Liang Wohor work better as a Qohor merchant of mixed heritage?

Speaking of Qohor, what country is it based of anyway?

Ghis is Carthage.

Valyria is Rome.

Westeros is most of the kingdoms in Northern Europe (mostly, take this with a grain of salt).

Yi-Ti is China.

Mossovy is Russia.

Then what's Qohor? Which part of God's green earth did G.R.R. Martin based of this parch of land?
I've added the Imperial Warforged post to those linked in my signature, for future reference.

Greatly appreciate it.
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so what exactly is the point of half the stuff we're doing in Yi-Ti? I get the golden company stuff, but it seems like we're getting ready to make a move on the political scene of a nation on the other side of the planet from our power base.

It seems pointless when we can't really leverage it until after we take more of Essos at the very minimum. Honestly it kind of feels like we were in the middle of three different chess matches with just as many flavors of monster, then decided to start a game of scrabble on another continent because we wanted a change of scenery.

*deadpan look*

What gives it away? The human sacrifices or the big black demonic goat preening in the background?
No, what's a weird goat god and some occasional human sacrifice between neighbors after all?

That chanting though? It's creepy as hell.:V
That's the Dothraki the utter savages.
No, it was the Tyroshi... and they do even worse than just that:

Daario is lithe and smooth skinned[3][4] with bright, deep blue eyes which can appear almost purple.[5][6][7] His curly hair reaches his collar, and he keeps his beard cut in three prongs.[3] Daario dyes his hair and trident beard, sometimes in blue[3] and other times in deep purple.

Believe it or not, that's the tame part. The rest of his appearance is even more flamboyantly terrible.
so what exactly is the point of half the stuff we're doing in Yi-Ti? I get the golden company stuff, but it seems like we're getting ready to make a move on the political scene of a nation on the other side of the planet from our power base.

It seems pointless when we can't really leverage it until after we take more of Essos at the very minimum. Honestly it kind of feels like we were in the middle of three different chess matches with just as many flavors of monster, then decided to start a game of scrabble on another continent because we wanted a change of scenery.

No, what's a weird goat god and some occasional human sacrifice between neighbors after all?

That chanting though? It's creepy as hell.:V
We initially moved to take action on Yi-Ti to counter Golden Company machinations, which had a serious chance of destabilizing the nation while greatly improving the GC's wealth, power, and access to potentially powerful artifacts. They're in league with the Yi-Ti population of Oni, at least tangentally, who are in turn working with the Rakshasa of the Bloodstone Emperor.

By blocking the plans of the GC, we kept Yi-Ti from descending into chaos, weakened our enemies, and established friendly relations with an ancient nation which could bear fruit well into the future. A strong Yi-Ti also serves as a balancing factor against the Bloodstone Emperor's forces in Asshai and the Shadowlands, and can act as a launching point for any actions we take against them in the future.

It also doesn't hurt to firmly fix Viserys as the ruler of Westeros and eastern Eddie in the minds of other world powers.
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We initially moved to take action on Yi-Ti to counter Golden Company machinations, which had a serious chance of destabilizing the nation while greatly improving the GC's wealth, power, and access to potentially powerful artifacts. They're in league with the Yi-Ti population of Oni, at least tangentally, who are in turn working with the Rakshasa of the Bloodstone Emperor.

By blocking the plans of the GC, we kept Yi-Ti from descending into chaos, weakened our enemies, and established friendly relations with an ancient nation which could bear fruit well into the future. A strong Yi-Ti also serves as a balancing factor against the Bloodstone Emperor's forces in Asshai and the Shadowlands, and can act as a launching point for any actions we take against them in the future.

It also doesn't hurt to firmly fix Viserys as the ruler of Westeros and eastern Eddie in the minds of other world powers.
I get that part, I more meant the discussion of shopping for emperors or showing up for a state visit and the like which have come up a few times. That sort of thing implies a lot more direct involvement with a place that's effectively more difficult to access than the inner planes for anyone in the Imperium who can't teleport.

