Name: Ser Richard Lonmouth
Alias: Richard the Tall, The Knight of Skulls and Kisses, The King's Champion
Age: 26
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Human
Level: 16 (125582/136000 XP)
Class: Fighter 4/Rogue Variant 1/Occult Slayer 5/Paragon Knight 6
Feats: Power Attack,
Improved Bull Rush,
Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Combat Reflexes,
Weapon Specialization (Greatsword),
Mage Slayer, Improved Trip,
Shock Trooper,
Melee Weapon Mastery,
Pierce Magical Protection,
Combat Rhythm
Skill Tricks: Twisted Charge,
Nimble Charge
Class features: Weapon Bond, Magical Defenses (
+3), Vicious Strike, Mind Over Magic (3/day), Auravision II (as
Arcane Sight), Non-Detection Cloak, Blank Thoughts, The Coiled Viper, Lonmouth Style; To Deny the Witch (Mettle); Foebane
HP: 150/150
AC: 10 + 2 (DEX) +11 (
Armor of Remembrance) +4 (Animated Extreme shield) =27 [+2 (
vs Evil) +2 (
Luck Single
Opponent) +
5 (Vs Range)]
Movement: 30ft + 30ft (
Boots of the Battle Charger) = 60ft, Flight: 100ft (Average)
Initiative: +3 (DEX) = +3
Attack: +28/+23/+18 to hit for 3d6 + 19 (19-20/x2). [+14/+9/+4 (BAB) +8 (STR) +1 (WF) +2 (MWM) +3 (Enchantment)]
; [2d6 + 12 (STR) + 2 (WSp) +2 (MWM) +3 (Enchantment) + 1d6 (Searing Fire)],
+30/+25/+20 to hit for 5d6 + 21 with Magebane (bypasses DR/Silver, Cold Iron, and Adamatine due to Enhancement)
Trip: 8 (STR) + 4 (Imp. Trip) = +12
Special: Magebane, +2 to hit and 2+2d6 damage against creatures that can cast arcane spells and/or possess arcane SLAs; +2 against disarm attempts; Oathkeeper Powers; Armor Powers; deals full damage to swarms
Weapon Proficiency: Unarmed Strike, Club, Dagger, Longsword, Greatsword, Lance
Immunities: All Mind-Affecting Effects,
Swarm Distraction Ability,
All Death Spells, Magical Death Effects, Energy Drain, and any Negative Energy Effects, Baleful Polymorph [Single use]
DR 5/- (up to 50 HP)
Languages Spoken: Westerosi Common, Low Valyrian (Braavosi, Stepstones), High Valyrian
Description: A tall figure, though broad in the shoulder and made all the more imposing by the heavy dragonsteel plate he wears. His hair and eyes are dark brown near-to black, his features weathered in the sun though oddly without scar or blemish for one who carries arms with such effortless familiarity. His motions are quick and sure yet never wider or grander than needed for the task. His dress, when not bearing armor of some sort, is well made but unremarkable; greys, dark greens, and soft blacks, more often with buttons of bone than silver, but never gold.
+6 = 26 (+8)
+2 = 16 (+3)
+4 = 18 (+4)
10 +0 = 10 (+0)
+1 = 12 (+1)
+2 = 14 (+2)
*+8 for the purposes of determining carrying capacity
+3 +2 +2 = 15/
REFLEX: 8 +3
+3 +2 +2 = 11/
WILL: 10 +2 +1
+3 +2 +2 = 13/
Balance: 5 +3 = 8
Climb: 0 +8 = 8
Concentration: 18 +3 + 10(Headband) = 31
Handle Animal: 0 +2 = 2
Intimidate: 8 +0 = 8
Jump: 1 +8 = 9
Ride: 5 +3 = 8
Swim: 0 +8 = 8
Knowledge (Arcana): 5 +1 = 6
Knowledge (War): 8 +1 = 9
Spellcraft: 10 +1 = 11
Tumble: 5 +3 = 8
Secondary Skills:
Diplomacy: 3
Sense Motive: 3 + 2 (WIS) = 5
Stances Known (Initiator level 13):
Level 2:
Pearl of Black Doubt,
Level 5:
Dancing Blade Form, Hearing the Air,
Press the Advantage
Maneuvers Known (Initiator level 13):
Level 2:
Wall of Blades (Counter)
Level 4:
Covering Strike (Boost)
Level 5:
Disrupting Blow (Strike),
Iron Heart Focus (Counter),
Rapid Counter (Counter)
Level 6:
Manticore Parry (Counter),
Greater Insightful Strike (Strike),
War Leader's Charge (Strike)
Level 7:
Avalanche of Blades (Strike)],
Finishing Move,
Quicksilver Motion (Boost),
Scything Blade (Boost)
Standard Load-Out:
Wall of Blades (Counter),
Iron Heart Focus (Counter),
Scything Blade (Boost),
Greater Insightful Strike (Strike),
Avalanche of Blades (Strike),
Quicksilver Motion (Boost)
Dancing Blade Form
Supernatural Abilities:
Mind Over Magic (3/day)
Non-Detection Cloak (Constant)
Extraordinary Abilities:
Blank Thoughts (Constant)
Contingency Spells: Renewal Pact;
Stalwart Pact
Anklets of Translocation (Slotless): 2/Day Instantly teleport up to 10 feet to an unoccupied destination within line of sight and line of effect. The wearer can teleport with objects, up to their maximum load, but cannot bring other creatures.
Armor of Remembrance Powers(12 Charges/day): Caster Level 15
Belt of the Battle Master:
- 3/Day use Enlarge Person(self only) as a Swift Action for up to 10 rounds per day. The effect can be dismissed as a Free Action.
