 11 + 5 (CHA) = 16
Concentration: 11 + 2 (CON) = 14
Intimidate: 11 + 5 (CHA) = 16
Knowledge (arcana): 11 + 3 (INT) = 14
Spellcraft: 11 + 3 (INT) = 14

Spells Known (Caster Level 4):
Level 1: Catsfeet, Distract Assailant, Karmic Aura, Phantom Threat (1+2/day)
Level 2: Magical Backlash, Shadow Double (0+1/day)

Spell-Like Abilities (Caster Level 8)
Hypnotism (At Will)
Charm Animal, Charm Person (3/day)
Speak with Dead (1/Month)

Special Abilities:
  • Dark Companion (Su): Dark Companion alternate class feature.
  • Greater Hexblade's Curse (Su): As a free action, a hexblade can unleash a curse upon a foe. The target must be visible to the hexblade and within 60 feet. The target of a hexblade's curse takes a -4 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls for 1 hour thereafter. A successful Will save (DC 20) negates the effect. (6/day)
Blade of the Adder: Up to 6/Day (1 + your CHA modifier) on a successful melee attack, you can command this weapon to emit a surge of magical energy as a Swift Action. Unless the target succeeds on a DC 19 Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your CHA modifier), it is stunned for 1 round.

Handy Haversack: This backpack is of high quality but appears otherwise normal.
  1. It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a Bag of Holding and can actually hold material of as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
  2. While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a Move Action, but it does not provoke the Attacks of Opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
Healing Belt:
  • Healing (3 Charges/Day): 1 Charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 Charges (Heal 3d8), or 3 Charges(Heal 4d8)
  • Somewhat resembling a crossbow where the bow mechanism has been replaced by a two foot long and two inch diameter hollow steel tube, this device allows its wielder to shoot items no larger than Tiny-size or weighing more than 10 pounds using the Launch Item spell up to 440 feet. Where applicable, the wielder must make a Ranged Attack roll to strike a target.
Equipped Magic Items: Amulet of Protection from Chaos, Blade of the Adder (+1 Stunning Surge DEX-Based Greatsword), Painted Lizard Skin Cloack (+2 CHA), Ring of Protection from Evil, Serpent Stone-Studded Brestplate (+3 DEX, +3 CON), Valyrian Steel Dagger (+2)
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"One cannot learn or grow inside a glass cage, some small risks must be taken, growing even as they do that the young ones will be prepared to face the world," came the reply in his mind.

Maaann good on the sneks for not being ridiculous helicopter parents. If they manage to not guilt trip their kids over grades then they're well on their way to being infinitely better than like 75% of Asian Tiger Parents.
Canon Omake: The Traveller II
<< Previous
The Traveller II
Twelfth Day of the Second Month 294 AC

The man that was led into his hall looked almost offensively unassuming. Just another scruffy traveller roaming the roads in these strange days, owning nothing except the clothes on his back and what he could fit into his saddle bags. A hedge knight without armour. The eyepatch certainly made him seem like oh so many down on their luck nobles who got cocky and paid for it. Maybe a sellsword from the east, given the vaguely glaive-like weapon on his back. Certainly, no one important or even all that worth the trouble to rob, unless maybe you thought you could sell the horse without too much suspicion. Walder Frey was not buying the act though. The man was too calm and too quiet, the only expression he gave an absent-minded stare that had the servant hurry right out of the hall the moment he had dropped off the tablet with the soup, the bread and the salt. That he had announced himself with a full Sovereign as a message was almost normal in comparison to his odd demeanour.

"Your message was received. Tell me then what kind of spook the dragon sends to me in the middle of night." While he spoke, Walder took a pinch of salt and tore off some bread for himself, the latter which he dunked unceremoniously into the stew before eating it. Then he pushed the tablet forward, gesturing to the stool brought up to the other side of the high table with his other hand.

Instead of bowing like a low-born would, the stranger just gave a curt nod to the Lord of the Twins, then quietly whispered something into the clasp of his cloak. Slowly the illusion rolled off the man, revealing a cloak of pink and crimson that was rather easy to place for anyone who paid the slightest bit of attention to things north of the Neck. "I apologize for the deception, Lord Frey, but in these days, one has to be careful who sees you on the road." His voice barely rose above a whisper as he spoke, placing his cloak and the weapon on another table as he did so.

