I'm busy updating character sheets with the metric fuckton of new gear everyone is getting, so I'm just gonna delegate my vote in case I forget to vote.

[X] Duesal
It's got no bearing on the current problem, though. The Rimefire thing is stuck at its iceberg.
*checks stuff*
*is befuddled more*
Could someone direct me st this iceberg stuff?
Neither her PrC here, nor Rimefire Witch on SRD seem to have anything about that...

I thought someone was discussing her next levelling path, but I have no idea anymore.
*checks stuff*
*is befuddled more*
Could someone direct me st this iceberg stuff?
Neither her PrC here, nor Rimefire Witch on SRD seem to have anything about that...

I thought someone was discussing her next levelling path, but I have no idea anymore.
No, we were talking about the thing she's pacted with.

Relevant post

Now it's a question of if there's even a point of going to find it.
Unfortunately encouraging Amrelath to eat subjects who displease him would be a regression from the development we want to encourage. It is funny as a thought, though.

Are we sure that's the case? You can't just assume without experimental proof. We need a decent sample size for a double blind test.

Me, I feel fairly confident the control group will turn out far less orderly than the ones eaten by the dragon.
Are we sure that's the case? You can't just assume without experimental proof. We need a decent sample size for a double blind test.

Me, I feel fairly confident the control group will turn out far less orderly than the ones eaten by the dragon.
The development in Amrelath, not the subjects who might be eaten. We don't want to encourage tendencies like this.
She has no reason to take the Eidolon with her.
It can chill by our harbor while she is out and she still gets the boni from that bond.
Even across planes.
She has no reason to take the Eidolon with her.
It can chill by our harbor while she is out and she still gets the boni from that bond.
Even across planes.
So aside from providing the bond, it's effectively useless. Alright, at least it doesn't hinder her in any way. Heck, she could potentially finish her current class and never bother meeting it.
It's a reasonably powerful and certainly very perceptive guardian for the area we keep the Iceberg in.
Free Clairvoiance/Audience for 300 yards is nice.
It's SLAs are great for ranged fighting-

Let it watch over our harbor or so. And once Rina gets her Word of Recall classfeature she can teleport to her Eidolon's Iceberg when she is in trouble.

Edit: Also good knowledges and diplo, I think this could really be a boon for control and organisation of our harbor.
It's a reasonably powerful and certainly very perceptive guardian for the area we keep the Iceberg in.
Free Clairvoiance/Audience for 300 yards is nice.
It's SLAs are great for ranged fighting-

Let it watch over our harbor or so. And once Rina gets her Word of Recall classfeature she can teleport to her Eidolon's Iceberg when she is in trouble.
... Alright, free home base teleport. Consider me sold.

Well, on the condition that bringing it down to our kingdom doesn't give the Others a way in.
After much tinkering, here's the updated Herald constructs:

Herald, CR 10
LN Large Construct
Init +2, Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Blindsense 60ft;

HP: 101 (12d10 + 30)
AC: 24 (10 + 2 DEX + 13 NA - 1 Size)
DR 10/Adamantine and Magic
Fort +4 Reflex +6 Will +6
Immune construct traits, magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th)
Constant - Fire Eyes
At will - Voice of the Dragon, Elemental Darts (Fire only), Detect Magic
3/day - Fireball, Dispel Magic

Speed 40ft, fly 200ft. (poor)
Full Attack: Bite +16 (2d6+8), Claws +14/+14 (1d8+4), Wings +14/+14 (1d8+4), Tail slap +14 (1d8+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; 10ft. with bite
Breath Weapon: 40 ft cone, 8d6 Fire, DC 19 Reflex for half.
Inferno: 3/day, breath weapon is Empowered and deals Searing damage.

