With Viserys it can just be put in his cloak until there's a chance of it being needed.
Since Viserys doesn't cast Dictum, so far, he would only need it if someone tries to banish him.
Limited use for an expensive item. Especially since he has the most HD and one of the best willsaves, so other companions are more vulnerable to banishment anyway.

I care more about the offensive use.
Oh yeah, @TalonofAnathrax @Artemis1992 (and @BeepSmile ?), as you guys like to poke a builds, I'm thinking for Balerion:

Feats: Power Attack, Fly-By-Attack, Fly-By-Breath, Strafing Breath, Awaken SR, Rapidstrike, Improved Rapidstrike (Claws), Improved Rapidstrike (Wings), Beast Strike, Hover, Wingstorm, Snatch, Improved Snatch, Improved Initiative, Spellcaster Harrier
Flaws: Bestial Instinct, Grudge-Keeper

*Yawns*. Good... afternoon. Huh.

Thanks TNE! I forgot about the hover feat - I was just going to push for max CL (gold based) permanency flights spells untill balerion could hover via magic. Provided he can stay in one place like a helicopter as opposed to be an aeroplane, I'm happy enough. :)

If we do go down the flight spell route, perhaps a metabreath feat if any appeal?
Oh yeah, @TalonofAnathrax @Artemis1992 (and @BeepSmile ?), as you guys like to poke a builds, I'm thinking for Balerion:

Feats: Power Attack, Fly-By-Attack, Fly-By-Breath, Strafing Breath, Awaken SR, Rapidstrike, Improved Rapidstrike (Claws), Improved Rapidstrike (Wings), Beast Strike, Hover, Wingstorm, Snatch, Improved Snatch, Improved Initiative, Spellcaster Harrier
Flaws: Bestial Instinct, Grudge-Keeper
Strafing Breath, hell yes. I've been idly thinking about Vhagar. I bet that dragon would have had Improved Swallow or something.

Also, @TotallyNotEvil, DP ruled that the Feral Template on the Red Dragons won't remove the SR, so Awaken SR is a wasted feat here unless you want another +2 on what he's already got.
OG Dyson Sphere, ya'll. Imagine it, an unimaginably large, interlocking network of Weirwood trees grown to encompass an entire star.

That's how you create an artificial afterlife capable with the necessary capacity to comfortably house tens of trillions of mortal souls.

There would be a lot of research involved, of course...
Oh, and @Goldfish?
You brought this on yourself.

Here's a reminder of all the stuff you said, basically: "This might be useful, I'll keep this in mind" to, before.
Bracers of the Hunter

Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 9th
Slot: Wrist; Price: 8,500 gp; Wgt: 2 lbs
Source: SoX, pg. 146

Description: These leather bracers are adorned with claws, teeth and stingers of vicious predators. While worn, they provide the wearer with a +5 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks and +2 circumstance bonus to initiative checks. If the wearer already has the ability to do precision damage when an opponent is denied their Dexterity bonus, such as the rogue's sneak attack class ability, the number of dice rolled for that precision damage is increased by one. Thus a rogue with a +3d6 sneak attack would roll 4d6. This benefit does not apply to meeting any prerequisites, nor does it provide this bonus to those that do not already have the ability to deal precision damage.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Cat's Grace, Disguise Self, Inflict Moderate Wounds
Construction Cost: 4,500 gp
For Garin, obviously, but maybe also for Drow and arcanum.
Dragonbane Divination Sticks

