Huh. I missed that part about her brother in the original perusal. So he's actually in SD right now.

I wonder what he's up to...


Sometimes I remember the most useless stuff, but @Duesal remembers everything, it's kind of amazing.
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Kinda surprised Viserys doesn't have more women falling for him. There got to be some women that won't stop just because of Lya. Stubborn and want their man!!!!
Kinda surprised Viserys doesn't have more women falling for him. There got to be some women that won't stop just because of Lya. Stubborn and want their man!!!!

Too intimidating. More like a force of nature than anything else.

Also as evidenced by Arianne's thoughts in canon, some probably don't like the thought of being with a man who's prettier than them or has better hair. :V
Kinda surprised Viserys doesn't have more women falling for him. There got to be some women that won't stop just because of Lya. Stubborn and want their man!!!!

Kind of hard to nail down that which is always on the go.

If they wanted to get a chance they should bribe someone into letting them know when Viserys is doing paperwork.

He might welcome the distraction. Not the woman chasing after his seed, but the mystery of finding who leaked his personal schedule.
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We have mind readings and truth showing spells used in pretty much everyone in a position of power don't we? So bribery is pretty hard to get away with no where near impossible but still hard.
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Too intimidating. More like a force of nature than anything else.

Also as evidenced by Arianne's thoughts in canon, some probably don't like the thought of being with a man who's prettier than them or has better hair. :V

At some point some woman is just gonna want him. A very pretty man that is very intimidating to keep her safe in his arms.....

Maybe at some point we find another powerful woman that will do some scheming to get him for herself.
At some point some woman is just gonna want him. A very pretty man that is very intimidating to keep her safe in his arms.....

Maybe at some point we find another powerful woman that will do some scheming to get him for herself.

Unlikely, for a bunch of reasons, but one of the funnier ones that I like to think about is--Viserys sleeps two hours a day, and he is always on the move, like Rabbit said.

And that's not "always on the move" like someone walking around with their cell phone in one hand and an itinerary in the other, but on the move as in "on two different errands a thousand miles apart from each other within the same afternoon".

That and I am fairly sure that Viserys' daily agenda is more closely guarded than our company ledgers.
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by Sqweaktoy on Mar 16, 2019 at 4:40 AM, finished with 131 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Talking to the Knights
    -[X] Have someone privately ask Ser Bonnifer Hasty if he wants to be granted some better gear or is comfortable with what he currently bares.
    -[X] Ask the Inquisition to give you a report on Ser Roger Hill.
    -[X] Personally meet with Darkstar. Downplay the importance of the joust and suggest earning glory in the best way he has available.
    -[X] Publically congratulate Ser Philip Foote for making it this far with dogshit gear and missing an eye. Ask if he wants us to fix that.
    -[X] Keep tabs on Halys Belmore and Vardis Sunderland in case they're looking for an opportunity to represent their houses.
This is one of those times when a simple question leads to a ton of work. Added a coordinate system to the terrain map.
Take note that each 15° East-West shift means roughly a shift of one hour. So Volantis is 1 hour ahead of us, Mantarys 1.5 hours and the Basilisk Isles 2 hours. Our easternmost ACSEC office is in Ibben right now, which is 3 to 3.5 hours ahead. On the other side, Highgarden is 1 hour behind us and Kings Landing roughly half an hour.

Also, the polar circle is roughly at Hardhome, so the Thenns know the joys of polar night.
This is one of those times when a simple question leads to a ton of work. Added a coordinate system to the terrain map.

Take note that each 15° East-West shift means roughly a shift of one hour. So Volantis is 1 hour ahead of us, Mantarys 1.5 hours and the Basilisk Isles 2 hours. Our easternmost ACSEC office is in Ibben right now, which is 3 to 3.5 hours ahead. On the other side, Highgarden is 1 hour behind us and Kings Landing roughly half an hour.

Also, the polar circle is roughly at Hardhome, so the Thenns know the joys of polar night.
Hey nexus out of interests what lands do you want to conquer, anmex, colonize whatever that you have no idea when we can or want to get?

I mean westeros we have a rough estimate. That can't be true for every place you personally have plans.

