[X] Hunt down and kill the Dark Puppet
-[X] Loan Vrath our Wayfinder so that we may begin triangulating the former general's position, with assistance from the Mezlan. It will provide all the information of the necropolis that it can, including the layout, wards, potential dangers, etc.
-[X] While Vrath works;
--[X] Malarys expends his Blessing of Fervor spell to instead cast Freedom of Movement on himself, Dany casts Freedom of Movement on herself, Lya expends her Parchment Swarm spell to instead Freedom of Movement on herself, and Vee casts Freedom of Movement on herself, while Viserys casts it on Vrath and the Mezlan.
--[X] Lya casts Barkskin on herself and Viserys, and Vee casts Barkskin on herself, Dany, Richard, Malarys, and Vrath.
--[X] Viserys and Lya cast Mirror Image and See Invisibility, along with using Greater Shadow Enchantment to cast Grand Destiny spells on themselves.
--[X] Lya casts Heightened Awareness on herself.
--[X] Viserys uses his Orb of Mental Renewal to heal his Charisma damage, if he hasn't done so already, then expends his Spellbane spell scroll, setting the effect to block Disintegrate, Time Stop, and Deeper Darkness spell effects. He cautions everyone to stay within 10 feet of his position, if possible, in order to benefit from the protection.
--[X] Viserys, Dany, Richard, Lya, Vee, and Malarys all set their Channel Vigor buffs to the "Torso" effect, providing them with a +6 Competence bonus to Concentration checks and Fortitude saving throws.