Worm and Songbirds
Twenty-Fifth Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC
The hiss of the wind through the sands of Quthresh was as inescapable as the glare of the desert sun. Beyond the small camp the Pech had helped erect in what had once been a town smithy, very little lived among the crimson sands—prickly weeds sharp enough to make a goat's mouth bleed and small scurrying lizards that would dart around looking for shade at the smallest chance, but by far Valeria's favorites were the small dun-colored finches that filled the twilight hours with song. If nothing else she and Lady Saenena had made it so the tiny songbirds now nested among the ruins for perhaps the first time since the desert claimed them.
Not that they hadn't paid their way...
Lady Saenena had started using the birds to investigate the old tunnels after more direct divination not only failed, but proved dangerous to cast in the deeper areas of the old tunnels. Truth be told Valeria was not entirely sure why it had worked, whether it had been the local wards recognizing the birds as common local life beneath notice or if the Qartheen mages had simply not considered that someone would use animals to bypass traps and blockages she did not know. The carefully delivered brown mold spores had done the rest, wearing away warding glyphs and breaking the locks the passage of time alone could not break. Still, the finches made better company than a jar full of fungus.
Unfortunately the task of carefully working through the old excavations and the temple below without waking any of the dead guardians interred in eternal vigil had taken the better part of half a month, leaving them with less time than anticipated to question bones and stones, to read through ancient seals, and guess at the means to control
the worm coiled around the root of the hill. Much like the sparse life of the desert, the thing had been begotten in a time of drought. Magic had grown ever rarer and the dragonlords drank greedily of what remained, yet the sorcerer lords of Qarth had done their work well. The worm slumbered through the ages, ever vigilant for those who would reclaim the orb, but before the grinding force of entropy all works must one day fail.
By Valeria's reckoning as little as three centuries past the arcane protections of Quthresh had fallen into torpor akin to death from which they must now be called if they were to aid in binding together the divine weapon to strike at the heart of Tiamat the Many-Hued. And therein lay the last tangle they had not yet unraveled, how to awaken the worm without the infusion of magic being itself counted an attack. The worm's creators had never anticipated the situation so now they would have to leave the confines of arcane reconstruction and craft a solution undreamt.
Valeria called and the Wondersmith relished the chance to try. The soft scratching of stylus on parchment joined the faint songs of the finches once again.
The Godhunter Progress 14/16
OOC: I know this was really short, but I did not want to turn a research action into an on screen dungeon, and I feel like this makes for a nice spinet to show how Valeria has grown compared to the other Arcanums.