The latter of which briefly caught Walders attention, what with it being made from ice, but that was something he would learn about from the gossip in the Twins sooner rather then later anyway. "Lord Bolton I assume then. Been a while since we saw each other." At the questioning look he got in return, the old man just chuckled. "Lonnel Reed was giving a feast when his boy Howland was born, and your father brought you along too. You were still shitting your breeches, so you probably don't remember me."

For his part, the Leech Lord did not deign the comment with much of a reaction. Both of them knew the others reputation after all. Instead, he silently took his own pinch of salt and bread before settling on the stool. "I would like to express my congratulations to your grandsons land grant, Lord Frey. It must be a welcome change to you to have a liege lord who appreciates your families loyalty."

Walder just smiled in return, silently wondering if Bolton was joking or serious. It was hard to tell with him. "It seems rumours are indeed faster then even the best raven." Quietly he mulled over who might have brought news to the Dreadfort before it even reached the Twins. A son perhaps? No. None of his had mentioned a Bolton in the south. But there was this one guest lecturer at the Scholarium that Fair Walda had nicknamed Creepy Walder for his alleged similarity to him and who allegedly was a Bolton man. He had to admit that he did not quiet knew what to make of this visit and that certainly rankled him. "Don't tell me though you came all the way to flatter someone you never met before for something happening at the other end of the world. What drives a northern lord to traipse around in the Riverlands in the middle of the night?"

"I am on a longer trip and decided to travel without any hangers-on. Mainly to take my son Domeric home, but also to meet with a few people of import, what with the war drawing on the horizon."

"Heh. War you call it. Won't be much of a war when most of Westeros is already washing up their dragon banners for the occasion." As the Leech Lord continued to ignore the steaming bowl in front of him, Walder tore off another piece of bread and dipped it into the broth again. No sense wasting good venison. "If you want to know whom to talk to, I know a few lads who can make introductions for you. Not everyone will be as kind as I am when you show up unannounced at their keeps."

"That would be appreciated, Lord Frey, but I did want to talk specifically with you." From his belt he pulled a scroll case, seemingly a quite normal one from lacquered wood as you would use to carry letters with you. When he sat it down on the table though, it clanked as if it was filled with iron and a few brief, whispered words, the cap came off on it's own. "You always had a reputation for being a pragmatic man and eager to take a good opportunity when it presented itself. I have a proposal that might be to both our houses benefit."

For a brief moment, Walder was torn between getting his reading glasses back out of their case for this or trying without, but in the end, he took them when he saw the fine writing on the parchments presented to him. And drawings. Certainly, the drawings were the more interesting part at the first glance. Some faceless things that looked vaguely like men, the finely inked lines showing muscles and bones cut apart. They were not garbed in armour, but the plates nailed straight onto the bones they were meant to protect. The other pages were no different in kind. Emancipated harpies. A giant wielding an axe as large as a man. "What exactly are those things?" He ran a finger over the image of a thing looking like a bloated firefly, beneath it an illustration of how it hurled itself at a group of soldiers who disappeared in a ball of flame.

"Soldiers, Lord Frey. Of a kind that knows no fear, no hunger and no tiredness. I have been granted a special dispensation to have certain practices performed in my fief and these are the products of these labours. Your grandson has been granted a fief with few who are loyal to him and far from any other city of the realm. He will likely find good use for warriors who cannot even conceive of betrayal."

"This is unexpected, I will give you that. Did not take you for a merchant though." With this, he rolled up the papers, handing them back to Lord Bolton who immediately put them back into their case. "What are you thinking about?"

"A letter of introduction to your grandson would be all I am asking for. I plan on building a proper harbour in my lands and would like to make an agreement with him. The Dreadlands will sent him soldiers and in turn, the riches of Omber will come to the Dreadlands and no other harbour in the North." He paused for a moment, eyes fixed on the older man before speaking again. "Of course, if you are interested in my offer yourself, I am sure we can come to an agreement too."

For a long moment, Walder starred back at the other Lord, only to scoff and shake his head. "Give it another few years and the boy will have all lords speak with each other like Braavosi fishmongers. I can see your point though. Spices and jewels from half the world away sound a lot more promising then trying to squeeze another groat out of the peasantry. The question is though, what is in there for me? I don't particularly need soldiers. I have plenty of those already."

