Getting Cersei to froth with rage is a goal in of itself. We are getting her a level of barbarian. Sooner or later, we will succeed.
Cersei is getting 'Frenzied Berserker' by replacing the prerequisite with 'got trolled by a dragon to murderous rage'.
I'm not inclined to build elaborate plots with the sole purpose to make her suffer though. That's pointless self-indulgence. But if we can rile her up with a cheap shot now and then? Gladly. Because she will lash out in response. And whenever she lashes out, she drives more people into our open arms.
The propaganda will achieve that as a secondary goal.
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Cersei is just one of those persons everyone loves to see miserable, since she has zero redeeming qualities and enough faults for 5 people. Even her "love for her children and family" is a bad joke when you think about it. It's all about her and her alone, everyone else around her just existing to fulfill her own desires.

I'm not inclined to build elaborate plots with the sole purpose to make her suffer though. That's pointless self-indulgence. But if we can rile her up with a cheap shot now and then? Gladly. Because she will lash out in response. And whenever she lashes out, she drives more people into our open arms.

I did stress greatly that it would have been pointless.

Because really, she's not worth the effort.
I did stress greatly that it would have been pointless.

Because really, she's not worth the effort.
I merely wanted to elaborate on where I draw the line between making Cersei livid for our own gain and where we just shit on her out of pure sadism.

And to be honest? The realization that she is just a inconsequential clown for us that we can be provoke at will to do something stupid that will aid us? That will sting so much worse then anything else we could ever do to her.
Unlikely as it that we'd move straight into Yss-territory this coming vote, please include my stuff if we do.

G'night everyone.
If Cersei was a rational person about this whole thing, we could let her off with a medal and a sizable monetary compensation for services rendered, since she's undermined Robert's rule more than all Targaryen loyalists put together could manage. Alas, she's herself, so we'll probably drive her completely mad without even trying.
Cersei Lannister has managed to undermine Roberts rule more than Viserys and the loyalist of House Targaryen could ever dream of. If the loyalists are ever told of this then they would die laughing.
I don't really want to go out of our way for it, but if the opportunity comes up to make things worse for Cersei in a way that will also materially help us? well...

What would best describe Viserys people that he grew up with? Knights, merchants and/or criminals? Been thinking about it because of a scene from the show with Varys and Ned talking in the blackcells.
I'm very hyped for our first Robert interlude. It would be deeply satisfying to get one towards the end of the festival, when Robert and Cersei get a headcount of everyone who openly betrayed them by accepting a position under us.
What would best describe Viserys people that he grew up with? Knights, merchants and/or criminals? Been thinking about it because of a scene from the show with Varys and Ned talking in the blackcells.
Criminals, smallfolk, merchants, the odd knight and lady, and supernatural creatures of all stripes. It's very, very telling that Bloodraven is Viserys' father figure.
He is probably the closest thing Viserys will ever have to it.

Greatest Uncle is Greatest.
It's also deeply funny to me how the Hound thinks his appearance would scare Dany, who has hugged Bloodraven and gave him a peck on the cheek when we first visited.

I mean, I get why he thinks so and that the whole thing is tied to his personal issues, but it's still so very amusing a notion.
How does Bloodraven see Viserys and Dany? He approves of them but what best describes his view of them? Son and daughter or niece and nephew?
Jokes aside, what will actually be done with Cersei? Joffrey and Tommen infertilized and house arrested, Myrcella married off to Quentyn Martell or someone already loyal like him and Cersei infertilized and house arrest for life seems decent enough. The wall or forced disinheritance for Jaime. Slow, painful death for Tywin. Gerion and his wife may be recruited. Undecided on Kevan, his kids and Tyrion. Genna is married to a Frey so she is fine.
It's also deeply funny to me how the Hound thinks his appearance would scare Dany, who has hugged Bloodraven and gave him a peck on the cheek when we first visited.

