Nature of a Realm: A Kingdom and his King are not one and the same. Their fortunes are intertwined, sharing the greatest victorious and the most crushing defeats, but yet there always is a divide. The Realm was before the King had been crowned and it will endure beyond him and no matter how great a King, never will he truly grasp the full truth of the Realm as it is. But for you, there is no divide. You shaped your realm from nothingness and in turn, it shaped you into a true King, a union too tight and seamless to say where one begins and the other ends. And as long as one of them endures, so will the other.
At 3rd Tier, you gain the ability to grant spells to divine spellcasters who choose to follow your creed, as the Divine Source Mythic Ability (you choose two domains as normal), bestowing upon them an echo of the flame that you have forged into a beacon to the world, standing forever against the dark. For so long as even a single echo endures, so too will you, and thus the realm itself. As long as any follower of yours capable of casting spells of a level equal to (Mythic Tier/3) lives, you are treated as if you had the Longevity Mythic Ability.