If someone's throwing 200K soldiers at you they probably have some kind of contingency to you just SoD-ing them all into oblivion.
I'm not sure what kind of large-scale contingencies anyone could make to protect an army of 200,000 from SotD. Even a 20th level Chained Greater Spell Immunity spell could only protect 20 targets and that would require Divine Metamagic and/or a Greater Chained Metamagic Rod.

The most significant counter I can see to SotD is to simply have an army with 200,000 Undead in it. Even at 22nd level as all of his Fire spells are, Viserys can only target 22 20-foot cubes with the spell. Even if the enemies were packed very close together, we would be lucky to hit a couple thousand per casting. We would run out of spell slots long before we ran out of targets.
@DragonParadox Can we evacuate our entire army (and Namaaru's) to Sallosh before we are engaged here?
It's 10 hours of transit. It does not take that long to march an army through an open space which is meant to accommodate lots of people for exactly this purpose. They are all already organized too, so there's no delay for getting them to form ranks and move out like there would be to reinforce this position.
Also I find it hilarious to deny the enemy battle after being denied battle by the enemy.

Edit: Keep in mind, I'm just suggesting this because an encirclement on four sides isn't a great position to be in for our mundane forces. No room for our cavalry to maneuver. This is not an ideal place for an engagement against superior numbers, not when we were expecting a host of comparable size, not a quarter million troops.

Even if we end up killing most of them with dragonfire, I expect horrendous losses as it is.
Hey, it worked for Aragorn!

I'm not sure what kind of large-scale contingencies anyone could make to protect an army of 200,000 from SotD. Even a 20th level Chained Greater Spell Immunity spell could only protect 20 targets and that would require Divine Metamagic and/or a Greater Chained Metamagic Rod.

The most significant counter I can see to SotD is to simply have an army with 200,000 Undead in it. Even at 22nd level as all of his Fire spells are, Viserys can only target 22 20-foot cubes with the spell. Even if the enemies were packed very close together, we would be lucky to hit a couple thousand per casting. We would run out of spell slots long before we ran out of targets.
They could simply be relying on dispelling. Shoot a range-extended Dysjuntion right as he casts or something. Suppress fire magic like we will in our anti-Efreet fortress?
Actually, the scariest thing about all this is that we sparked this war a few days ago (there was no urgency until we arrived and started a fight, right?), and they already whipped out these storms. What could they do if they had started things, taking time to prepare?
@Goldfish More countermeasures for dealing with rat swarms? Even just movement related. Making it difficult for them to burrow under our troops would be great.
Actually, the scariest thing about all this is that we sparked this war a few days ago (there was no urgency until we arrived and started a fight, right?), and they already whipped out these storms. What could they do if they had started things, taking time to prepare?
They were probably saving all of this to roflstompmurdergenocide the rest of Western Essos.
They could simply be relying on dispelling. Shoot a range-extended Dysjuntion right as he casts or something. Suppress fire magic like we will in our anti-Efreet fortress?
Unlikely. Mage's Disjunction is Short-ranged and 9th level. Enlarging it would require a Greater Metamagic Rod or Divine Metamagic, and even then a 20th level casting would only have a range of 150 feet.

Suppressing Fire magic like that is hugely expensive and time consuming for us on a prepared ground. It's hard to believe they could accomplish that on short notice in an area large enough to be useful with little to no warning.
So given none of you are voting, you must really want to fight this army and are trying to wrap your heads around how to make it happen, right?
@Goldfish More countermeasures for dealing with rat swarms? Even just movement related. Making it difficult for them to burrow under our troops would be great.
Not really, at least nothing that would affect a large enough area for long enough to make a difference. Celestial Brilliance isn't complete protection, but it covers a huge area and deals guaranteed damage to Undead. A low level Undead swarms isn't going to have a lot of HP, so they won't be able to operate in the affected areas for long at all.

[X] Crake
Not really, at least nothing that would affect a large enough area for long enough to make a difference. Celestial Brilliance isn't complete protection, but it covers a huge area and deals guaranteed damage to Undead. A low level Undead swarms isn't going to have a lot of HP, so they won't be able to operate in the affected areas for long at all.

[X] Crake
We might wanna make more of those light-banners if we're bringing in other Legions.
We might wanna make more of those light-banners if we're bringing in other Legions.
Assuming Dany kept a couple Chained Celestial Brilliance spells prepared for emergencies, she could produce 38 more of them in short notice without straining her resources too much. Malarys could have done the same thing, to produce 42 of them. I think 80 would be the limit on short notice.
Assuming Dany kept a couple Chained Celestial Brilliance spells prepared for emergencies, she could produce 38 more of them in short notice without straining her resources too much. Malarys could have done the same thing, to produce 42 of them. I think 80 would be the limit on short notice.
Let's go for it now, then. They can sleep after that and replenish their spells.
They were probably saving all of this to roflstompmurdergenocide the rest of Western Essos.
Or they were kinda lingering on aimlessly after the Dothraki were defeated and only our attack catalysed them into action.

