It's not like she's alone in that, you really think there aren't lots of normal lords, who would betray us if the gods sent them a message to do so?
And if they betray us they will die as rebels. Brienne, if she has the misfortune to fall in that category, will share the same fate.
We can answer Selwyn now, as my vote calls for, then see what Brienne herself has to say on the matter.

It's premature to mention Unravelings or Resurrection right now.
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I agree with Goldfish. Showing open hostility to the Seven is not a great way to make diplomatic avenues in most of Westeros and offering Resurrections right off the bat every time we don't like something about a current heir opens up a whole other can of worms.

[X] Goldfish
We have access to it through the Tome of the Cabal Devil.

Not quite. From the Uniila entry:

Scroll Mastery (Su)
All uniilas possess Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat. An uniila is treated as knowing all spells of 6th level or lower in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and can create scrolls of any of those spells.

*rolls spellcraft for Viserys*

Though you guys are in luck he knows it naturally and can use mythic arcane to copy it.
[X] Duesal

I agree with Goldfish. Showing open hostility to the Seven is not a great way to make diplomatic avenues in most of Westeros
But letting a thunderstorm hit every single sept in the Stormlands with lightning and flooding will certainly help.

In my view those that can't follow us above the Seven are already enemies, they just don't know it yet.
Not quite. From the Uniila entry:

Scroll Mastery (Su)
All uniilas possess Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat. An uniila is treated as knowing all spells of 6th level or lower in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and can create scrolls of any of those spells.

*rolls spellcraft for Viserys*

Though you guys are in luck he knows it naturally and can use mythic arcane to copy it.
Thank you, maxed spellcraft.
Oh yeah I would love for them to do that. Our legionaries could take up that land afterwards. You can never have too much when it comes to legions.
Rebel lords are both convenient and inconvenient. On one hand we have to deal with the mess, but on the other we have a casus belli to take everything from them and hand it off to loyal lords.

Granted, rare will be the lord stupid enough to rebel against a Mythic Red Dragon Sorcerer. It's basically natural selection at that point.
Granted, rare will be the lord stupid enough to rebel against a Mythic Red Dragon Sorcerer. It's basically natural selection at that point.
I'd say the outright rebels are the lesser problem.
Annoying are the lords who drag their feet when it comes to following orders and implementing our directives.

You can't just burn those without antagonizing a whole bunch of other lords.

Edit: The Tyrells are worse than the Starks,inthat sense.
But letting a thunderstorm hit every single sept in the Stormlands with lightning and flooding will certainly help.

In my view those that can't follow us above the Seven are already enemies, they just don't know it yet.

Oh right. That's two gods to whom we have promised that we will do harm to the Seven. Yikes...

Edit: No really what the hell is this? Do we honestly think that the chosen of the Seven are going to let us destroy every sept in the Stormlands?
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Oh right. That's two gods to whom we have promised that we will do harm to the Seven. Yikes...

Edit: No really what the hell is this? Do we honestly think that the chosen of the Seven are going to let us destroy every sept in the Stormlands?
No, but 99% of them.
Lucan is not as mobile as we are, he can't protect more than one or two septs by anymeasure except fighting us.

And I deeply want him to do that.
[X] Duesal

But letting a thunderstorm hit every single sept in the Stormlands with lightning and flooding will certainly help.

In my view those that can't follow us above the Seven are already enemies, they just don't know it yet.
We didn't agree to that pact, we made a counteroffer, where we would make him the sole god in Storms End, and build him new temples.
That was kind of my point, divinely empowered or not all Lords can rebel, just because Brienne is a Paladin, don't mean she's more or less likely to do so.
Normal lords don't have a god in their head.
We didn't agree to that pact, we made a counteroffer, where we would make him the sole god in Storms End, and build him new temples.
We did agree to that pact. The septs of the Stormlands are going to be hit with precision lightning strikes under the cover of a storm.
No, lightning for all Septs was definitly part of the final deal.

We haggled him down from a greater storm to surgical strikes, to spare the smallfolk from the storm's fury, but the septs still go.
No we didn't, here's the final agreement.
For a long moment there is silence, true silence so sudden as to almost leave you bewildered at the notion. Then the voice of the God speaks anew, and it is a kingly thing fit to herald the turning of the world, and so it might: "A bargain then, scion of flame in scale garbed, that you would return the line of my daughter to me and see that I am given a place of honor in the Hall from which I was so long exiled and the land in which I am all but forgotten, while I should grant to you and your realm all the boons I did of old."
We have to build temples to him, we don't have to destroy the temples of the Seven.

We kept the option of doing pinpoint lightning strikes on the Septs in the vote, if our relationship with the Seven deteriorated, but the Storm god decided to take the deal, without requiring us to destroy the Seven's temples.
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Winning vote

[] Some Compromise V3
-[] We are not tearing down Storm's End.
--[] What we can do is build a temple to the Storm God within the castle. It was designed to keep his fury at bay, but now the inhabitants would pay homage to him.
-[] We can bring those of his bloodline to the cliffs to pay homage to him. From among them he can find a descendant of his to be a suitable champion, a Chosen of the Storm God to serve as his cleric in Prime Material, provided they agree.
-[] With sending a storm to wipe out the false temples, we could send a smaller storm to do pinpoint damage (like Call Lightning). That said, this would need to wait. We need to see how the situation unfolds before we commit to this last part.
-[] In general, though, we can build him temples so the people know him again.

This was the winning vote. IE we could do it after seeing how the situation has evolved. Which I can already tell you won't evolve well.
I don't recall the situation with his wife but could we bring her back if she's dead? Or reincarnate if she's past childbearing?
That was the winning vote, but it wasn't the bargain that was struck, we must have rolled well on diplomacy, because the Storm god dropped any notion of destroying the Seven's temples from the pact entirely.

You know what? We should ask DP

@DragonParadox with the pact with the Storm God was it all the things in the winning vote plus the Stannis conversion or just Stannis converting and temples in Storms End being destroyed?
Just a reminder that my vote doesn't preclude us from offering to Resurrect Selwyn's son. It simply gives Brienne the opportunity first to choose whether she wishes to be the heir, if she is willing to hold to her oath and obey our laws.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jul 8, 2019 at 9:42 AM, finished with 329291 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] If Brienne is willing to swear her oath of fealty and obey the laws of our realm, we have no issue with her being the heir.
    [X] I would not ask her to serve two lieges. If she can't swear to truly heed us to be her liege before other oaths to the Faith or Divine, she can't fulfill her responsibility to the Crown.
    -[X] We have a magic that can unravel any magical bond, even that between a God and his Chosen. If Brienne wants to succeed you, we can offer her that option.
    -[X] Alternatively we could try raising his dead children, though depending on their age at the time of death that is more or less likely to succeed.
    --[X] Use Speak with Soul and do your best to convince Lord Tarth's son to accept a resurrection to aid his family.
    [X] Abstain