Equipment: Amulet of Tears, Bone Arakh (pierces DR as adamantine), Dragonbone Longbow (+1), Earrings of Arcane Acuity, Healing Belt, Mithril Chainshirt (+1), Ring of Protection from Evil, Ring of Untarnished Glory (+1 CHA, +1 INT)
@Goldfish, I think it's time to give Rhango another gear upgrade, starting with his sword. He should get a Valyrian Steel Arakh. Also maybe one of those crystals that make his attacks ghost touch?
[] Rhango Level 10
-[] Asavir
-[] +1 Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot

Level 10 gives no feats or stats, new classfeatures are Djinn's Blessing for his Horse and Controlled Charge for him.
To Ride a New Path

First Day of the Second Month 294 AC

Rhango Two-Lives set the message aside with trembling fingers, as though afraid it would vanish if he left it out of his grip, or afraid perhaps that it would crumple in his hand if he held it a moment longer. It was time. At last it was time. The Dead Walkers would be scoured from the holy grasslands, the murdered khalasars of his people avenged. Bow, blade, and whip would not end this war, but sorcery might, dragon-fire might.

The old khal sighed, unheard by any of his people save his khalesi with whom he shared even those thoughts that would make him seem weak, for what man was not weak naked in his sleeping furs? "We ride north this moon-turn," he explained.

"You do not seem happy to taste vengeance, why?" came the soft but insistent reply. Razi knew him well.

"We will ride over the Sea of Grass, but we will not be as we were, masters of all under the vast sky," Rhango replied after a moment's heavy pause.

"Is that not what you have worked at all this time, making your riders sharper of wit, just as you gird their bodies with armor?" his khaelsi asked. Rhango had chosen her for her beauty when he was young and foolish as a stallion in his third summer, but he had been fortunate enough to find her wits matching and surpassing fair. "Three thousand warriors you have broken of their wild ways only this month alone and seen fight with caution and with skill."

"Two hundred and one warriors only to replace them have come forward in that same time," the khal replied, absently drawing his dagger to sharpen as he was wont to do when his mind was troubled, before recalling that this dagger would not lose it edge against any mortal foe. "Whatever I make of this khalasar, we will be the last of all Dothraki. They say in Hyrkoon, far to the east beyond the Peaks of Bone, that those who rule are as fathers to the people. Foolish thought that sons kill their fathers when their time is at hand. To be father to all is to have every dagger at your back."

"And why it is, husband, that sons must kill their fathers?" Razi asked. "Because it is the way of things? It is also the way of things for men to live one life not two. Worry not for treason from those you have raised up in your image, but rather the vengeance of the damned and accursed. I heard from the wizard that the strength of the dead is their hatred and the Sarnori have much reason to hate us and all our kin."

"Ah, how you make my mind untroubled and my slumber soft, my khalesi," Rhango laughed.

"If it is soft slumber you are looking for, then bed some girl who will be overawed by your prowess, mighty khal," she sniffed. A familiar smile still had the power to set Rhango's blood racing. He would not be looking for any passing lovers this night. "My task is to make sure you stay alive to counsel our sons in your old age, when they are old enough to take up the whip."

Rhngo could have pointed out that he was already quite old for a khal. "That is not the Dothraki way."

"Not the old way," she corrected. "The old way is foolish and it is you who decides what it is to be Dothraki."

Not alone I'm not, Rhango thought, but that was not a bad thing. Not for nothing did Dothraki always scout in pairs. One pair of eyes alone might miss a path through the grass that to another would be obvious.

  1. 201 Dothraki Screamers recruited
  2. 3000 Dothraki Screamers Trained to Veteran Dothraki Riders

OOC: Rhango is running out of easy recruits. On the other hand, his khalasar is now by a significant margin mostly veterans.Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.
@DragonParadox, out of curiosity, would the Wild Hunt horses be interested in breeding with some of our mares in the Imperial Stables? I was wondering if that could get us Fey Horses like the one Renly has.
Considering the Wild Hunt Horses are highly intelligent and powerful Fey rather than mere animals, this might be something they would consider bestiality.
@Goldfish, I think it's time to give Rhango another gear upgrade, starting with his sword. He should get a Valyrian Steel Arakh. Also maybe one of those crystals that make his attacks ghost touch?
Ask and the Armory will provide. We can kit him out quite well with stuff we have on hand. I'll update his sheet this evening.
Considering the Wild Hunt Horses are highly intelligent and powerful Fey rather than mere animals, this might be something they would consider bestiality.
I assume most fey can engage in bestiality for the right price. If they don't want to that's fine. That said, with the Istaheq, that's less bestiality and more getting with their equivalent of a caveman. INT 9 vs INT 4, just barely sentient. There are also the Pegasi which are INT 10.
Ask and the Armory will provide. We can kit him out quite well with stuff we have on hand. I'll update his sheet this evening.
Sweet. :D
Rhango Two Lives set the message aside with trembling fingers, as though afraid it would vanish if he left it out of his grip, or afraid perhaps that it would crumple in his hand if he held it a moment longer. It was time. At last it was time. The Dead Walkers would be scoured from the holy grasslands, the murdered khalasars of his people avenged. Bow blade and whip would not end this war, but sorcery might, dragon-fire might.
No they do not get vengeance, we will not treat this as avenging the fucking Dothraki, we are dealing with the undead, because they're causing trouble, but we will not let history show them as in the wrong, the Dothraki deserved their doom, as much as Valyria deserved its doom.

