Of course there are drawbacks and better spells for certain situations, but not all spell lists are created equally, and not all enemies are vulnerable to the same spells. Sacremental Seal hits a lot of the sweet spots, though, being a long duration SoS/SoD spell that doesn't immediately kill the target, doesn't target Fortitude (Creatures with high Fortitude saves seem much more common than high Will saves), and nothing is innately Immune to the effect. Without the ability to Reach it, however, it moves to barely middle of the pack.
Amber Sarcophagus is arguably the best in that it's already ranged and doesn't allow a saving throw, and can affect anything it hits, but it's only on the Sorc/Wizard spell list, meaning our Divine spellcasters have to make do with what they can.
That's a much better tactic now that he's got the Inspired Spell power. Before, his prepared Miracle spell was an emergency "Oh shit!" button, but now he has more flexibility.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jul 26, 2020 at 12:54 PM, finished with 70 posts and 11 votes.
[X] Malarys' Mythic Rank -[X] Mythic Feat: Mythic Spell Lore (Chain Dispel) -[X] Mythic Path: Path of the Judge (full details TBD) -[X] Divine Surge: --[X] Inspired Spell (Su): You can expend one Mythic power to duplicate any Divine spell on your class or Domain spell list, up to your highest level of spells known, with a +2 caster level bonus as a Standard Action. -[X] Path Ability: --[X] Eldritch Breach (Su): You always roll twice on any Caster Level checks (to Dispel, overcome Spell Resistance, etc) and take the higher result.
Though you you suspect some of the pilots and ship crews would find the order to withdraw odd you give it just the same. The beasts are dead, your task done and you have enough sense not to tempt the sky god's wrath any further. Rage could only substitute power for so long, but it would be cold comfort for death and ruination if your foe came unwound from the effort. You can still feel the phantom ache of the chilled lighting as you fly north towards Sallosh again. You can still hear the rumble of thunder at your back.
So it is that you come upon your hosts, not upon the walls of the city itself but behind conjured barricades with wide fields of fire for the siege companies, now filled with grasping vines to bind the foe in place, all the better to bring the hammer down. Behind these lines and traps stand archers with quivers filled with stone tipped arrows, not out of any lack of steel but because this is the stone of old and crumbling gravestones enchanted by fledgling necromancers stoke rage even in the hollow lesser dead.
Bright are their banners like stars in a darkening sky and hallowed against the dead the ground beneath their feet, though no god had proclaimed it so, instead the work of mages setting line upon line and seal upon seal as they bind power to ink and parchment. In war, as in most endeavors, it pays to be careful and forethoughtful. In the heart of the formation the magic grows stronger, Dany's work, a ward against even the most terrible of death magics to guard the high command as well as anchor the lines.
Amrelath and Relath break off from your group to take their place among the standards of the Torchbearers, and not incidentally herd the riderless darkenbeasts with them. There are precious few things besides their riders the creatures will obey, but true dragons they know as allies are thankfully among them.
As you turn to look towards the left flank you see the eighth legion and the heavy horse on their extreme flank. You are glad to see one of the skyships and a proportional number of wyverns and manticores move to provide cover from the air for that side with Nettles atop Sheepstealer flying close behind. The hadhayosh should make quite the point for that spear, provided the riders can convince their horses to ride closely after, which granted might be something of a tall order even for skilled and professional legion riders.
On the right are the armies of Sathar, not so numerous nor yet so mighty as the tide of dead bearing down upon you but arrayed in neatly ordered ranks under banners bearing the falls of their city's ancient name embroidered in silver. Now for the first time you can see clearly the powers of those priests who had woken to the call of Queen Namaaru. The power is hers and even from afar you can see upon her withered countenance nothing but determination in the face of the foe to come. Though she may have prayed upon their altars in days gone by she will not falter in finding a path forward for her city and her people, of that you are certain.
HP: 20d8 +160 +20 (Mythic) +20 (Temporary from Divine Power) AC: 10 +10 (Nat) +1 (Dex) +10 (Armor) +5 (Shield) +1 (Weapon Supremacy)= 36 Speed: 50ft Initiative: +1 (Dex) +5 (Amazing Intiative) =+6 Attack: BAB 20 + 7 (Str) +4 (Enh) +3 (Persisted RWotF) +6 (Feats) =+40/40/40/30/25 (2d8 +20) Special: During a full attack +1 AB for each hit for the following strikes (cumulative); She can take 10 on one attack roll per round; she can enhance the weapon further with Sacred Weapon Weapon Proficiency: ? Spell Save: 10 +9 (Wisdom) + Spell-level DR: 10/- Resistances: Channel-Resistance 4 Immunity: Cold, Electricity, Undead Immunities Senses: 60ft Darkvision Vulnerability: Fire
Rejuvenation (Su)
One day after a mummy lord is destroyed, the necromantic energies that created the abomination begin to rebuild its body. This process takes 1d10 days. If the body is destroyed before that time passes, the process starts anew. After this time, the mummy lord awakens fully healed in its tomb. To permanently destroy a mummy lord, it must be destroyed and then its remains must be targeted by consecrate, hallow, and then dispel evil, cast in consecutive rounds and in that order.
