She couldn't be more spooked than by some of the things she's seen which prove in-congruent (all of the mages serving Viserys seem happy... REALLY HAPPY... WHY ARE THEY SO HAPPY!?)

Though I wouldn't mind a Garin scene, personally.

[X] Takesis

[X] Crake

For the record @Crake I will be blaming Ceria's paranoia if we end up not recruiting them. :p I want the alchemist so bad.
Ceria: "The Minotaurs...they're made from people!"

Viserys: "Well, yes, that is correct."

Ceria: "!!!!!!"

Viserys: "I can assure you, Wisdom Ceria, that they are all quite happy since we brought them to Sorcerer's Deep."

Ceria: "Brainwashing!"

Viserys: "Only a little to help them get over the inherent issues remaining from the Demonic rituals used to create them."

Ceria: "I knew it! Demon worshiper!"

Viserys: :facepalm:
I'm stealing enough first times from @DragonParadox already :V
I'm sure @DragonParadox wont mind, right DP?
The first hour will be marked by the time the sun is at its zenith and all other times will follow, with no more placing one's fingers against the horizon to judge the height of the sun.
So, couple of issues:
1) This makes the day turn over at noon. That's asking for all sorts of administrative trouble. If you have that be hour 12 instead of hours 0, then SD and the vast majority of our population, that is Westeros and all of Eastern Essos at the very least (a quarter of the way around the world in either direction will keep it at night) will have the turnover be at night, which is immeasurably more intuitive. Goldie just said to take it up with it/IC.
2) The zenith changes with the seasons. You need to establish a date with which to measure it, and something like summer Equinox works well for that.
forms that they may help guise the expedition to the east,
endured untied for so long even though the all the tumult of the world,
even in his day,at lest in the imperial court.
from the Yornwood affair and
Red Viper claims iy is odd that she didnot present
She is.
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If we're recruiting this paranoid mage, then I insist that we go fetch the paranoid Sleeper. Malarys needs another bro !
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by TotallyNotEvil on Mar 8, 2019 at 9:18 AM, finished with 38 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Set some of your companions to seeking out more information first
    -[X] Garin if he's free, have him approach Ceria (Because we cheated with the House of Mirrors)
    -[X] "I heard you are looking for me, how may I help you?"
I'm sure @DragonParadox wont mind, right DP?

So, couple of issues:
1) This makes the day turn over at noon. That's asking for all sorts of administrative trouble. If you have that be hour 12 instead of hours 0, then SD and the vast majority of our population, that is Westeros and all of Eastern Essos at the very least, will have the turnover be at night, which is immeasurably more intuitive. Goldie just said to take it up with it/IC.
2) The zenith changes with the seasons. You need to establish a date with which to measure it, and something like summer Equinox works well for that.
  1. Fair point, do you guys want to change it
  2. I'll add in the equinox.
[X] Crake

I kinda forgot about Sleepers...
We probably should put them to good use sooner rather than later.
1. No. The turn-over has to happen at noon somewhere and better have it in our capital where the administration will actually deal with any issues that might arise from it. I don't foresee any.
This is insane. With noon being noon at SD, you will only have a turnover during the day somewhere beyond Slaver's Bay or so. The overwhelming majority of the population will have it somewhere between 9pm and 3 am, simple and easy.

It's completely unintuitive to say "tomorrow" and mean "this afternoon". You can't talk date without talking time.

And people are plainly wired to think with the sun.

Why do you want to subject the majority of our people to that hassle?
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OK since there is no consensus on changing and you guys voted for the noon date it stays, unless you want to make another vote though that would be awkward to do right now. Maybe in a few more months.
This is insane. With noon being noon at SD, you will only have a turnover during the day somewhere beyond Slaver's Bay or so. The overwhelming majority of the population will have it somewhere between 9pm and 3 am, simple and easy.

It's completely unintuitive to say "tomorrow" and mean "this afternoon". You can't talk date without talking time,
It's unintuitive to you, who isn't used to the system. That's all.

And depending on the size of the world, the turn-over could instead happen in the middle of Slavers Bay, so you are not solving anything, but you do incentivice the administration to ignore any issues cropping up in "the backwater provinces".

Edit: From a personal anecdote, when I started with Shadows of the Past, the Maya calendar was strange and alien. After working with it for a few weeks, it became second nature. It's actually a lot nicer then the Gregorian one and I can still give the dates for a day in it. (Though I can't remember the right long-count for the year.)
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