Slowly the old man leaned back in his chair, mentally running up and down the wide hedge of a family tree that came after him. Lord Bolton seemed content to wait and so he took his time trying to remember how old that Domeric must be. He was fairly sure he had heard about him squiring at some tourney or another, but when? How old a girl would it take? But before he was faced with the prospect of having to gauge the likelihood of him cajoling Fair Walda into a betrothal, he remembered something else.

"You wife has been dead for a few years, right?" This time he caught the tiniest reaction on the Leech Lords face, but he did not loudly object, so there was no reason to not push further. "My daughter Tyta is not that much younger than you are. A maiden still. Had a mage divine it and she really is. Most think she is a bit dense, but I think she just plays at it to be left alone. I would even throw in a good dowry. Building harbours is expensive, isn't it?" By the end of his pitch, Walder was openly grinning. He had done this often enough to notice when someone was listening out of politeness and when they were listening because they were interested.

It was a quiet for a moment, before the younger man rose from his stool. "That is an unexpected offer, Lord Frey. If you don't mind, I would prefer to retire for the night before deciding on this."

"Sure, sure." Walder waved him off, the sly smirk still plastered on his face. As the other lord was already half way to the doors, he couldn't resists one last push though. "I'll make sure that Tyta brings you a hearty meal first thing in the morning. Can't let people think the Frey's are bad hosts," he yelled after him and the Northman seemed almost to stumble at that suggestion. It was indeed a good day to be Walder Frey.

AN: As much as things change, some things remain the same.
"You wife has been dead for a few years, right?" This time he caught the tiniest reaction on the Leech Lords face, but he did not loudly object, so there was no reason to not push further. "My daughter Tyta is not that much younger than you are. A maiden still. Had a mage divine it and she really is. Most think she is a bit dense, but I think she just plays at it to be left alone. I would even throw in a good dowry. Building harbours is expensive, isn't it?" By the end of his pitch, Walder was openly grinning. He had done this often enough to notice when someone was listening out of politeness and when they were listening because they were interested.

It was a quiet for a moment, before the younger man rose from his stool. "That is an unexpected offer, Lord Frey. If you don't mind, I would prefer to retire for the night before deciding on this."

"Sure, sure." Walder waved him off, the sly smirk still plastered on his face. As the other lord was already half way to the doors, he couldn't resists one last push though. "I'll make sure that Tyta brings you a hearty meal first thing in the morning. Can't let people think the Frey's are bad hosts," he yelled after him and the Northman seemed almost to stumble at that suggestion. It was indeed a good day to be Walder Frey.
Classic Walder Prime, foisting his spawn off on everyone who visits. :rofl:
So the morally bankrupt people in our employ are building an alliance

I don't like the prospect, yet I hace to admit that I'd rather have Bolton over Walder Prime survive the intrigue that will come out of this
So the morally bankrupt people in our employ are building an alliance

I don't like the prospect, yet I hace to admit that I'd rather have Bolton over Walder Prime survive the intrigue that will come out of this
Nothing wrong with our vassals cooperating. They're only after getting rich through trade along with distributing undead guards. Omber's going to need a surplus of that thanks to their proximity to Deep Ones cities.
Nothing wrong with our vassals cooperating. They're only after getting rich through trade along with distributing undead guards. Omber's going to need a surplus of that thanks to their proximity to Deep Ones cities.

Oh, there is nothing wrong qith what they are doing.

But we are balkanizing westeros for a reason, so I don't want one of these guys outlasting the other and consolidating power.

It is a far prospect right now, though.
I'm just gonna cackle heartily. And wow, Roose really gonna be poking at the Manderlys isn't he? Well this is a better way of doing so instead of having Ramsey uh murder/rape a relative of theirs. Still good luck to Lady Hornwood.
Oh, there is nothing wrong qith what they are doing.

But we are balkanizing westeros for a reason, so I don't want one of these guys outlasting the other and consolidating power.

It is a far prospect right now, though.
Oh, that's not going to be an issue. There are so many Freys that basically nobody's getting a decent shot at their heir inheriting the Twins by marrying a Frey lady. And if any of our vassals try to combine lands we can intervene directly.
Classic Walder Prime, foisting his spawn off on everyone who visits. :rofl:
Walder: "Everyone in the studio audience, I want you to check under your seats now."