P.s. good night I'm tired and have insomnia good questing too you. The hound is now our pet dog not in a he's our slave kind of way but in a we've got our own Scooby doo. Though he is an Asshole I will forever treat him like our Scooby. Good morning, afternoon, might wherever you live im going to bed.
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On that note, @DragonParadox, I'm pitching my support behind silently shifting the time definition to have SD Noon be 12:00. That way, the date change is in the early morning for Yi-Ti, midnight for us and unless the Sunset Sea is absurdly huge it would be in the early evening for Westereros.

Also, the odds of the Fire and Blood ship Sunchaser making it around the globe are pretty much nil. That only works if you assume that Westeros is the Americas and Essos is Asia, but if you extrapolate from the size of the Wall like I did, we are missing definitely a continent in between.
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This is one of those times when a simple question leads to a ton of work. Added a coordinate system to the terrain map.

Take note that each 15° East-West shift means roughly a shift of one hour. So Volantis is 1 hour ahead of us, Mantarys 1.5 hours and the Basilisk Isles 2 hours. Our easternmost ACSEC office is in Ibben right now, which is 3 to 3.5 hours ahead. On the other side, Highgarden is 1 hour behind us and Kings Landing roughly half an hour.

Also, the polar circle is roughly at Hardhome, so the Thenns know the joys of polar night.
Very cool, dude!
It all started when I wanted to illustrate the point made in this post:
Unlikely, for a bunch of reasons, but one of the funnier ones that I like to think about is--Viserys sleeps two hours a day, and he is always on the move, like Rabbit said.

And that's not "always on the move" like someone walking around with their cell phone in one hand and an itinerary in the other, but on the move as in "on two different errands a thousand miles apart from each other within the same afternoon".

That and I am fairly sure that Viserys' daily agenda is more closely guarded than our company ledgers.
By figuring out the distances traveled in this update:
And then stumbled over the bit with Yrael, thinking it should be almost noon in Mantarys when it's morning in SD.

Turns out, it isn't.
[X] Talking to the Knights
-[X] Have someone privately ask Ser Bonnifer Hasty if he wants to be granted some better gear or is comfortable with what he currently bares.
-[X] Ask the Inquisition to give you a report on Ser Roger Hill.
-[X] Personally meet with Darkstar. Downplay the importance of the joust and suggest earning glory in the best way he has available.
-[X] Publically congratulate Ser Philip Foote for making it this far with dogshit gear and missing an eye. Ask if he wants us to fix that.
-[X] Keep tabs on Halys Belmore and Vardis Sunderland in case they're looking for an opportunity to represent their houses.

I suppose Mr "I am the night" Dorkstar may prove useful. Nothing about him impressed me in the novels though. His greatest accomplishment was failing to kill a little girl.
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Part MMDCLXXXIII: A Star in Shadow
A Star in Shadow

Twenty-Sixth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

While Darkstar will certainly need the deftest touch of the knights you have seen thus far upon the field, there are others who deserve attention. Reaching out with your mind to wake your slumbering familiar, you bid her to send word to the Inquisition, seeking to learn more of Halys Belmore and Vardis Sunderland in case they're looking for an opportunity to represent their houses as well as this Ser Roger Hill. Perhaps if the current lord and lady of Castamere cannot be swayed to see sense and forsake the Lannister name, an 'old' one can be instated there...

"He used to have better armor," your mother remarks, stirring you from your thoughts.

"Ser Bonifer?" you prompt, following her gaze.

"Yes, a full suit of plate. That is what he wore to the tourney of Dragonstone in two-hundred-fifty-nine at least. I wonder what happened to it?" She sounds wistful, though you suspect more for whatever memories that tourney evokes than some lost suit of plate. Three years before she married your father, that would probably be enough to be melancholy for all on its own.

"He probably sold it," Ser Richard replies. "A full suit of plate is hard to take care of on a hedge knight's purse without tourney gold flowing in, not to mention hard to put on without a squire which he doesn't have either."

"I'm sure he can make up for the latter lack all on his own, but as to the former, I do not think a gift from liege to sworn knight would not go amiss," you reply, skirting by the fact that you had certainly not been handing hardened steel plate to every knight who swore themselves to you unless they joined the Legion. Reminding your mother of pleasant times is certainly worth the cost.

