Like Maelor said, we don't really trust Melisandre yet. She might be our ally now, but that can change.[X] Call on one of the Red Priests to raise her
-[X] Melisandre
This smells like god meddling, if Rhllor wants in on this op...
He has as much reason to hate the brass city as anyone.
Ask why she talked at maelor, and how she escaped.I'm torn between not investigating at all and digging deeper. Maelor showed initiative in retrieving her corpse, but it could be problematic. At the same time, this could be a ploy of some sort, though investigating it might be dangerous in and of itself...
[X] Investigate further
-[X] After destroying her collar and any remaining clothing, Maelor checks the body for signs of active or lingering magic using Detect Magic while Sarell examines it using True Seeing. They also check for any physical clues, such as telltale brands or scars, implanted objects, etc.
--[X] If nothing is found initially, Maelor will spend a couple minutes targeting it with repeated Voracious Dispelling invocations, with him and Sarell examining it again in between each Dispel attempt.
---[X] If they still do not discover anything suspicious, Maelor will ask Sarell to extract the girl's skull. He will destroy the remains. The skull will be packed in a lead box and Malarys contacted to visit the shop as soon as is practical in order question the girl's remains.
--[X] If they discover anything suspicious, Maelor and Sarell use their best judgement to determine whether to destroy the corpse entirely, attempt to deal with whatever they have found, or continue on as if they had found nothing.
-[X] If her skull is preserved, when Malarys arrives he will ask the following questions using Speak with Dead (seven questions available due to Malarys' 15th caster level);
--[X] What was her name? From where did she hail? How did she come to be in the City of Brass? Were there others brought to the City with her? How long was she in the City? What was her latest master's name? Was she a slave before coming to the City of Brass?
-[X] The skull will be preserved for now, in case we or our allies decide to Resurrect girl at some point in the future.
Swapped in both questions.Ask why she talked at maelor, and how she escaped.
I'm telling you this reeks of meddling.
Possibly of the helpful kind. Depends on what we do really...
He can't raise the dead though. Unless we abused Imbue with Spell Ability somehow? Or gave him a scroll, Moment of Greatness and UMD skill-boosts...
Wow you must really hate how many of his followers worship us then[X] Goldfish
I fucking hate R'hlor.
Hey, we still do have that unravelling, yes?
Can we make a guardian Tattoo on Garin that will apply it at need?
Fuck R'hlor.
Don't you fucking know it.Wow you must really hate how many of his followers worship us then.
(insomuch as that's a joke), I feel less desire to go to PoWAnd all my yes! Now that the devil is away (the major opponent to this as we don't have time for adventures, please focus on politics
Clever, I like this very much.Thought and deed were almost one, with a swiftly muttered spell he soiled his robes as though with soot and sand from a child's hand and called out to the monster: "Your slave has laid unclean hands upon my robes! I demand..."
Missing period.
Missing period.
Likely? More likely?"You could have the Red Priestess do it too... Melisandre right?" Bronn asked. "She was carrying on about her god before she died, liker she'd answer that than old Malarys."
BTW, @DragonParadox, I know the shop has only been open for a shirt time, but is it starting to see any traffic?
we're taking it this month
Shaitan and Djinni fight it themselves, with our anti-grav fghters helping out, but nothing more.
Not enough time, so we're not touching it unless we really have nothing to do :/
We're doing it at the end of this month/beginning of the next one.
Even on the doorstop of hell customer service is still the worst job in the world.It s yes, though nothing big yet, mostly non-efreeti looking for a bargain.
So I found how Littlefinger can make himself a terrible nuisance even with a low caster level.
If nothing is wrong with the corpse, and the answers satisfy our questions, welll likely rezz her later anyway.Even on the doorstop of hell customer service is still the worst job in the world.
I still feel like were going to miss a lot by not raising her.
And after 17? Days it's going to cost 5000 more gold to raise her.
@Goldfish anything I could do to convince you to raise her discreetly? After a week or two perhaps when the trail goes cold?
Edit: mostly what I hope to figure out is if there is a greater slave conspiracy in the brass city. If there actually is an underground cult dedicated to over throwing the brazen throne that will be incredibly good to know.
I don't think it's worth the risk right now.Even on the doorstop of hell customer service is still the worst job in the world.
I still feel like were going to miss a lot by not raising her.
And after 17? Days it's going to cost 5000 more gold to raise her.
@Goldfish anything I could do to convince you to raise her discreetly? After a week or two perhaps when the trail goes cold?
Edit: mostly what I hope to figure out is if there is a greater slave conspiracy in the brass city. If there actually is an underground cult dedicated to over throwing the brazen throne that will be incredibly good to know.
They likely only allow it to exist in any form to serve as a source of information.