Greater Blood Clot Mold; CR 15
Bonewrought Willow; CR 3
Amalgam Creature (
Mindslaver Mold); CR +2
+ Size -2 (Large -> Small); CR -2
Advanced; CR +1
Sorcerer Creature; CR +2
Blood Magic Creature; CR +2
+ 12 HD; CR +3
Aquatic Creature; CR +0
Quickling Creature; CR +3
+ Elite Array; CR +1
Neutral Evil Small
plant (
extraplanar, amphibious)
Init +16;
Senses low-light vision, spiritsense
AC 28,
touch 24,
flat-footed 15 (+8
Dex, +5
Dodge, +4
natural, +1
hp 178 (17d8 + 102)
Fort +16,
Ref +13,
Will +10
Defensive Abilities negative energy affinity,
Fast Healing 4, Regeneration (equal to 150 points, this effect costs 6 blood points; Bludgeoning, Fire, and Acid), avoidance;
DR 5/bludgeoning;
Immune death effects,
energy drain,
nonlethal damage,
plant traits, cold;
Weaknesses aging vulnerablity, rapid aging;
Resist electricity 10, acid 10;
SR 11 + 15 (CR) = 26
Speed 80 ft., swim 120ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee slam +12 (1d6-1)
Ranged spore pod +20
touch (spores)
Special Attacks bonerattle, infestation, spores
Str 8,
Dex 26,
Con 23,
Int 20,
Wis 20,
Cha 32
Base Atk +12
Feats Improved Initiative,
Expanded Arcana,
Dimensional Agility,
Spell Focus (Necromancy),
Thanatopic Spell,
Fell Drain,
Quick Draw,
Spring Attack
Languages Aklo, Common, Sylvan (can't speak any language); mold mindlink
Skills (119)
Concentration: 20 + 6 (CON) = 22
Knowledge (Arcana): 10 + 5 (WIS) = 15
Knowledge (Martial): 10 + 5 (WIS) = 15
Knowledge (Religion): 10 + 5 (WIS) = 15
Intimidate: 20 + 11 (CHA) + 8 (Racial) = 49
Ride: 20 + 8 (DEX) = 28
Spellcraft: 10 + 5 (INT) = 15
Survival: 19 + 3 (WIS) = 22
Racial Modifiers +8
Intimidate, +10
Acrobatics, +4
Caster Level 15
Spell Save 10 + Spell Level + 11 (CHA)
Arcane Mark,
Dancing Lights,
Detect Magic,
Read Magic,
Mage Hand,
Touch of Fatigue - 6/day
Mage Armor,
Ant Haul,
True Strike,
Chill Touch - 9/day
Brow Gasher,
Spectral Hand,
Aboleth's Lung, 1 Spell - 9/day
Dispel Magic,
Cloak of Khyber - 9/day
Bestow Curse,
Greater Invisibility,
Black Tentacles,
Celerity (EA),
Dimension Door (EA) - 8/day
Necrotic Skull Bomb,
Hold Monster,
Blood Tentacles,
Mage's Private Sanctum - 8/day
Note: Spend a blood point and the necessary spell-slot to use Smiting Spell
Blood points: 38
Spell-like Abilities:
cost Blood Points equal to spell level to cast:
Protection From Good,
Boiling Blood,
Blood Biography,
Blood Crow Strike,
Blood to Sap,
Call of the Bloodstone,
Blood to Gold,
Blood Mist,
Transmute Blood to Acid
3/day -
1/day -
Greater Teleport (self, host and 50lb. of cargo only)
Avoidance (Ex)
When a Necrotic Mold is infesting a host and would be hit by an attack, it can make a
Reflex save as an
immediate action. If the mold succeeds, the attack doesn't harm it and instead harms the infested creature - the mold effectively slithers out of the way of the incoming attack so that the blow strikes the creature it controls. The Necrotic Mold must choose to attempt avoidance after the
attack roll is resolved but before damage is rolled.
Bonerattle (Su)
As a
standard action, a Necrotic Mold can grind against itself to produce an eerie screeching sound and attempt a single
Intimidate check to demoralize all creatures within 60 feet who can hear it.
Spiritsense (Su)
A Necrotic Mold can notice, locate, and distinguish between living and
undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it had the
blindsight ability. This sense does not allow it to detect objects, but it does allow it to notice living things that are not creatures.
