Interlude DXCIII: A Day for Snow and Secrets
A Day for Snow and Secrets

Thirty-First Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

The snow was soft and powdery in Sansa's hands. I'd have a better luck trying to roll up flour into a ball and toss it, the girl thought. Being out in the sun after days of dreary sleet that turned to snow may just be the best Nameday present. Mother had wanted to keep her inside today too for fear she would catch a cold or other fears no one would talk about around her. The girl shook her head, red curls flying wildly. "Jon, how are you getting the snow to stick?" she asked. Well... it may have been a bit more of a whine, but he did not seem to mind exactly. He actually looked startled and a little guilty... oh...

"Did you use magic to make the snow stick?" she whispered. Jon was not allowed to use magic around her, no one was really, not even Ser Halys. Unless there's danger, Sansa remembered her lord father's words and shivered. As bad as it was not getting to see magic when Robb did all the time was she didn't want to see it that way. "Don't worry, I won't tell," the girl added, then she remembered she was seven now, old enough to confess her sins. "Unless Septa Mordane asks me about lying. I can't lie under holy oath..."

Thankfully the headaches of newly celebrated seven years were soon blown from Sansa's mind by Robb taking another approach to the snow, namely grabbing a handful of it an dropping it down her collar. "Robb!" she screamed in a voice her father had once told her could cut ice, which was surely a good thing, a strong and commanding voice.

Without another thought she held out her hand to Jon, took the magicked snowball and let it fly, catching her brother right in the chin as he was laughing. Doing her best to sound demure and not merely smug the girl added: "I'm sorry, did that taste bad? It's only snow, right?"

Arya took the moment to tackle Robb's legs and topple him into the snow, leaving him sputtering then laughing again. However much the world may have changed, however strange its rules had gotten, this much at least was unchanged.


"Mother, who are you writing to?" Sansa asked carefully. She had finished her work and laid it out on the table ages ago, but mother had not looked up to check the penmanship yet.

"Lady Leticia Royce," came the terse reply, pen still scratching at the parchment. She wasn't supposed to hold it like that, Sansa knew, but she did not correct it. Her mother looked upset about something, something big and heavy, not for little girls' heads even if they were seven no doubt. Sometimes Sansa wished she was more like Arya, talking to beasts and all, or even better more like Robb so she would actually be told things.

"Why?" the girl pressed through without much hope of an answer.

To her surprise however her mother just looked up at her for a long moment. Were the shadows under her eyes darker than they had been before? Were her eyes red?

"We are considering, your father and I that is..." Taking a keep breath Sansa's mother added, "Would you like to be fostered, sweetling? The Vale is very pretty and the people there are nice, just ask your father."

Sansa was so surprised she blurted out the first thought that came to mind: "But mother, who's going to take care of you?"

Lady Catelyn opened her mouth like she wasn't sure what to say, then she reached out and hugged Sansa close. "Sweetling, it's not your job to take care of me. Things have been happening, difficult things, but we will sort them out, I promise. You just think about whether you want to go to the Vale."

"Should it really be just about what I want?" The girl could feel the hot pinpricks of tears in her eyes and she hated them. "Fostering is important for House Stark. It should be for you and father to decide as..." She couldn't get out all the words past the lump in her throat. She did not want to go.

"Shhh..." her mother whispered holding her close. "It's not so important that we are not going to ask you, and we are going to listen Sansa. We are always going to listen. "

Sansa Stark took comfort in the words, though she could not help but wish they would talk to her as well as listen.

OOC: Well, that was an unusual set of background rolls.
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Well well well. How interesting. Are they aligning themselves with us? Surely they must know that they're giving our side a hostage, there. We probably wouldn't harm Sansa for something her father did, but this is still a very politically charged decision.

Or maybe this is an attempt to keep her safe before they fight on Robert's side during the invasion.
A Day for Snow and Secrets

Thirty-First Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

The snow was soft and powdery in Sansa's hands. I'd have a better luck trying to roll up flour into a ball and toss it, the girl thought. Being out in the sun after days of dreary sleet that turned to snow may just be the best Nameday present. Mother had wanted to keep her inside today, too, for fear she would catch cold, or other fears no one would talk about around her. The girl shook her head, red curls flying wildly. "Jon, how are you getting the snow to stick?" she asked... well it may have been a bit more of a whine, but he did not seem to mind exactly. He looked startled and a little guilty... oh...