faint divination; CL 5th; Weight 1 lb.; Slotnone; Price 6,400 gp
These eight rune-engraved dragon bones may be used as a divine focus for augury. They add 5% to the chance to successfully cast auguryand divination. The bearer of the set gains a +3 luck bonus on one type of saving throw (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will), determined randomly each day. If a creature carries multiple sets of dragonbone divination sticks, all of them provide a bonus on the same saving throw.
Craft Wondrous Item, augury, guidance; Cost3,200 gp
To focus our Divination. We use it rarely, but I don't want to fail when it would count.
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 101, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 184, Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 40 gp; Weight
Category Alchemical Remedies
This clear resin protects a weapon from harmful attacks made by oozes and rust monsters, as well as from similar effects that corrode or melt weapons, rendering the weapon immune for 24 hours. One pot can coat one two-handed weapon, two one-handed or light weapons, or 50 ammunition items. Applying it takes 1 full round per pot. Immersing the weapon in water or similar liquid washes it off.
Craft (Alchemy)
DC 15
remember those Fiends with corrosive blood, over the mercury lake?
Yeah, make some, please.
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 10
+2,000 gp Weight
Category Modification; Proficiency Modification
Dual-balanced weapons are balanced to be wielded in tandem. Only melee weapons can be dual-balanced. When wielding two weapons with the dual-balanced modification, reduce any two-weapon fighting penalties by 1 for both weapons. The weapons do not need to be the same type, but both must have the dual-balanced modification.
*Garin looks expectantly*
Root of the World Tree
Price varies
Lesser 300 gp
Normal 1,000 gp
Greater 2,500 gp
Slot none; CL 17th; Weight — ; Aura strong conjuration
This fibrous powder is ground from bark harvested from the roots of trees growing across planar boundaries. When thrown in the air as part of casting a conjuration(summoning) spell, it grants the creatures summoned the advanced simple template. If the caster also expends one use of mythic power, the summoned creatures gain DR 5/epic, or DR10/epic if they have at least 11 HD. Lesser root affects conjuration(summoning) spells up to 3rd level, normal root conjuration(summoning) spells up to 6th level, and greater root any conjuration (summoning) spell.
Cost varies
Lesser 150 gp
Normal 500 gp
Greater 1,250 gp
Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter, Augment Summoning; Spells heroism
*Vee summons stuff*
*Stuff kills shit dead*
Ring of Far Strike
Source Ranged Tactics Toolbox pg. 29
Aura moderate transmutation CL 8th
Slot ring; Price 6,000 gp; Weight

This unassuming black ring changes color to a silver pearlescent sheen when held near a fire. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can make a melee weapon attack or unarmed strike attack against any opponent within 30 feet. The wearer must be otherwise capable of performing the attack to use this ability.

Forge Ring, mage hand, spectral hand; Cost 3,000 gp
Make Richard anime again!
Pectoral, Prophet's
faint divination; CL 3rd; Slot chest; Price6,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
The sacred stones, graven star-patterns, and wisdom-writings of the ancients on this chestplate increase the wearer's chance of success with augury, divination, and contact other plane. The wearer adds 1d6 to the d% roll each time she uses such a spell. When casting commune or commune with nature, the wearer may ask one additional question or gain one additional piece of information.
Craft Wondrous Item, divination, guidance; Cost3,000 gp.
More stuff to refine Divination
Belt, Equestrian
faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Slot belt; Price3,200 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This belt is worked with images of horses stampeding across a barren, windswept plain.
The belt's wearer automatically succeeds at any check to guide with the knees, stay in the saddle, fight with a combat-trained mount, control a mount in battle, or make a fast mount or dismount, as long as the belt's wearer is wearing medium, light, or no armor. Furthermore, the belt grants a +4 competence bonus on all other Ridechecks, including ones made while the wearer is in heavy armor.
Craft Wondrous Item, cat's grace; Cost 1,600 gp.
Ultimate dragon-rider's equipment.
Pendant, Gravewatch
faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Slot neck; Price8,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Favored by the grave-wardens of sites known to be infested with the spirits of the dead, this pendant is an iron ring strung on a necklace made from polished and discolored bones, nails, and teeth. A faint blue light limns the wearer, protecting him from attack.
Undead creatures are repulsed by this light and take a —2 penalty on all attack rolls against the wearer of a gravewatch pendant. Incorporealundead creatures are further repulsed and instead take a —4 penalty on all attack rolls against the wearer. Undead creatures can sense this light easily, however, and receive a +4 circumstance bonus on Perception checks to detect a creature wearing this pendant.
Craft Wondrous Item, protection from evil; Cost4,000 gp.
And this stuff is just stupidly good against most servants of Others, Essarian undead, arc.

