Dont know the price but found the tab frmor it in the Magic Items section of temhe Research tab.

Spoiler: Titan's Tools
3x Titan's Tools

Description: This set of arcane instruments wrought of Shaitan hands in their sunless realm allow the wielder to work stone and earth as the gods themselves might. Four there are: the eye of shifting emerald wrought by which any stone can be transmuted to another, the gloves to coax it into any shape one might desire, the rod of gold and silver wrought that one might raise it where there is none, and the towel to spread earth over it like a cloak.

Ability: Greater Stone Metamorphosis, Greater Stone Shape, Wall of Stone, Move Earth at will
Here's what I've got, ya'll. It's a significant purchase, including the 1,000,000 in crafting reagents (which we definitely will need).

@TalonofAnathrax, I included two Amulets of Greater Anticipate Teleportation. They're worth having, IMO.

For the Metamagic Rods we can purchase, I've currently got a Maximize and a Quicken slotted in. Maximize for Viserys, and Quicken to be assigned as necessary. I'm open to suggestions if ya'll want to purchase something different, though.

-[X] Purchases:
--[X] Crafting Reagents: 1,000,000 IM
--[X] x4 Permanency Scrolls (3rd Level) - Cost: 15,000 IM each (Total: 60,000)
--[X] Metamagic Rods:
---[X] Greater Rod of Maximize - Cost: 31,590 IM
---[X] Greater Rod of Quicking - Cost: 44,200 IM
-[X] Commissions:
--[X] x100 Rings of Protection from Evil - Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 80,000 IM)
--[X] x100 Healing Belts - Cost: 150 IM each (15,000 IM each)
--[X] Bag of Tricks (Tan) for Glyra - Cost: 3,200 IM
--[X] x3 Scabbard of Keen Edges - Cost: 3,200 IM each (Total: 9,600 IM)
--[X] x10 Restorative Ointment - 800 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[X] x10 Dragonbone Divination Sticks - 1,280 IM (Total: 12,800 IM)
--[X] x5 Prophet's Pectoral (reskinned Prophet's Rod, no item slot, x2 cost) - Cost: 2,400 IM (Total: 12,000 IM)
--[X] x50 Handy Haversack - Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 20,000 IM)
--[X] x200 Traveler's Anytool - Cost: 50 IM (Total: 10,000 IM)
--[X] x30 Silver Nocking Points - Cost: 630 IM each (Total: 18,900 IM)
--[X] x10 Caller's Feather - Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 4,000 IM)
--[X] x2 Lord's Banner of Victory - Cost: 15,000 IM each (Total: 30,000 IM)
--[X] x5 Banner of Restful Nights - Cost: 1,008 IM each (Total: 5,040 IM)
--[X] x20 Earring of Constant Comprehend Languages - Cost: 800 IM (Total: 16,000 IM)
--[X] x9 Rod of Make Whole - Cost: 2,160 IM each (Total: 19,940 IM)
--[X] x3 Rod of Greater Make Whole - Cost: 10,080 IM each (Total: 30,240 IM)
--[X] x1 Amulet of Greater Anticipate Teleportation - Cost: 13,200 IM each (Total: 13,200 IM)
--[X] x1 Amulet of Greater Anticipate Teleportation(Slotless) - Cost: 26,400 IM
--[X] x5 Numerology Cylinder - Cost: 1,000 IM each (Total: 5,000 IM)
--[X] x2 Sets of Titan's Tools - Cost: 40,000 IM each (Total: 80,000 IM)
--[X] x2 Ring of Nine Lives for Lya & Dany - Cost: 14,000 IM each (Total: 28,000 IM)
--[X] x2 Ring of Nine Lives (Slotless) for Viserys - Cost: 28,000 IM
--[X] Pages of Spell Knowledge:
---[X] 3rd Level: Spellsword - Cost: 1,800 IM
--[X] Spectacles:
---[X] x50 Constant Detect Magic - Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 20,000 IM)
---[X] x10 Constant Detect Charm - Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
---[X] x10 Constant Detect Undead - Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
---[X] x20 Constant Detect Fiendish Presence - Cost: 400 IM each (8,000 IM)
---[X] x5 Constant Discern Shapechanger - Cost: 2,400 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)
---[X] x5 Constant Detect Thoughts - Cost: 2,400 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)
-[X] TOTAL: 1,585,410 IM