We'll need to get closer to them eventually, but they're so far away from anything we control that there doesn't seem to be much of a point to devoting extra effort to it in the immediate term.
Finally caught up on three months of posts. I leave for five minutes and we're out here selling warbeasts and making new dragon species.

Regarding future burrowing monsters, there's the Deep Dragon template. Throw it on a feral drake or wyvern or something.

I've been thinking about the mount we promised the Orphne king. What exactly were the terms again?

The big problem is trying to find the appropriate combination of templates; we can't combine Half-Dragon, Shadow Animal (when did we get that?), or Vahana, or put either of the last two on a magical beast, so hippogriffs may not be the best base creature. We still have that Shadow-Traced Kamanitachi, so there's that, at least, but it'd be a pretty bad mount if its clones and teleporting didn't include the rider. Something to work at.

A quick reading presents a possible combo: start with an animal, then apply Vahana, Fey Creature, and Shadow Creature (the 3.5 version, not Pathfinder)

Template - Shadow Creature

Vahana has to be applied first, as it only works on animals, but Fey Creature and Shadow Creature work on animals and magical beasts equally well so it shouldn't present an order of operations problem. All we need is a suitable base animal. I'll probably post about that later, I have to eat.
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All right, a few potential base animals for the Orphne king's mount. He seems like a grace over brute force type, so I'm not including boars, bears, elephants, and the like.

Giant Emperor Stag: CR 4, HD 4. The base creature is medium, so giant is needed for a mount. It's got a high speed for Vahana to increase and Fey/Shadow to multiply, plus it can turn 90 degrees in a charge and move in surprise rounds. This thing is built for mobility. Plus, a fey king riding a giant deer just seems appropriate. Low CR, so plenty of room for Mighty or other templates. 4 HD gets it one ability from the Fey and Shadow lists.

Giant Dolphin: CR 1 1/2, HD 2. Again, medium, so Giant is needed. This may sound crazy, but hear me out. Vahana can grant any sort of extra movement speed. Usually, this is fly or swim speed, but there's no reason it couldn't be a land speed. Further, Fey Creature grants a flight speed. Dolphin has a base 80 swim speed, meaning that this would be an immensely fast all-terrain traveler. It breathes air, so no problems on that front. Again, plenty of CR space for Mighty or casting options. Fey and Shadow creature each grant a minimum of one ability, so this would get one of each as well.

Giant Sea Snake: CR 7, HD 9. Huge, so the king can bring some friends along with him. More combat power than the Dolphin, but not nearly as fast. Has a climb speed, for what that's worth. Gets two each of Fey and Shadow special abilities.

Ujaheim – d20PFSRD

Ujaheim: CR 6, HD 9. Large desert native cat. Naturally inclined to riding, so perhaps it would be easier to convince an intelligent one to be a mount. Two special abilities from each list.

Warcat – d20PFSRD

Warcat: CR 12, HD 16. Huge armored attack cat. Going to need to enlarge the CR cap before we do one of these. Four abilities from each list.

An alternative to Vahana:

Dragonkin – d20PFSRD

CR 9, HD10. It's a large dragon that's inclined to let others ride it and can wield its own weapons in addition to its breath weapon. Two from each list.

A third alternative. The Vahana is basically the ideal mount, but I don't know how comfortable I am with creating an intelligent being to literally carry someone else around on their back. So, a possible build with 1-2 Int could be something like a Mighty Primitive Fey Shadow Hippogriff, Stymphalidies, Gorgimera, or the aforementioned Ujaheim (season with extra templates to taste).

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All right, a few potential base animals for the Orphne king's mount. He seems like a grace over brute force type, so I'm not including boars, bears, elephants, and the like.

Giant Emperor Stag: CR 4, HD 4. The base creature is medium, so giant is needed for a mount. It's got a high speed for Vahana to increase and Fey/Shadow to multiply, plus it can turn 90 degrees in a charge and move in surprise rounds. This thing is built for speed. Plus, a fey king riding a giant deer just seems appropriate. Low CR, so plenty of room for Mighty or other templates. 4 HD gets it one ability from the Fey and Shadow lists.