The ideal is for us to reach peace with the Sarnori undead, if that involve granting them part of the grass sea, and letting them shit on the memory of the Dothraki, then I'm okay with that.

If they want to make Vaes Dothrak into a landfill to spite the Dothraki, then I say we let them, as long as peace can be reached with us, they can spite Dothraki culture all they want.
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One can hardly expect the Dothraki to see it that way.
Yes I just wanted to point out we absolutely wont be getting them revenge, we will try diplomacy with them first, and if they agree to cease hostilities, but with the condition, that no Dothraki is allowed in the grass sea, and Vaes Dothrak is transformed into a monument to humiliate the Dothraki, then that's a deal I will take.

I'm entirely on the Sarnori undeads side when it comes to the Dothraki, only reason I'm for dealing with them, is that they're not keeping their anger solely aimed at the Dothraki.
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Do we have an actual plan for our campaign against Sarnor?
Just hit every dead city in a south-north movement and then teleport to Vaes Dothrak for the final?

Or actually accompany our ground-troups on a route through Sarnor?

This is propably the least planned major operation we every undertook.
Do we have an actual plan for our campaign against Sarnor?
Just hit every dead city in a south-north movement and then teleport to Vaes Dothrak for the final?

Or actually accompany our ground-troups on a route through Sarnor?

This is propably the least planned major operation we every undertook.
I think we'll have to make decisions as we go, based on what information we learn along the way. We have enough intel to target major concentrations of Undead, I'm sure, but we don't necessarily have names for those places that would mean anything to us OOC.
Do we have an actual plan for our campaign against Sarnor?
Just hit every dead city in a south-north movement and then teleport to Vaes Dothrak for the final?

Or actually accompany our ground-troups on a route through Sarnor?

This is propably the least planned major operation we every undertook.
Aye, it is pretty much "Can we nuke it? Let's try anyway!" as far as I'm concerned.

We haven't discussed our approach to taking on Golden Company until directly before it, either.
First, we'll get our lorepost from DP to see what is where (courtesy of Divination-corps IC).
Then we'll play from there.

My own inclination lies in the direction of "we telefrag and decimate as many of their leaders as we can, and bomb the biggest groups of Undead with the Moonchasers/Wyverns".
There will be an entire month for (admittedly, smaller) Moonchaser battlegroup to mop up any significant resistance.

But, like, that's just the assumptions made without any OOC knowledge on the matter so far.
Do we have an actual plan for our campaign against Sarnor?
Just hit every dead city in a south-north movement and then teleport to Vaes Dothrak for the final?

Or actually accompany our ground-troups on a route through Sarnor?

This is propably the least planned major operation we every undertook.
Just kill off the undead and make sure there isn't a massive potential resource for the Void to exploit against us. Unfortunately for everyone they are a ticking time bomb.
Do we have an actual plan for our campaign against Sarnor?
Just hit every dead city in a south-north movement and then teleport to Vaes Dothrak for the final?

Or actually accompany our ground-troups on a route through Sarnor?

This is propably the least planned major operation we every undertook.
We still need further intelligence, we haven't even decided, how much diplomacy we want to attempt with them.

Personally I think we should offer, to help those who want to return to life with that, we can make Heart Trees for it, we just need to do the research.

We worked out a way to make undead eligible for create-soul-gem/ back when we first visited Valyria, it involves using a spell that make an undead take on a facsimile of life, allowing it to reach negative hit points, and so allowing create soul gem to capture their soul, from there the soul gem, just have to be shipped to the Flesh/Fungus Forge, and it can be implanted in a newly grown body.

I can't remember what the fake life spell is called though, if anyone remember I would like a link to it or a name.
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Aye, it is pretty much "Can we nuke it? Let's try anyway!" as far as I'm concerned.

We haven't discussed our approach to taking on Golden Company until directly before it, either.
First, we'll get our lorepost from DP to see what is where (courtesy of Divination-corps IC).
Then we'll play from there.

My own inclination lies in the direction of "we telefrag and decimate as many of their leaders as we can, and bomb the biggest groups of Undead with the Moonchasers/Wyverns".
There will be an entire month for (admittedly, smaller) Moonchaser battlegroup to mop up any significant resistance.

But, like, that's just the assumptions made without any OOC knowledge on the matter so far.
One of the good things about this campaign is that it's excellent practice for our legions in fighting those giant hordes of undead. They'll need that know-how for the Long Night.
I think we'll have to make decisions as we go, based on what information we learn along the way. We have enough intel to target major concentrations of Undead, I'm sure, but we don't necessarily have names for those places that would mean anything to us OOC.
Yeah, we'll start off with intel gathering on what the undead are up to, where they concentrate most of their power, what their most important PCs are and where they're located, etc etc. We can't have a plan of attack without knowing the most valuable places to strike.
We still need further intelligence, we haven't even decided, how much diplomacy we want to attempt with them.