"Did you use magic to make the snow stick?" she whispered. Jon was not allowed to use magic around her, no one was, really, not even Ser Halys. Unless there's danger, Sansa shivered, remembering her lord father's words. As bad as it was not getting to see magic when Rob did all the time, she didn't want to see it that way. "Don't worry, I won't tell," the girl added, then she remembered she was seven now, old enough to confess her sins. "Unless Septa Mordane asks about lying. I can't lie under holy oath..."

Thankfully, the headaches of newly celebrated seven years were soon blown from Sansa's mind by Rob taking another approach to the snow, namely garbing a handful of it and dropping it down her collar. "Rob!" she screamed in a voice her father had once told her could cut ice, which was surely a good thing, a strong and commanding voice.

Without another thought, she held out her hand to Jon, took the magicked snowball and let fly, catching he brother right in the chin as he was laughing. Doing her best to sound demure and not merely smug, the girl added: "I'm sorry, did that taste bad? It's only snow, right?"

Arya took the moment to tackle Rob's legs and topple him into the snow, leaving him sputtering then laughing again. However much the world may have changed, however strange its rules had gotten, this much at least was unchanged.


"Mother, who are you writing to?" Sansa asked carefully. She had finished her work and laid it out on the table ages ago, but mother had not looked up to check the penmanship yet.

"Lady Leticia Royce," came the terse reply, pen still scratching at the parchment. She wasn't supposed to hold it like that Sansa knew, but she did not correct it. Her mother looked upset about something, something big and heavy, and not for little girls' heads. Even if they were seven, no doubt. Sometimes Sansa wished she was more like Arya, talking to beasts and all, or even better, more like Rob so she would actually be told things.

"Why?" the girl pressed, though without much hope of an answer.

To her surprise, however, her mother just looked up at her for a long moment. Were the shadows under her eyes darker than they had been before? Were her eyes red?

"We are considering, your father and I, that is..." Taking a deep breath, Sansa's mother added. "Would you like to be fostered sweetie? the Vale is very pretty and the people there are nice, just ask your father."

Sansa was so surprised she blurted out the first thought that came to mind: "But, mother, who's going to take care of you?"

Lady Catelyn opened her mouth like she wasn't sure what to say, then she reached out and hugged Sansa close. "Sweetheart, it's not your job to take care of me. Things have been happening, difficult things, but we will sort them out, I promise. You just think about whether you want to go to the Vale."

"Should it really be just about what I want?" the girl could feel the hot pinpricks of tears in her eyes and she hated them. "Fostering is important for House Stark. It should be for you and father to decide as..." she couldn't get out all the words past the lump in her throat. She did not want to go.

"Shh.." her mother whispered, holding her close. "It's not so important that we are not going to ask you, and we are going to listen, Sansa. We are always going to listen."

Sansa Stark took comfort in the words, though she could not help but wish they would talk to her as well as listen.

OOC: Well that was an unusual set of background rolls.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.

Aww, now I feel bad for Sansa...



...We don't know about this till after Lord Royce tells us. Even then this isn't exactly finalized. Once we find out then we can take a few steps. As for what to do...well we can always talk to the Starks and see what comes fo it? I don't know how to play this to be completely honest
Do the Starks even know the Royce's are on our side to begin with?

Waymar is a prominent and famous figure in the South because of his association with us, his leadership of an order of knights riding Motherfucking Griffons, and his lightning magic.

And being a Companion, yes, since that's definitely shared street creed between all Companions.
So either Lord and Lady Stark are looking to switch allegiances in an ever shifting web of alliances or this is some nth level political play that I cannot seem to understand. Why make Sansa a ward to the Royces? What is this play?
Re-read the Sansa interlude.

That was an interesting read.

I was honestly not expecting that turn of events, if Sansa gets fostered with the Royces she will be caught up in the middle of a bloody stalemate (though behind very strong heavily warded defenses) in the Vale between Targ Loyalists and BLAST supporters... behind the walls of the former.

It is somewhat heartening to think that the Royces reputation for honorable conduct, and ours by dint of association, is accorded with some real respect, but then we earned that by being open-handed and generous even to our ostensible enemies.

