Of Gods and Games
Twentieth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC
"Alas the old Gods have no great physical repository of lore," you reply honestly, though still cautious of her reactions. "Even the Green Men are more akin to the Fiery Hand than the Flame-Keepers. To my knowledge the best way to gain insight into their nature and ways is meditating before a Heart Tree." Seeing her frown you hasten to add: "It is not prayer, for the Old Gods neither ask not care for such a thing, but if that is treading too close to the line...
"It would," the priestess interjects. "You say it is not prayer and perhaps for you it is not, but it would go against the nature of men to ask boons of those they count 'gods' without the deed being rightfully counted prayer."
What does she count you then if not a man, you wonder but do not ask. "Then you might try conversing with the spirit-kin, in particular the blooming ones who seek serenity in the depths of the Greendream, or at last resort look through some of texts I have collected," you offer, making a mental note to warn every Lotus Leshy to keep silent on the matter of Bloodraven and his doings.
Your evening is spent mostly walking the streets and enjoying the fun and excitement of the festival. Vendors hawk wares from trinkets to marvels, bells call the faithful to worship before the altars of golds old and new, and the savory smels of food from across the world spill out into the balmy night air. In one open-air plaza you find that Ysilla had helped arranged a sort of ad-hoc war game tournament using the tiny steel festival figures.
Here a handful of Minotaurs backed by raiders from the Deep are trying to board a Ghiscari slave ship... there an adept of Yss surrounded by legionnaires stand against a mob of mad cultists lead by the Damphair.
How quickly monsters can become figures of fun, you think, smiling all the more to notice a little girl with a streak of silver scales running down her shoulders playing happily a few tables over though she seems to have a preference for an eclectic army including heroic Dothraki Bloodriders, fungal wolves and sailors. Her opponent looks to be rather disgruntled at having rolled up an army of gloating magisters and toadies.
"They are are supposed to lose anyway, Harry," the girl calls over.
"Well yeah," Harry replies, the Vale accept still clear in his words. "But they aren't just supposed to just get blown over. Just you wait until I'm playing heroes again. I bet I'll get a dragon, maybe the King himself."
The boy does not notice you, Dany, and Lya standing behind him, but Ysilla does: "Your Grace, Dany," she makes a valiant effort to curtsy and wave at the same time. "Do you like the game? Still haven't figured out what to call it, and the rules are... a work in progress."
"It looks like great fun," you answer, smiling. "I'd even play a bit myself, if you have the room "
The sound of dozens of players jumping to their feet rumbles through the square.
"Even a king needs only one seat to sit in," you assure them, laughing as Ysilla literally rolls her eyes at the general silliness.
"We have a table open this way," she offers.
You end up narrowly winning two games out of three against Dany and drawing two to two against Lya as an audience of children cheers one or the other on while other more reserved but still smiling children watch on,
What do you do next?
[] Do an interview
-[] Write in subject
[] Approach Mors Umber to see why the man is here so openly
-[] Write in
[] Approach Sandor Clegane to learn more about him and possibly to recruit him
-[] Write in
OOC: This is pretty short but I feel like we all need a breather of Viserys just enjoying the festival, and it gave me a chance to show off what Ysilla has been doing and the festival figures, too.