Here are the results for the rest of the melee match-ups
Large and Bold
- Sandor vs Chun Ting Lo -> Sandor
- Oberyn Martell vs Ser Benjicot Brown -> Oberyn Martell (Mostly by dint of magic tricks. Mirror Image works surprisingly well to make someone waste attacks for such a low level spell)
- Scarbrand vs Legion Minotaur -> Scarbrand (Second verse same as the first)
- Nizuta of House Adjar vs Nine Fingers Nakapho -> Nizuta of House Adjar (If they had been a more interesting opponent I might have written this one up since a Shaitan's ability to manipulate the environment and stone glide makes for some interesting strategies, maybe the next one)
- Valaena vs Belos the Bold -> Valaena
- Thoros vs Ser Criston Storm -> Ser Criston Storm (He has mage slayer which Thoros learned the hard way, not to mention very good AC which the cleric relatively low strength could not get though enough)
- Asha Greyjoy vs Sorlo the Shield breaker -> Asha Greyjoy (It's a good thing she had cure potions on her, a lucky crit was almost the end of her)
- Jobolar Za vs Tregano Pahren -> Jobolar Za (I'm going to have to actually flesh out his background story now since he made it so far)
Large and Bold
- Sandor vs Scarbrand
- Oberyn Martell vs Nizuta of House Adjar
- Valaena vs Ser Criston Storm
- Asha Greyjoy vs Jobolar Za
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