We need God-level wards in our Keep to party in. Yes. Specifically to party in.
...I'm somewhat concerned by what sort of party we'd need to hide from the gods. Especially since more than half the ones that care to look work with us.

Honestly, we'd probably invite most of them. Can you imagine Viserys doing shots with Yss and Zathir? I don't know exactly what would happen next, but it would probably get it's own unit in future history classes. :V
you know the saddest thing about catching up is all the images that are no longer there, oh well
Ah, I know your pain.
Sir Richard's armor.
The map of roads (I just can't seem to find a free hosting with big enough resolution limit for it, that'll keep it running for longer than a week).

You usually can get the relevant pic if you tag DP.
...50/50 really. Either you do, or you don't.

That said though, we're all waiting for anyone catching up.
The more the merrier, as I believe is said... somewhere.
Misfires: When a firework misfires, its charges detonate in an undesirable and often destructive manner. A misfiring firework explodes in a 5-foot-radius burst. Creatures and objects in the area are blinded for 1d4 rounds and take 1d6 points of fire damage for every 100 gp of the firework's price (minimum 1d6). A successful Reflex save halves the damage and a successful Fortitude save reduces the blindness condition to 1 round; the DC of these saves is equal to the Craft DC of the firework – 10 (minimum 1). Certain fireworks may cause less or more destructive effects, at the GM's discretion.

What's the ceiling for GP spent on a firework, @DragonParadox..?
We have a pretty big alchemical lab via Unseen Servants for producing limited amounts of them. No production facilities tooled for 'em though.
Sweet. Adding fireworks.

If necessary for an extra big payment, what do you guys think of sending our best bards -- Rhaella, Xor, Velen, and Danar Crowl -- to perform at a single gigantic party in this court?

Granted this would need to be to buy something really really big.
Sweet. Adding fireworks.

If necessary for an extra big payment, what do you guys think of sending our best bards -- Rhaella, Xor, Velen, and Danar Crowl -- to perform at a single gigantic party in this court?

Granted this would need to be to buy something really really big.
Our small scale Alchemy production is still used for important stuff. I'd rather not devote any of that limited capacity to bribing the Party Fey. And unstable explosives are not the best things for a bunch of drunken Party Fey to be messing around with in their underground feast hall.

We could enchant them a few command-activated Rods of Snapdragon Fireworks next month instead.

EDIT: And sending Rhaella to perform at a Fey Kegger would be a bad idea, IMO. Sends the wrong message.
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He could take the crown off to drink, though he would have to do it in the divination proof room in the Shadow Tower and if memory serves that's where the Hall of Horrors is. That would definitely say something.... I'm not sure what. :V
If he really wanted to get drunk, he could also just cast mind blank on himself, it's a spell as well as an item after all, on a day he's not planning to fight, he can afford the spell slot casting mind blank cost.
If he really wanted to get drunk, he could also just cast mind blank on himself, it's a spell as well as an item after all, on a day he's not planning to fight, he can afford the spell slot casting mind blank cost.
But Viserys hates drinking because he dislikes the loss of control. Being fair to him, most people can't turn into a dragon or cast miracle. Doing "The Hangover" with Viserys and the companions would probably end... poorly.
But Viserys hates drinking because he dislikes the loss of control. Being fair to him, most people can't turn into a dragon or cast miracle. Doing "The Hangover" with Viserys and the companions would probably end... poorly.
Replace "Las Vegas" with "Sigil" and Mike Tyson with Khelben Arunsun or Elminster and you're basically in the right ballpark.
@everyone, a tiny question:

Do we care about the Drunken God enough to add the following as a Minor Action to the list for the 12th month?
[] The Drunken God has proven... reasonable, so far as the gods go. You have some doubts, but it would be a waste to throw out a perfectly good opportunity for business relationship between the two of you.
-[] Set up a meeting with a manifestation of his power - try to find a middle ground: what good can he do for your Empire that you'd be willing to pay fair price?
And why I'm asking and not just adding...
Well, we interacted scarcely enough that we can just act like he doesn't exist.

And the list of MAs for the 12th month is looking really busy with "minor-ish people-talking actions" for Viserys as-is already.
Do we care about spending valuable screentime on this Deity?
When the one objectively important milestone is about to be crossed in the 12th month anyway, with the Gods we already grabbed doing combined effort to fuck Timmie over?

The next such would be...
Making Imperial Deity, I think?

Do we care about the Drunken God enough to start working with him now?
Otherwise we won't reach the stage of relationship past which we'd trust him to be on the "Pantheon" of ours soon enough for ID.

Roughly same can be said about the Blind god of Lorath, seeing as we'll be arranging meetings with the hedsa of that city in the 12th... Only we had no interaction with BGoL.
Just pouring one out for one missing. 🥃
*sad woof*
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@everyone, a tiny question:

Do we care about the Drunken God enough to add the following as a Minor Action to the list for the 12th month?

And why I'm asking and not just adding...
Well, we interacted scarcely enough that we can just act like he doesn't exist.

And the list of MAs for the 12th month is looking really busy with "minor-ish people-talking actions" for Viserys as-is already.
Do we care about spending valuable screentime on this Deity?
When the one objectively important milestone is about to be crossed in the 12th month anyway, with the Gods we already grabbed doing combined effort to fuck Timmie over?

The next such would be...
Making Imperial Deity, I think?

Do we care about the Drunken God enough to start working with him now?
Otherwise we won't reach the stage of relationship past which we'd trust him to be on the "Pantheon" of ours soon enough for ID.

Roughly same can be said about the Blind god of Lorath, seeing as we'll be arranging meetings with the hedsa of that city in the 12th... Only we had no interaction with BGoL. *sad woof*
From what I remember, the Drunken God is very...passive? We have a neutral relationship with him right now, I think, maybe leaning just slightly toward the positive. Considering his passivity, is it even worth trying to further ingratiate ourselves to him? We don't have to be on speaking terms with every god.

If ya'll want to do it, I don't mind, I just don't believe we'll get much out of the effort.