Clearly the right thing to do here is to work out a limited extradition treaty with the seven kingdoms. Quite limited, since we've got useful but evil people to protect and they are not going to agree to the extradition of people like Tywin Lannister. But, the extradition of fugitives from justice wanted for crimes both nations consider severe and are reasonably confident happened? The only downside is the diplomatic recognition this would admittedly imply, when the current situation is at best a polite fiction.
Of course, Robert Baratheon would never actually agree to this with just us. But then, Westeros does not like slavers, so they would probably agree to it with Bravos if it was framed in reference to cases like this. Turn it into the Sealord holding a diplomatic conference on a treaty to help crush the last remnants of the slave trade, Robert sends his representative, and we and our puppets and allies send theirs, and we hash something out.
... This started as the setup to an elaborate joke about real-world approaches to international relations, and the possibility of putting Robert in a room with us and all of our powerful vassals, but as I wrote it the plan evolved into something that actually stands a non-zero chance of working. If it were to happen, we put Robert in the very difficult position of having to either play along or be perceived to be letting slavers get away with slaving, we begin laying the groundwork for a form of international law that we can use to retroactively go after enemies after our conquest without it looking illegitimate, and we have a golden opportunity to convince the seven kingdoms of pretty much whatever we want about our international relations and larger realm, since we would influence or control almost everyone at the conference. Could be a neat little bit of trolling.
It makes more sense for her to learn to wear light armor first before moving on to fullplate.@Goldfish Is there any benefit to training her to use Platemail?
Because we should get her some Celestial Platemail...
@DragonParadox, out of curiosity could we try to get a Psionic Pseudodragon by way of their natural telepathy? Same with Psionic Serpentfolk.
Bottomline, we need a Flesh Forge.*Rolls knowledge (psionics) from Jeyne*
It might be posibile but you would need flesh-forge alterations, if perhaps not as extensive as with humans.
Keep in mind though that you have no template for anything besides a psionic human.
From what DP told us Jorah wants to stay away from us, so at least hopefully he's not in the Legion.Watch Jorah being in the Legion make this all the more complicated.
From what DP told us Jorah wants to stay away from us, so at least hopefully he's not in the Legion.
Compiling them all onto one post? It's a neat idea. That's why I cheated and bookmarked your post.Huh, the signature function works pretty well as a reference source.
I have a bunch of quest-related posts bookmarked, but they don't do me much good on my phone or Kindle and the thread info tab can be a pain to use sometimes.
@Duesal, have you thought about doing something similar with the Larder, trophy rooms, etc., which you maintain?
The Larder is always my biggest priority.
This just reminds me of those two Weretiger brothers we ran off for fear of an infestation, when afflicted lycanthrope can't pass it on...
And that's the rub.
We are setting up a fine arts department for the university next month, so we should be able to get the headhunting out of the way.Of course the above might need to be put off or performed in segments, if the listed three characters are too busy next month (hence suggesting a minor action series).
I expect these to kick off by the start of next year. Or, really, given how big a task it is to come up with scripts, I expect the pilot episodes by that time.
I was planning on bringing this up tomorrow.Might want to poke Rhizzneth about our relationship again. If we send an A Team to their ruins again, we should get some Serpent Stone. We might even luck out and get some of that photo-memory stone. Between those two, we can research what amounts to a camera with a memory card. Then we can properly record the plays in advance and run them whenever.