That's not actually faster then what we can do right now. It's just weirder by virtue of using random travel times.

If people absolutely want to go further then the Moon, I'd suggest Venus instead. One trip takes only 4 months.

Edit: Nevermind. I was specifically looking at a Mi-Go, where the travel time roughly matched up. Apparently, it's completely random how long Starflight travel takes. For reasons.
Spoooooky elder god reasons~

Seriously though if we get these it means there are FTL capable alien empires out there and that's horrifying.
Spoooooky elder god reasons~

Seriously though if we get these it means there are FTL capable alien empires out there and that's horrifying.
That just means more stuff to conquer.

Also, I hope this train of thought will result in the FTL-drive being a giant bio-arcane organ made from Aberration parts that drives you mad if you think too hard about it.
Also, I hope this train of thought will result in the FTL-drive being a giant bio-arcane organ made from Aberration parts that drives you mad if you think too hard about it.
I'm not an FTL-capable starfaring Aberration!

Just thought I would put that out there before anyone started to get any ideas.
That just means more stuff to conquer.

Also, I hope this train of thought will result in the FTL-drive being a giant bio-arcane organ made from Aberration parts that drives you mad if you think too hard about it.
Given how teleportation interacts with the Astral plane, I wouldnt be surprised if they were basically warp drives.
How hard is it for us to ensure that the wind doesn't mess up a ranged touch attack? This thing has no spell resistance and touch ac 19 (18 +1 for the opponent being in the air). Seems perfect for Malarys (ranged attack bonus of 16) to miracle up an amber sarcophagus for.
A capture would be ideal, but the range on those effects is extremely limited, especially for engaging a target during an aerial battle.
That's sad. But do you happen to know any? There's a all-inclusive spa weekend with Qyburn and Elaheh for the first one to volunteer. :ogles:
Blurgploak struggles to wake, his many limbs barely responding and his nictating membranes heavy with sleep and grit. It felt like there were a nest of Neogi squirming in his gullet. Blessed Cthulhu, my thorax hurts.

What had happened? The last thing he remembered was going in for a nice multi-phasic, this. Where was he?

A few minutes later, he reread the note he'd found pinned to his forelimb for the third time, still trying to comprehend the neat Draconic script. "Your anterior warp lobe has been surgically excised and magical healing applied. The wound should be examined by your regular physician as soon as reasonably possible."


Designed as heavy weapon platforms to support the Legion, especially in situations where air-support is unavailable, these six-legged and vaguely arachnid shaped constructs carry heavy weapons on their torsos. These range from Launchers for the smaller version, which are roughly horse sized, to full Steam Cannon turrets on the largest models. Additionally, they can project a stream of fire from their internal furnaces to take out enemies that get close to it and in a pinch they will crush enemies in close combat with their weight. They all are made from black steel with the three-headed Dragon of House Targaryen placed prominently on the back and the shield-like legs and are usually found as part of larger deployments of Imperial troops. Ocassionally, they are also used as heavy fire support for Inquisition assaults on fortified positions.

Light Warstrider, CR 9
LN Large Construct
Init +6, Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Blindsense 60ft;
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Slam), Improved Natural Attack (Slam)

HP: 101 (12d10 + 30)
AC: 24 (10 + 2 DEX + 13 NA - 1 Size)
DR 10/Adamantine and Magic
Fort +4 Reflex +6 Will +6
Immune construct traits, magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th)
Constant - Ant Haul, Spider Climb
1/day - Energy Siege Shot

Speed 40ft
Full Attack: Slam +15/+15 (1d8 + 14)
Special: Advanced Launcher
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.;
Breath Weapon: 40 ft cone, 8d6 Fire, DC 19 Reflex for half.

STR 26 DEX 14 CON -- INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 16
Base Atk/Grapple: +9/+21
Languages: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian, Draconic
Skills: Knowledge (Siegecraft) +12, Spot +12

Special Abilities:
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Warstrider is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
A magical attack that deals cold damage slows the Warstrider down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Warstrider and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the Warstrider to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A Warstrider may have up to 50 temporary hit points at a time, and they last for one hour. A Warstrider gets no saving throw against fire effects.

