Old Ways and New Laws
Twenty Second Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC
Thankfully Lord Harman Uller is not one to mince words, nor veil himself behind courtiers' games. Where Lord Dayne concerned himself with the place of the Faith and the nature of kingship in your realm, and Lady Blackmont with the culture and customs of Dorne, the Lord of Hellholt seems most worried about the pace of the changes that you are championing. "I actually read things that come out of Sorcerer's Deep, Your Grace, and not just the parchments on monsters and magic. I'm not one to complain about the marriage and inheritance laws for my own sake, House Uller's succession is as solid as the Hellholt's foundations, but there'll be arguments over it from all across the realm, mark my words..."
"Some would complain over being given silver because they are used to spending copper," you counter with an old Braavosi saying. "New tools, new laws, new ways of doings things are necessary to fit the blessings that this new age brings and to face its challenges. The tide is shifting, the only thing left for us to decide is how to meet it."
"And those who won't or can't face it as you will shall be swept away in steel and dragonfire?" An eyebrow arcs in askance as the old lord leans upon his sword. Not the proper way to treat a sword, though you doubt that is why Ser Richard is stiffening beside you.
"Those who break the law will be dealt with by those institutions most suited for the task of enforcing it upon them. I sincerely hope it does not come to using dragons for the task," you reply easily, beginning to see what his worries are rooted in. Harman Uller is old enough to have lived through the whole of your father's reign. He too had grand ideas, one after another. The thought of King Aerys the Second of his Name with dragons does not bear contemplating.
"The consequences of trying to swim against the flow of the world without harming the realm and its citizens is most likely to be
irrelevance," Dany interjects firmly. "So it would be in Volantis as much as in Oldtown, in Lys as much as White Harbor."
"'Citizens'," Lord Uller muses, seeming not the least bit startled to be addressed thus by Dany. "An Essosi word that, carrying the weight of responsibility as much as privilege, those whose voices guide the city in times of peace and protect it in times of war. Tell me, Your Grace, do you truly believe you can make citizens of those who have lived their whole lives as smallfolk? I have read those laws too, of raising the voices of the commons to a lord's ear, or a governors', and to tell the full truth I worry of how they might use that power or whom might use them to get it. It does not take much to make a rabble rouser, less now with sorcery to gild one's tongue."
"These last years have seen slaves rise from their chains to take on the responsibilities of peace and war," you point out. "Perhaps, my lord, you have too grim a view of the challenges men can rise to."
"Fear of the lash and the collar might drive men to take up arms in your legions. If there is one thing my misspent youth has taught me is that war is easier to win than peace." Lord Uller shakes his head in doubt, though not entirely resolved in his position.
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OOC: A bit short, I really should have made this part of the last update, but what's done is done.