Part MMMCCCLXXIV: Baiting the Hook
Baiting the Hook
Seventeenth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC
You have claimed cities by war, by diplomacy, by deception and varying gradations of all three, but you have not so far had to deal with a city whose primary concern was not being left behind in the tides of history. Most Braavosi traders and practically all those with political ambition in the Secret City know Lorath is a backwater in both the literal as well as metaphorical sense. Pentos at least had its vineyards and fertile vales when Braavosi merchants out-competed them in the sea. By contrast the northernmost of the Free Cities is built upon a small island in frigid seas, surviving but never thriving off the northern trade. And therein lay the trouble...
"Menel's pretty clear on the Harvest Prince being interested in swearing to us, the harvest has been poor," Dany shuffles some parchments into some semblance of order. These may not be her natural surroundings as much as they are yours, but your sister is nothing if not determined to live up to her responsibilities, in peace as much as in war. Of course as the gleam of magic in her eye reading the inteligence report shows she also cheats to the fullest extent of her considerable abilities. "The main trouble is the Prince of the Streets, Orogos... er... Kaemeni, seriously who calls a child that?"
"I believe they were trying to call him Fire-Hair in the local dialect, not what it comes to in Old Valyrian," Tyene giggles. Her High Valyrian might not be as instinctive as yours and Dany's, but one could hardly miss that the traitorous former princeling would be called 'Fig-Head' in that tongue.
"Right, the man with the improbable head actually grew into being a decent rabble-rouser, possibly from natural talent, most likely with the aid of magic and he had been quietly stoking anti-Braavosi sentiment by the time Menel and the others dealt with him. It would not be enough do disrupt a transfer of power of course..."
"Like anything could, we have dragons," Tyene snorts, not without cause of course but whether you could take the city was never in any doubt. You are certainly not going to brush rioting aside.
"How bad is it?" you ask. Dany probably had a more complete idea than you having spent yesterday actually reading through all the ancillary accounts of the negotiations, calling it 'a relief from all the gods and powers'.
"Well the good news is that it isn't the elements most likely to actually riot efectively, dock workers, the city watch and others of that sort. It's petty mercantile and craft interests, people who have been worrying about 'Bloodsucking Braavosi' since their great grandfathers' day. The trouble is, of course, that they are not entirely wrong to worry. They really are poorer than they used to be and part of that can be laid at the feet of Braavos' advantages, in terms of location and policy both."
"Is there any sort of focal point, a leader we could attempt to sway?" It would of course be posibile to do in Lorath what you had done in Westeros against far more entrenched suspicion, but that would take time to percolate through the population and every moment it was outside the empire Lorath's economy would only suffer more.
"The Fisher Prince maybe, fishing disputes with Braavos are far more focused and actually amenable to mediation, according to Saan you might just want to talk to his wife, she seems to have considerable influence over him..."
"Dare I ask why that observation is in Lothos' Saan's hand?" you ask archly.
"He didn't seduce her, though not from lack of interest on his part," Dany replies with a tolerant shake of the head as though Lothos were the too-spirited child. "I think we should get rid of the whole three part divide when we actually take the city. It may be a storied tradition but the princes have only become actual political leaders again after a coup less than a year ago. Their aristocracy is not best pleased with having to actually pay attention to figureheads."
"But the two reaming princes control both the fleet and the army," your words are not a question, you had read through both accounts weeks ago. Lorath had a proper citizen army rather than using sellswords in their battles and practically all of the officers supported the Harvest Prince and the fleet did the Fisher Prince. Removing either or both in the name of reinstating the old 'Humble' Assembly would add more malcontents to the city.
The question before you is simple on the surface, which faction to support for control of the city, but you could of course weave a more subtle pattern, introduce a new system more like of the reforms you have brought to the whole of your realm.
Who do you approach in Lorath and with what offer?
[] The Harvest Prince, already most favorable to you
-[] Write in
[] The Fisher Prince, more reserved but ultimately not opposed to you offering your protection to Lorath
-[] Write in
[] The magisters of the Humble Assembly
-[] Write in
[] Write in
OOC: A bit dialog heavy, but I figured it would be best to lay things out in a sensible concise way, because that is how Viserys would be receiving the information in character.
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