Day of Blood (Blood Magic, Greater)
School: Transmutation & Divination; Level 8
Casting time: 80 minutes
Material Components: The powdered remains of a sentient (Int greater than 3) creature or creatures of no less then 8 HD (bonemeal, dried organs, etc...)
Blood Component: Sacrifice of 16 HD worth of sentient creatures who must be hung from the tree, or if the branches will not support them, impaled before its roots.
Special: The value of the sacrifice is modified by the following factors:
- Low Intelligence (INT 3 to 6): -50%
- Native Outsider: +25%
- Fey: +30%
- True Outsider (Called): +35%
- Aberration: +35%
- Undead: +40%
- Cold Subtype: +50%
- Caster (not SLAs): +25%
- Dragon: +35%
- Willing Sacrifice (no magical compulsions): +100%
- Mythic: +2 HD to base subject to all bonuses for every Mythic Rank
For each secondary effect desired the Blood Cost increases as follows:
- 1 Secondary effect: 24 HD worth of sacrifices
- 2 Secondary effects: 36 HD worth of sacrifices
- 3 Secondary effects: 54 HD worth of sacrifices
Sacrificing more than needed may lead other gifts as the gods will.
Required Caster: Druid or Adept (Old Gods) level 4; Arcane caster level 7
Secondary Casters: Up to five
Skill Checks: Knowledge Nature (DC 25) 2 success; Knowledge Religion (DC 20) 2 success; Craft Wood-Carving (DC 16) 2 successes; Spellcraft (DC 26) 2 successes
Backlash: All base metal objects in a 50 ft radios of the Nascent Heart Tree fall to dust
Primary: Grow a Heart-Tree from a sapling in the span of the ritual, which serves as the focus of a permanent CL 20
Hallow or
Unhallow spell (Primary caster's choice)
Secondary: Select an effect or effects to be tied to the Hallow or Unhallow effect from the list ordinarily permitted for such a purpose, up to a maximum of three.
Failure: Primary caster becomes bound to the site of the weirwood and may not travel more than 100 ft from it until such a time as the ritual is complete. If the ritual fails a second time while a creature is so bound the creature dies, its remains feeding the Heart Tree allowing it to grow to full size regardless. A creature so slain cannot be returned from the dead save by the spells
Reincarnate and
True Reincarnate.