[X] Servitors:
--[X] Hedgethorn Hippogriff: CR 8 (Dire Greenbound Hippogriff*[advanced to 6 Racial HD, Huge-Sized]) - Price: 4,800 IM each (Our Cost: 2,400 IM each)
---[X] Each Huge-sized Hedgethorn Hippogriffs can carry several soldiers through the air with ease, and their size and physical power makes them deadly foes in melee combat, but there true purpose is to harass and hinder large masses of enemy troops using their Entangle and Wall of Thorn spell-like abilities while circling high overhead, safe from most landbound threats and able to fight off all but the most dangerous of aerial foes.
--[X] Assassin Wyverns: CR 8 (Advanced Feral Quickling Forked-Tail Wyvern) - Price: 4,800 IM each (Our Cost: 2,400 IM each)
---[X] Assassin Wyverns are not subtle killers, but they are undoubtedly effective ones. With single-minded purpose, working either singly or in a murder several strong, they seek out their targets using their unnatural speed and rend them limb from limb. And should the wounds themselves not be enough to slay their target, their dreadful poison almost certainly is.
--[X] Red Dragonshark: CR 10 (Primitive Half-Dragon (Red) Bulette) - Price: 9,600 IM each (Our Cost: 4,800 IM each)
---[X] Massive, dragon-blooded eating machines, there are few places on the Planes of Air, Earth, or Fire that a Red Dragonshark cannot reach in search of its prey. Whether burrowing through ash and stone beneath the feet of the Efreeti and their slave soldiers in order to burst forth and consume the unwary, or flying high overhead to crash down upon them like a ravenous meteor, a Red Dragonshark is rarely denied its next meal.
--[X] Razorshark: CR 10 (Advanced Fungal Bladeleaf Bulette) - Price: 9,600 IM each (Our Cost: 4,800 IM each)
---[X] While not as well suited to operating on multiple Planes as the Red Dragonshark, the Razorshark is far more resilient in general and can quickly heal from nearly any non-fatal wound. Otherwise, it is much the same as a Red Dragonshark save for it's lack of flight and fire immunity. Its Animated Bladeleaf Swarm and Poisonous Spore Breath also give the Razorshark additional methods of attack which the Efreeti and their slave soldiers might not be familiar with defending against.
-[X] We would, of course, be willing to trade our Forge services to offset the cost of our latest purchases and commissions.
--[X] If the Shaitan are not adverse to the practice, we can also offer to raise limited numbers of slain war beasts as Soul-Forged Undead. This involves a process which has been specially designed to prevent the resulting Undead's presence from tainting the surrounding environment with excess Negative Energy.

Hedgethorn Hippogriff
Dire Greenbound Hippogriff [advanced to 6 Racial HD] - CR 8

N Huge Plant
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, tremorsense 60 ft., scent; Listen +4, Spot +9
29, touch 14, flat-footed 24 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +16 natural, -2 size)
HP 198 (12d8+144)
Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +7
Immune: Plant Traits, Resist Cold & Electricity 10, DR 10/Magic & Slashing, Fast Healing 3
50 ft., fly 110 ft. (average)
Melee bite +19 (2d6+9), 2 claws +19 (1d8+9)
Space 10 ft. Reach 10 ft.
29, Dex 19, Con 26, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+24
Feats Ability Focus (Entangle), Dodge, Hover, Wingover
Skills Listen +7, Spot +19; Racial Modifiers +4 Listen & Spot

Plant Immunities (Ex): Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms). Immunity to paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 12th Caster Level: At will - Entangle (DC 16), Pass Without Trace, Speak with Plants, 1/Day: Wall of Thorns
Assassin Wyvern
Advanced Feral Quickling Forked-Tail Wyvern - CR 8