Advanced Launcher with Magazine of Holding (Su):
This launcher has a significantly increased range compared to the basic model and uses a Magazine of Holding to store up to 250 pounds (113 kg) of ammunition. / Damage (4d6 per Steel Bolt or Special), Range: 800 feet (243m). Special: Explosives, Alchemist's Fire, Liquid Ice, or Sultan's Tribute

Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Geas;
Materials: Advanced Launcher with Magazine of Holding (2,450 IM), enchanting materials worth 4,800 IM.
Warstrider, CR 10
LN Huge Construct
Init +1, Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Blindsense 60ft;
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Point-Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Bullseye Shot

HP: 122 (14d10 + 40)
AC: 25 (10 + 1 DEX + 16 NA - 2 Size)
DR 10/Adamantine and Magic
Fort +4 Reflex +5 Will +6
Immune construct traits, magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th)
Constant - Ant Haul, Spider Climb
1/day - Energy Siege Shot

Speed 40ft
Full Attack: Slam +19/+19 (1d8+18)
Ranged: Scorpion of Distance +1; ATK +11; DMG 6d6 + 1; Crit 20/x2; Range Increment 400 ft. / 122 m
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Breath Weapon: 60 ft cone, 10d6 Fire, DC 20 Reflex for half.

STR 34 DEX 12 CON -- INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 16
Base Atk/Grapple: +10/+26
Languages: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian, Draconic
Skills: Knowledge (Siegecraft) +14, Spot +14

Special Abilities:
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Warstrider is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
A magical attack that deals cold damage slows the Warstrider down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Warstrider and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the Warstrider to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A Warstrider may have up to 50 temporary hit points at a time, and they last for one hour. A Warstrider gets no saving throw against fire effects.

Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Geas;
Materials: Scorpion of Distance +1 (800 IM), enchanting materials worth 6,000 IM.
Heavy Warstrider, CR 12
LN Gargantuan Construct
Init +0, Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Blindsense 60ft;
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Point-Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Bullseye Shot, Signature Skill (Spot)

HP: 153 (16d10 + 60)
AC: 27 (10 + 0 DEX + 20 NA - 3 Size)
DR 10/Adamantine and Magic
Fort +5 Reflex +5 Will +7
Immune construct traits, magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th)
Constant - Ant Haul, Spider Climb
1/day - Energy Siege Shot

Speed 40ft
Full Attack: Slam +24/+24/+24 (2d6 + 24)
Ranged: Steam Cannon; ATK +12; DMG 10d10; Crit 20/x4; Range Increment 400 ft.
Space 20 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Breath Weapon: 80 ft cone, 12d6 Fire, DC 21 Reflex for half.

STR 42 DEX 10 CON -- INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 16
Base Atk/Grapple: +12/+32
Languages: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian, Draconic
Skills: Knowledge (Siegecraft) +16, Spot +16

Special Abilities:
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Warstrider is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
A magical attack that deals cold damage slows the Warstrider down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Warstrider and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the Warstrider to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A Warstrider may have up to 50 temporary hit points at a time, and they last for one hour. A Warstrider gets no saving throw against fire effects.

Steam Cannon (Ex): Using supercritical water, this cannon shoots super-sonic steel projectiles, or a variety of alchemical payloads. Each shot with the Steam Cannon requires one unit of water, with the Warstrider being able to hold 10 units. Every two rounds, the Warstrider regenerates one point of water, as long as it can hold more.

Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Geas;
Materials: Steam Cannon and water supply system (4,500 IM), enchanting materials worth 8,000 IM.
Heavy Warstrider, CR 15
LN Colossal Construct
Init +0, Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Blindsense 60ft;
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Point-Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Bullseye Shot, Weapon Focus (Steam Cannon), Anatomical Savant (Steam Cannon), Signature Skill (Spot)

HP: 195 (20d10 + 80)
AC: 31 (10 + 0 DEX + 25 NA - 4 Size)
DR 15/Adamantine and Magic
Fort +6 Reflex +6 Will +8
Immune construct traits, magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th)
Constant - Ant Haul, Spider Climb
3/day - Energy Siege Shot

Speed 40ft
Full Attack: Slam +31/+31/+31 (2d8 + 28)
Ranged: 2x Steam Cannon; ATK +16; DMG 10d10; Crit 20/x4; Range Increment 400 ft.
Special: 2x Advanced Launcher, Multishot
Space 30 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Breath Weapon: 120 ft cone, 16d6 Fire, DC 23 Reflex for half.