Special Attacks: A mummified creature gains the two special attacks described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + 1/2 mummified creature's HD + mummified creature's Cha modifier unless otherwise noted. (DC 24)
Great Despair Aura (Su)
All creatures within a 30-foot radius that see a mummy lord must succeed at a Will saving throw or be paralyzed with fear for 1d4 rounds, then shaken for the following 1d4 rounds. Whether or not the saving throw is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by the same mummy lord's great despair aura ability for 24 hours. This is a mind-affectingparalysis and fear affect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Channel Rot (Su)
A mummy lord can deliver its insidious mummy rot through melee weapon attacks, its slam attack, and any natural attacks it possesses.
Insidious Mummy Rot (Su) Curse and disease—slam; saveFortitude DC 10 + 1/2 the mummy lord's Hit Dice + its Charisma modifier; onset 1 minute; frequency 1/day; effect 2d4 Constitution and 2d4 Charisma damage; cure —.
Insidious mummy rot is both a curse and disease, and can be cured only by first removing the curse and then curing the disease. Even after the curse element of insidious mummy rot is lifted, a creature suffering from it cannot recover naturally over time. Anyone casting a conjuration (healing) spell on the afflicted creature must succeed at a caster level check (DC = 20 or 11 + the mummy lord's CR, whichever is higher), or the spell is wasted and the healing has no effect. Anyone who dies from insidious mummy rot transforms into a pile of sand and cannot be raised by means other than resurrection or greater magic.
Sandstorm Wrath (Su)
Three times per day as a standard action, a mummy lord can exhale a blast of superheated sand in a 40-foot cone. The blast deals 2d8 points of fire and slashing damage for every 3 Hit Dice a mummy lord possesses. A successful Reflex save halves this damage.
Creatures that fail this save are blinded for 2d4 rounds.
Undead Mastery (Su)
As a standard action, a mummy lord can attempt to bend any undead creature within 50 feet to its will. The targeted undead must succeed at a Will save or fall under the mummy lord's control (the save DC is Charisma-based).
An undead with an Intelligence score is allowed an additional save every day to break free of the mummy lord's control; for undead without an Intelligence score, the control is permanent. A creature that succeeds at its Will save cannot be affected again by the same mummy lord's undead mastery for 24 hours. A mummy lord can control 6 Hit Dice of undead creatures for every Hit Die it has.
If the mummy lord exceeds this limit, any excess undead from earlier uses of this ability become uncontrolled, as per animate dead. If another creature is currently controlling an undead that fails its save against undead mastery, the mummy lord must roll an opposed Charisma check against the current controller. If the mummy lord succeeds, it wrests away control of the undead. Otherwise, the mummy lord's undead mastery attempt has no effect.
Axiomatic Strike (minor): At 1st level, you can touch one weapon and enhance it with the essence of law. For 1 minute, this weapon glows blue, pale yellow, or white and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against chaotic creatures. During this time, it's treated as lawful for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. This additional damage doesn't stack with the additional damage from the axiomatic weapon special ability.
Battle Companion (major): At 10th level, you can summon a battle companion. This ability functions as summon monster IV with a duration of 1 minute, but for only a lawfuloutsider or an animal with the resolute creature simple template. This ability can summon only one creature, regardless of the list used. For every 2 levels beyond 10th, the level of the summon monster spell increases by 1 (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 20 level).
Inspiring Word (minor): At 1st level, you can speak a few words to a creature within 30 feet that fill them with inspiration. You can grant that creature a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, or saving throws (your choice). This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Lead by Example (major): At 10th level, as a swift action you can inspire your allies to follow your lead. If the following action on your turn is an attack or skill check, all allies within 30 feet who take the same action against the same foe or obstacle on their next turn gain a +4 morale bonus on that roll.
Aspect of War (Su)
At 20th level, the warpriest can channel an aspect of war, growing in power and martial ability. Once per day as a swift action, a warpriest can treat his level as his base attack bonus, gains DR 10/—, and can move at his full speed regardless of the armor he is wearing or his encumbrance. In addition, the blessings he calls upon don't count against his daily limit during this time. This ability lasts for 1 minute.
