Polyglot of Chimera
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I'm sorry this is troubling but I'm just not comfortable with slotting them automatically into imperial servants thematically. Viserys is not just tying to become a god and get some servants. Ever since Azema and Xor a big part of his reason for accepting unlikely allies has been the belief that they are people first and foremost and should be treated as such.
Remember the Circle of Firelight/Darkness metaphor we used way back when you guys took the Deep. That only works if being outside the circle is a choice and one accepts all those who wish to step in on their own merits without trying to change them. If that is not true than what is basically the core of Viserys' morality becomes a lie and yet more hypocrisy. We've just gotten rid of that I do not want to start again.
That's...DP, I'm not trying to slot them automatically into that role. I'm trying to say that without an intrinsic connection to a force of power like what Imperium gives Viserys, or an Outer Plane, they shouldn't have the Native subtype. That is what I'm objecting to at this point. Hell, I've even gone out of my way to point out how a connection to the Imperium won't just make them LN, the link will be dictated by that argument of person above all, and though I could see some choosing to change, it'll be at their own pace. But this...seeming insistence here to ignore the issue by just making them Native Outsiders really doesn't make sense.
Being welcome in the circle of light against the darkness doesn't mean that you're suffused with the power of that firelight if you shattered your link to the fire that burns at one corner of the horizon.
On a narrative level, I'd see Viserys hitting Mythic 10 as him gaining the ability to actually supply the Erinyes with the sort of energy they need to reform if they die in his service. It works within the logic of the lore and also adds a lot to their relative mortality right now as currently they're very much continuously vulnerable to death in a way that they've only rarely been before. If you want to just designate them as Native Outsiders, I can't stop you, but it feels like a dodge to just let us not have to worry about the possibility of losing them. And I've already outlined how I feel the lore just doesn't fit otherwise.
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