I wonder what enchantment the Adamantine Dagger has. Depending on what it is it might be a good fit for Garin.
Nice.I will say this much, it is an equivalent gift to those ten swords combined and then some.
There is no war in Yin.Which means the Dai Li must be twice as cunning and Lake Laogai ten times more beautiful, and the war π times less existing.
I will say this much, it is an equivalent gift to those ten swords combined and then some.
I will say this much, it is an equivalent gift to those ten swords combined and then some.
But do we escalate? Because I was hyped for those dinosaurs, all jokes aside.So basically a subtle way to reward us ('gfits' which are a sop to Imperial honor, and obviously a way to save face so he has something more substantial than words and promises to reward Tyene and Garin and Waymar with since obviously the expediences of state might impede their fulfillment to one degree or another, and repaying a debt of honor immediately is important).
And I doubt that's the last of their rewards anyway, if they're invited to return.
But do we escalate? Because I was hyped for those dinosaurs, all jokes aside.
*Sounds of drums and bells in the distance*
Maaakeeee waaayyyy, for Prince Viserys!
Saaaayyyyy heeeyyyy, it's Prince Viserys!
Oh yeah, the fleet is not here yet! I keep forgetting it's still trailing behind.We are already going to be paying the Azure Court heavy tribute with the trade fleet (and reaping hand-over-fist profits from it anyway).
We might consider giving more gifts on each visit though because A) it's another chance to flaunt our fuck-off wealth and prestige and B) we fucking feel like it, and literally no other reason than coming up with more and more outlandish and lavish gifts to see who blinks first.
As expected of the Son of Heaven.
I don't know if he has the power to kill Tiamat, but he certainly has the guts for it!
I'm new at this, but I had some ideas that may or may not be helpful for targeting the lead ship.Okay, it's time to start planning for the upcoming battle.
We need to assault the Asura and Efreeti mage simultaneously, if we can manage that. Allowing them to fight in concert would be sub-optimal.
For the Asurendra, I'm thinking Viserys, Richard, Dany, Xor, and Siduri.
For the Efreeti mage, Lya, Malarys, Zherys, Melisandre, and Yrten.
Vee, Rina, Teana, Wyla, Lady Saenena + Dragon, Amrelath, Relath, and our other heavy hitters should help the Djinni Cryo Archmage, Shaitan Frigates, and our auxiliary forces to suppress and destroy the other five ships.
But do we escalate? Because I was hyped for those dinosaurs, all jokes aside.
*Sounds of drums and bells in the distance*
Maaakeeee waaayyyy, for Prince Viserys!
Saaaayyyyy heeeyyyy, it's Prince Viserys!
Prince Viserys!
Prince Viserys!
Mighty is he!
Viserys Targaryen
Strong as ten regular drakes, definitely!
He faced the demonic hordes
A hundred devils with swords
Who sent those fools to their lords?
Why, Prince Viserys!
He's got fourty-five painted lizards
He's got twenty one
When it comes to exotic-type reptiles
Has he got a zoo?
I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie
He'll use the magic bedroll immediately after casting these spells to recover his expended resources.
---[X] Each Wyvern fighter pilot will use their Beetle Bomb payloads (four Explosives and four Liquid Ice per fighter) to target the Efreeti ships from no closer than 2,000 feet. Each Wyvern's first salvo will be to target the Efreeti command ship with an Explosive Beetle Bomb, then move on to harassing the rest of the fleet.
Prince Viserys!
Mighty is he!
Viserys Targaryen
Strong as ten regular drakes, definitely!
He faced the demonic hordes
A hundred devils with swords
Who sent those fools to their lords?
Why, Prince Viserys!
He's got fourty-five painted lizards
He's got twenty one
When it comes to exotic-type reptiles
Has he got a zoo?
I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie
There is so much Cold damage being tossed around, I don't think we should use Sultan's Tribute bombs here. The mold is likely to be killed all but instantly.He should be creating a bunch of Shalantha's Disks prior to resting.
Sultan's Tribute for area denial and ongoing damage. Get one inside the hull and if it encounters further fire it will fill the entire ship from the inside out.
Depending on how an Ash Storm or the Fire Damage from the environment works it may do so by default.