Oh I woldn't say that.
I agree that it's bad on the scale of our entire capital, but preparing a battlefield with enhanced fire-effects or impeded [whatever our enemy is most likely to use] sounds like a nice goal for upper tier rituals.
I'm not opposed to temporary effects, but permanently messing around with the laws of magic sounds like a bad idea to me. It's the same as with the permanent Gates linking an anti-magic plane. Never do something you can't undo if it turns out to be a bad idea after all.
and we can do it in ways that doesn't give any idiot train need in UMD a "destroy the stepstones" button

That's...literally not how it works. But sure, whatever.

That does raise w world building point too. I did not have planar metropolises have such things either so it's not like the magic to make one is common on the planes either. I think we are going to have to err on the side of 'no Mythals' at least for the near future.

Fine with me.
Sixth. At minimum. And I'm being insanely generous. The really massive Mythic Augments don't really kick in until MR 8 or 9.
Personally I think the requirement should be based both on level and Mythic rank, so if you are level 15, then you indeed do need MR 9 to accomplish this, but at level 20, you can theoretically accomplish it with MR 4, because then if you were working on the Epic system, you would only be one level from theoretically being able to do it.

So Lya at her current level should need MR 6 at absolute minimum, but Lya at level 20, should be able to do it with markedly less Mythic ranks, as what determines if you can do it, is both your level and your Mythic rank.

Not that I think we should be able to make Mythals, but when we can accomplish Epic magic effects, should be determined by level, Mythic ranks, and available materials, with a surplus of any of them, being able to make up for some amount of shortage of the others.
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Ok, things seem to be calming down a bit, let's start the next fire!

I propose Circle Magic for Lya! My power fantasy for Lya was always to split herself and then "semi combine" her talents/selves for super effect.

I mean the core rules for Circle Magic are OMGWTFBBQ, but I still hope that we can homebrew something styled like Circle Magic for her high/epic levels.
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Speaking of Mythic Ranks and outragous acts, @DragonParadox, how much farther do we need to go for Viserys to get his second one?

And what does Lya need to do for that matter?
The Hearald will get Lya hers and about Viserys... I think blowing up the mountain should count, but I was so busy with other things when you did it that missed it. When Viserys sleeps next he is getting his second rank.
... thematically, reawakening and strengthening the Dawn Age Tree should work towards mythic, too. Because if that's not mythic, what is?
The Hearald will get Lya hers and about Viserys... I think blowing up the mountain should count, but I was so busy with other things when you did it that missed it. When Viserys sleeps next he is getting his second rank.
...Dawn Age Tree won't feel as epic as with getting a rank with it :'(

Oh well, I suppose I'll have to make do with raising a Nordrassil-sized tree, via sacrificing hundreds and hundreds of monsters and assholes.
As well as literal God's blood (demon-lord is close enough) and a Champion of Others, alongside a bunch of their otrher minions.

Oh well :V
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The Hearald will get Lya hers and about Viserys... I think blowing up the mountain should count, but I was so busy with other things when you did it that missed it. When Viserys sleeps next he is getting his second rank.

*scrambles frantically for his custom path notes*

Oh...wait. This is just a standard upgrade. Tier 3 is where we get the special one that @Azel and others have been thirsting for.

For those who have forgotten, this is what we get at Tier 3:

Nature of a Realm: A Kingdom and his King are not one and the same. Their fortunes are intertwined, sharing the greatest victorious and the most crushing defeats, but yet there always is a divide. The Realm was before the King had been crowned and it will endure beyond him and no matter how great a King, never will he truly grasp the full truth of the Realm as it is. But for you, there is no divide. You shaped your realm from nothingness and in turn, it shaped you into a true King, a union too tight and seamless to say where one begins and the other ends. And as long as one of them endures, so will the other.

At 3rd Tier, you gain the ability to grant spells to divine spellcasters who choose to follow your creed, as the Divine Source Mythic Ability (you choose two domains as normal), bestowing upon them an echo of the flame that you have forged into a beacon to the world, standing forever against the dark. For so long as even a single echo endures, so too will you, and thus the realm itself. As long as any follower of yours capable of casting spells of a level equal to (Mythic Tier/3) lives, you are treated as if you had the Longevity Mythic Ability.
*scrambles frantically for his custom path notes*

Oh...wait. This is just a standard upgrade. Tier 3 is where we get the special one that @Azel and others have been thirsting for.

For those who have forgotten, this is what we get at Tier 3:
I'm still hopeful that we can time the third tier to coincide with our coronation as Emperor, hence me being rather giddy that we got the 2nd tier now.
I thought about that too but the act is not really linked with Viserys' legend thematically whereas blowing up a mountain of ice and flying roaring out of it is.
"Ending the grandest festival there ever was with a gesture perhaps even more grand" will fit though, probably?

But whatever.

Not the hill to die on here.

The hill to die on is whatever Snowfire comes up with for Lya's path :V

Yes, I still have hope for those ideas I had, damn it.
*scrambles frantically for his custom path notes*

Oh...wait. This is just a standard upgrade. Tier 3 is where we get the special one that @Azel and others have been thirsting for.

For those who have forgotten, this is what we get at Tier 3:
Oh boy, I've been hoping for that in a while.

@DragonParadox would a general "enhanced learning" effect be available, instead of specific "enhanced language learning"? The hyper-specificness of it is already weird, IMO. You could essentially model it as a Sacred-type Fox's Cunning, everyone gets that bonus to skill and ability checks (only!) while inside the radius. Bam, enhanced learning all-round in a simple mechanical form.

I'm thinking Protection from Evil (as magic circle hedges out many subjects), Sacred Fox cunning and Age Resistance would make for a true wonderland, paired with Cutest Coatl's prime weather.
Oh, @DragonParadox given what we get at Tier 3, and how we're basically a Divine Source, would being able to study that help work out how to build the prayer energy batteries? Given that Viserys basically is one at that point. At least, kinda.

On a more general @thread note, are people wanting to just give Lya the Archmage path or would a custom Sage path be something people would be interested in? Same general outline as the Ascendant one for Viserys, in that it's mostly normal, but has specific 'special' abilities at Ranks 3/6/9 and a unique Rank 10 capstone.

And if yes, what would be people like to see in it?
Heh. You and your love of dramatic timing :lol
Mythic Paths are all about turning Legend into Murder, so let me have my dramatic timing. :p

Also, I've still got an idea for a custom Mythic ability, working title Commune with Bureaucracy. Not sure about the mechanics, but I was thinking about allowing us to get our library bonus to knowledge checks in the field and to know things as if we had perused the archives and reports of our bureaucracy on the topic. Things like looking at someone and instantly knowing what the Inquisition has on file on him, or seeing a merchant come to court for a ruling and knowing that he has been investigated for fraud and tax evasion multiple times.