I mean, I get why he thinks so and that the whole thing is tied to his personal issues, but it's still so very amusing a notion.
I don't think it's just his appearance he think is scary, he don't assume children in general are very scared of him, it's the fact that he's a Clegane, he's assuming that Gregor is one of the people the Targaryans fear most, and by extension as a Clegane he's fearsome to them too.
Jokes aside, what will actually be done with Cersei? Joffrey and Tommen infertilized and house arrested, Myrcella married off to Quentyn Martell or someone already loyal like him and Cersei infertilized and house arrest for life seems decent enough. The wall or forced disinheritance for Jaime. Slow, painful death for Tywin. Gerion and his wife may be recruited. Undecided on Kevan, his kids and Tyrion. Genna is married to a Frey so she is fine.

Well, I for one would not mind straight up hijacking Myrcella, who in another timeline could have been a powerful Warlock PC.

Joffrey I'm stuck between sending to the Wall with Jaime, or trying to turn into something useful. It seems very Viserys to try to steal the former Crown Prince just to salt an already festering wound.

Tommen will be kept close because he would be rather useless on the Wall (not that Joffrey would be much better) but rather useful to restrain any... twitchy lions... still extant.

I will admit, part of me is influenced by having read Purple Days, but I think a big enough trial by fire would turn Joffrey into a beast.
Tearing Gregor Clegane in twain and inflicting true death upon him is something no one in this thread would be against. Maybe we can hand him off to the Martells before we do that. I imagine they can become very creative.
Jokes aside, what will actually be done with Cersei? Joffrey and Tommen infertilized and house arrested, Myrcella married off to Quentyn Martell or someone already loyal like him and Cersei infertilized and house arrest for life seems decent enough. The wall or forced disinheritance for Jaime. Slow, painful death for Tywin. Gerion and his wife may be recruited. Undecided on Kevan, his kids and Tyrion. Genna is married to a Frey so she is fine.

Let's slow down a little there, cowboy. If Cersei kills Robert (likely) and we can prove it, she dies. Jamie is a difficult case, given we know why he did what he did. Probably the Wall, though. Tywin is executed. Just executed. There's no need to draw it out beyond wanting to be gratuitous. Gerion and Lanna are entirely flippable, mainly on the basis of their children and how Lanna has had it up to here with Tywin's desperate belief that he's a threat to us. And probably also his use of charm magic to influence the nobles of Lannisport. Ditto Tyrion.

But if you could step the hell away from forced sterilisation of children, that would be great.
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Jokes aside, what will actually be done with Cersei? Joffrey and Tommen infertilized and house arrested, Myrcella married off to Quentyn Martell or someone already loyal like him and Cersei infertilized and house arrest for life seems decent enough. The wall or forced disinheritance for Jaime. Slow, painful death for Tywin. Gerion and his wife may be recruited. Undecided on Kevan, his kids and Tyrion. Genna is married to a Frey so she is fine.
I don't get the obsession with making people infertile all the time. What are we? Canadians?

Joffrey Waters - Wall, no questions here. Either he shapes up or Alliser will arrange an accident for him.
Tommen Waters - Too young for the Wall, so he is now pretty much a no-name street urchin. Given his temperament and personality, I would look into giving him a healers education or a place in a temple.
Myrcella Waters - Same as Tommen, though if she has magic, she might have a shot at a marriage to minor Essosi nobility.
Jaime Lannister - Probably making him a Hill and then throwing him at the Wall.
Cersei Lannister - You are now a Hill and a Silent Sister. Though I consider it vastly more likely that she will do something that gets her either the gallows or the tree.
Kevan Lannister - Takes on a new name, cutting all ties with the name Lannister. He is currently landless, so I would maybe give him some minor Lannister holding to administrate, otherwise we got many places where he could be useful.
Gerion and Lanna Lannister - They are now the new Reynes of Castamere. Maybe they become Dukes of the Traitorlands if they flip early enough.
Tyrion Lannister - Maybe he would like the name Tarbeck, with the keep to go with it? Otherwise, Gerion and Lanna can fully adopt him as a Reyne if they want.