N Large Dragon
Init +15; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Listen +9, Spot +18
30, touch 20, flat-footed 19 (+7 Dex, +4 Dodge, +10 natural, -1 size)
HP 139 (9d12+81)
Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +9
Immune: dragon traits, magic paralysis and sleep; Resist acid 10, fire 10; SR 19, Fast Healing 1
80 ft., fly 240 ft. (Average), swim 160 ft.
Melee: bite +17 (2d6+9 plus grab), 2 stings +17 (1d6+9 plus poison), 2 wings +12 (1d6+4)
Space: 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks: breath weapon (30-ft. cone, 6d6 fire damage plus fumes, Reflex DC 23 half, usable every 1d4 rounds), rake (2 talons +20, 1d6+9)
Str 29, Dex 24, Con 28, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+13
Feats: Ability Focus(Poison), Combat Reflexes, Deadly Poison, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Improved Poison, Mobility, Spring Attack
Skills: Balance +17, Jump +19, Listen +9, Spot +18, Swim +9, Tumble +17; Racial Modifiers +8 Listen & Spot, +10 Balance, Jump, & Tumble

Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds, an Assassin Wyvern can emit a cloud of noxious fire in a 30-foot cone that deals 6d6 points of fire damage and the fumes cause temporary blindness as though affected by Glitterdust for 4 rounds. A DC 23 Reflex save halves the fire damage and negates the Glitterdust effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Poison (Ex): Injury - Fortitude DC 25: Initial 2d8 Constitution damage, Secondary 4d8 Constitution damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Rapid Actions (Ex): An Assassin Wyvern gains one extra attack or move action each round. This does not stack with other haste effects.

Hold Breath (Ex): The Assassin Wyvern can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 6 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.

Aging Vulnerability (Ex): An Assassin Wyvern takes 50% more damage from aging effects, including the number of years aged.
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--[X] x40 Caller's Feather - Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 16,000 IM)
Much appreciated, but even 10 would be more than enough for us now, I think.
No need to waste bling for a mere chance that may never come to pass.

--[X] x10 Dragonbone Divination Sticks - 1,280 IM (Total: 12,800 IM)
--[X] x5 Prophet's Pectoral (reskinned Prophet's Rod, no item slot, x2 cost - Cost: 2,400 IM (Total: 12,000 IM)
Why so many of these?
Dany and Lya are really the only ones we'd turn for Divination, maybe Viserys too.
Sticks dont get used up per Divination after all, unlike the Feather above.

Wont 3 of each be enough?
Much appreciated, but even 10 would be more than enough for us now, I think.
No need to waste bling for a mere chance that may never come to pass.

Why so many of these?
Dany and Lya are really the only ones we'd turn for Divination, maybe Viserys too.
Sticks dont get used up per Divination after all, unlike the Feather above.

Wont 3 of each be enough?
I figured a set of the Dragonbone Divination Sticks could be given to Dany, Vee, Lya, Viserys, Malarys, and Rina, since they are all capable of using them to good effect, while the other sets could be kept as gifts or given to the House of Mirrors. Same with the Prophet's Rods, except those are just for our people. They're cheap and useful enough that I don't mind equipping all of our people who can use them.

I'll cut back on the Feathers to 20.
Interlude DCXXXV: Twice Tangled Weave
Twice Tangled Weave

Eighteenth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

"Eight Bloodletters, six prominent Latifundiari, three of the Tribunes Mercantile and now likely Consul Giknel," Malarys sighed as as the door swung carelessly closed behind the gremlin that had delivered the last report. "For a city that has supposedly cast out the Sons of the Harpy from its bosom there seem to be a remarkably large number of them in the highest and most influential of posts."

"We cannot be certain about the Consul," Yrael noted, steel wings rustling slightly uncomfortably close to the wall. Having to choose between a convenient location, well hidden and comfortable to live and work in, their current hideout sacrificed the latter. Once it had been a weaver's workshop with a tenement built on top to house poor freemen who worked in less prestigious crafts, but Meereen's growing appetite for slaves had long since swallowed the former occupants, further enriching the 'Good Masters'. By the time the Inquisition had acquired it as a fallback position it more resembled a mold farm than aught else, and even after ten days of habitation the heavy yeasty smell lingered.

"Certain no, but certainty is a luxury one rarely has in this sort of work," the mage-priest noted. "We know his Head Whip is a supporter of the Harpies and two of his concubines are in fact Graces with a price on their head. If he were the sort of man not to notice such subversion in his household, he would have never risen to his position."

