Champions' Path
Fifteenth Day of the First Month 294 AC
Though you are certainly
curious as to what the former maester is planning you can think of no reason to refuse. Qyburn has done exemplary work in your service and so far you have had nothing to offer him other than
more work for which he certainly seems to enjoy, but a allowance on personal project seems like a much more fitting reward. In truth you have some business in the Reach also and could do with hearing of the doings of the Faith and the Citadel from one as well connected as Baelor Hightower. "I and several of my companions are heading there as well. We have but to arrange a meeting place for when our mutual business is done..."
"Of course," Qyburn agrees at once. Unsurprisingly the two flesh-smiths prove to be exceptionally organized and time-conscious, a necessity for ones working with delicate arcane processes and life's fragile beginnings. That is not all they are organized about however, nor was this request the only reason they came here today, not by far.
They have also come to announce success in the most complex project you have assigned to them to date, certainly the most ambitious.
You tip your hands and look down at the papers Elaheh Marita just handed you out. Reagents costs, operating times, health parameters and potential dangers of the operation, the latter of which are thankfully small enough that you actually feel you can propose this to your citizens. But beyond any arcane consideration the question is
which of your citizens.
Project Praetorian was designed to do one thing above all else, give mortal men the tools to fight on an even footing with the pawns and servants of the dark powers of the Spheres and beyond. They are to be stronger of body and sharper of mind, resilient against wounds and illness, warded against magic and steel both, even able to summon a spark of dragonfire to their call, but beyond all this it would not do to forget that those undergoing this process would still be human in mind and soul. You can think of many reasons why someone would seek such power, not all of them good.
Unlike joining the Legion this would not be a path that can be walked back for those who find they have made a mistake. The transformation would be permanent outside of operations orders of magnitude more difficult than implantation. Further, even if someone joins wholehearted and serves with distinction they might one day have cause to lay down the sword and live in peace, and for that too you should be ready for before ordering the first implantation of a volunteer. The people who would entrust their lives to you deserve no less.
How are Praetorians to fit into the Empire's institutions and laws from selection criteria to possible retirement?
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OOC: I know this is really short and the vote is open-ended, I don't think I can cover every piece with pre-set votes, especially not this late.