Well, I just fought demonic Vikings in a knee-deep lake of blood, surrounded by the burning souls of the dead, and the air filled with ash and ominous Norse chanting.
Would it be possible for her to get to Runecrafting II with a few weeks of study if we give her access to the appropriate runelore? We have the means to make her more than a novice, and she's pretty much an unofficial minion of ours at this point.
Would it be possible for her to get to Runecrafting II with a few weeks of study if we give her access to the appropriate runelore? We have the means to make her more than a novice, and she's pretty much an unofficial minion of ours at this point.
Well, I just fought demonic Vikings in a knee-deep lake of blood, surrounded by the burning souls of the dead, and the air filled with ash and ominous Norse chanting.
Would it be possible for her to get to Runecrafting II with a few weeks of study if we give her access to the appropriate runelore? We have the means to make her more than a novice, and she's pretty much an unofficial minion of ours at this point.
Can we just not decide if bastards should be compensated? Let's just rule that children deserve child support...enough to live a respectable life in the city or in the manner in which they are accustomed to? We won't touch the inheritance issue but will still force payments to be made to support the child.
Well, I just fought demonic Vikings in a knee-deep lake of blood, surrounded by the burning souls of the dead, and the air filled with ash and ominous Norse chanting.
Order of the Flame:
"Those mages powerful and skilled enough to teach others, named in honor of Velen, the first of Dorne's teachers."
1 Mystic 6 2 Mystic 4 1 Mystic 4 (the other in Sorcerer's Deep) 4 Mystics 2 2 Mystics 2 (the other two in Sorcerer's Deep)
4 Hedge Mages 3
Order of the Spear:
"Those powerful and trusted enough to protect House Martell from its enemies."
3 Fighter 3/Hedge Mage 2
3 Duskblades 5
3 Bards 3
2 Sorcerers 3
Order of the Cauldron:
"Those whose magic can see immediate and public use, such as healers, minstrels with a touch of enchantment in their song, or those who can forge petty talismans of warding and protection."
2 Hedge Mage 5
2 Mystic 2
5 Hedge Mage 3
1 Druid 1
Supernatural Mentors:
Lesser Phoenixes x 6
These phoenixes were called by Velen to aid in teaching the mages of Dorne. They mainly teach on general planar and arcana topics, but their insight is nonetheless invaluable in an age of blossoming magic. Prince Doran has arranged to pay them in acts of altruism, such as opening soup kitchens, other acts of charity, or moderating laws that seem overly cruel.
Lesser Phoenixes
Small Outsider (Good, Extraplanar, Fire)
Hit Dice|3d8+3 (16 hp) Initiative|+2 Speed|10ft. (2 squares), fly 80ft. (good) Armor Class|16 (+1 size, +2 dex, +3 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14 Base attack/Grapple| +3/-1 Attack|Talons +6 melee (1d4 +1d4 fire) Full attack|2 talons +6 melee (1d4+1d4 fire) and bite +1 melee (1d4+1d4 fire) Space/reach|5ft./5ft. Special attacks|Burn, spell-like abilities Special qualities|60ft darkvision, immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold Saves|Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5 Abilities|Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12 Skills|Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Knowledge (Religion) +8 Knowledge (The Planes) +6, Listen +8, Sense Motive +8, Spot +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +6 Feats|Flyby attack, Weapon finesse Alignment: Neutral Good
Telepathy (Su)
A phoenix may communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.
Piercing Gaze (Sp)
A Phoenix can always see the darkness in the hearts of mortals however they try to hide it (Detect Evil as a level 4 Cleric; At Will)
Echo of the Flame (Sp)
A Lesser Phoenix can imbue a echo of the eternal flames of Elemental Fire onto an item or its choice (Continual Flame as a level 4 sorcerer; 1/day)
Fan of Flames (Sp)
A Lesser Phoenix can unleash a torrent of arcane fire from its wings searing multiple foes (Burning hands as a level 4 Sorcerer; 1/day)
Healing Light (Sp)
As a guardian of life and harbinger of renewal a Lesser Phoenix can restore its vitality or that of its allies (Cure Light Wounds as a Level 4 Cleric; 1/day)
Selyn the Forlorn
Dark and moody cousins to nymphs, lampads sulk along natural caverns and dank tunnels, their weeping cries echoing through the darkness. These creatures are often found carrying light in caverns and dungeons, drawing creatures to them like moths to flame. Though they prefer the darkness, they know that exposing their forms under bright conditions gives them an advantage over creatures who look upon them.
Just as nymphs guard nature's purest places and dryads protect their sacred trees, lampads watch over the dark places of the world. They speak to the stone that forms their murky world, and their forlorn cries ring out through the belly of the earth.
Though sorrow is the natural lot of these fey of the deep earth, it does not mean they cannot be driven to despair beyond what marks their ordinary lives. Such an unfortunate among her ever-weeping kin is Selyn who transgressed against her lady and her court unknowingly and was sent into exile, into the harsh light of the upper world yet.
Selyn was taken to the court of Sunspear in Dorne to become a teacher of mages. There she made a deal with Prince Doran to teach for a hundred years and a day in exchange for ownership of the natural caverns under the city which she could one day become the ruler of.
Selyn the Forlorn
Medium Fey
Hit Dice|7d6+28 (52 hp) Initiative|+5 Speed|30 ft. Armor Class|20, touch 20, flat-footed 15 (+5 deflection, +5 Dex Base attack/Grapple| +3/+3 Attack|Melee Dagger +9 (1d4) or Ranged Slingc +9 (1d4) Full attack|Melee Dagger +9 (1d4) or Ranged Slingc +9 (1d4) Space/reach|5ft./5ft. Special attacks|Weep, spell-like abilities Special qualities|Low-light Vision, DR 5/Cold Iron Saves|Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +8 Abilities|Str 10, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 14 Wis 17, Cha 21 Skills| Diplomacy +13, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (nature) +12, Spot +9, Listen +10, Perform (sing) +9, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +9, Move Silently +10, Hide +10, Use Magic Device +15 Feats| Alertness, Combat Casting, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse Alignment: Chaotically Neutral
Insane Beauty (Su): This ability affects all humanoids within 30 feet who are viewing a lampad in conditions brighter than dim light. Those who look directly upon the lampad must succeed at a DC 18 Will save or gain the confused condition for 1d6 rounds. A creature that succeeds at the save is immune to the same lampad's insane beauty for 24 hours. A lampad can suppress or resume this ability as a free action. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Weep (Su): As a standard action, a lampad can unsettle those near her when she cries. Any creature within 30 feet who can hear a lampad weeping becomes shaken unless it succeeds at a DC 18 Will saving throw. This ability can't cause a creature to become frightened or panicked. This is a mind-affecting fear effect that relies on audible components. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Wonder what things will be brought up in court in the middle of a celebration.
Are we dealing with foreigners complaining to us directly or something? I can see lots of knights complaining on slights to their "honor" and demanding honor duels or something.
Anyway, in regards to the child support issue, my personal stance is that having them pay is only common sense, on the other hand we can't allow this ruling to be tacit permission for gold digging.
It's one thing to make them take responsibility for not keeping it in their pants, and it's another to turn it into an industry specially now since contraceptives are starting to get dirt cheap and will be widely available in the future.
Anyway, in regards to the child support issue, my personal stance is that having them pay is only common sense, on the other hand we can't allow this ruling to be tacit permission for gold digging.
It's one thing to make them take responsibility for not keeping it in their pants, and it's another to turn it into an industry specially now since contraceptives are starting to get dirt cheap and will be widely available in the future.