Mythic Abilities: Mythic Power (13/Day)
Hard to Kill (Ex): You automatically stabilize if reduced to 0 HP.
Surge (Su): You can expend one Mythic power to add 1d8 to any 1d20 roll you make as a Free action.
Amazing Initiative (Ex): You gain a bonus on Initiative checks equal to your Mythic tier. In addition, as a Free Action on your turn, you can expend one use of Mythic power to take an additional Standard Action during that turn. This additional Standard Action can't be used to cast a spell. You can't gain an extra action in this way more than once per round.
Recuperation (Ex): You are restored to full Hit Points after 8 hours of rest so long as you aren't dead. By expending one use of Mythic power and resting for 1 hour, you regain a number of Hit Points equal to half your full total and regain the use of any expended spell slots. This rest is treated as 8 hours of sleep for such abilities. This rest doesn't refresh uses of Mythic power.
Mythic Saving Throws (Ex): At 5th tier, whenever you succeed at a saving throw against a spell or special ability, you suffer no effects as long as that ability didn't come from a mythic source (such as a creature with a mythic tier or mythic ranks). If you fail a saving throw that results from a mythic source, you take the full effects as normal.
Inspired Spell (Su): You can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one divine spell, treating your caster level as 2 levels higher. This spell must be on your divine spell list (or your domain or mystery spell list) and must be of a spell level that you can cast using that divine spellcasting class. If you are a spontaneous spellcaster, you don't need to have the spell prepared, nor does it need to be on your list of spells known. Using this ability does not expend a prepared spell or available spell slot. You can apply any metamagic feats you know to this spell, but its total spell slot level must be a slot level you can normally cast.
Rally (Su): As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to rally your allies. This gives you and each of your allies within 30 feet the option to reroll any one d20 roll after the roll is made. The granted reroll must be used before the beginning of your next turn, and the creature must take the result of the reroll, even if it is lower.
Legendary Item (Ex): You gain a legendary item. This item grants a number of abilities equal to your tier (maximum 3). At 3rd tier, you can select this ability again, increasing the maximum to six abilities and causing the item to become a lesser artifact. At 6th tier, you can select this ability again, increasing the maximum to 10 abilities; the item then becomes a greater artifact.
Mythic Sovereign (Ex): The Monarch wields the authority of the state, and no subject can be excempt from it. Subjects of the mythic caster are never considered immune to her spells or abilities, enabling her to use Mind-affecting effects on Undead, Golems or subjects under Mindblank. Further as an immediate action she can spend Mythic Power to force a subject to reroll any one D20 roll within 60ft of her with a -6 penalty, regardless of skill, save, attack or other. Subjects are people who have without compulsion (though possibly under threat) sworn loyalty to the monarch and people permanently living in her city-state. Mindless Undead count if they were subjects of her city in life.
Divine Source (Su): You can grant Clerics spells up to the 5th level and offer the Law and Nobility domains. in addition you can cast the spells of these Domains 1/day each as SLAs.
Warrior Queen (Ex): Your leadership on the battlefield drives your subjects to great deeds whenever you lead by example. The Blessings Inspiring Word and Lead By example can be applied over an entire battlefield, affecting every subject fighting by your side.
Endless Edurance (Su): A Mythic ability that once allowed the Queens warriors to push themselves beyond mortal limits is now twisted by their shared Undeath, but still powerful. When fighting in the same battle as their Queen, all undead can survive being reduced to up to -20 HP. While having less than 0 HP they fall unconscious and beginn healing at a rate of 1 HP/minute until they are healed to positive HP or they are destroyed.
Equipped Magic Items:Was Scepter, Gloves of Spell Snaring, Headband of Sealed Thoughts, Cloak of the Fisher Queens, Ceremonial Armor, Boots of the Farstrider, Bracers of War, Amulet of Inner Peace, Shield of Silver Water
Was Scepter:
Aside from the regular abilities of the Artifact, the Was Scepter is the Queen Legendary Item with the follwing abilities:
Legendary Power (2/day): All legendary items contain a pool of power—at least two uses that recharge each day. This power is called legendary power, and it works differently than mythic power. Any creature bearing the item can expend the items uses of legendary power, whether or not that creature is mythic. These uses of legendary power can be expended only to activate the legendary item's abilities. If the item's bearer isn't bonded to the item, she can expend the item's legendary power only to use its legendary surge ability.
