Is he actually competent and reliable, though? Because what's seen of him in Canon isn't impressive.:V

There were bits of potential, but otherwise he's a mess. I see him as a "wait and see" opportunity before committing.

Normally I would agree, but I don't intend to give him duties even in the same playing field as Clegane without a bit of work put in on his part.

He's hungry for recognition, so give him a little. He wants to be legendary like Arthur Dayne? Let him act up to the part, but he still needs to be granted the position and opportunity to do so. No one can say that Arthur Dayne wasn't privileged. Gerold was less privileged. Remedy it and a lot of his hangups fall away.
@Goldfish, she should be some variation of this:
Conjuration Domain Wizard 1 - HP 6

STR 9 - DEX 14 - CON 14 - INT 15 - WIS 12 - CHA 8. Feats: Precocious Apprentice (Scorching Ray), Fiery Burst, Silent Spell, Scribe Scroll (Bonus)
Flaw: Noncombatant,
ACF: Impromptu Metamagic (no familiar at level 1)
Skills: Max Craft (Alchemy), Concentration, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Spellcraft
3rd: Obtain Familiar, Precocious Apprentice -> Sculpt Spell
4th: +1 INT
5th: Craft Wondrous Item

Now I would retrain the crafting feat and try to give her skills more suited for Inquisitorial work! But she's fundamentally a generalist with the conjuration domain ACF (see "Domain Wizard ACF")
[X] Azel

No need to divide the vote then, this is mostly filler.
Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Mar 15, 2019 at 7:59 PM, finished with 405 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] LonelyWolf999
    [X] Privately promise her lands
    -[X] The political situation is still too much in flux to name names, but you were counting on landing Valaena in a region where her presence as a Dragonrider would serve to smooth over troubles.
    -[X] The current candidates you have in mind:
    --[X] The Midlands (former southern Riverlands)
    --[X] The Heartlands (border region between the Riverlands, Crownlands, Westerlands and Reach)
    --[X] New Ghis (it's a nice little island, fitting for a Velarion)
    [X] Talking to the Knights
    -[X] Have someone privately ask Ser Bonnifer Hasty if he wants to be granted some better gear or is comfortable with what he currently bares.
    -[X] Ask the Inquisition to give you a report on Ser Roger Hill.
    -[X] Personally meet with Darkstar. Downplay the importance of the joust and suggest earning glory in the best way he has available.
    -[X] Publically congratulate Ser Philip Foote for making it this far with dogshit gear and missing an eye. Ask if he wants us to fix that.
    -[X] Keep tabs on Halys Belmore and Vardis Sunderland in case they're looking for an opportunity to represent their houses.
@Goldfish, she should be some variation of this:
Conjuration Domain Wizard 1 - HP 6

STR 9 - DEX 14 - CON 14 - INT 15 - WIS 12 - CHA 8. Feats: Precocious Apprentice (Scorching Ray), Fiery Burst, Silent Spell, Scribe Scroll (Bonus)
Flaw: Noncombatant,
ACF: Impromptu Metamagic (no familiar at level 1)
Skills: Max Craft (Alchemy), Concentration, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Spellcraft
3rd: Obtain Familiar, Precocious Apprentice -> Sculpt Spell
4th: +1 INT
5th: Craft Wondrous Item

Now I would retrain the crafting feat and try to give her skills more suited for Inquisitorial work! But she's fundamentally a generalist with the conjuration domain ACF (see "Domain Wizard ACF")
Yeah, I'm mostly just going to ignore that. Will keep her a generalist, though.
Normally I would agree, but I don't intend to give him duties even in the same playing field as Clegane without a bit of work put in on his part.

He's hungry for recognition, so give him a little. He wants to be legendary like Arthur Dayne? Let him act up to the part, but he still needs to be granted the position and opportunity to do so. No one can say that Arthur Dayne wasn't privileged. Gerold was less privileged. Remedy it and a lot of his hangups fall away.

Worth a shot, I suppose.

Fingers crossed that he doesn't turn out to be another Aurane or Evil Glyra.:V
Worth a shot, I suppose.

