@Crake @thread dunno how valid this may or may not be, so I'm just gonna leave this here for people to consider/not consider depending on what they think. Also, pretty damm sure that a)I'm using some words incorrectly here b)my general point of concern is apparent regardless
While cutthroat politics might make for excellent viewing on television, I feel that displaying such as the norm for Scholarium, or hinting that it goes on a lot is a bad idea. Maybe if it was cast in a negative light perhaps? [extension: to (potentially) avoid (some) negative consequences of that portrayal, have the cut-throat villan be defeated by cleverness, thoughtfulness and courage]
I suppose my perspectives comes from; that as a state, it benefits us more to
not imply or suggest that cutthroat politics in the Scholarium is ok or the norm, as opposed to... doing so. Because cutthroat politics in one's subordinates sounds tiresome as hell imo.
Also, I'm pretty sure that there are a few low level spells that can be used to create visual illusions, and some for sounds, so, that's all of your special effects right there, to be used on a mirror with no will save. You know, assuming that the mirrors work like that