Of Sages and Sorcery
Sixth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC
Beyond the Lantern Bearers, whose work you can appreciate, and the Faith, for whom your plans have been made clear to the Lord of Oldtown, there is one more institution within the city, one that will likely suffer an even more unfortunate fate than fracturing in the fullness of time—the Citadel. You know it nurses a conspiracy against your House that is at least sixty years old and likely longer, one that is still thriving to judge from the attempted poisoning on Lord Brune, yet for Oldtown and House Hightower the maesters have been nothing but a boon, offering lore to protect against Deep One raids, dissecting and studying the various horrors the better to slay them later, even providing minor magic items and some not so minor like Ser Baelor's ring.
Unless he is far more skilled at mummery than you give him credit for he is not your foe, only a man trying to to what is best for his House and for his people in the face of a world gone mad. Thus you ask the questions you had been expected to—what are the factions and their positions, how do they interact with the Lantern Bearers and the Faith, and which are skilled in sorcery and of what sort? Was the gift he had been given crafted by their hands, or was it a relic of bygone times drawn from some dusty vault?
The answer to the latter question is thankfully that it had been found and not forged. If the Citadel could
forge such prizes then dealing with them would have been troublesome.
According to Lord Hightower the one most involved with combating the Deep Ones has been Archmaester Ebrose, the Citadel's foremost healer, whose ring, rod, and mask are silver. A kindly man, Ebrose is often sickened by the deeds of the Deep Ones, though he had originally counseled conversing with them to discover more of their culture and motivations. After several months of fruitless attempts at reason he had finally given up and bent his full efforts to the task of making Oldtown safe, or at least as safe as it can be made when every tide brings a new scourge. In a strange coincidence Archmaester Ebrose is also famed for writing a treatise on southern illnesses including the Butterfly Fever of Naath.
If Ebrose could be said to have had any rivalries within the Citadel then it would have been the now exiled former maester Qyburn who had been stripped of his chain supposedly for vivisection, though Lord Hightower suspects darker dealings linked to rumors of the unliving that are now believed by most to be Deep One corpse-defilers. "I did not believe the rumors at first, so I know little of those early incursions save that the Citadel was involved in equipping the first Lantern Bearers, most of whom are dead," Ser Baelor finishes before moving on to other Archmaesters of note.
The man most involved in the matters of the Conclave, though supposedly more for scholarly interest than political inclination, is Archmaester Perestan, a skilled historian who bears in consequence a ring, rod, and mask of copper. Perestan is reserved and slow to pass judgments, his favorite saying being 'only history may pass true judgement'.
The Lord of the Hightower also draws your attention to Archmaester Ryam, an expert in mathematics and economics who in his younger years was instrumental in setting trade and toll policy that has enriched Lord Leyton's coffers and his son's after him. He supposedly has some quarrel with the Golden Shields, though the substance of it is not common knowledge. The hint that you might find common cause there is hardly subtle.
By contrast you are counseled to steer clear of 'Vinegar' Vaellyn, the Archmaester of astronomy who bears the ring, mask, and rod of bronze, a man of painfully stringent standards of both himself and others who would likely report any hint of your presence as far as Highgarden and King's Landing from an excessive sense of his own duty.
Lastly you come to the matter of magic. None of the Archmaesters save Ebrose publicly admit to practicing magic so as not to fall under the authority of the ill-omened Archmaester Marwyn, he who bears the ring, mask, and rod of Dragonsteel, a name you well remember from Samwell's tales. Of him Lord Hightower knows little save that he had been interested in the 'higher mysteries' for many years and traveled far in search of lore, some say as far as Qarth and Asshai. The rumors of strange pacts and distasteful doings in foreign ports have long since smeared his reputation with the order, though Lord Hightower adds that the worst he has seen from the man himself is a rough manner and a tongue like rusted iron, reason enough to be disliked by one's fellows.
Dany has questions of her own, asking of rumors in the Reach or the wider kingdoms, monsters, magic, or any other hint of the otherworldly that may have reached the ear of the Lord of Oldtown. Most of what he shares you had known already from Garth in Highgarden or else from tales you had heard in dockside taverns, but there is one tale you had not heard of before, one of an orange-cloaked mage commanding Fey in battle against villagers who had fallen under the sway of the Deep Ones on the coast near Old Oak. That mages would seek the protection of the Fey is hardly surprising, but this mage had not only been held in deep respect by the spirits she commanded, but they had supposedly called her 'elder'. Perhaps she had been just another Fey who had preferred a human seeming. Rumors are hardly the most reliable things. Still, you mark the tale well.
In parting you recount some of your own battles against the Deep Ones, though less to brag and more as a prelude to describe the fount of purification on Toad Island, asking that Ser Baelor pass on news of it to the Lantern Bearers.
"Toad Island..." He pauses in thought, likely trying to picture a map before his mind's eye. "A long journey, though worth it for those afflicted I think. Good fortune to you, my lord. May we speak again at the end of a fruitful month."
What do you do next?
[] Try to discover the strength of the various factions
[] Attempt to gain a better understanding of the objectives of one of the main factions already present
-[] Most Devout Kyle
-[] Most Devout Ollidor
-[] Most Devout Aglantine
[] Approach one of the Archmaesters
-[] Write in
[] Approach the Lantern Bearers
-[] Write in
[] Write in
OOC: I'm not altogether comfortable with this much summarizing, but it felt like the best way to move things along.