@DragonParadox, at some point in the near future can we get a look at Joran of Dragonstone and see how he and Ember have been progressing? Is he still at level 3 or has he made any progress?
Two more levels and we can unleash him upon the world!

@DragonParadox Young!Thoros is at least 4 now, right? And for that matter where are Kyla and Ysilla at? Once we get them a couple of fighter-types I was thinking that would be a good group to work together. Two witches, two sorcerers and two meatshields--err, noble and stout knights or champions.
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Would you mind giving me the current sizes for Ember and Dawnfyre?

They were the size of a pony and a large horse respectively last we heard.
Dawnfyre should still be Large-sized. He had just reached that point when the Yi-Ti expedition fleet departed.
@egoo, this is the final version of the template.

Template - Soulforged Undead (CR +1)
Wrought from profane research into the nature of life and death, coupled with the lore found in the Citadel and the archives of House Bolton, the ex-maester Qyburn managed to create a process that implants an arcane construct into an undead creature that takes over a role similar to that of a soul. A simple guiding intelligence suppresses the urge to destruction that undead usually show and regulates the flow of negative energy that breaths a semblance of life into putrid fresh and calcified bone.

Creating an undead creature with this template costs 10 IM x HD of the creature x CR of the creature in addition to any other costs necessary to create a creature of this type.
This template can be applied to any corporeal, non-intelligent undead creature and bestows the following special abilities:

Delegated Control (Ex):
A Soulforged Undead is easier to control then regular undead. The owner can choose to have this creature not count towards his limit of controlled undead or give control over the creature to any other character, even characters who are normally unable to control undead creatures.

Turning Resistance (Ex):
The creature gains Turning Resistance equal to it's HD.

Untainted (Ex):
Unlike other undead, this creature exudes no waste negative energy, making it very difficult to detect their nature. Spells such as Mage Sight or Detect Undead are incapable of detecting any aura of undeath on this creature and likewise will the creature not trigger magical traps or devices that react to the presence of the unliving. Other then for these purposes, it is affected by all effects as normal for an undead creature. Lastly, the creature gains a +5 bonus to all checks made to pass as a creature of a different type.
Untainted (Ex):
Unlike other undead, this creature exudes no waste negative energy, making it very difficult to detect their nature. Spells such as Mage Sight or Detect Undead are incapable of detecting any aura of undeath on this creature and likewise will the creature not trigger magical traps or devices that react to the presence of the unliving. Other then for these purposes, it is affected by all effects as normal for an undead creature. Lastly, the creature gains a +5 bonus to all checks made to pass as a creature of a different type.
If it doesn't detect as undead, shouldn't mindless undead attack it? Or are these attacking positive energy (ie, living beings) pockets?
If it doesn't detect as undead, shouldn't mindless undead attack it? Or are these attacking positive energy (ie, living beings) pockets?
They are not being attacked by regular mindless undead unless provoking them. Qyburn can't explain with certainty why, but it's definitely working that way.