Legendary Surge: Add 1d10 to any Saving throw by spending either a legendary power from the item or Mythic Power
Dedicated Bond: An item with this ability can't be used by anyone not bonded with it. Such creatures can't use the item's non-mythic special abilities, its legendary power, or its legendary surge. Furthermore, using a special ritual that takes 10 minutes to perform, the bonded creature can sequester the item in a solid object at least twice as large as the item (such as putting a sword in a stone or an oak tree). The item becomes impossible to remove by any creature not bonded to it unless by means of a wish or miracle cast by a mythic creature of higher tier than the bonded creature. If the bonded creature is at least 8th tier, she can instead perform this sequestering ritual and transfer the bond to another mythic creature she designates upon completing the ritual. An item must be a minor or major artifact to have this ability. This is a persistent ability.
Unstoppable Strike: This weapon bypasses all armor. The wielder can expend one use of legendary power when attacking to make the attack against touch AC. If she instead expends two uses of legendary power, the weapon also bypasses any deflection bonus to AC the target has. An item must be a weapon and be a minor or major artifact to have this ability.
These thin gloves are covered in reflective glyphs and sigils, and the palms are slightly tacky. Like gloves of arrow snaring, twice per day the wearer can act as if she had the Snatch Arrow feat, even if she doesn't meet the prerequisites for that feat. In addition, the wearer can expend one of this item's uses per day to use the Snatch Arrows feat on a projectile targeting an ally in a space adjacent to her.
As an immediate action, the wearer can expend one use of mythic power and one of this item's uses per day to block a spell targeting her or an adjacent ally, as the parry spell guardian path ability.
Uncomfortably sharp protrusions bristle on the inner edge of this heavy, bronze headband. It grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the headband is worn.
It also grants skill ranks as a headband of vast intelligence +4. The wearer is protected from all effects that gather information about her via divination, and gains a bonus equal to her mythic tier on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. This protection otherwise functions as mind blank, except the headband provides no protection against limited wish, miracle, and wish, and it doesn't grant a resistance bonus on saving throws.
When the wearer succeeds at a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, she can rebound the effect onto the caster as an immediate action by expending one use of mythic power. Treat this as the original spell or effect, except the wearer is treated as the caster and the original caster as the target. The rebounded spell affects only the original caster, and rebounding doesn't prevent the original spell from affecting targets other than the wearer of the headband of sealed thoughts.
Cloak of the Fisher Queens:
Ancient even in the time of the Queen's birth, this cloak is an heirloom of the lost dynasty of Fisher Queens. Imbued with knowledge of the immediate future the bearer gains a constant +4 Insight bonus on all saves and AC.
Further it can produce a piece of Ambrosia once per day, that imbues the eater with a hint of legendary power, either restoring 2 charges of Mythic Power to an already mythic creature, or giving a non-mythic creature the ability to use Surge once.
The Ambrosia takes a full-round action to eat and dissapears within 1 hour of its creation if not consumed.
Ceremonial Armor of Namaaru:
Not the armor she wore in life, but rather a gravegood used only for her funeral, the armor is nevertheless soaked in her magic and legend and has taken some power of its own. It functions as a Menacing +5 Breastplate of Command.
Boots of the Farstrider:
+30ft land movement speed
Teleport up to movement speed as an immediate action 2/day
Sacrifice a level 5 or higher spell to cast Teleport instead.
Bracers of War:
Though highly skilled in war, the Queen was not of immense physical strenght during her first lifetime. These bracers cover for the lack of physical strength, by anchoring the effect of her Divine Power spell so that it constantly affects her. Effectivly the spell is persisted and costs a level 4 spellslot each day, but it can't be normally dispelled (only suppressed as a magic item) and lasts the whole day.
Amulet of Inner Peace:
A magical masterpiece, meant to allow the bearer to center herself and remain collect regardless of outside influences, while also projecting that inner certainty into outward strenght.
+6 Enhancement bonus on Wisdom and +4 on Charisma, +10 bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive
Immunity to Confusion and Insanity, as well as a significant bonus to resist less mechanically defined reasons for inner imbalances, such as becoming Undead.
Shield of Silver Waters:
A shield showing the blessed waves of Heaven's Shore before its Fall, likely crafted long before even the Long Night. This +3 Ghost Touch Heavy Shield extends its bonus against incorporeal foes to the wielder's entire body, making all armor and natural armor count as Ghost Touch.
How do you order your forces before battle is joined
[] Center, with the First Legion
-[] Write in
[] Left flank, with the Eighth Legion and the cavalry
-[] Write in
[] Reserves, with the Ninth Legion
-[] Write in
[] Right flank, forces attached to the armies of Sathar
-[] Write in
OOC: Many thanks to @Artemis1992 for compiling the sheet, without the help it would have likely taken me half a day to do so and I doubt I could have made it as interesting.