STR 50 DEX 10 CON -- INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 16
Base Atk/Grapple: +15/+42
Languages: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian, Draconic
Skills: Knowledge (Siegecraft) +20, Spot +20

Special Abilities:
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Warstrider is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
A magical attack that deals cold damage slows the Warstrider down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Warstrider and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the Warstrider to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A Warstrider may have up to 50 temporary hit points at a time, and they last for one hour. A Warstrider gets no saving throw against fire effects.

Steam Cannon (Ex): Using supercritical water, this cannon shoots super-sonic steel projectiles, or a variety of alchemical payloads. Each shot with the Steam Cannon requires one unit of water, with the Warstrider being able to hold 40 units. Every round, the Warstrider regenerates one point of water, as long as it can hold more.

Advanced Launcher with Magazine of Holding (Su):
This launcher has a significantly increased range compared to the basic model and uses a Magazine of Holding to store up to 250 pounds (113 kg) of ammunition. / Damage (4d6 per Steel Bolt or Special), Range: 800 feet (243m). Special: Explosives, Alchemist's Fire, Liquid Ice, or Sultan's Tribute

Multishot (Ex):
As a Full Round Action, the Warstrider can fire all it's ranged weapons at once. The weapons do not need to be fired at the same target and each shot is treated as a single attack with the respective weapon. Should both Steam Cannons be fired at different targets though, both attack rolls suffer a -5 penalty.

Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Geas;
Materials: 2x Advanced Launcher with Magazine of Holding (4,900 IM), 2x Steam Cannon and water supply system (9,000 IM), enchanting materials worth 14,000 IM.
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@Azel, I don't think the Warspiders should be non-sentient. There aren't a lot of Construct affecting spells, but those which are available are much more effective against mindless ones.

We're going to be paying enough to justify at least baseline Human intelligence, IMO.
@Azel, I don't think the Warspiders should be non-sentient. There aren't a lot of Construct affecting spells, but those which are available are much more effective against mindless ones.

We're going to be paying enough to justify at least baseline Human intelligence, IMO.
Thast also means it would gain skills and feats.

Any suggestions on that front?
Added the Super-Heavy varaint.


Designed as heavy weapon platforms to support the Legion, especially in situations where air-support is unavailable, these six-legged and vaguely arachnid shaped constructs carry heavy weapons on their torsos. These range from Launchers for the smaller version, which are roughly horse sized, to full Steam Cannon turrets on the largest models. Additionally, they can project a stream of fire from their internal furnaces to take out enemies that get close to it and in a pinch they will crush enemies in close combat with their weight. They all are made from black steel with the three-headed Dragon of House Targaryen placed prominently on the back and the shield-like legs and are usually found as part of larger deployments of Imperial troops. Ocassionally, they are also used as heavy fire support for Inquisition assaults on fortified positions.

Light Warspider, CR 9
LN Large Construct
Init +2, Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Blindsense 60ft;

HP: 101 (12d10 + 30)
AC: 24 (10 + 2 DEX + 13 NA - 1 Size)
DR 10/Adamantine and Magic
Fort +4 Reflex +6 Will +6
Immune construct traits, magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th)
Constant - Ant Haul, Spider Climb
1/day - Energy Siege Shot

Speed 40ft
Full Attack: Slam +17/+17 (1d6+8)
Special: Advanced Launcher
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.;
Breath Weapon: 40 ft cone, 8d6 Fire, DC 19 Reflex for half.

STR 26 DEX 14 CON -- INT --, WIS 14, CHA 16
Base Atk/Grapple: +9/+21
Languages: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian, Draconic

Special Abilities:
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Warspider is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
A magical attack that deals cold damage slows the Warspider down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Warspider and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the Warspider to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A Warspider may have up to 50 temporary hit points at a time, and they last for one hour. A Warspider gets no saving throw against fire effects.