STR 26 DEX 14 CON -- INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 16
Base Atk/Grapple: +9/+21
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Multiattack, Fly-By-Attack, Hover

Skills: Bluff +13, Diplomacy +30, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, (Archtecture) +8, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (Geography) +8, Knowledge (History) +8, Knowledge (Law) +19, Knowledge (Local) +8, Knowledge (Nature) +8, Knowledge (Nobility) +8, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +10

Skill ranks: Diplomacy 15, Intimidate 8, Sense Motive 15, Spellcraft 3, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (Archtecture) 1, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 1, Knowledge (Geography) 1, Knowledge (History) 1, Knowledge (Local) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (Nobility) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 1,Knowledge (Planes) 1, Knowledge (Law) 9
Racial: +8 in Knowledge (Law)
Synergy: +2 Diplomacy from Sense Motive
Magic: +10 Enhancement on Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate. +5 Enhancement on all default Knowledges, +5 Spellcraft.
Languages: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian, Draconic

Special Abilities:
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Herald is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
A magical attack that deals cold damage slows the Herald down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Herald and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the Herald to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A Herald may have up to 50 temporary hit points at a time, and they last for one hour. A Herald gets no saving throw against fire effects. A Herald may heal itself with its own SLAs and Breath Weapon.

Inferno (Ex): Three times per day as a Full Round action the Herald's breathweapon may be Empowered and deal Searing damage. He can't use his breath weapon for 3d4 rounds afterwards.

Programmed Lore (Ex): A Herald my Take 10 on a Knowledge or Spellcraft check as long as it has ten uninterrupted minutes to go through its memory archives, and the DC of the check is no higher than 20.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Herald must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Hover (Ex): If a Herald is hovering at 20 ft or less from the ground in an area with loose debris, it creates a 40 ft radius hemispherical cloud that blinds all therein for as long as they remain inside, and one round afterwards. Casting a spell inside this cloud requires a DC 16 Concentration check.

Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Fireball, Voice of the Dragon, Geas;
Materials: 150 lbs of adamantine worth 9000 IM, 1500 lbs of steel, enchanting materials worth 6000 IM.
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The Harbinger

The Harbinger, CR 17
LN Huge Construct
Init 4, Senses Darkvision 120ft, Blindsense 60ft;

AC 35/36 (Flying), touch 12, flat-footed 31 (-2 size, +4 Dexterity, +23 natural) + 1 (Dodge, Flying)
HP 188 (24d10+40)
Fort +8, Ref +12 (+1 while flying), Will +11
DR 15/Valyrian Steel, Fast Healing 10 (may reattach bodyparts)
Immune: construct traits, magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th)
Constant - Fire Eyes, Aerial Alacrity, Tongues
At will - Voice of the Dragon (DC 18), Elemental Darts (Fire only) (DC 16), Firebrand (DC 19), Greater Thunderstomp, Arcane Sight
3/day - Blinding Breath, Greater Dispel Magic

Speed 40 ft., fly 230ft. (normal)
BAB/Grapple: +18/+36
Melee: Bite +28/+28/+28 (2d8 + 1d6 (Fire) + 10), Wings +26/+26 (1d8 + 1d6 (Fire) +5), Tail Slap +26 (2d6 + 1d6 (Fire) + 10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; 15ft. with bites
Special Attacks: 3 breath weapons (50-ft cone, DC 26 Reflex, 10d10 fire, each usable every 1d4 rounds); Inferno.

Str 30, Dex 18, Con -, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 18
BAB/Grapple: +18/+36
Feats: Cleave, Multiattack, Fly-By Attack, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (Firebrand), Quicken SLA (Fire Darts), Strafing Breath (B), Hover (B)
Skills: Bluf +19, Diplomacy +45, Intimidate +43, Knowledge (Arcana) +18, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +16, Knowledge (Geography) +15, Knowledge (History) +15, Knowledge (Law) +30, Knowledge (Local) +15, Knowledge (Nature) +16, Knowledge (Nobility) +15, Knowledge (Religion) +18, Knowledge (Planes) +18, Spellcraft +20