Giant Dolphin: CR 1 1/2, HD 2. Again, medium, so Giant is needed. This may sound crazy, but hear me out. Vahana can grant any sort of extra movement speed. Usually, this is fly or swim speed, but there's no reason it couldn't be a land speed. Further, Fey Creature grants a flight speed. Dolphin has a base 80 swim speed, meaning that this would be an immensely fast all-terrain traveler. It breathes air, so no problems on that front. Again, plenty of CR space for Mighty or casting options. Fey and Shadow creature each grant a minimum of one ability, so this would get one of each as well.

Giant Sea Snake: CR 7, HD 9. Huge, so the king can bring some friends along with him. More combat power than the Dolphin, but not nearly as fast. Has a climb speed, for what that's worth. Gets two each of Fey and Shadow special abilities.

Ujaheim – d20PFSRD

Ujaheim: CR 6, HD 9. Large desert native cat. Naturally inclined to riding, so perhaps it would be easier to convince an intelligent one to be a mount. Two special abilities from each list.

Warcat – d20PFSRD

Warcat: CR 12, HD 16. Huge armored attack cat. Going to need to enlarge the CR cap before we do one of these. Four abilities from each list.

An alternative to Vahana:

Dragonkin – d20PFSRD

CR 9, HD10. It's a large dragon that's inclined to let others ride it and can wield its own weapons in addition to its breath weapon. Two from each list.

A third alternative. The Vahana is basically the ideal mount, but I don't know how comfortable I am with creating an intelligent being to literally carry someone else around on their back. So, a possible build with 1-2 Int could be something like a Mighty Primitive Fey Shadow Hippogriff, Stymphalidies, Gorgimera, or the aforementioned Ujaheim (season with extra templates to taste).

I'm also uncomfortable creating a sentient being to serve as the Orphne Lord's mount.

I think the Emperor Stag is a good base creature, very thematic for a Fey Lord. We can advance it's Racial HD to 8, which would push it's CR to 5, I think. Then we can add the Dire Creature template to make it Large-sized and add 3 more HD (bringing it to CR 7), Fey Creature (raising CR to 9), and finish with Shadow Creature at CR 10.

That would be a good range of abilities, plus it would be tough, fast, and non-sentient.

Dont really have the tme to read through all the suggestions, but
Going to need to enlarge the CR cap before we do one of these.
Just a note - we'd only get as high as CR15, ever. The fogres aren't upgradeable further.
Unless you did mean it as "Lys fore", which is getting repaired to the max CR next month.

That aside, your efforts are highly appreciated.
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I'm also uncomfortable creating a sentient being to serve as the Orphne Lord's mount.

I think the Emperor Stag is a good base creature, very thematic for a Fey Lord. We can advance it's Racial HD to 8, which would push it's CR to 5, I think. Then we can add the Dire Creature template to make it Large-sized and add 3 more HD (bringing it to CR 7), Fey Creature (raising CR to 9), and finish with Shadow Creature at CR 10.

That would be a good range of abilities, plus it would be tough, fast, and non-sentient.

Sounds pretty great. Small note, Fey gives +2 Int, so that would end up with 4 int, technically above animal intelligence. If that's a big issue, you could throw in Half-Dragon or Half-Umbral Dragon (assuming its breath weapons scales like half-dragon instead of being fixed to 6d8 for no apparent reason), followed by Primitive for 2 int and CR 12 (note that the base stag is CR 3, I just added the CR for Giant, which we don't need because this one uses Dire instead). I imagine it looking something like a cross between a fairy dragon and a peryton.

All together, that'd be Str 33, Dex 24, Con 38, Int 2, Wis 19, Cha 17, if I've counted correctly.

If we could make its HD one higher, which we should be able to without increasing CR we'd get an extra ability from the Fey and Shadow lists, something that I never actually listed out.

Both are 1 per 4 hit dice, minimum 1


Camouflage (Ex): Hide in any sort of natural terrain, even without cover/concealment, +4 racial bonus to stealth. These guys are all about

Change Shape (Su): Transform into a single set form within one size category. Useful if the king likes to do the "mysterious stranger" thing, have it pretend to be a horse.

Energy Resistance (Ex): Increase resistance to an energy type by 10, if it goes over 30, it's immunity, can be taken multiple times.