There is one other hedge knight you can bestow far more than armor upon. Ser Philip Foote had managed to unhorse one of the favorites of the joust while absent of anything that could be realistically be called armor. Sandor called him 'crafty'. You would call him an opportunity waiting to happen. Descending by magic to offer your congratulations publicly, you offer to heal his eye also, an offer he gladly accepts.

The empty socket fills with golden light, the threads of power sing through and around you as by the highest of your powers you will lost flesh to be whole again amid the cheering of the crowd. A tourney, after all, is a chance for knights to show skill and lords to show generosity.

If only Darkstar were so easy to handle.

Absent his helm and away from the sight of the crowds is Ser Gerold Dayne, who could even have passed for one of Valyrian heritage even in the streets of Lys or Volantis, not only for his looks but for the pride that sparks in his eyes as though ready to set the world aflame. According to Tyene, her cousin Arianne rather fancies the man, though the appeal is lost on her. To be precise she had said: "Darkstar is the sort of man who would be admiring himself in a mirror over a woman's shoulder while fucking if he could."

While the remark had earned her a disapproving look from your mother, you cannot say it does not get the point across. Calling the man proud and prickly is a bit like calling Dorne warm and dry.

"Well met, Ser," you greet him while stepping into the simple chamber meant for knights to don and set aside their armor before and after the joust. "Given that we have already spoken, if not under the most fortuitous of circumstances, I felt it would be remiss of me not to introduce myself formally, particularly given all that I have heard of your skill." With most you would have added a compliment to his lineage, but given what Oberyn had told you about Dayne's struggle to step out from under the shadow of the Sword of the Morning that would have been a faux pas to mention.

He bows and offers greeting in return, though his next words are far less formal. "My skill," he snorts. "By the Warrior you sound as though you actually mean that. You must truly trust whoever told you that to still believe it after seeing me unhorsed by a one-eyed beggar." From another man that might have sounded self-deprecating. Dayne makes it into a challenge.

"I would be poor king indeed to judge anyone from so little as three tilts in a joust. I myself have never even ridden in one, so by that logic I am the merest squire," you reply, threading the needle between seeming to call him a liar and actually agreeing with his words.

"You should try it," the Dornishman says, his expression relaxing slightly. "Nothing like breaking lances with a few knights to get them to know you and put paid some of the more outlandish rumors about you."

"It is not the knights who have already accepted my invitation that I am most worried of there," you point out. "Such knights have already seen the worth of gaining gold and glory under the Dragon banner."

Hearing the offer in your words, Dayne arches one silver eyebrow. "Do you have something particular in mind?"

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: Darkstar is prickly enough that I actually had to roll social combat, though granted the rolls were easy for Viserys.
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This is one of those times when a simple question leads to a ton of work. Added a coordinate system to the terrain map.

Take note that each 15° East-West shift means roughly a shift of one hour. So Volantis is 1 hour ahead of us, Mantarys 1.5 hours and the Basilisk Isles 2 hours. Our easternmost ACSEC office is in Ibben right now, which is 3 to 3.5 hours ahead. On the other side, Highgarden is 1 hour behind us and Kings Landing roughly half an hour.

Also, the polar circle is roughly at Hardhome, so the Thenns know the joys of polar night.

Wow this is really helpful with all the teleporting you guys do. Thanks.
I'm not a tactical man. What's the value of this guy again?

Or are we just looking to poach whoever seems useful from Westeros before we start burning the place?
On that note, @DragonParadox, I'm pitching my support behind silently shifting the time definition to have SD Noon be 12:00. That way, the date change is in the early morning for Yi-Ti, midnight for us and unless the Sunset Sea is absurdly huge it would be in the early evening for Westereros.

Also, the odds of the Fire and Blood ship Sunchaser making it around the globe are pretty much nil. That only works if you assume that Westeros is the Americas and Essos is Asia, but if you extrapolate from the size of the Wall like I did, we are missing definitely a continent in between.

If there is consensus for it I'm fine with a retcon.

Anyone opposed?