"Depends on how comely they are, men have done stupider things for beautiful women," Thaemons of the Golden Fields said. Sure as the tide he continued. "Maybe I should..."

Malarys sighed. "We are currently in a city where a beautiful woman, or a handsome man for that matter, costs between one-hundred and twelve-hundred marks depending on one's standard of beauty. If the Consul desired no more than their charms in the bedroom he would have revealed them, seen them collared and then bought them at auction."

The Dornishman made a face as one who had just bitten into a rotten fruit, but nodded. "So do you think the Consul is actually one of the Sons of the Harpy, or a devil's puppet?"

"The former," Malarys replied frowning. "They seem to be clinging to the positions of higher authority far better than the rank and file supporters like the butcher Glyra captured. It's really quire remarkable that ones touched by the Abyss manage such tenacity from ruin. One would think the servants of... the Lord of the Fallen would have removed or subverted them all considering their experience with tanar'ri and those who deal with them."

Laughter both cold and oddly melodious cut him off. "My apologies," Morwyn said, not in the least convincingly. "If devils bested demons every time then the Blood War would already be over, would it not? Pitspawn thrive on ruin and adversity, flowers in the garden of rot. That is the greatest gift they share with those they touch."

Silence reigned for a long moment as Malarys weighed the words, until at last it was Yrael who broke it, surprisingly agreeing with the assassin. "The cult of the Harpy has sunk deep into this land, these people." Carefully he picked up one of the coins the gremlin had left on the table, the fruits of opportunistic pickpocketing that the fey had no interest in once the deed was done. "This," the Lord of Mantarys motioned to the harpy seal on the coin, "is the object of more reverence than any idol found in a temple. Wealth, power, history. Few are those who live beyond their shadow here."

"I wonder," Naria spoke up for the first time. "Was the cult always touched by the Pit? I mean, we are talking about preventing Asmodeus from warping worship of the Lady of Spears, assuming we can even find one of her truly blessed servants, but what were the harpies in the days of Old Ghis? As the folk of Venthar show one does not build an empire in the shadow of the Infinite Abyss."

"Oh you can build an empire, only less profitable than the Merchant Houses would have preferred," Morwyn said with what seemed to Malarys forced nonchalance. "Sacrifices to the Spider Queen are ever so expensive."

"While I am certain there is a fascinating comparative cultural study to be found somewhere in this discussion it does not address the matter at hand. Do we reveal the infiltrators we found to the loyal sons of the Harpy and let them spend their strength against them, or do we risk facing both organizations in an attempt to surreptitiously capture enough of the compromised agents to trace them back to the high ranking devils?"

"I say we need to know more about the Sons of the Harpy before we make out play one way or another," Naria replied. After a moment Yrael nodded followed by Thaemos Oberyn.

OOC: The drow continue to play off Malarys in interesting ways.
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For the Metamagic Rods we can purchase, I've currently got a Maximize and a Quicken slotted in. Maximize for Viserys, and Quicken to be assigned as necessary. I'm open to suggestions if ya'll want to purchase something different, though.
As a note, next level for Viserys he's going to be able to use Maximize Breath Weapon interchangeably with his magic, so the rod will end up going to someone else. For now it's a good purchase for him, especially in conjunction with Shadow of the Doom.

Regarding the Greater Rod of Quicken Spell, who are you thinking of giving that to?

Also, Viserys has the current Greater Rod of Quicken Spell we retrieved from the Serpentfolk Citadel of Set'Var, so who got the old one we stole from the Cleric of the Void and later fixed/empowered via Yss?
Twice Tangled Weave

Eighteenth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

"Eight Bloodletters, six prominent Latifundiari, three of the Tribunes Mercantile, and now likely Consul Giknel," Malarys sighed as as the door swung carelessly closed behind the gremlin that had delivered the last report. "For a city that has supposedly cast out the Sons of the Harpy from its bosom, there seem to be a remarkably large number of them in the highest and most influential of posts."