Fingers crossed that he doesn't turn out to be another Aurane or Evil Glyra.:V
He probably won't. We can very, very easily deck him out in equipment and steadily feed him a diet of monsters to slay so he can grow stronger. He was already one of the most dangerous people in Dorne. That's not hard at all to build off of. His main thing is he wants to step away from Arthur Dayne's shadow, so coming to us is a step in the right direction.
Ya'll just keep punching me in my fun. :(
  • Take the Spontaneous Divination ACF for her at level 5, because she's fundamentally an investigator.
  • Retrain her skills a little! She's an Inquisitor, this means being good at passing unseen in a crowd, social stuff (disguise, etc) and Knowledge skills. Difficult, but doable considering her Int.
  • Nothing stops you from picking Invisible Spell as long as you meet its prerequisites! And if you took Spontaneous Divination, then you qualify for Practical Metamagic (Invisible Spell) which reduces it's level adjustment by 1. Make all her spells invisible !
  • Ditch the pseudodragon familiar. IC we got them with the promise of teaching them magic, not being familiars! Still, having a pseudodragon friend sounds great. Her familiar could be a cat, like on the picture? Or she could have none, considering her ACF.

  • Either stay a baseline wizard (not a bad choice actually) or try to get into Unseen Seer or Divine Oracle if you can swing the skills. I would prefer plain wizard, but do as you wish.
    • I would give her a Human Paragon level, actually. Sure she'd lose 1 spellcasting level, but the great skill points and bonus feat are great for her! Her job requires having a lot of skill points (my ideal Inquisition agent is a Beguiler, not a wizard) and after she's taken Human Paragon 3 she could go into Unseen Seer until she hits level 10 to learn the amazing Divine Insight spell, so useful for her job.

Edit: @Goldfish I see her as a skilled mage, but not as an overwhelmingly powerful one. She uses cunning and skill as much as raw arcane might ! And her job requires a whole lor of skill points to be done properly, too.
Do you agree?
Last edited:
  • Take the Spontaneous Divination ACF for her at level 5, because she's fundamentally an investigator.
  • Retrain her skills a little! She's an Inquisitor, this means being good at passing unseen in a crowd, social stuff (disguise, etc) and Knowledge skills. Difficult, but doable considering her Int.
  • Nothing stops you from picking Invisible Spell as long as you meet its prerequisites! And if you took Spontaneous Divination, then you qualify for Practical Metamagic (Invisible Spell) which reduces it's level adjustment by 1. Make all her spells invisible !
  • Ditch the pseudodragon familiar. IC we got them with the promise of teaching them magic, not being familiars! Still, having a pseudodragon friend sounds great. Her familiar could be a cat, like on the picture? Or she could have none, considering her ACF.

  • Either stay a baseline wizard (not a bad choice actually) or try to get into Unseen Seer or Divine Oracle if you can swing the skills. I would prefer plain wizard, but do as you wish.
    • I would give her a Human Paragon level, actually. Sure she'd lose 1 spellcasting level, but the great skill points and bonus feat are great for her! Her job requires having a lot of skill points (my ideal Inquisition agent is a Beguiler, not a wizard) and after she's taken Human Paragon 3 she could go into Unseen Seer until she hits level 10 to learn the amazing Divine Insight spell, so useful for her job.
I'm torn between Spontaneous Divination and Domain Granted Power (Inquisition).

One lets her have all the Divination spells, the other gives her a +4 bonus on all Dispel checks. Both are really appropriate for her, IMO.
  • Nothing stops you from picking Invisible Spell as long as you meet its prerequisites! And if you took Spontaneous Divination, then you qualify for Practical Metamagic (Invisible Spell) which reduces it's level adjustment by 1. Make all her spells invisible !
Practical Metamagic can't lower the adjustment bellow +1... And Invisible Spell is a +0 adjustment already.
I'm torn between Spontaneous Divination and Domain Granted Power (Inquisition).

One lets her have all the Divination spells, the other gives her a +4 bonus on all Dispel checks. Both are really appropriate for her, IMO.
Spontaenous Divination is insanely good for a normal wizard, doubly so for her.
Hrm... I can't find the sheet for Shara Rogare. Didn't we make her one a while ago?
No. DP provided her level and classes though. Can find it if you dig around in the thread. Ask @Duesal.
The last we heard she was a Aristocrat 1/Rogue 4/Shadow Thief of Ann 3. We did not get her stats.

The following was her equipment.

Anklet of Translocation (2/Day Teleport 10 feet as a Swift Action)
Bane Humanoid (Human) Dagger (+1)
Dagger that allows wielder to cast True Strike 3/day as stand. action or 1/day as swift action
Healing Belt
Phantasmal Leather Armor (+1) (Made from Displacer Beast Leather)
Ring of Protection from Good
Ring that allows Swift Invisibility at will with scaling dmg: 1d6 dmg 1st time, 2d6 2nd time, etc.
Valyrian Steel Dagger (+2)
The dagger that allows for True Strike is a crystalline presumably sentient slumbering artifact.