The sound of many people shuffling about can be heard in the background, occasionally the crisp snap of a wax seal being broken or parchment being unfolded, even a few near breathless gasps.

Walder: "That's right! You get a Frey, and you get a Frey, and you, and you..."
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 14, 2020 at 10:25 AM, finished with 40 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Receive an operational report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] Slaver's Bay, where devils plot in the shadows
    [X] Liomond Lashare
    -[X] +1 Warblade
    -[X] +1 Balance, Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledges (engineering, history, war), +2 Intimidate
    [X] Receive an operational report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] City of Brass, where the foundations are laid for a most perilous raid
    [X] Receive an operational report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] Vialesk, where enemies overt and hidden move against your envoys -
    [X] Receive an operational report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] Qohor, where dreams of madness spill into the waking world
    [X] Receive a research report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] Developing Imperial Powered Armor
    [X] Receive a research report (Interlude chain)
    -[X] Developing Imperial Powered Armor
Interlude DCCCLXVI: Of Secret Flame
Of Secret Flame

Fourth Day of the Second Month 294 AC

Where there were slaves there were those who kept faith with the Lord of Light, Melisandre had known the truth of those words long before she had first donned the crimson robes of her novitiate. The whip might sour flesh and collars of iron encircle it, but the mind and soul would not be so lightly bound. Thus when she stepped into Yunkai, called the Yellow City, under the guise of a rich trader from the east the confidence she bore like her mantle of silk was not a lie. Yet she did not trust blindly, for she knew that devils too walked these paths, able to twist the minds and souls of men with twisted counsel and blackest temptation.

"So what are you hoping to find here?" the voice of the girl, Anya, sounded tentative in her mind. She was not entirely comfortable with Melisandre's power, a fair enough reaction, but inconvenient just the same. She was after all the closest to an expert on Yunkai among those selected for this part of the plot.

"So far the enemy has succeeded in keeping if not a step ahead then at least half a step, our answers are as crumbs on the trail and all the blood we have spilled is not even the merest tithe to the Black Lord of Nereus," she replied, speaking to the whole company, from the brothers of the sunless depths to the Daughter of Wind and sky and the dragons light and dark hidden in human guise. "More and more it reminds me of a certain lizard that lives in the ash-lands which can leave its tail in the claws of a hawk seven times and seven times it grows back. I believe, and Lord Justice Malarys agrees, that we should keep at least one eye off the trail of blood."

  • Melisandre
  • Aradia the Huntress
  • Anya the Inquisitor
  • Morwyn and Tuin
  • 1x Mind Dragon
  • 1x Myrkdreki
  • 2x Umbral spies
  • 3x Guardian Nagas

"A summary of what you learned over the last two weeks would be appreciated, Inquisitor Talero," the priestess said once she was seated behind her borrowed desk. She was almost tempted to do this in the library, but Melisandre preferred to keep any space that was hers, however temporarily, under lock and ward. A unnecessary precaution in an Inquisition safe-house perhaps, but she was too old to be second-guessing every habit.

The commissar's expression shifted ever so lightly under the mask of absentminded bonhomie. "I will have everything brought up, Holy One. If you need any details from the agents who compiled it..."

"Wisdom will do," she interrupted. "Though the Lord of Light is ever with me I came here under the King's seal."

"Yes, of course." The man bowed and made a hasty exit. Regardless of the silver badge he now had a right to Tyroshi magisters were still not comfortable in the presence of priests of the Lord of Light, much less being placed under the authority of one.


Eighth Day of the Second Month 294 AC

Sifting through the scores of reports on everything from gossip among the highborn to trade to weather patterns Melisandre, or rather her serpentine assistants whose eye for patterns was all the sharper for their remoteness from most mortal concerns, found three promising threads that may be unwound to find the hand of Hell. The first was an order of arcane reagents, specifically human bone meal sourced from dead slaves, that matched almost perfectly with the timeline of devils arriving in Gogossos. The servants of Asmodeus certainly would not struggle to carry any initial findings back across half the world.

The second lead involved a fire at one of the temples of the Lady of Spears which onlookers described as hot enough to melt stone, and an Inquisition source reported hearing 'strange chanting' as the blaze died down under the ministrations of a bucket line. Finding and recalling the actual memory confirmed that the words were Infernal, though too few as to make any true guess as to their context.