"We cannot be certain about the Consul," Yrael noted, steel-hued wings rustling slightly, uncomfortably close to the wall. Having to choose between a convenient location, well hidden, or comfortable to live and work in, their current hideout sacrificed the latter. It had once been a weaver's workshop, with a tenement built on top to house poor freemen who worked in less prestigious crafts, but Mereen's growing appetite for slaves had long since swallowed the former occupants, further enriching the 'Good Masters'. By the time the Inquisition had acquired it as a fall back position, it more resembled a mold farm than aught else. Even after ten days of habitation the heavy yeasty smell lingered.

"Certain no, but certainty is a luxury one rarely has in this sort of work," the mage-priest noted. "We know his Head Whip is a supporter of the Harpies, and two of his concubines are in fact Graces with a price on their head. If he were the sort of man not to notice such subversion in his household, he never would have risen to his position."

"Depends on how comely they are. Men have done stupider things for beautiful women," the Thaemons of the Golden Fields said. Sure as the tide, he continued. "Maybe I should..."

Malarys sighed again. "We are currently in a city where a beautiful woman, or a handsome man for that matter, costs between one hundred and twelve hundred marks depending on one's standard of beauty. If the Consul desired no more than their charms in the bedroom, he would have revealed them, seen them collared, and then bought them at auction."

The Dornishman made a face as one who had just bitten into a rotten fruit, but nodded. "So do you think the Consul is actually one of the Sons of the Harpy, or a devil's puppet?"

"The former," Malarys replied, frowning. "They seem to be clinging to the positions of higher authority far better than the rank and file supporters, like the butcher Glyra captured. It's really quire remarkable that ones touched by the Abyss manage such tenacity from ruin. One would think the servants of... the Lord of the Fallen would have removed or subverted them all, considering their experience with tanar'ri and those who deal with them."

Laughter, both cold and oddly melodious, cut him off. "My apologies," Morwyn said, not in the least convincingly. "If devils bested demons every time then the Blood War would already be over, would it not? Pitspawn thrive on ruin and adversity, flowers in the garden of rot. That is the greatest gift they share with those they touch."

Silence reigned for a long moment as Malarys weighed the words, until at last it was Yrael who broke it, surprisingly agreeing with the assassin. "The cult of the Harpy has sunk deep into this land, these people." Carefully, he picked up one of the coins the gremlin had left on the table, the fruits of opportunistic pick-pocketing that the fey had no interest in once the deed was done. "This," the Lord of Mantarys motioned to the harpy seal on the coin, "is the object of more reverence than any idol found in a temple. Wealth, power, history. Few are those who live beyond their shadow here."

"I wonder," Naria spoke up for the first time. "Was the cult always touched by the Pit? I mean we are talking about preventing Asmodeous from warping worship of the Lady of Spears, assuming we can even find one of her truly blessed servants, but what were the harpies in the days of Old Ghys? As the folk of Venthar show, one does not build an empire in the shadow of the Infinite Abyss."

"Oh, you can build an empire, only less profitable than the merchant houses would have preferred," Morwyn said with what seemed to Malarys forced nonchalance. "Sacrifices to the Spider Queen are ever so expensive."

"While I am certain there is a fascinating comparative cultural study to be found somewhere in this discussion, it does not address the matter at hand. Do we reveal the infiltrators we found to the loyal sons of the Harpy and let them spend their strength against them, or do we risk facing both organizations in an attempt to surreptitiously capture enough of the compromised agents to trace them back to the high ranking devils?"

"I say we need to know more about the Sons of the Harpy before we make our play one way or another," Naria replied. After a moment, Yrael nodded followed by Thaemos Oberyn.

OOC: The drow continue to play off Malarys in interesting ways. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.
@Goldfish, mind adding having us forge-grow, and then promptly kill/raise as undead some Advanced, Soulforged Undead (CR+1) Ankhegs, or some further variation?

Claim that to be a field test, or something.
These things will allow really quick troop movement through their tunnels, if nothing else.

I have next to no creative juice in this, but, well, otherwise the whole write-up Azel made feels like a waste.
Let's start trying to work with this, or something.

We never got the description of "perfected" Soulfirged Qyburn achieved, @Azel, but I assume that Berserk goes away and leaking of NE stops completely?
Template - Imperfect Soulforged Undead (CR +1)
Wrought from profane research into the nature of life and death, coupled with the lore found in the Citadel and the archives of House Bolton, the ex-maester Qyburn managed to create a process that implants an arcane construct into an undead creature that takes over a role similar to that of a soul. A simple guiding intelligence suppresses the urge to destruction that undead usually show and regulates the flow of negative energy that breaths a semblance of life into putrid fresh and calcified bone.