Vambraces of Evil's Warding
Magic Item
(Book of Exalted Deeds, p. 116)
Price:18,000 gp
Body Slot:
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint; Abjuration
Weight: 1.0 lb.
These golden bracers are engraved with holy runes and fit snugly over the arms of any creature that dons them. Ranged attacks made by evil creatures against the wearer take a —4 penalty.
An evil creature that dons the vambraces of evil's warding takes 2d6 points of damage per round.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item , Protection from Arrows , creator must be good.
Cost to Create: 9,000 gp, 720 XP, 18 day(s).
1 per non-Evil Companion
Sword of Subtlety
moderate illusion; CL 7th; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 22,310 gp
A +1 short sword with a thin, dull gray blade, this weapon provides a +4 bonus on its wielder's attack and damage rolls when she makes a sneak attack with it.
Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells blur; Cost 11,310 gp
Upgrade for Garin's weapons
Headband of Conscious Effort
NameHeadband of Conscious Effort
Sorted NameHeadband of Conscious Effort
Item SlotHead
Price4,000 gp
Price as Gold Pieces4000
AuraModerate transmutation
Caster Level6
VersionComplete Adventurer
SourcesComplete Adventurer
ConstructionCraft Wondrous Item, Combat Casting, bear's endurance
Anyone wearing a Headband of Conscious Effort can make a Concentration check in place of a required Fortitude saving throw.

This ability can be activated once per day.
Activating the headband is an immediate action that does not provoke the attacks of opportunity.
Moderate Transmutation; CL6th; Craft Wondrous Item, Combat Casting, Bear's Endurance, Price 4,000 gp.
3 or 4 of our Companions can greatly benefit from this, iirc.
Boots of Charging
These boots give the wearer the Powerful Charge feat as long as they are worn.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, longstrider; Price 5,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook
Richard, Waymar, Sandor, Bronn
Armbands of Might: These bronze armbands grant the wearer a +2 bonus on str checks and skills. If he has the power attack feat, he gains a +2 on damage for any attack he uses power attack and takes at least a –2 penalty. They occupy the same slot as bracers. Faint transmutation; CL 3; Craft wonderous item; bulls strength; price 4100gps.
Aquamarine of Spell Extending: A blue stone mounted into the center of a gold and silver hourglass. Once a day, the owner may apply the Extend Spell feat to one of her spells 6th level or lower. This does not modify the spell's level, but spontaneous casters like sorcerers must still modify their casting times for applying metamagic feats to a spell. The aquamarine must be in the caster's hand at the time of casting for the spell to be extended.
Strong (no school); CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell 3,700 gp; Wgt: 1 lb.
All Companions it applies to.
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OG Dyson Sphere, ya'll. Imagine it, an unimaginably large, interlocking network of Weirwood trees grown to encompass an entire star.

That's how you create an artificial afterlife capable with the necessary capacity to comfortably house tens of trillions of mortal souls.

There would be a lot of research involved, of course...
...We'll need some really big guns based there, to shoot away any local Eldrtich Horror that gets drawn near by light of trillions souls over such a conveniently-shaped package of wood.

And no, I have no doubt that Space Whales are a thing in this setting.
It may not be Grimderp, but Escalation! is there still.
...We'll need some really big guns based there, to shoot away any local Eldrtich Horror that gets drawn near by light of trillions souls over such a conveniently-shaped package of wood.

And no, I have no doubt that Space Whales are a thing in this setting.
It may not be Grimderp, but Escalation! is there still.
The old gods are powered by Weirwoods, if they had a Dyson Sphere worth of Weirwoods, I don't think there are very many Eldritch abominations that could challenge them.
...thinking on it, I'm glad DP and Azel haven't statted out Balerion before our aerial fight.

I don't think we'd be winners in it after TNE is done doing his magic, spells and fire-immunity or not :V
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...thinking on it, I'm glad DP and Azel haven't statted out Balerion before our aerial fight.

I don't think we'd be winners in it after TNE is done doing his magic, magic and fire-immunity, or not :V
Nah, Viserys could handle him, if with difficulty, as shown in the chapter where he bonded to the Dragon. After we finish gearing Balerion up, however, I doubt Viserys would have been able to subdue him. He would have had to kill Balerion to win that fight rather than just putting the fear of Viserys into him.
...thinking on it, I'm glad DP and Azel haven't statted out Balerion before our aerial fight.

I don't think we'd be winners in it after TNE is done doing his magic, spells and fire-immunity or not :V
We'd have been fine. Perfect Maneuverability is very hard to deal with when the creature in question has a dragon's enhanced flight speed.
Interlude CDLXXXVI: In Silvered Glass Ascending
In Silvered Glass Ascending

Twentieth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC

The mummers grumbled. There was no crowd. How were they to know for whom they played and how their work was taken? Flowers or rotten fruit, it was all the same behind the cold glare of enchanted glass. The clothes were too drab. Who would wish to see men in grey cloaks wander hither and yon, picking apart evidence and navigating the twists of new-made laws instead of bravos clashing sword to sword or tales of forbidden love? Lysyas was adamant on stamping down on the latter in particular. He still remembered his brief encounter with the Dragon himself, a shiver going down his spine. "There are deeper tales to be told here than petty trysts conjured by the dozen." His eyes had been smiling then, but there had been a watchfulness about him, like a particularly well-fed cat faced with an entertaining mouse.