It is making me wonder what Eddard is thinking, he thought of us as a King while still planning to support Robert, but I bet he would sing a different tune if almost half his vassals obstructed plans to ride South.

Finally I'm wondering about afterwards. Sansa could come south to the capital and learn from Rhaella. Bran could be fostered too and become a page, then a squire. Jon could fly them back and forth whenever he wanted.

Of course this all depends on us winning the way we want to win.
So either Lord and Lady Stark are looking to switch allegiances in an ever shifting web of alliances or this is some nth level political play that I cannot seem to understand. Why make Sansa a ward to the Royces? What is this play?
I think Cat pressed Eddard to make a choice for the benefit of the family, and with a heavy heart while he cannot force himself to commit treason, he can grant his family a better position by forging political ties to our strongest supporters.
Waymay Royce is a Companion, and makes no secret of it.
Waymar is a prominent and famous figure in the South because of his association with us, his leadership of an order of knights riding Motherfucking Griffons, and his lightning magic.

And being a Companion, yes, since that's definitely shared street creed between all Companions.

Having an exiled Royce with us technically doesn't mean they are on our side. If it was I'd think the Royces would get more heat from the BLAST alliance or am I over thinking this?
I think Cat pressed Eddard to make a choice for the benefit of the family, and with a heavy heart while he cannot force himself to commit treason, he can grant his family a better position by forging political ties to our strongest supporters.
And he'll have a pretty legit excuse to call his banners in our favor, should it come to that, if his daughter is oh so conveniently a "hostage" to one of our allies.
I think Cat pressed Eddard to make a choice for the benefit of the family, and with a heavy heart while he cannot force himself to commit treason, he can grant his family a better position by forging political ties to our strongest supporters.

I think that we can convince to stay out of the future war with the way he has started to position himself. Again though we can only be sure after the plans are finalized. I am more curious about how Robert will react to this news. I doubt it will be pretty.
Having an exiled Royce with us technically doesn't mean they are on our side. If it was I'd think the Royces would get more heat from the BLAST alliance or am I over thinking this?

That's the double-edged sword that is called Honor, which ties into prestige. Royces have a shitton of Soft power (and a good deal of Hard).

Soft power comes from influence, reputation and marriage ties and tradition, and the Royces are one of the most honorable Houses in the Vale. Even if suspicion comes their way, accusing such a House of treason isn't like doing the same to say, Walder Frey, because all of Walder's power is Hard with enough Soft (marriage ties and fosterage) to allow him to apply the former like a bludgeon.

If you accuse Bronze Motherfucking Yohn of being a sellout or a dragon-lover despite his oaths, you are impugning others' honor by association.
Well at least we will have something to talk to Jon about. At the very least it will be an interesting bit of news. The rumour mill is gonna be fucking hilarious next month.
She's probably also afraid, I mean most LAST lords probably are, the Baratheons were the lucky ones to be given the chance to stand at our side.

To a average westerosi lord the idea of Dragons coming against them and with anger seeking vengeance should be seen as some dark and inevitable fate thanks to the results of Aegon and Maekor on their society.
That's the double-edged sword that is called Honor, which ties into prestige. Royces have a shitton of Soft power (and a good deal of Hard).

Soft power comes from influence, reputation and marriage ties and tradition, and the Royces are one of the most honorable Houses in the Vale. Even if suspicion comes their way, accusing such a House of treason isn't like doing the same to say, Walder Frey, because all of Walder's power is Hard with enough Soft (marriage ties and fosterage) to allow him to apply the former like a bludgeon.

If you accuse Bronze Motherfucking Yohn of being a sellout or a dragon-lover despite his oaths, you are impugning others' honor by association.

So they can't be called out on it basically. Still wonder how Robert, Cersei and Tywin will react to this move? Even if they can't do something right away they can look for evidence or just create rumors. Robert would want an explanation from Ned that's for sure.
So they can't be called out on it basically. Still wonder how Robert, Cersei and Tywin will react to this move? Even if they can't do something right away they can look for evidence or just create rumors. Robert would want an explanation from Ned that's for sure.

There isn't much Robert can do even if he disapproves. A fostering is purely the decision to the Head of the House barring certain circumstances. I don't think that even a royal decree would do much there and if it did it would forever damage that relationship...maybe we should have Bloodraven pull his strings for that result.