Skill ranks: Diplomacy 27, Bluff 5, Intimidate 27, Sense Motive 27, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3, Knowledge (Geography) 2, Knowledge (History) 2, Knowledge (Local) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 3, Knowledge (Nobility) 2, Knowledge (Religion) 5, Knowledge (Planes) 5, Knowledge (Law) 15, Spellcraft 5

Racial: +12 in Knowledge (Law)
Synergy: +4 Diplomacy from Bluff and Sense Motive, +2 Intimidate from Bluff, +2 Spellcraft from Arcana
Magic: +10 Enhancement on Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate, all default Knowledges and Spellcraft.

Languages: Tongues

Special Abilities:
Frightful Presence (Ex): The ability takes effect automatically whenever the Harbinger attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures within a radius of 180 ft are subject to the effect if they have fewer than 24 HD. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a Will save (DC 26) remains immune to the Harbinger's frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Dragons ignore the frightful presence of the Harbinger.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): The Harbinger is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance, except his own spell-like abilities. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
A magical attack that deals cold damage slows the Harbinger down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Harbinger and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the Harbinger to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. The Harbinger may have up to 100 temporary hit points at a time, and they last for one hour. A Harbinger gets no saving throw against fire effects. The Harbinger may heal itself with its own SLAs and Breath Weapon.

Fire Aura (Ex): The Harbinger is surrounded by an aura of intense heat. All creatures that strike the Harbinger take 1d6 points of fire damage each time they do so, unless they use a Reach weapon. If they do so with manufactured weapons, the weapons also take damage. Furthermore, all of the Harbinger's natural attacks deal an additional 1d6 Fire damage. This effect can be turned on and off as a free action.

Three Heads (Ex): May attack with all three bites at the end of a charge.

Wildfyre (Su): All Fire damaged dealt by the Harbinger is considered to have the Searing Property. Furthermore, once per day, he can add the effects of the Fire Mastery feat to any one attack that deals Fire damage.

Programmed Lore (Ex): The Harbinger my Take 10 on a Knowledge or Spellcraft check as long as it has ten uninterrupted minutes to go through its memory archives, and the DC of the check is no higher than 30.

Inferno (Su): Three times per day as a Full Round action, the three heads of the Harbinger can combine their breath weapons for a devastating attack. This ability affects a 70ft cone and deals 18d10 fire damage, DC 28 Reflex save for half. He cannot use his breath weapons for 3d4 rounds after using this ability.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Harbinger must hit with a bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Hover (Ex): If the Harbinger is hovering at 20 ft or less from the ground in an area with loose debris, it creates a 60 ft radius hemispherical cloud that blinds all therein for as long as they remain inside, and one round afterwards. Casting a spell inside this cloud requires a DC 22 Concentration check.

Cost: 15500 lbs of Valyrian Steel, Wildfyre Orb, 40000 IM in enchanting materials.
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[X] Arrange for his exile, perhaps to the Basilisk Isles where Saan might or might not be able to get some use out of him. Either the man will find his footing and thrive in his own right rather than grasping after an inheritance he does not deserve, or he will fall.
[X] Duesal
Alternatively, we can get an interlude of Vee's now and get the results for research on Fire!Heart Trees and Fungal Pods.
Hover (Ex): If a Herald is hovering at 20 ft or less from the ground in an area with loose debris, it creates a 60 ft radius hemispherical cloud that blinds all therein for as long as they remain inside, and one round afterwards. Casting a spell inside this cloud requires a DC 22 Concentration check.
@TotallyNotEvil, minor quibble -- needs to be changed to say "Harbinger" for this one.

Other than that, both sheets look great.
So we kill the Salt Magnate, try to flip the admiral and exile the cousin? Is that the plan?

Edit: @DragonParadox is the admiral mad that our kingdom is getting rid of slavery or is he mad that we're conquering quite a bit of Essos and the Three Daughters.
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