Thankfully it was not long until he spotted something to correct to calm his nerves: "You there, Rynyl is it? Where did you get that costume? It fits you like a sack-cloth."

The young mummer mumbled something that may have been: "Just making do."

"We do not 'make do' here at the Silver Dome!" Lysyas snapped. "If you need to fly we don't have to use ropes, we can just ask a sorcerer to lift us up upon the air, if we need light then light unwavering we have." He motioned dramatically to the scores of mage lanterns set about the new-built playhouse. "And to you who ask for duels remember, there shall be no silk scarves, or foul smelling pig's blood to be seen, but real blood to tell the tales of real folk as they raise the realm."

"'Real' he says," one of the stagehands snorted. "I've never known a smuggler to monologue about his damn life story to a captured guard instead of stabbing them dead."

"Are you saying old Salladhor never smuggled?" Alysa, the Dome's former ingenue, called out to general amusement.

"Told you so himself last night, did he?" another of the young mummers replied over the din of minstrels tuning their instruments to play the opening.

Where once there might have been a sharp reply there was only more laughter, for where before trysts with patrons may have been in high demand by even the most skillful of mummers, the pay they were getting from the Dragon was enough for most of the main cast to live lives of leisure and comfort year round with no fear that their take might shrink suddenly from a dry spell.

Truth be told, Lysyas worried about what that might mean for the quality of the performances. He always found that an edge of need gave an actor greater passion, but now they were all guildsmen, entitled to the rights and privileges thereof. Ah well, I can always replace those who do not keep up with the performances. With glamours the audience would not even know the difference, the company master thought, positively giddy at the potential that magic opened, not only to spread his vision through all the cities of Essos, but to see it realized perfectly, with none of the dozens of small compromises he had not even noticed before.

The lights flared, the mirror flickered into life, and a whole new world came alive.

"Listen here, Jon, I know you are the best damn lawman out here on the frontier, but I don't need a loose launcher on this case. This is big, you hear? It can make us or break us," the captain said, his voice roughened by years of drink and drill with the Second Sons.

The dark-haired man whose shirt did a poor job of hiding the fading marks of a slave's collar around his neck spat. "No, listen here, captain, you don't know what it's like out there. These Skinners ain't called that for nothing. They'll deal in anything—weapons, slaves, proscribed magic, fuck they would even trade in souls if they figured out how..."

So the scene played out before tens of thousands of eyes, more than any other performance the world had ever seen. Lysyas was nervous for how it would be taken, but above all he was proud.

OOC: I thought about doing an episode summary, but that just would not work out, so here's some behind-the-scenes info on how magical innovations and institutional shifts are changing acting.
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...I liked that.
Can we get some more "episodes", not necessarily with/without the "Behind-the-senes"-looks thrown in?

I'd like to see the Chainbreakers and Arcane Thesis being filmed, now :V

(Er, I did get that right? That was the "Dictates and Divinations"-series there? Do I cross all of them out of MAs now?)
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In Silvered Glass Ascending

Twentieth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC

The mummers grumbled. There was no crowd. How were they to know for whom they played and how their work was taken? Flowers or rotten fruit, it was all the same behind the cold glare of enchanted glass. The clothes were too drab. Who would wish to see men in grey cloaks wander hither and yon, picking apart evidence and navigating the twists of new-made law instead of bravos clashing sword to sword or tales of forbidden love? Lysyas was adamant on stamping down on the latter in particular. He still remembered his brief encounter with the Dragon himself, a shiver going down his spine. "There are deeper tales to be told here than petty trysts conjured by the dozen." His eyes had been smiling then, but there had been a watchfulness about him, like a particularly well-fed cat faced with an entertaining mouse.

Thankfully he was not long until he spotted something to correct to calm his nerves: "You there, Rynyl is it? Where did you get that costume? It fits you like a sack-cloth."

The young mummer mumbled something that may have been: "Just making do."

