Jokes aside, what will actually be done with Cersei? Joffrey and Tommen infertilized and house arrested, Myrcella married off to Quentyn Martell or someone already loyal like him and Cersei infertilized and house arrest for life seems decent enough. The wall or forced disinheritance for Jaime. Slow, painful death for Tywin. Gerion and his wife may be recruited. Undecided on Kevan, his kids and Tyrion. Genna is married to a Frey so she is fine.
I don't get the obsession with making people infertile all the time. What are we? Canadians?
Joffrey Waters - Wall, no questions here. Either he shapes up or Alliser will arrange an accident for him.
Tommen Waters - Too young for the Wall, so he is now pretty much a no-name street urchin. Given his temperament and personality, I would look into giving him a healers education or a place in a temple.
Myrcella Waters - Same as Tommen, though if she has magic, she might have a shot at a marriage to minor Essosi nobility.
Jaime Lannister - Probably making him a Hill and then throwing him at the Wall.
Cersei Lannister - You are now a Hill and a Silent Sister. Though I consider it vastly more likely that she will do something that gets her either the gallows or the tree.
Kevan Lannister - Takes on a new name, cutting all ties with the name Lannister. He is currently landless, so I would maybe give him some minor Lannister holding to administrate, otherwise we got many places where he could be useful.
Gerion and Lanna Lannister - They are now the new Reynes of Castamere. Maybe they become Dukes of the Traitorlands if they flip early enough.
Tyrion Lannister - Maybe he would like the name Tarbeck, with the keep to go with it? Otherwise, Gerion and Lanna can fully adopt him as a Reyne if they want.