Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Dec 22, 2019 at 11:08 AM, finished with 34 posts and 14 votes.
With every account you give she grows more and more interested. While such treasures may not be as rare in Yi Ti as they were in Westeros or other realms where magic all but vanished by the time the Doom struck Valyria the monasteries guard their lore jealously and the Wu Jen rarely turn their craft to the same task twice, spending years in the crafting of great artifacts for themselves or their patrons in place of works crafting simple talismans. The latter is more often the product of peasant superstition or untrustworthy ronin sorcerers who usually live one step ahead of the magistraters or the mob.
Well, this makes me really freaking smug about our crafting equipping so many essential personnel in the Imperium. Also yessss, gimme that lore.

[X] All of it, more knowledge is always useful, all the more so for coming from a unique source
-[X] Take care to only copy any lore present, though - best not to leave anyone a connection to scry on.
Cote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Dec 22, 2019 at 11:29 AM, finished with 39 posts and 15 votes.
Seriously though, this actually kind of pisses me off. In the "lets skip recruiting GC survivors and just Tor them" sense. Being capable of looking someone in the eye and then passing them off to be subjected to undeath, with full understanding of what that means, completely removes any sympathy I have for someone.

Their tragic backstory can get worked into a mirror play to warn others against following in their footsteps, but otherwise they're demoted to materials. Demonstrating why they should pay their debt to society through community service instead of blood is their problem, not ours.
...Hey, @DragonParadox, does inventing horrific weapons of mass-destruction, technically, still give power to Zathir as a "great invention"?
"lets skip recruiting GC survivors and just Tor them"
Wasn't that the case to begin with, though?

We very pointedly killed any remaining sensible ones in Essaria long ago - the ones with GC right now almost all revel in slaughter, rape and pillaging in random order - and worship Tiamat, at that.

Even that kid whom we got with the asshole Fleshwarper isn't really flippable to our side at this point, not without dedicated diplomatic effort - and those in GC rn will need the same amount of care and Divination the ones we sent off to the Wall do.
As in, "the totally unacceptable" amount of resources/time/attention.

TLDR: They die, and that was a given for a while.
This on-screen sight of their assholishness is just that- an on-screen show of what was implied awhile.
If she's actually free willed, then I don't think it will turn out how they think it will, most undead don't like being undead, and being kidnapped and killed like this, is not a positive introduction to undeath, so if she's actually free willed I would expect her to plan her revenge immediately, if the sacrifice forcibly make her loyal to them, then she's not a free willed undead, she's only an intelligent undead who has been brain washed.

So either they have to justify magically changing her mind to themselves, or she's going to absolutely hate them when she's brought back.
@DragonParadox Is it a secret whether she's actually free willed, or whether she's been brain washed into loyalty to her killers?

I would like to know how much I should hate them, and how competent they are, it's would be both eviler and more competent of them, if they brain washed her into being loyal to them.
@DragonParadox Is it a secret whether she's actually free willed, or whether she's been brain washed into loyalty to her killers?

I would like to know how much I should hate them, and how competent they are, it's would be both eviler and more competent of them, if they brain washed her into being loyal to them.

It's not really IC information which is why I did not want to coment, but seeing as Melisandre is there and can observe the Sarnori

*rolls knowledge religion*

Elyra would have been free willed, her captors are delusional, not a condition limited to the living by any stretch of the imagination
It's not really IC information which is why I did not want to coment, but seeing as Melisandre is there and can observe the Sarnori

*rolls knowledge religion*

Elyra would have been free willed, her captors are delusional, not a condition limited to the living by any stretch of the imagination
Then I expect she's either plotting against them, or already defected, the only reason I can see for her staying with them, is if she plan to betray them as revenge.

Or she attacked them and got killed a second time.
It's not really IC information which is why I did not want to coment, but seeing as Melisandre is there and can observe the Sarnori

*rolls knowledge religion*

Elyra would have been free willed, her captors are delusional, not a condition limited to the living by any stretch of the imagination be honest, I'm kinda sad she'll likely get saved by Melisande & Co.

Sure, it's a horrible, horrible fate - but we'd get the prospective "willing Sentient Undead" needed for a Research to make them safe to keep around - and we'd be able to revert her to life again with little effort, what with Miracle and Wyla's research on hand.

And she'd be PC-able immediately from the trauma...

Ah, what potential wast- saved.
"They would take it ill if your barbarian King got his hands on this lore. I mean, not that I really mind that. It's his neck."

*Viserys internally*

'Corlys', trying very hard not to laugh in her face: "I don't think that will be a problem." be honest, I'm kinda sad she'll likely get saved by Melisande & Co.

Sure, it's a horrible, horrible fate - but we'd get the prospective "willing Sentient Undead" needed for a Research to make them safe to keep around - and we'd be able to revert her to life again with little effort, what with Miracle and Wyla's research on hand.

And she'd be PC-able immediately from the trauma...

Ah, what potential wast- saved.
Well, Sarnor has many thousands of undeads and as the loremasters of Sallosh showed they are not all crazy.
I'm sure for a promise of new life we can get a few volunteers.

Edit: Though this particular group can die in a fire.
Well, Sarnor has many thousands of undeads and as the loremasters of Sallosh showed they are not all crazy.
I'm sure for a promise of new life we can get a few volunteers.

Edit: Though this particular group can die in a fire.
Speaking of those Salloshi loremasters, now that we've done basically the same thing already with our ancestor, we could offer to do so for them. The mages would be just as powerful, minus the undead template, but their presence wouldn't be an active corruption of the world anymore either. And we could make up for any measly loss of CR through equipping them. Kind of hard to argue against that kind of pragmatism!
Speaking of those Salloshi loremasters, now that we've done basically the same thing already with our ancestor, we could offer to do so for them. The mages would be just as powerful, minus the undead template, but their presence wouldn't be an active corruption of the world anymore either. And we could make up for any measly loss of CR through equipping them. Kind of hard to argue against that kind of pragmatism!
Thanks to Qyburn my policy on undead has evolved from "tree them all " to "hey maybe don't be a radioactive pile of shit?"
Speaking of those Salloshi loremasters, now that we've done basically the same thing already with our ancestor, we could offer to do so for them. The mages would be just as powerful, minus the undead template, but their presence wouldn't be an active corruption of the world anymore either. And we could make up for any measly loss of CR through equipping them. Kind of hard to argue against that kind of pragmatism!
Depends on the kind of effort needed for the ritual to revive long-dead undead.
So far we've needed a full costum ritual for each of our revived undead.

Maybe a method for make safe undead would be more efficient. We'll see when we research it.