Personally I think we should offer, to help those who want to return to life with that, we can make Heart Trees for it, we just need to do the research.

We worked out a way to make undead eligible for create-soul-gem/ back when we first visited Valyria, it involves using a spell that make an undead take on a facsimile of life, allowing it to reach negative hit points, and so allowing create soul gem to capture their soul, from there the soul gem, just have to be shipped to the Flesh/Fungus Forge, and it can be implanted in a newly grown body.

I can't remember what the fake life spell is called though, if anyone remember I would like a link to it or a name.
Possible doesn't mean practical, at least not in the short term. The spell you're thinking about is Spark of Life.
Do we have Vee on this mission? Because she will be useful for capturing a lot of undead. The dumb shambling ones will be good sacrifices and the occasional archmage undead will also be fun to catch.
One of the good things about this campaign is that it's excellent practice for our legions in fighting those giant hordes of undead. They'll need that know-how for the Long Night.

Yeah, we'll start off with intel gathering on what the undead are up to, where they concentrate most of their power, what their most important PCs are and where they're located, etc etc. We can't have a plan of attack without knowing the most valuable places to strike.
I didn't really have using Legion in mind, when I put the action forward, but seeing as the territory is pretty huge...
We might just have to :(

@Goldfish, @Crake what's our extra-fast deployment method for the Legions is?
Also, how many mind-condom banners we have ready?
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Do we have Vee on this mission? Because she will be useful for capturing a lot of undead. The dumb shambling ones will be good sacrifices and the occasional archmage undead will also be fun to catch.
Yeah, this is a full scale military operation. Viserys, Companions, Legion, etc.
[X] The End of Sarnor: The actions of the Undead roused by the now-gone Golden Company leave you no choice but to eliminate all of them as swiftly as possible. No quarter will be given, and those guiding the mindless hordes will burn the first.
-[X] (Constructs and Vehicles) The Moonchaser, 2 Moonchaser-class ships, 27 Type-A Wyverns, 12 Type-B Wyverns, 5x Manticore Fighter-Bombers, 30x Heralds, 1x Adamantine Golem (CR 19 + 1 level Monk), 1x Harbinger (CR 17), 6x Umbral Spies, 3x Umbral Stalkers, 68x Elemental Wyrmlings (Acid [x8], Cold [x8], Electricity [x8], Fire [x62].
-[X] (Outsiders) 1x Hadhayosh (CR 20), 23 Veteran Erinyes (the rest are busy Bodyguarding until the end of 2nd month), Yrael, Azema, Mereth
-[X] (Dragons) Amrelath, Relath, Viserys, 9x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15), 2x Very Old Myrkdreki Dragons, CR 15, 8x Fiery Dragonbeasts - Advanced Fiery Gigantean Half-Dragon Drakenbeasts (CR15),
-[X] (Fey) 2x Orphne Fey-Lords, Soft-Strider, Glyra & her Troupe
-[X] (Arcanums) Aradia the Huntress, Diana the Sea Sprite, Nuri
-[X] (Companions) Dany, Lya, Vee, Sir Richard, Waymar, Tyene, Teana, Malarys, Rina,
-[X] (High-grade Minions) Melisande, Zherys, Benerro,
-[X] (Mid/Low-grade Minions) Rhango and the Bonrbreaker, Liomond Lashare (Warblade 13), Alyssa Crowl (Ranger 13), Danar Crowl (Bard 6/Lyric Thaumaturge 7), Thoros of Myr (Paladin 10), Chun Ting Lo (Monk 9), Ser Criston Storm (Human Paragon 3/Fighter 5/Occult Slayer 1), Ceria "Storm" (Favored Soul 8/Sacred Exorcist 1), Ser Denys Trainer (Rogue 1/Alchemist 8), Morwyn and Tuin - the Drow assassins,
-[X] (Assorted) 10x Guardian Nagas, Nirah - Champion of Yss - the Voice of the Timeless One (CR 20).
The issue is less winning the battle and more knowing where to attack and who to keep track of. A kingdom of hostile undead is a lot harder to infiltrate than the Golden Company.
I didn't really have using Legiosn in mind when I put the action forward, but seeing as the territory is pretty much huge...
We might just have to :(

@Goldfish, @Crake what's our extra-fast deployment method for the Legions is?
Also, how many mind-condom banners we have ready?
The Imperial Demiplane is our go-to method for mass transportation. That said, I do think the Legion should be involved here for sure. This is good XP for them.
I didn't really have using Legiosn in mind when I put the action forward, but seeing as the territory is pretty much huge...
We might just have to :(

@Goldfish, @Crake what's our extra-fast deployment method for the Legions is?
Also, how many mind-condom banners we have ready?
We have 9 of them ready. One for each fully trained Legion, along with one we can lend to the Dothraki. We also have 10 Banners of Swiftness and Banners of Victory, each of which allow an army to use a Forced March without tiring and provide significant combat bonuses to all of them.

Lord's Banner of Swiftness
Lord's Banner of Victory