Advanced Launcher with Magazine of Holding (Su):
This launcher has a significantly increased range compared to the basic model and uses a Magazine of Holding to store up to 250 pounds (113 kg) of ammunition. / Damage (4d6 per Steel Bolt or Special), Range: 800 feet (243m). Special: Explosives, Alchemist's Fire, Liquid Ice, or Sultan's Tribute

Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Geas;
Materials: Advanced Launcher with Magazine of Holding (2,450 IM), enchanting materials worth 4,800 IM.
Warspider, CR 10
LN Huge Construct
Init +1, Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Blindsense 60ft;

HP: 122 (14d10 + 40)
AC: 25 (10 + 1 DEX + 16 NA - 2 Size)
DR 10/Adamantine and Magic
Fort +4 Reflex +5 Will +6
Immune construct traits, magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th)
Constant - Ant Haul, Spider Climb
1/day - Energy Siege Shot

Speed 40ft
Full Attack: Slam +22/+22 (1d8+12)
Ranged: Scorpion of Distance +1; ATK +11; DMG 6d6 + 1; Crit 20/x2; Range Increment 400 ft. / 122 m
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Breath Weapon: 60 ft cone, 10d6 Fire, DC 20 Reflex for half.

STR 34 DEX 12 CON -- INT --, WIS 14, CHA 16
Base Atk/Grapple: +10/+26
Languages: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian, Draconic

Special Abilities:
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Warspider is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
A magical attack that deals cold damage slows the Warspider down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Warspider and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the Warspider to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A Warspider may have up to 50 temporary hit points at a time, and they last for one hour. A Warspider gets no saving throw against fire effects.

Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Geas;
Materials: Scorpion of Distance +1 (800 IM), enchanting materials worth 6,000 IM.
Heavy Warspider, CR 12
LN Gargantuan Construct
Init +0, Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Blindsense 60ft;

HP: 153 (16d10 + 60)
AC: 27 (10 + 0 DEX + 20 NA - 3 Size)
DR 10/Adamantine and Magic
Fort +5 Reflex +5 Will +7
Immune construct traits, magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th)
Constant - Ant Haul, Spider Climb
1/day - Energy Siege Shot

Speed 40ft
Full Attack: Slam +28/+28/+28 (2d6+16)
Ranged: Steam Cannon; ATK +12; DMG 10d10; Crit 20/x4; Range Increment 400 ft.
Space 20 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Breath Weapon: 80 ft cone, 12d6 Fire, DC 21 Reflex for half.

STR 42 DEX 10 CON -- INT --, WIS 14, CHA 16
Base Atk/Grapple: +12/+32
Languages: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian, Draconic

Special Abilities:
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Warspider is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
A magical attack that deals cold damage slows the Warspider down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Warspider and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the Warspider to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A Warspider may have up to 50 temporary hit points at a time, and they last for one hour. A Warspider gets no saving throw against fire effects.

Steam Cannon (Ex): Using supercritical water, this cannon shoots super-sonic steel projectiles, or a variety of alchemical payloads. Each shot with the Steam Cannon requires one unit of water, with the Warspider being able to hold 10 units. Every two rounds, the Warspider regenerates one point of water, as long as it can hold more.

Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Geas;
Materials: Steam Cannon and water supply system (4,500 IM), enchanting materials worth 8,000 IM.
Heavy Warspider, CR 15
LN Colossal Construct
Init +0, Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Blindsense 60ft;

HP: 195 (20d10 + 80)
AC: 31 (10 + 0 DEX + 25 NA - 4 Size)
DR 15/Adamantine and Magic
Fort +6 Reflex +6 Will +8
Immune construct traits, magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th)
Constant - Ant Haul, Spider Climb
3/day - Energy Siege Shot

Speed 40ft
Full Attack: Slam +35/+35/+35 (2d8+20)
Ranged: 2x Steam Cannon; ATK +15; DMG 10d10; Crit 20/x4; Range Increment 400 ft.
Special: 2x Advanced Launcher, Multishot
Space 30 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Breath Weapon: 120 ft cone, 16d6 Fire, DC 23 Reflex for half.

STR 50 DEX 10 CON -- INT --, WIS 14, CHA 16
Base Atk/Grapple: +15/+42
Languages: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian, Draconic

Special Abilities:
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Warspider is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
A magical attack that deals cold damage slows the Warspider down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Warspider and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the Warspider to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A Warspider may have up to 50 temporary hit points at a time, and they last for one hour. A Warspider gets no saving throw against fire effects.