Last though surely not least was a temple of Asmodeus in one of the neighborhoods most frequented by well off merchants, or at least what had been well off merchants before the recent trade disruptions. Fertile ground for poisoned seeds and from what Melisandre saw in the flames the one ministering to the small flock of the damned was a true servant of the Lord of the Hells, though not one particularly skilled. He looked like a lure if ever she had seen one, but even a lure must have a line attached and lines could be followed.

Which lead does the party in Yunkai investigate first?

[] The trade in bone meal

[] The fire and dark chanting

[] The temple of Asmodeus

[] Try to look into more than one at once
-[] Write in distribution of forces

OOC: Keep in mind this is an evolving situation so options that are not picked might not be available later.
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<< Previous
The Traveller II
Twelfth Day of the Second Month 294 AC

The man that was led into his hall looked almost offensively unassuming. Just another scruffy traveller roaming the roads in these strange days, owning nothing except the clothes on his back and what he could fit into his saddle bags. A hedge knight without armour. The eyepatch certainly made him seem like oh so many down on their luck nobles who got cocky and paid for it. Maybe a sellsword from the east, given the vaguely glaive-like weapon on his back. Certainly, no one important or even all that worth the trouble to rob, unless maybe you thought you could sell the horse without too much suspicion. Walder Frey was not buying the act though. The man was too calm and too quiet, the only expression he gave an absent-minded stare that had the servant hurry right out of the hall the moment he had dropped off the tablet with the soup, the bread and the salt. That he had announced himself with a full Sovereign as a message was almost normal in comparison to his odd demeanour.

"Your message was received. Tell me then what kind of spook the dragon sends to me in the middle of night." While he spoke, Walder took a pinch of salt and tore off some bread for himself, the latter which he dunked unceremoniously into the stew before eating it. Then he pushed the tablet forward, gesturing to the stool brought up to the other side of the high table with his other hand.

Instead of bowing like a low-born would, the stranger just gave a curt nod to the Lord of the Twins, then quietly whispered something into the clasp of his cloak. Slowly the illusion rolled off the man, revealing a cloak of pink and crimson that was rather easy to place for anyone who paid the slightest bit of attention to things north of the Neck. "I apologize for the deception, Lord Frey, but in these days, one has to be careful who sees you on the road." His voice barely rose above a whisper as he spoke, placing his cloak and the weapon on another table as he did so.

The latter of which briefly caught Walders attention, what with it being made from ice, but that was something he would learn about from the gossip in the Twins sooner rather then later anyway. "Lord Bolton I assume then. Been a while since we saw each other." At the questioning look he got in return, the old man just chuckled. "Lonnel Reed was giving a feast when his boy Howland was born, and your father brought you along too. You were still shitting your breeches, so you probably don't remember me."

For his part, the Leech Lord did not deign the comment with much of a reaction. Both of them knew the others reputation after all. Instead, he silently took his own pinch of salt and bread before settling on the stool. "I would like to express my congratulations to your grandsons land grant, Lord Frey. It must be a welcome change to you to have a liege lord who appreciates your families loyalty."

Walder just smiled in return, silently wondering if Bolton was joking or serious. It was hard to tell with him. "It seems rumours are indeed faster then even the best raven." Quietly he mulled over who might have brought news to the Dreadfort before it even reached the Twins. A son perhaps? No. None of his had mentioned a Bolton in the south. But there was this one guest lecturer at the Scholarium that Fair Walda had nicknamed Creepy Walder for his alleged similarity to him and who allegedly was a Bolton man. He had to admit that he did not quiet knew what to make of this visit and that certainly rankled him. "Don't tell me though you came all the way to flatter someone you never met before for something happening at the other end of the world. What drives a northern lord to traipse around in the Riverlands in the middle of the night?"

"I am on a longer trip and decided to travel without any hangers-on. Mainly to take my son Domeric home, but also to meet with a few people of import, what with the war drawing on the horizon."

"Heh. War you call it. Won't be much of a war when most of Westeros is already washing up their dragon banners for the occasion." As the Leech Lord continued to ignore the steaming bowl in front of him, Walder tore off another piece of bread and dipped it into the broth again. No sense wasting good venison. "If you want to know whom to talk to, I know a few lads who can make introductions for you. Not everyone will be as kind as I am when you show up unannounced at their keeps."