- Battle (3 Charges/Day): 1 Charge (gain a Move Action), 2 Charges (gain a Standard Action), 3 Charges (gain a Full-Round Action)
- Healing (3 charges/Day): 1 charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 charges (Heal 3d8), or 3 charges(Heal 4d8)
- 1/Day when activated as part of a melee attack, you inflict additional damage based on the type of weapon your are wielding: Light (+1d8), One-Handed (+2d6), Two-Handed (+3d6)
Boots of the Battle Charger:
- Benefit from a +30ft Enhancement bonus to ground movement speed.
- 2/Day You can make a charge attack as a Standard Action (rather than a Full-Round Action), but only moving at your normal speed (instead of double). You must make the charge attack the same round the boots are activated, or the effect is lost.
- If you also wear a magic item that grants an enhancement bonus to your Dexterity score, you can move across difficult terrain and through squares occupied by allies when making a charge after activating the boots. These boots can be activated twice per day.
Cloak of Dragon's Flight:
- On command as a Standard Action, this red-trimmed midnight black cloak transforms into an enormous pair of draconic wings, allowing the wearer to fly as if using the Flight of the Dragon. The transformation can be maintained for up to 210 minutes per day, but the duration need not be continuous, though the minimum increment of expended duration is 10 minutes, whether it is actually used to fly for this long or not.
Corpse-Ferrying Bag:
- This large black leather bag has a wide mouth and laces to help keep it shut. It weighs 20 pounds and can carry up to 300 pounds or 10 cubic feet of material. Anything within the bag is protected by a Gentle Repose spell.
Greater Earring of Arcane Acuity (Slotless):
- 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (Darkvision 60 ft., 1 hour), 2 Charges (See Invisibility, 10 minutes), 3 Charges (True Seeing, 1 minute)
- 1/Day: Negate stun, daze, confusion, fascination (Does not include the effects of Chronomancy)
Greater Enduring Amulet of Protection from Evil:
- 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (12 Temporary Hit Points), 2 Charges (18 Temporary Hit Points), 3 Charges (24 Temporary Hit Points), Duration: 10 minutes
Greater Ribbon of Disguise: Alter Self,
Magic Aura,
Undetectable Alignment (At Will)
Greatreach Bracers of Quickstrike (Slotless):
- 3/Day as a Swift Action, your arms stretch and elongate extending your Reach by 10 feet for one round.
- 1/Day you can make one extra attack with any weapon you are holding if you already made a full attack on this turn. This attack is made at your full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. This effect is not cumulative with any other effect that grants you an extra attack when making a full attack, such as the Rapid Shot feat, a speed weapon, or the haste spell.
Handy Haversack: This backpack is of high quality but appears otherwise normal.
- It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a Bag of Holding and can actually hold material of as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
- While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a Move Action, but it does not provoke the Attacks of Opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
Headband of Concentration: +10 Competence bonus to Concentration skill checks.
Muleback Cords(Slotless): Strength score as 8 higher than normal when determining his
carrying capacity.
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Stats: Intelligence: 17 (+3), Wisdom: 17 (+3), Charisma: 10 (+0)
- Saving Throws: Fortitude: 8, Reflex: 8, Will: 11
- Senses: Vision and Hearing in a 120 foot radius, Darkvision, Blindsense,
- Communication: Speech, Telepathy, Read Magic
- Powers:
- +3 Searing Flame Greatsword (2d6+3+1d6[Fire], 19-20/x2) w/Dragonskin Grip (+2 to checks against Disarm attempts)
- Miser's Bane: 3/Day Casts Greater Dispel Magic on either its wielder or its target on a successful attack, gains +3 to Caster Level to suppress magic items.
- Life Theft: 3/Day On killing a living creature with at least 5HD the blade can cast Empowered False Life on the wielder
- Mage Bane: 3/Day On killing a creature with arcane spells or spell-like abilities the sword can steal one use of an unused spell or spell-like ability of level 3 or lower (DC 18 will save negates). The weapon can then cast the stolen magic either on the wielder or release it as part of an attack as a spell-storing weapon. Caster level and save DC for the stolen spell are the same as those of the original creature.
Scabbard of the Amoral Edge: This scabbard resizes to accommodate any bladed weapon.
- 3/Day a weapon drawn from the Scabbard can be affected by the Keen Edge spell.
- 3/Day a weapon drawn from the Scabbard can be affected by the Align Weapon spell.
Soulfire Mithral Bracelets (+1): Immune to all death spells, magical death effects, and energy drain, and any negative energy effects
Swarmbane Ring (Slotless): Wearer's weapons, unarmed attacks, and natural attacks deal full damage to swarms, regardless of the swarm's immunity to weapon damage (if any, although DR applies as normal). If the wearer is damaged by a swarm, she automatically succeeds on her saving throw against the swarm's Distraction ability.
Equipped Magic Items: Animated Extreme Shield (+1),
Anklets of Translocation (Slotless),
Armor of Remembrance, Bead of Newt Prevention,
Belt of the Battle Master, Boots of Battle Charger,
Calligraphy Wyrm,
Corpse-Ferrying Bag,
Cloak of Dragon's Flight,
Greater Earring of Arcane Acuity [+1 INT, +2 WIS](Slotless),
Foe Breaker Ring,
Gloves of Hero's Strength (+6 STR, +2 DEX),
Greater Enduring Amulet of Protection from Evil (+2 CON),
r Ri
Greatreach Bracers of Quickstrike(Slotless), Handy Haversack,
Headband of Concentration (+10),
Muleback Cords(Slotless), Oathkeeper,
Ring of Prestidigitation[At-Will] (Slotless), Ring of Sustenance (Unbound), Scabbard of the
Amoral Edge,
Soulfire Mithral Bracelets,
Swarmbane Ring (Slotless)