Did the destruction of Qyburn's lab, which appears to have been in the sewers of Old Town, inadvertently release a mutagen of Far Realm origin? And if so, what are the chance that we might run into any sapient humanoid turtle creatures?
Labs. Multiple. Murder-grandpa has always been paranoid about the Citadel destroying his work and the sewers didn't exactly offer much suitable room.

Also, for completeness sake, the full party going is:
- Qyburn
- Elaheh
- the Dragonsteel clad Black Champion with the Greater Bloodclot Mold
- our new friend the Very Old Myrkdreki

It's like a family trip!
[X] You will drop Qyburn and your new vassal off in Old Town, you have other business in the city and do not mind the detour.
-[X] The rest of the Reach group, besides Richard, accompanying Viserys this month will canvas the city to help learn information Viserys is interested in, involving that which is mentioned below.
-[X] You wish to speak to Lord Baelor to get a read on the region for this month, House Hightower's own movements, and learn more of Citadel politics in general.
-[X] Also understanding what the Faith has been doing would be easier from its political heart, which has not been King's Landing in some time for all the changing of crowns in the Great Sept of Baelor.|
--[X] The Current Group, for this portion of the trip: Viserys, Ser Richard, Rhaella, The Seeker, Kira Windgraced, 2 Mind Dragons, 3 Furies, Danar & Alyssa Crowl
@DragonParadox For reference.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Crake on May 14, 2020 at 2:47 PM, finished with 28 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] You will drop Qyburn and your new vassal off in Old Town, you have other business in the city and do not mind the detour.
    -[X] The rest of the Reach group, besides Richard, accompanying Viserys this month will canvas the city to help learn information Viserys is interested in, involving that which is mentioned below.
    -[X] You wish to speak to Lord Baelor to get a read on the region for this month, House Hightower's own movements, and learn more of Citadel politics in general.
    -[X] Also understanding what the Faith has been doing would be easier from its political heart, which has not been King's Landing in some time for all the changing of crowns in the Great Sept of Baelor.|
    --[X] The Current Group, for this portion of the trip: Viserys, Ser Richard, Rhaella, The Seeker, Kira Windgraced, 2 Mind Dragons, 3 Furies, Danar & Alyssa Crowl
    [X] Yes, he has proved sensible and skilled in your service time and again, that deserves a reward
    [X] Ask more questions
    -[x] What exactly is the project?? None of these non-answers.
    [X] Deliver Qyburn yourself, you have other business in the city and do not mind the taking him along.
    -[X] The rest of the Reach group, besides Richard, accompanying Viserys this month will canvas the city to help learn information Viserys is interested in, involving that which is mentioned below.
    -[X] You wish to speak to Lord Baelor to get a read on the region for this month, House Hightower's own movements, and learn more of Citadel politics in general.
    -[X] Also understanding what the Faith has been doing would be easier from its political heart, which has not been King's Landing in some time for all the changing of crowns in the Great Sept of Baelor.|
    -[X] Qyburn will be left to take care of his errands himself, with Osryx and whoever else he can pull with him as aid.
He came out already Very Old? That's an interesting way to fudge with age categories...
it's couse we pull the, from the dragon dream so they don't really need to grow up and very old myrkdrekki are cr 15. we did also create quite a few wyrmlings so they can grow up in the imperium
@DragonParadox Would the collective unconscious affecting a hypothetical Imperial Deity, due to having so many unique, purposefully created True Dragons in the Imperium, allow it to eventually gain the Dragon domain organically? It seems significant enough.
I believe we'll see them live out their full lifespans, though. They'll just stay unaging in body until they finally catch up to their age, then they proceed as normal.
Not really important though.
Very Old means a minimum of 600 years, maximum 800.

Not sure what's a Myrkdreki's maximal total age, but since he's a True Dragon it will be at least 2000, likely more.

Having 1200 years to find a way to become immortal is so much more than any human or dwarf or elf has that it would be an insult to their skill and ambition to assume they can't do it.
how is Zethir's temple school going btw i'm curious as to when he can start working on restoring the rose
Not really important though.
Very Old means a minimum of 600 years, maximum 800.

Not sure what's a Myrkdreki's maximal total age, but since he's a True Dragon it will be at least 2000, likely more.

Having 1200 years to find a way to become immortal is so much more than any human or dwarf or elf has that it would be an insult to their skill and ambition to assume they can't do it.
They aren't just older in body either, but also in knowledge and magic. So this is a significant headstart compared to a wyrmling who is limited and within risk of coming under another's power, which could stifle their growth and progress for long enough for their ambition to calcify and make them waste time sleeping the ages away trying to grow older/wait for enemies to die or forget about them.
do you guys remember that i think it was Azata who was the boyfriend of that painter in Braavos who painted a Brijidine and got banished when we were in combat? what do you think happened to him
do you guys remember that i think it was Azata who was the boyfriend of that painter in Braavos who painted a Brijidine and got banished when we were in combat? what do you think happened to him
He was summoned and released back into the Imperium.

He did us a favor in fighting by our side, we repaid the debt.
He was summoned and released back into the Imperium.

He did us a favor in fighting by our side, we repaid the debt.
huh, i really don't remember us doing that, i guess i was still catching up when you guys did that, nice to know he isn't stuck in the hellhole that is the upper planes right now
Are we going to expand the canon map when we send Moonchaser to space and can get a satellite view of planetos?
I know there was a mention at some point of a ship that sailed west and found lands before going past them to find Yi-Ti.
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