Steam Cannon (Ex): Using supercritical water, this cannon shoots super-sonic steel projectiles, or a variety of alchemical payloads. Each shot with the Steam Cannon requires one unit of water, with the Warspider being able to hold 40 units. Every round, the Warspider regenerates one point of water, as long as it can hold more.

Advanced Launcher with Magazine of Holding (Su):
This launcher has a significantly increased range compared to the basic model and uses a Magazine of Holding to store up to 250 pounds (113 kg) of ammunition. / Damage (4d6 per Steel Bolt or Special), Range: 800 feet (243m). Special: Explosives, Alchemist's Fire, Liquid Ice, or Sultan's Tribute

Multishot (Ex):
As a Full Round Action, the Warspider can fire all it's ranged weapons at once. The weapons do not need to be fired at the same target and each shot is treated as a single attack with the respective weapon. Should both Steam Cannons be fired at different targets though, both attack rolls suffer a -5 penalty.

Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Geas;
Materials: 2x Advanced Launcher with Magazine of Holding (4,900 IM), 2x Steam Cannon and water supply system (9,000 IM), enchanting materials worth 14,000 IM.
Ah! A Warp Spider!
Issue is that the trip to the asteroid field would likely take roundabout a year and another year to move the materials back to Planetos.

Space is big. Really big.

Ask again in case we find a FTL drive on the moon.
Once we have been there once distance it don't much matter, there's no inherent connection been the planes, a place in the Plane of Earth, don't have corresponding place in the Plane of Balance, so once we have been to a part of space, we can get there again, by planeshifting.

Sure Planeshifting is imprecise, but that's not really a problem on the scale space travel work with, so what if hopping the the Plane of Earth, and back to the Plane of Balance leave you a thousand kilometers away from your target, you have still skipped 99.99%+ of the journey.

We can't cheat on the first trip, but any subsequent trips can be done though planeshifting.
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Thast also means it would gain skills and feats.

Any suggestions on that front?
Spot, Jump, and Climb ranks, maybe some points in Profession (Artillery) or Knowledge (Math) for the bigger ones.

Feats that would be helpful and simple without getting complicated would be Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus, Weapon Focus, Precise Shot, Deadly Aim, Point-Blank Shot, Far Shot, etc.
Need some more votes, y'all.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Aug 5, 2020 at 11:12 AM, finished with 51 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Handle it themselves
    -[X] Assuming he has already cast Arcane Spellsurge, Zherys targets the Necromental Dragon with a Maximized Fiery Disintegrate (DC 29 Fortitude save to avoid 228 damage, 30 damage on a success) as a Standard Action.
    -[X] Mereth targets the Necromental with a Full Attack using Rapid Shot and Channel Vigor: Mind (+36/+36/+31/+26 [1d8+2d6+26; 19-20/x2]) and her Wind Tunnel maneuver.
    -[X] Malarys will use Chain Dispel to disrupt any attempt the Necromental makes to use Control Weather or Control Winds.
    -[X] If the Necromental survives Zherys and Mereth's attack, Rina, Nettles, and Vee will each target it with a Fireball spell.
Do their voices emanate in a booming, tinny and distorted manner, requesting belligerents CEASE THEIR RESISTANCE OR BE TERMINATED, or is that a bit too on the nose?
Given the density of Planetosi people, I think there's no such thing as too unsubtle.
Once we have been there once distance it don't much matter, there's no inherent connection been the planes, a place in the Plane of Earth, don't have corresponding place in the Plane of Balance, so once we have been to a part of space, we can get there again, by planeshifting.

Sure Planeshifting is imprecise, but that's not really a problem on the scale space travel work with, so what if hopping the the Plane of Earth, and back to the Plane of Balance leave you a thousand kilometers away from your target, you have still skipped 99.99%+ of the journey.

We can't cheat on the first trip, but any subsequent trips can be done though planeshifting.
I feel that should at least require a Terminus at both ends to not be completely broken. That would mean that you need a large vessel with some skilled mages to get this going.

Also, I'm not sure if Planeshifting too far away from a planetoid should be impossible to preserve some vastness of space.