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One of the requirement for the template was at least 11 levels of druid. Now I don't know how levels and CR translate with one another but it should have the capacity to cast at least sixth level spells (11 levels in druid mean 6th level spells...stupid divine casters). Also what did Amy hit this guy with if it was the template? The template gives an immunity to fire and unless I am getting my draconology wrong Red Dragons breathe fire.
Those belts are such a great investment.The fire did not to much but the sheer weight of monk-dragon attacks broke it.
...I get a distinct feeling that Qyburn's going to give Faceless Men all the Aneurism while in our employ.Had some time to write up the first shiny you got from cutting a deal with the Dreadful Duo.
Template - Imperfect Soulforged Undead (CR +1)
Wrought from profane research into the nature of life and death, coupled with the lore found in the Citadel and the archives of House Bolton, the ex-maester Qyburn managed to create a process that implants an arcane construct into an undead creature that takes over a role similar to that of a soul. A simple guiding intelligence suppresses the urge to destruction that undead usually show and regulates the flow of negative energy that breaths a semblance of life into putrid fresh and calcified bone.
Creating an undead creature with this template costs 5 IM x HD of the creature x CR of the creature in addition to any other costs necessary to create a creature of this type.
This template can be applied to any corporeal, non-intelligent undead creature and bestows the following special abilities:
Delegated Control (Ex):
A Imperfectly Soulforged Undead is easier to control then regular undead. The owner can choose to have this creature not count towards his limit of controlled undead or give control over the creature to any other character, even characters who are normally unable to control undead creatures. While this is done, the creature gains the Berserk Special Quality.
Berserk (Ex):
Each round that this creature is in combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance that it goes berserk. Should this happen, the creature will attack the nearest other creature and will continue to do so until destroyed or no more creatures are nearby, in which case it begins to destroy objects in it's vicinity. When the creature goes berserk, the controller can make a Charisma check with a DC of 10 + the creatured HD. If this check succeeds, the creature does not go berserk and is instead Paralyzed for 3 + 2d6 rounds. This Paralysis bypasses all immunities and can not be removed in any way before it's duration is over. Should a character with the Turn Undead class feature be able to turn a berserk Imperfect Soulforged Undead, he becomes the new controller and the creature is paralyzed as if the Charisma check had been passed.
Turning Resistance (Ex):
The creature gains Turning Resistance equal to half it's HD rounded down.
Lessened Taint (Ex):
Compared to other undead, this creature exudes much less waste negative energy, lessening the burden on it's surroundings. When wearing armor that has been lined with lead, even these faint traces become fully contained, stopping all taint from spreading and making it impossible to detect the nature of the creature as an undead with effects such as Mage Sight that would normally be able to pick up the aura of death surrounding it.
That is quite the impressive research. I can't help but notice, however, that it's titled Imperfect Soulforged Undead. @Azel what would Qyburn need to complete his research and improve upon this template?Had some time to write up the first shiny you got from cutting a deal with the Dreadful Duo.
Template - Imperfect Soulforged Undead (CR +1)
Wrought from profane research into the nature of life and death, coupled with the lore found in the Citadel and the archives of House Bolton, the ex-maester Qyburn managed to create a process that implants an arcane construct into an undead creature that takes over a role similar to that of a soul. A simple guiding intelligence suppresses the urge to destruction that undead usually show and regulates the flow of negative energy that breaths a semblance of life into putrid fresh and calcified bone.
Creating an undead creature with this template costs 5 IM x HD of the creature x CR of the creature in addition to any other costs necessary to create a creature of this type.
This template can be applied to any corporeal, non-intelligent undead creature and bestows the following special abilities:
Delegated Control (Ex):
A Imperfectly Soulforged Undead is easier to control then regular undead. The owner can choose to have this creature not count towards his limit of controlled undead or give control over the creature to any other character, even characters who are normally unable to control undead creatures. While this is done, the creature gains the Berserk Special Quality.
Berserk (Ex):
Each round that this creature is in combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance that it goes berserk. Should this happen, the creature will attack the nearest other creature and will continue to do so until destroyed or no more creatures are nearby, in which case it begins to destroy objects in it's vicinity. When the creature goes berserk, the controller can make a Charisma check with a DC of 10 + the creatured HD. If this check succeeds, the creature does not go berserk and is instead Paralyzed for 3 + 2d6 rounds. This Paralysis bypasses all immunities and can not be removed in any way before it's duration is over. Should a character with the Turn Undead class feature be able to turn a berserk Imperfect Soulforged Undead, he becomes the new controller and the creature is paralyzed as if the Charisma check had been passed.
Turning Resistance (Ex):
The creature gains Turning Resistance equal to half it's HD rounded down.
