Agree to disagree. I've been looking forward to scaring the life out of Tygett for months now, and I want this to be as public and embarrassing for the Lannisters as possible.
I support the former part, I just want to do it in private.

I like the story of Dragonstone falling back to us with no big show, even the Lannisters realizing they have only been stewards here who give up the place before its true owner.

No matter what, Dragonstone will fall early and without much battle, agree on that?
Dragonstone falling will mark the start of the Conquest. Whether or not there's a battle really depends on what the Lannisters try to do. We'll win, I'm sure of that, it's just unclear what resources the Lannisters will vainly put into trying to hold the castle against us.
Dragonstone falling will mark the start of the Conquest. Whether or not there's a battle really depends on what the Lannisters try to do. We'll win, I'm sure of that, it's just unclear what resources the Lannisters will vainly put into trying to hold the castle against us.
Unless Lanna manages to awaken every dragon-statue on the island as a golem I doubt they'll fight us there.

Casterly Rock is where their magical and mundane center of power lies. It they have any trick they think might work against Viserys it will propably be strongest there.

In the Narrow Sea I would at most expect some Plane of Water mercenaries harrassing our ships.
Unless Lanna manages to awaken every dragon-statue on the island as a golem I doubt they'll fight us there.

Casterly Rock is where their magical and mundane center of power lies. It they have any trick they think might work against Viserys it will propably be strongest there.

In the Narrow Sea I would at most expect some Plane of Water mercenaries harrassing our ships.
In that case I'd expect some sort of trap to ruin Dragonstone so we don't get to use it, along with a means for Tygett to escape quickly. Tywin wouldn't put his brother up as a sacrificial pawn, and he's petty enough to want to deny us our ancestral castle in every way.
In that case I'd expect some sort of trap to ruin Dragonstone so we don't get to use it, along with a means for Tygett to escape quickly. Tywin wouldn't put his brother up as a sacrificial pawn, and he's petty enough to want to deny us our ancestral castle in every way.
That I can see.

Destroying the vulcano-fortress build with ancient magic is a terrible idea it you care about anything on the eastern coast, but I could see Tywin do it anyway.
Lanna less so.

We might want to go ahead and look through the castle unnoticed before any attack then.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jul 17, 2019 at 8:20 PM, finished with 135 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Hunt down and kill the Dark Puppet
    -[X] Loan Vrath our Wayfinder so that we may begin triangulating the former general's position, with assistance from the Mezlan. It will provide all the information of the necropolis that it can, including the layout, wards, potential dangers, etc.
    -[X] While Vrath works;
    --[X] Malarys expends his Blessing of Fervor spell to instead cast Freedom of Movement on himself, Dany casts Freedom of Movement on herself, Lya expends her Parchment Swarm spell to instead Freedom of Movement on herself, and Vee casts Freedom of Movement on herself, while Viserys casts it on Vrath and the Mezlan.
    --[X] Lya casts Barkskin on herself and Viserys, and Vee casts Barkskin on herself, Dany, Richard, Malarys, and Vrath.
    --[X] Viserys and Lya cast Mirror Image and See Invisibility, along with using Greater Shadow Enchantment to cast Grand Destiny spells on themselves.
    --[X] Lya casts Heightened Awareness on herself.
    --[X] Viserys uses his Orb of Mental Renewal to heal his Charisma damage, if he hasn't done so already, then expends his Spellbane spell scroll, setting the effect to block Disintegrate, Time Stop, and Deeper Darkness spell effects. He cautions everyone to stay within 10 feet of his position, if possible, in order to benefit from the protection.
    --[X] Viserys, Dany, Richard, Lya, Vee, and Malarys all set their Channel Vigor buffs to the "Torso" effect, providing them with a +6 Competence bonus to Concentration checks and Fortitude saving throws.
    [X] Hunt down and kill the Dark Puppet
    -[x] Try and triangulate its location by lending our escort a Wayfinder
[X] Hunt down and kill the Dark Puppet
-[X] Loan Vrath our Wayfinder so that we may begin triangulating the former general's position, with assistance from the Mezlan. It will provide all the information of the necropolis that it can, including the layout, wards, potential dangers, etc.
-[X] While Vrath works;
--[X] Malarys expends his Blessing of Fervor spell to instead cast Freedom of Movement on himself, Dany casts Freedom of Movement on herself, Lya expends her Parchment Swarm spell to instead Freedom of Movement on herself, and Vee casts Freedom of Movement on herself, while Viserys casts it on Vrath and the Mezlan.
--[X] Lya casts Barkskin on herself and Viserys, and Vee casts Barkskin on herself, Dany, Richard, Malarys, and Vrath.
--[X] Viserys and Lya cast Mirror Image and See Invisibility, along with using Greater Shadow Enchantment to cast Grand Destiny spells on themselves.
--[X] Lya casts Heightened Awareness on herself.
--[X] Viserys uses his Orb of Mental Renewal to heal his Charisma damage, if he hasn't done so already, then expends his Spellbane spell scroll, setting the effect to block Disintegrate, Time Stop, and Deeper Darkness spell effects. He cautions everyone to stay within 10 feet of his position, if possible, in order to benefit from the protection.
--[X] Viserys, Dany, Richard, Lya, Vee, and Malarys all set their Channel Vigor buffs to the "Torso" effect, providing them with a +6 Competence bonus to Concentration checks and Fortitude saving throws
Bloodraven : Is a Sorcerer, breaks Guest Right
Everyone else : Oh, let's send him far away to a place with a shitton of magic piled really high, make him swear a vow not to meddle in our politics anymore, and assume he's dead despite never having seen his body
Bloodraven : kills the Hand of the King, becomes an immortal horror

Everyone else :