Infestation (Ex)
A Necrotic Mold can climb onto and attach itself to a willing or
helpless host as a
full-round action that provokes
attacks of opportunity. As long as the mold infests its host, the mold shares the same 5-foot square with its host's space; this does not negatively impact the host or the mold. An implanted Necrotic Mold's mass infiltrates the host's nervous system, controlling the host as
dominate person, even if the host would normally be not affected by this spell. This control is not prevented by
protection from evil or similar effects, nor does the host receive saving throws to resist control. Each day, an attached Necrotic Mold deals 1d4 points of damage to its host as it feeds on the host's blood, other bodily fluids or other matter that makes up it's body. A Necrotic Mold can be torn free of a host with a successful DC 15
Strength check as a
standard action—doing so deals 2d6 points of damage to the host as the mold's tendrils tear free. A
dead Necrotic Mold deals no damage in this way. The mold is in complete control of the hosts body and can use all it's senses and abilities as if it were his own. Furthermore, if the mold has gained spellcasting abilities in some fashion it can deliver Touch spells through the host body as if it were it's own and the target the host with spells that have a range of Self.
Mold Mindlink (Su)
A Necrotic Mold can communicate telepathically with any other Necrotic Mold within 10 miles, and knows the condition of all other Necrotic Molds in this area as if it had a
status spell in effect on all other molds.
Spore Pod (Ex)
A Necrotic Mold can launch a spore pod the size of a
sling bullet. This is a ranged
touch attack that has a range increment of 20 feet.
Spores (Su)
Whenever a Necrotic Mold hits a creature with its spore pod, or whenever a creature touches a Necrotic Mold (including when a creature hits the mold with a
touch attack,
unarmed strike, or
natural attack), the creature must succeed at a DC 24
Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of
Wisdom damage as the mold's spores swiftly drain away the victim's willpower and sense of self. The save DC is
Blood Point (Su)
When a blood magic creature inflicts the dead condition upon a non-plant living creature, it gains 1 point in its blood pool. If it kills a creature with blood designated as special (GM adjudication) its blood pool is filled. The maximum number of blood points it can possess in its pool is equal to 10 + its HD + its Cha modifier. Any points above its blood pool's maximum are lost. A blood magic creature can activate this templates special abilities by expending blood points or it can be used to enhance any of the creature's abilities. Spending a blood point is a free action that cannot be used to create the same effect or provide more than one of the benefits listed below in the same round. Spending a blood point grants the creature any of the following benefits:
- +2 to any one d20 roll.
- +2 to the DC of any extrodinary, spell, spell-like or supernatural ability.
- During any round in which a blood magic creature takes a full attack action, it may spend 1 blood point to make an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus. Blood points may be used in this way with both melee and ranged attacks. This does not stack with haste or the speed special weapon ability
- At the beginning of a blood magic creature's turn, it may spend 1 blood point to gain the benefit of a feat it does not have. It must meet the prerequisites of the feat. It gains the benefit until the beginning of his next turn.
- Spellcasters who prepare their spells in advance can spend 1 blood point to recall any spell just cast.
Caustic Blood (Ex)
If an blood magic creature is damaged by a slashing or piercing melee weapon, the wielder must make a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 +1/2 the blood magic creature's HD +it's Con modifier) or suffer 2d6 points of acid damage, a successful save results in half damage.
As an additional effect a blood magic creature can expend one blood point to make the blood toxic as well as acidic. It may select any one poison it is aware of, the DC of the poison is always 10 +1/2 its HD + its Con Modifier. A common choice is listed below
Black Lotus Extract: Type poison (contact);
Save Fortitude DC 20
Onset 1 minute;
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
Effect 1d6 Con damage;
Cure 2 consecutive saves.
Rapid Actions (Ex)
A quickling gains one extra attack or
move action each round. This does not stack with other
haste effects.
Quickling Casting (Ex)
All spells and
spell-like abilities a
quickling creature has can be cast as a
swift action if it has a
casting time of 1 round or less. Those spells and
spell-like abilities with longer casting times have their casting times reduced to 1 round and take an attack action to cast. This ability cannot be used with the
Quicken Spell or
Quicken Spell-Like Ability feats.