Evasion (Ex): As the rogue ability.

Long Step (Su): Teleport 10 feet per HD, so 120, once every 1d4 rounds. I assume this works like the spell, so he should be able to bring the king along. It'd be funny as hell if he didn't, though.

Spell Resistance (Ex): SR equal to 11 + CR, so 23.

Trackless Step (Ex): Doesn't leave a trail unless it wants to, can't be tracked.

Vanish (Su): Turn invisible for a round. Not great on a mount, unless the king springs for an invisibility item of his own.

Woodland Stride (Ex): Move through one type of natural terrain without damage or impediment. Emperor Stags ignore all difficult terrain inherently, so no to this one.

Shadow: No names for these powers.

+2 luck bonus on saves.

Cause Fear 1/day, 5th level casting, Charisma based.


Evasion, as per rogue.

Fast Healing 2.

Mirror Image 1/day, 5th level casting.

Plane Shift 1/day, to/from Plane of Shadow only, 15th level casting.

Not as interesting as Shadow Animal's bonuses. If we're allowed to use that on something with Fey Creature/Half-Dragon at the same time, we absolutely should.
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Yeah, we'll need to come up with a bunch of long duration spells which can be applied well prior to starting the ritual. Anything with a duration of less than hour/level, or which cannot lay dormant until triggered, won't be practical for this, since everything needs to be in place and everyone recovered from casting to be ready for the Efreeti response.

Etheric Shards, Guards and Wards, Glyphs of Warding, Symbols of Death (maybe some Symbols of Sealing, Insanity, Weakness, etc., too), Ghoul Glyphs, Refusal, etc., would all be effective. I'm sure there are a lot more which just aren't coming to mind at the moment, too.

Fortunately, we'll have plenty of time to work all of that out beforehand.

Cave Fangs - Free damage and area denial. - @Crake Should satisfy this request.

Guardian Wasps - Free damage, area denial and ongoing distraction.

Teleport Trap - Whatever our devious little minds prefer location wise, though I will note as far as I know underwater is valid.

Sepia Snake Sigil - Put signs around the fortress, some misleading, some factual (though unhelpful) and some will paralyze your ass. It's really hard to not read something when it's right there in front of you, even insults in their native tongue would work fine.

Resplendent Mansion - This one I admit is weird, the tentative plan I have is that we would cast it in some kind of thoroughfare forcing people to enter through one side and exit out the other, having to navigate rooms etc. I'm not even convinced myself it's worth it but there might be something there.

I'll try to think of more later, I know I'm forgetting like 3 of my favorites.


Glyph of Warding of course.
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@Goldfish, @Crake, assuming next month we put 3 Moonchasers into production-

Will we start on our first Dauntless-class in the 1st month?

I edited the pic for less "technological" look, if it isn't quite clear.
Me me good boi.
@Goldfish, @Crake, assuming next month we put 3 Moonchasers into production-

Will we start on our first Dauntless-class in the 1at month?

I edited the pic for less "technological" look, if it isn't quite clear.
Me me good boi.
We'll be finishing two more Moonchasers by the end of the 12th month. Two Moonchasers every two months is sustainable for us.

I don't think we're ready, manpower wise or from a technical standpoint, to build and staff a Dauntless. Maybe after another five or six months of Moonchaser production?

To be honest, I'm not in a hurry to start on the Dauntless class ships. I think our resources are better spent on producing more Moonchasers.
We'll be finishing two more Moonchasers by the end of the 12th month. Two Moonchasers every two months is sustainable for us.

I don't think we're ready, manpower wise or from a technical standpoint, to build and staff a Dauntless. Maybe after another five or six months of Moonchaser production?

To be honest, I'm not in a hurry to start on the Dauntless class ships. I think our resources are better spent on producing more Moonchasers.
Well, CoB is in ~3 months at most, if we are to follow the timeline Shaitan spymaster originally gave us for infiltrating it/related war-efforts...

We should have one Dauntless for said siege, imo.
PR-wise, it would matter a lot, even if "more Moonchasers" would be a more practical solution.