"That would be appreciated, Lord Frey, but I did want to talk specifically with you." From his belt he pulled a scroll case, seemingly a quite normal one from lacquered wood as you would use to carry letters with you. When he sat it down on the table though, it clanked as if it was filled with iron and a few brief, whispered words, the cap came off on it's own. "You always had a reputation for being a pragmatic man and eager to take a good opportunity when it presented itself. I have a proposal that might be to both our houses benefit."

For a brief moment, Walder was torn between getting his reading glasses back out of their case for this or trying without, but in the end, he took them when he saw the fine writing on the parchments presented to him. And drawings. Certainly, the drawings were the more interesting part at the first glance. Some faceless things that looked vaguely like men, the finely inked lines showing muscles and bones cut apart. They were not garbed in armour, but the plates nailed straight onto the bones they were meant to protect. The other pages were no different in kind. Emancipated harpies. A giant wielding an axe as large as a man. "What exactly are those things?" He ran a finger over the image of a thing looking like a bloated firefly, beneath it an illustration of how it hurled itself at a group of soldiers who disappeared in a ball of flame.

"Soldiers, Lord Frey. Of a kind that knows no fear, no hunger and no tiredness. I have been granted a special dispensation to have certain practices performed in my fief and these are the products of these labours. Your grandson has been granted a fief with few who are loyal to him and far from any other city of the realm. He will likely find good use for warriors who cannot even conceive of betrayal."

"This is unexpected, I will give you that. Did not take you for a merchant though." With this, he rolled up the papers, handing them back to Lord Bolton who immediately put them back into their case. "What are you thinking about?"

"A letter of introduction to your grandson would be all I am asking for. I plan on building a proper harbour in my lands and would like to make an agreement with him. The Dreadlands will sent him soldiers and in turn, the riches of Omber will come to the Dreadlands and no other harbour in the North." He paused for a moment, eyes fixed on the older man before speaking again. "Of course, if you are interested in my offer yourself, I am sure we can come to an agreement too."

For a long moment, Walder starred back at the other Lord, only to scoff and shake his head. "Give it another few years and the boy will have all lords speak with each other like Braavosi fishmongers. I can see your point though. Spices and jewels from half the world away sound a lot more promising then trying to squeeze another groat out of the peasantry. The question is though, what is in there for me? I don't particularly need soldiers. I have plenty of those already."

Slowly the old man leaned back in his chair, mentally running up and down the wide hedge of a family tree that came after him. Lord Bolton seemed content to wait and so he took his time trying to remember how old that Domeric must be. He was fairly sure he had heard about him squiring at some tourney or another, but when? How old a girl would it take? But before he was faced with the prospect of having to gauge the likelihood of him cajoling Fair Walda into a betrothal, he remembered something else.

"You wife has been dead for a few years, right?" This time he caught the tiniest reaction on the Leech Lords face, but he did not loudly object, so there was no reason to not push further. "My daughter Tyta is not that much younger than you are. A maiden still. Had a mage divine it and she really is. Most think she is a bit dense, but I think she just plays at it to be left alone. I would even throw in a good dowry. Building harbours is expensive, isn't it?" By the end of his pitch, Walder was openly grinning. He had done this often enough to notice when someone was listening out of politeness and when they were listening because they were interested.

It was a quiet for a moment, before the younger man rose from his stool. "That is an unexpected offer, Lord Frey. If you don't mind, I would prefer to retire for the night before deciding on this."

"Sure, sure." Walder waved him off, the sly smirk still plastered on his face. As the other lord was already half way to the doors, he couldn't resists one last push though. "I'll make sure that Tyta brings you a hearty meal first thing in the morning. Can't let people think the Frey's are bad hosts," he yelled after him and the Northman seemed almost to stumble at that suggestion. It was indeed a good day to be Walder Frey.

AN: As much as things change, some things remain the same.
As much as I am a proponent for goodness and virtue..

I must confess at times the wicked certainly have a charming liveliness about them! :)
So, we have a slow economic lead that might get us somewhere, or not if the purpose in Gorgossos was already done and the operation is going out.

And then we have an obvious trap in the latter temple and a less certain one in the former one.