Lessened Taint (Ex):
Compared to other undead, this creature exudes much less waste negative energy, lessening the burden on it's surroundings. When wearing armor that has been lined with lead, even these faint traces become fully contained, stopping all taint from spreading and making it impossible to detect the nature of the creature as an undead with effects such as Mage Sight that would normally be able to pick up the aura of death surrounding it.
That's the "The Secret of Life and Death" research action @egoo just posted.That is quite the impressive research. I can't help but notice, however, that it's titled Imperfect Soulforged Undead. @Azel what would Qyburn need to complete his research and improve upon this template?
Although I'm not a proponent of utilizing Undead, this is a pretty damned nice leap forward in Necromantic research and development.Had some time to write up the first shiny you got from cutting a deal with the Dreadful Duo.
Template - Imperfect Soulforged Undead (CR +1)
Wrought from profane research into the nature of life and death, coupled with the lore found in the Citadel and the archives of House Bolton, the ex-maester Qyburn managed to create a process that implants an arcane construct into an undead creature that takes over a role similar to that of a soul. A simple guiding intelligence suppresses the urge to destruction that undead usually show and regulates the flow of negative energy that breaths a semblance of life into putrid fresh and calcified bone.
Creating an undead creature with this template costs 5 IM x HD of the creature x CR of the creature in addition to any other costs necessary to create a creature of this type.
This template can be applied to any corporeal, non-intelligent undead creature and bestows the following special abilities:
Delegated Control (Ex):
A Imperfectly Soulforged Undead is easier to control then regular undead. The owner can choose to have this creature not count towards his limit of controlled undead or give control over the creature to any other character, even characters who are normally unable to control undead creatures. While this is done, the creature gains the Berserk Special Quality.
Berserk (Ex):
Each round that this creature is in combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance that it goes berserk. Should this happen, the creature will attack the nearest other creature and will continue to do so until destroyed or no more creatures are nearby, in which case it begins to destroy objects in it's vicinity. When the creature goes berserk, the controller can make a Charisma check with a DC of 10 + the creatured HD. If this check succeeds, the creature does not go berserk and is instead Paralyzed for 3 + 2d6 rounds. This Paralysis bypasses all immunities and can not be removed in any way before it's duration is over. Should a character with the Turn Undead class feature be able to turn a berserk Imperfect Soulforged Undead, he becomes the new controller and the creature is paralyzed as if the Charisma check had been passed.
Turning Resistance (Ex):
The creature gains Turning Resistance equal to half it's HD rounded down.
Lessened Taint (Ex):
Compared to other undead, this creature exudes much less waste negative energy, lessening the burden on it's surroundings. When wearing armor that has been lined with lead, even these faint traces become fully contained, stopping all taint from spreading and making it impossible to detect the nature of the creature as an undead with effects such as Mage Sight that would normally be able to pick up the aura of death surrounding it.
All of my yes.Something you guys might find interesting is that the Metal Clad - Lead template combined with the natural immunities of the Undead effectively makes them Mindblanked.
That's the "The Secret of Life and Death" research action @egoo just posted.
I get the feeling he's going to be deliriously happy to have access to our lore and being able to speak with the Companions and Wyla about their research.Well, this is pretty much the life work of Qyburn and he poured a lot of time and effort into it. With very limited resources at that.
Let's see what he can do with a budget and an interplanar market.Well, this is pretty much the life work of Qyburn and he poured a lot of time and effort into it. With very limited resources at that.
Expect visiting his laboratory to quickly turn into a test of bravery for Scholarium students.Let's see what he can do with a budget and an interplanar market.
And the best part is that he acts like a kindly, soft-spoken grandfather.Expect visiting his laboratory to quickly turn into a test of bravery for Scholarium students.
-[] Metal-Clad Template (Mythral and Adamantine): Unlike the Dreadfort, the Imperium has vast stocks of arcane metals. Some of those might yield exceptionally strong coatings for undead bones. (Requires Metal-Clad Template (Mundane Metals), Progress 20, Cost 100,000 IM)
Let's see what he can do with a budget and an interplanar market.
*looks at the lab*And the best part is that he acts like a kindly, soft-spoken grandfather.
Expect visiting his laboratory to quickly turn into a test of bravery for Scholarium students.
You see, there is a very special kind of creature very near and dear to my heart. One that requires unparalleled mastery of necromancy, and the skill of crafting constructs.Ok, who else wants to make Wolverine?
"LudevicQyburn saw it in a dream and set to work immediately, every detail already known. Can such genius be taught?"
—Stitcher GeralfLya
That's a new one to me. What kind of game is it?You see, there is a very special kind of creature very near and dear to my heart. One that requires unparalleled mastery of necromancy, and the skill of crafting constructs.