"We do not 'make do' here at the Silver Dome!" Lysyas snapped. "If you need to fly, we don't have to use ropes we can just ask a sorcerer to lift us up upon the air, if we need light then light unwavering we have." He motioned dramatically to the scores of mage lanterns set about the new-built playhouse. "And to you who ask for duels remember, there shall be no silk scarves, or foul smelling pig's blood to be seen, but real blood to tell the tales of real folk as they raise the realm."

"Real he says," one of the stagehands snorted. "I've never known a smuggler to monologue about his damn life story to a captured guard instead of stabbing them dead."

"Are you saying old Salladhor never smuggled?" Alysa, the Dome's former ingenue, called out to general amusement.

"Told you so himself last night, did he?" another of the young mummers replied over the din of minstrels tuning their instruments to play the opening.

Where once there might have been a sharp reply there was only more laughter, for where before trysts with patrons may have been in high demand by even the most skillful of mummers, the pay they were getting from the Dragon was enough for most of the main cast to live lives of leisure and comfort year round with no fear that their take might shrink suddenly from a dry spell.

Truth be told, Lysyas worried about what that might mean for the quality of the performances. He always found that an edge of need gave an actor greater passion, but now they were all guildsmen, entitled to the rights and privileges thereof. Ah well, I can always replace those who do not keep up with the performances. With glamours the audience would not even know the difference, the company master thought, positively giddy at the potential that magic opened, not only to spread his vision through all the cities of Essos, but to see it realized perfectly, with none of the dozens of small compromises he had not even noticed before.

The lights flared, the mirror flickered into life, and a whole new world came alive.

"Listen here, Jon, I know you are the best damn lawman out here on the frontier, but I don't need a loose launcher on this case. This is big do, you hear? It can make us or break us,"
the captain said, his voice roughened by years of drink and drill with the Second Sons.

The dark-haired man whose shirt did a poor job of hiding the fading marks of a slave's collar around his neck spat. "No, listen here, captain, you don't know what it's like out there. These Skinners ain't called that for nothing. They'll deal in anything—weapons, slaves, proscribed magic, fuck they would even trade in souls if they figured out how..."

So the scene played out, tens of thousands of eyes, more than any other performance the world had ever seen. Lysyas was nervous for how it would be taken, but above all he was proud.

OOC: I thought about doing an episode summary, but that just would not work out, so here's some behind-the-scenes info on how magical innovations and institutional shifts are changing acting.

Made a few minor edits DP. Mostly missing commas and a couple misspellings.

Great chapter, too.

This line was neat.
Listen here, Jon, I know you are the best damn lawman out here on the frontier, but I don't need a loose launcher on this case.
I see that the Launchers are becoming well enough known to enter into the standard vernacular. :)
Is that live, or recorded? Pretty good deal for these guys haha!

Since you have no way of recording it has to be live

...I liked that.
Can we get some more "episodes", not necessarily with/without the "Behind-the-senes"-looks thrown in?

I'd like to see the Chainbreakers and Arcane Thesis being filmed, now :V

(Er, I did get that right? That was the "Dictates and Divinations"-series there? Do I cross all of them out of MAs now?)

That was Dictates and Divinations yes. You can assume all of them are bring prepared though only Dictates got its premiere for now

I see that the Launchers are becoming well enough known to enter into the standard vernacular. :)

It is at least in SD.
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We just introduced police shows. What's next buddy cop shows? The partners falling in love and getting 10 seasons of will they or won't they?

At what point will Viserys' perfidy stop?
Since you have no way of recording it has to be live
There is, of course, a spell for that.

Could this be adapted to serve as a storage medium? And if so, what would a Memory Crystal-to-Mirrorvision converter cost us to enchant? The Memory Crystal spell is only 2nd level, so if we used that as a base to build the spell on, along with a caveat that a MirrorVision mirror is needed to show the memory, 1,080 IM seems reasonable to me. The MirrorVision mirrors themselves are 2,880 IM each. Seems like it could be a nice upgrade.

Creating the Memory Crystals themselves should be easy. They only cost 10 IM each and the memory remains until replaced. The designated viewer who will impart the memory to the crystal could be hopped up on sensory enhancement buffs to insure the clearest, most detailed memory possible. At 10 minutes of memory per crystal, even a very long performance wouldn't cost that much to record, and would thereafter be available to replay whenever desired.