Cloak of the Fisher Queens:
Ancient even in the time of the Queen's birth, this cloak is an heirloom of the lost dynasty of Fisher Queens. Imbued with knowledge of the immediate future the bearer gains a constant +4 Insight bonus on all saves and AC.
Further it can produce a piece of Ambrosia once per day, that imbues the eater with a hint of legendary power, either restoring 2 charges of Mythic Power to an already mythic creature, or giving a non-mythic creature the ability to use Surge once.
The Ambrosia takes a full-round action to eat and dissapears within 1 hour of its creation if not consumed.
Shield of Silver Waters:
A shield showing the blessed waves of Heaven's Shore before its Fall, likely crafted long before even the Long Night. This +3 Ghost Touch Heavy Shield extends its bonus against incorporeal foes to the wielder's entire body, making all armor and natural armor count as Ghost Touch.
Very cool items. Figures that Sathar would be the ones with the last remaining relics of the Fisher Queens, barring their legendary Floating Palace of course.
Mythic Sovereign (Ex): The Monarch wields the authority of the state, and no subject can be excempt from it. Subjects of the mythic caster are never considered immune to her spells or abilities, enabling her to use Mind-affecting effects on Undead, Golems or subjects under Mindblank. Further as an immediate action she can spend Mythic Power to force a subject to reroll any one D20 roll within 60ft of her with a -6 penalty, regardless of skill, save, attack or other. Subjects are people who have without compulsion (though possibly under threat) sworn loyalty to the monarch and people permanently living in her city-state. Mindless Undead count if they were subjects of her city in life.
When the wearer succeeds at a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, she can rebound the effect onto the caster as an immediate action by expending one use of mythic power. Treat this as the original spell or effect, except the wearer is treated as the caster and the original caster as the target. The rebounded spell affects only the original caster, and rebounding doesn't prevent the original spell from affecting targets other than the wearer of the headband of sealed thoughts.
By the by, much thanks to Artemis for including this specific item alongside the loadout, b/c now we have an IC knowledge of the effect.
And we can have an IC reason to apply it to our gear, for once.
Already asked DP awhile ago for the price for the specific "rebound spells" part, here's the quote:
Amrelath and Relath break off from your group to take their place among the standards of the Torchbearers, and not incidentally herd the riderless darkenbeasts with them. There are precious few things besides their riders the creatures will obey, but true dragons they know as allies are thankfully among them.
I feel like Amrelath is developing a fondness for Darkenbeasts ever since that time a Legion rider saved him from a Slaver's Bay assassin. They're like draconic attack dogs at least in appearance. Wouldn't surprise me if he asks for a bunch of fireproof ones for his retinue.
Not quite.
It's a Mind Blank in regards to Divination, but it does not stop Mind affecting at all, it just allows the wearer to bounce them back if they already successfully saved.
So all we lost on the raid (ignoring spell slots, one time use items, and the like) was 1 mind dragon , 2 fiery drakenbeasts, and 6 drakenbeast riders on our raid?
About how many enemies are left? And aside from the god, was there any enemy units Viserys saw that he would say are of note?
Right flank is where the Undead fight, right?
Maybe not put Mel there, on the other side she can use whatever clerical anti-undead tricks Rh'llor gives her without chance for friendly fire.
So all we lost on the raid (ignoring spell slots, one time use items, and the like) was 1 mind dragon , 2 fiery drakenbeasts, and 6 drakenbeast riders on our raid?
About how many enemies are left? And aside from the god, was there any enemy units Viserys saw that he would say are of note?
Whoever killed those riders with death effects were certainly of note, but it was hard to pick them out of them throng with the rain. It was so full of necromantic residue that you can't even properly see auras through it.
So all we lost on the raid (ignoring spell slots, one time use items, and the like) was 1 mind dragon , 2 fiery drakenbeasts, and 6 drakenbeast riders on our raid?
About how many enemies are left? And aside from the god, was there any enemy units Viserys saw that he would say are of note?
We know they have mages. Viserys also noted he/others killed a bunch of undead who were minding the war beasts. I think one priest lobbed spells at us, though I don't know he if he died to our fire or any other spells. @DragonParadox?
Right flank is where the Undead fight, right?
Maybe not put Mel there, on the other side she can use whatever clerical anti-undead tricks Rh'llor gives her without chance for friendly fire.
We know they have mages. Viserys also noted he/others killed a bunch of undead who were minding the war beasts. I think one priest lobbed spells at us, though I don't know he if he died to our fire or any other spells. @DragonParadox?