Creating an undead creature with this template costs 5 IM x HD of the creature x CR of the creature in addition to any other costs necessary to create a creature of this type.
This template can be applied to any corporeal, non-intelligent undead creature and bestows the following special abilities:

Delegated Control (Ex):
A Imperfectly Soulforged Undead is easier to control then regular undead. The owner can choose to have this creature not count towards his limit of controlled undead or give control over the creature to any other character, even characters who are normally unable to control undead creatures. While this is done, the creature gains the Berserk Special Quality.

Berserk (Ex):
Each round that this creature is in combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance that it goes berserk. Should this happen, the creature will attack the nearest other creature and will continue to do so until destroyed or no more creatures are nearby, in which case it begins to destroy objects in it's vicinity. When the creature goes berserk, the controller can make a Charisma check with a DC of 10 + the creatured HD. If this check succeeds, the creature does not go berserk and is instead Paralyzed for 3 + 2d6 rounds. This Paralysis bypasses all immunities and can not be removed in any way before it's duration is over. Should a character with the Turn Undead class feature be able to turn a berserk Imperfect Soulforged Undead, he becomes the new controller and the creature is paralyzed as if the Charisma check had been passed.

Turning Resistance (Ex):
The creature gains Turning Resistance equal to half it's HD rounded down.

Lessened Taint (Ex):
Compared to other undead, this creature exudes much less waste negative energy, lessening the burden on it's surroundings. When wearing armor that has been lined with lead, even these faint traces become fully contained, stopping all taint from spreading and making it impossible to detect the nature of the creature as an undead with effects such as Mage Sight that would normally be able to pick up the aura of death surrounding it.
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As a note, next level for Viserys he's going to be able to use Maximize Breath Weapon interchangeably with his magic, so the rod will end up going to someone else. For now it's a good purchase for him, especially in conjunction with Shadow of the Doom.

Regarding the Greater Rod of Quicken Spell, who are you thinking of giving that to?

Also, Viserys has the current Greater Rod of Quicken Spell we retrieved from the Serpentfolk Citadel of Set'Var, so who got the old one we stole from the Cleric of the Void and later fixed/empowered via Yss?
No, we'll want to keep the Greater Maximize Rod indefinitely. The reason the damned things are so expensive is that they can be used without increasing a spell's level. Normally, without cheating with Divine Metamagic or other feats which can reduce the level adjustment, you cannot Maximize a spell higher than 6th level or Quicken one higher than 5th level. If Viserys gets the Maximize effect, he would not be able to use it normally with Shadow of the Doom. The rod lets us sidestep that issue entirely.

I wouldn't permanently assign the other Greater Rod of Quickening, since it wouldn't be of any use if whoever it's assigned to is in SD doing research. It should probably bound between Dany and Lya, like the lesser rod has been for a long while now.
@Goldfish, who are those two amulets for? PCs, or key NPCs like Alinor ?
I've updated the vote to have one be a regular amulet and the other be slotless. The slotless one will probably stay with Viserys, while the other can go to Alinor.
Are Numerology Cylinders any good? Or are they too finicky?

And Echo of Divinity's Promise sounds cool. Though I dont know if it's useful or not.
Yes for the Cylinders, not so much for the Echoes.

Gonna add some of the Cylinders to the plan.
Sorry it took me so long to put the plan together, y'all, but we're gonna need some more votes.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Nov 9, 2019 at 1:55 PM, finished with 83 posts and 6 votes.