I mean, eventually the Void-Daemon would have gotten them, but without outside-factors like that it seems normal for Undead to just hang around the places they died.
Assuming Dany kept a couple Chained Celestial Brilliance spells prepared for emergencies, she could produce 38 more of them in short notice without straining her resources too much. Malarys could have done the same thing, to produce 42 of them. I think 80 would be the limit on short notice.
Do it, might as well. 80 + 90 existing is 170, assuming that's about parity with the coverage we have now, we should be able to give at least six Legions full coverage. If we can make more banners after dealing with the battle at Sallosh, I'll just assume we can make enough for all of them.

Edit: Well--that can wait for now, actually. Haven't even moved those troops yet.
OK, here's the army sheet. Not quite complete, I still need to work out the elephant units, the giant guards and the queen, but it's getting really late again so I figured it's best to post what I have tonight an finish off in the morning

Armies of Sathar

Lesser Dead:
7000 Skeletons
5000 Skeleton Archers

Greater Dead:
2500 Greater Skeleton Warrior 3
660 Chariots (Greater Skeleton Driver and Archer; Fighter 3)
8 Bone wagons (Lesser Bone Ships CR 12)
12 High Artificers (Mummy Wizard 2/Cleric2/Theurge 6)
38 Artificers (Mummy Wizard 2/Cleric2/Theurge 4)
53 Priests of the Still Waters (Huecuva Cleric 2*)
*cast as cleric 5
@DragonParadox, can we get info on the elephant units, the giant guards, and the queen?

Also @Goldfish, I'm not sure if this could work, but would the 12 High Artificers be able to cast Celestial Brilliance? I'm guessing no, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Either way, we should be thinking of ways to use their magic too.
@DragonParadox, can we get info on the elephant units, the giant guards, and the queen?

Also @Goldfish, I'm not sure if this could work, but would the 12 High Artificers be able to cast Celestial Brilliance? I'm guessing no, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Either way, we should be thinking of ways to use their magic too.
It would be extremely unusual for Mummies to prepare Celestial Brilliance spells, considering that the effect is innately harmful to Undeas.

Even if they could, they lack the ability to use the relevant Metamagics that allow Dany and Malarys to produce dozens of affected objects per casting.
Can't we cash out some favors with the genies for fortifications and weather control?
We could, but it's not really worth it imo. We're better off getting their help for more high profile battles instead of against tides of undead. It doesn't exactly look good for us when we present ourselves in the alliance as the King in Prime Material then have to ask for help every so often. That incident in Valyria was one thing -- an Efreeti looking for a way to stage an invasion through rogue portals -- but beyond that I don't see it being beneficial to their perception of us to ask for aid.

Also, we've got Zathir here for weather. I'm not sure the Djinn would top that.
It would be extremely unusual for Mummies to prepare Celestial Brilliance spells, considering that the effect is innately harmful to Undeas.

Even if they could, they lack the ability to use the relevant Metamagics that allow Dany and Malarys to produce dozens of affected objects per casting.
Yeah, that's what I figured. Is there anything they could prepare or should they just focus on countering enemy PCs?
Also, we could do some lateral thinking, and evacuate Sallosh

Then we have two very vulnerable marching armies too far away from each other.

Sallosh we can rebuild by throwing money st the problem
Yeah, that's what I figured. Is there anything they could prepare or should they just focus on countering enemy PCs?
AoE spells like Fireball and Black Tentacles for their Arcane spells, plus buffs/debuffs for their Divine spells. It can't hurt to have Dispels prepared, either.
Also, we could do some lateral thinking, and evacuate Sallosh

Then we have two very vulnerable marching armies too far away from each other.

Sallosh we can rebuild by throwing money st the problem
I think we should definitely have the civilians temporarily evacuated to Sorcerer's Deep. I don't want another repeat of Thennhold.
AoE spells like Fireball and Black Tentacles for their Arcane spells, plus buffs/debuffs for their Divine spells. It can't hurt to have Dispels prepared, either.
Point taken.
I think we should definitely have the civilians temporarily evacuated to Sorcerer's Deep. I don't want another repeat of Thennhold.

Point taken.

Then simply going to Sallosh to fight there is pointless. Better fight both armies separately.

Also, with Pech and all our Titan's tools we can cause a massive cave in to take out most of the invading army