Fair enough, but the issue with that is red dragons are pretty consistent about living in warm places, so my reasoning is that even if they are not going to lose fingers in a blizzard (that would be silly) they would still be uncomfortable in cold temperatures and if you live with discomfoirt for months or years it is going to start wearing on even the most resilient of minds.
Gonna lay it out: Vee has a connection to the OG. And to Yss. Narritvely, I see her has closer to Yss (she's bringing him as her +1 to the wedding (as a friend) I believe), but she gets a tonne of her useful spells from the OG. Her PrC is very OG. But... This does not feel like part of her arc, to me.
I wanna see her have the same kind of thematic chapter that Lya and Viserys got.
Big blood scarafice is more Viserys thing imo. Now I'm sure DP can do an amazing Vee Mythic chapter from this, but honestly, I wanna give him something more Vee-like to work with.
[Wait, I know what would satasify
me on this, she gets the rank from this, but is unaware of it or some such untill she is doing a "mundane" task, or scolding some idiot for getting themselves hurt, and then... Something like Korra/Toph with the Banyu tree, a broad commune with nature like effect that for one moment, gives her a glimpse of the OG. (Note, she isn't near a heart tree for this, it's just out somewhere).
And then, after a trancendal moment "Oh, so that's how it works", tests her power once, and then gets on with her day
Also, I don't think we should speech here, not really. Who are we speeching to? Everyone here has already "bought in" to various degrees already.
So, I'm gonna be awful and present an *prepares to zoidberg scuttle* anti-speech plan. Yeah.
[] I'll admit, I
may be one for speeches, but all here know what we are doing this for. What will happen in a few years. So, with that in mind, [Bloodwish Imbue SLA: Greater Teleport to Varys. Have her beside the vunerable people (lisit, Reva, Mores Umber for evacuation), [buff long/mass buffs on all combatants for if we get attacked] (,magic army)*
@DragonParadox Sense Motive: How much of Taena saying no was Zehrys being there?
Also, do we know anything more about his char sheet? (Not asking for now, just wondering if we knew IC

*Oh, holy shit, we should switch that out next level

super useful in niche situations, so it's better off being used via Mythic Arcana or Miracle (when we get it).
(I'm happy that we're not getting a bunch of mythic spells from this)