  • -[X] Purchases:
    --[X] Crafting Reagents: 1,000,000 IM
    --[X] Metamagic Rods:
    ---[X] Greater Rod of Maximize - Cost: 31,590 IM
    ---[X] Greater Rod of Quicking - Cost: 44,200 IM
    -[X] Commissions:
    --[X] x100 Rings of Protection from Evil - Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 80,000 IM)
    --[X] x100 Healing Belts - Cost: 150 IM each (15,000 IM each)
    --[X] Bag of Tricks (Tan) for Glyra - Cost: 3,200 IM
    --[X] x3 Scabbard of Keen Edges - Cost: 3,200 IM each (Total: 9,600 IM)
    --[X] x10 Restorative Ointment - 800 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
    --[X] x10 Dragonbone Divination Sticks - 1,280 IM (Total: 12,800 IM)
    --[X] x5 Prophet's Pectoral (reskinned Prophet's Rod, no item slot, x2 cost) - Cost: 2,400 IM (Total: 12,000 IM)
    --[X] x50 Handy Haversack - Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 20,000 IM)
    --[X] x200 Traveler's Anytool - Cost: 50 IM (Total: 10,000 IM)
    --[X] x30 Silver Nocking Points - Cost: 630 IM each (Total: 18,900 IM)
    --[X] x20 Caller's Feather - Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
    --[X] x2 Lord's Banner of Victory - Cost: 15,000 IM each (Total: 30,000 IM)
    --[X] x5 Banner of Restful Nights - Cost: 1,008 IM each (Total: 5,040 IM)
    --[X] x20 Earring of Constant Comprehend Languages - Cost: 800 IM (Total: 16,000 IM)
    --[X] x9 Rod of Make Whole - Cost: 2,160 IM each (Total: 19,940 IM)
    --[X] x3 Rod of Greater Make Whole - Cost: 10,080 IM each (Total: 30,240 IM)
    --[X] x1 Amulet of Greater Anticipate Teleportation - Cost: 13,200 IM each (Total: 13,200 IM)
    --[X] x1 Amulet of Greater Anticipate Teleportation(Slotless) - Cost: 26,400 IM each (Total: 26,400 IM)
    --[X] x10 Numerology Cylinder - Cost: 1,000 IM (Total: 5,000 IM)
    --[X] x2 Sets of Titan's Tools - Cost: 40,000 IM (Total: 80,000 IM)
    --[X] Spectacles:
    ---[X] x50 Constant Detect Magic - Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 20,000 IM)
    ---[X] x10 Constant Detect Charm - Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
    ---[X] x10 Constant Detect Undead - Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
    ---[X] x20 Constant Detect Fiendish Presence - Cost: 400 IM each (8,000 IM)
    ---[X] x5 Constant Discern Shapechanger - Cost: 2,400 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)
    ---[X] x5 Constant Detect Thoughts - Cost: 2,400 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)
    -[X] TOTAL: 1,471,610 IM
    [X] Servitors:
    --[X] Hedgethorn Hippogriff (Dire Greenbound Hippogriff*[advanced to 6 Racial HD, Huge-Sized]) - Cost: 4,800 IM each
    ---[X] Each of these Huge-sized Hippogriffs can easily carry several soldiers through the air with ease, and their size and physical power makes them deadly foes in melee combat, but there true purpose is to harrass and hinder large masses of enemy troops using their Entangle and Wall of Thorn spell-like abilities while circling high overhead, safe from most landbound threats and able to fight off all but the most dangerous of aerial foes.
    --[X] Assassin Wyverns (Advanced Feral Quickling Forked-Tail Wyvern) - Cost: 4,800 IM each
    ---[X] Assassin Wyverns are not subtle killers, but they are undoubtedly effective ones. With single-minded purpose, working either singly or in a murder several strong, they seek out their targets using their unnatural speed and rend them limb from limb. And should the wounds themselves not be enough to slay their target, their dreadful poison almost certainly is.
    -[X] We would, of course, be willing to trade our Forge services to offset the cost of our latest purchases and commissions.
Lov8ng the intrigue in ghis. Its genuinly fun. Would prefer more of that.
Yeah, the Slaver's Bay arc is getting really good now. I wouldn't have thought the Sons of the Harpy would still have such a presence after what we learned was going on in the region.

I wonder which Demon Lord is their ultimate patron? Pazuzu or Lamashtu, I'm guessing.
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@Goldfish, we have to vote IC to start carrying that rod inside Dark Sister with that one spell, I think.

Only, well, I can't remember what spell that was beyond the "makes an extradinensional compartment for a Rod or a Stave inside the weapon".
:V 😅
Does anyone remember that one, again?