Part MMDXC: To the Last Thread
To the Last Thread

Thirteenth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

"We are heading to Braavos," you resolve. "But not directly to the Moon Pool. Hard enough to try to catch a spider in the palm of your hand without doing so blindfolded." Left unsaid was the fact that you would not be taking your mother into that sort of fight. Truth be told you are of two minds even about bringing Aradia and Nuri along, but the elder incarnate is too skilled in the air to discount and the younger too eager to prove herself.

"Up the Sweetwater? The Silver Scales, maybe?" Dany asks, naming a tavern about three-quarters of a mile from the pool and well out of sight of anyone there. It also has the virtue of being oft frequented by members of the Silver Eye, quite possibly because one of them fancied the kinship in names. According to Alysande the innkeeper is not one to be startled by a show of magic, not to mention trustworthy enough around arcane secrets that the Braavosi mage hunters use his tavern for serious drinking.

"I'd rather not pop in around folk when we're huntin' men," Vee interjects seriously.

You grimace and nod, explaining: "I'd prefer a deserted alleyway myself, but you won't find many of those near the Moon Pool. It's the reserved room at the Scales or we have to walk or row three times as much to get to where we're going, and by then..."

"This Varys fellow will have sauntered off," Maelor finishes.

The seven of you manifest in the room to the frighted gasp of a threshold sprite in a wide-brimmed emerald hat, not that it takes the little fey long to recover his nerve: "Are you out hunting the Jabberwock or something?" he asks with a laugh.

You briefly wonder what that might be, if it even exists outside the sprite's imagination, but you have more important business to attend to. After wrapping Aradia in the most powerful glamour you can conjure and forging a mental pathway to her you send her on her way with orders to spy on Varys.

The response is not what you had hoped: "I can't see anyone that looks like what you told me he would... maybe he's under a glamour too."

Upon hearing the news Dany shakes her head: "I don't think he would depend on disguises you could just see through with magic, not here of all places. Leaving aside our own interest in the city, Braavos has its own mages too..."

"So we're looking for a man whose face and form we can't pick out of the crowd but whose location we can scry," you muse.

"What about just having a spell that leads right to him?" Dany begins.

"The Wayfinder won't work since it isn't me casting the spells..." You trail off as the obvious solution presents itself. You can simply cast the spell that went into the creation of the Wayfinder to find the Spider. Yet that is not without risk, for every wish exacts its toll, and only wishcraft will serve you here.

How do you track Varys?

[] Use Blood Wish to mimic the effects of Circle Dance until you are certain who he is

[] Wait for him to leave the Moon Pool for some less crowded place

[] Write in

OOC: Aradia has a very good spot check, especially with buffs, but it just was not enough to spot Varys with the roll she got.
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@DragonParadox, please tell me you weren't just teasing us with this. I really, really want to kill a Jabberwock.
Jabberwock CR 23
XP 819,200
CE Huge dragon (air, fire)
Init +5; Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent, true seeing; Perception +38; Aura frightful presence (120 ft., DC 31)
AC 40, touch 14, flat-footed 34 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +26 natural, –2 size)
hp 455 (26d12+286); fast healing 15
Fort* +26, Ref +20, Will +24
DR 15/vorpal; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; Resist acid 30, electricity 30, sonic 30; SR 31
Weaknesses fear of vorpal weapons, vulnerable to cold
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (poor)
Melee bite +37 (4d8+19/19–20/×3), 2 claws +37 (3d6+13/19–20 plus grab), tail slap +32 (2d8+19), 2 wings +32 (1d8+6)
Ranged 2 eye rays +29 touch (15d6 fire/19–20 plus burn)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks burble, burn (6d6, DC 34), eye rays, whiffling
Str 37, Dex 20, Con 33, Int 12, Wis 29, Cha 26
Base Atk +26; CMB +41 (+45 grapple); CMD 57
Feats Awesome Blow, Bleeding Critical, Critical Focus, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite, claws, eye rays), Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +31 (+35 jump), Escape Artist +31, Fly +26, Intimidate +37, Knowledge (nature) +30, Perception +38, Sense Motive +38
Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ planar acclimation
Burble (Su)

A jabberwock can burble once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action. This blast of strange noises and shouted nonsense in the various languages known to the jabberwock (and invariably some languages it doesn't know) affects all creatures within a 60-foot-radius spread—these creatures must make a DC 31 Will save or become confused for 1d4 rounds. Alternatively, the jabberwock can focus its burble attack to create a 60-foot line of sonic energy that deals 20d6 points of sonic damage (DC 31 Reflex save for half). The confusion effect is mind-affecting; both are sonic effects. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Damage Reduction (Ex)

A jabberwock's damage reduction can be bypassed only by weapons that possess the vorpal weapon enhancement.
Eye Rays (Su)

The jabberwock can project beams of fire from its eyes as a ranged touch attack as a standard action, with a range increment of 60 feet. It projects two beams, and can target different creatures with these beams if it wishes as long as both targets are within 30 feet of each other. A creature that takes damage from an eye beam suffers burn.
Fear of Vorpal Weapons (Ex)

A jabberwock knows that a vorpal weapon can kill it swiftly. As soon as it takes damage from a vorpal weapon, a jabberwock becomes shakenfor 1 round. If it is hit by a critical threat from a vorpal weapon, whether or not the critical hit is confirmed, the jabberwock is staggered for 1 round.
Planar Acclimation (Ex)

A jabberwock is always considered to be on its home plane, regardless of what plane it finds itself upon. It never gains the extraplanarsubtype.
Whiffling (Ex)

A jabberwock's wings and violent motions create a significant amount of wind whenever it makes a full attack action. These winds surround the monster to a radius of 30 feet, and are treated as severe winds—ranged attacks take a –4 penalty when targeting a jabberwock while it is whiffling, and medium creatures must make a DC 10 Strengthcheck to approach the creature. Small or smaller creatures in this area that fail a DC 15 Strength check are blown away. See weather for further details on the effects of severe winds.

Environment any forests
Organization solitary
Treasure triple

The jabberwock is a true creature of legend—a subject of poetry, song, and myth in many cultures. It is known to be a devastating creature in combat whose arrival presages times of ruin and violence; these stories also tell of the creature's fear of the tools some say were created in ancient times for the sole purpose of defeating them—vorpal weapons. A jabberwock is 35 feet tall and weighs 8,000 pounds.
The jabberwock is not a creature of the Material Plane, but one from the primal world of the fey. It comes from a region of reality where life is more robust, where emotions are more potent, and where dreams and nightmares can come alive. Even in such incredible realms, though, the jabberwock is a creature to be feared. It belongs to a category of powerful Creatures whose shapes and types run the gamut of possibility—a group known collectively as the "Tane." Of the Tane, the jabberwock is said to be the most powerful, but the others in this grouping are far from helpless. Said to have been created as goliaths of war and madness, dreamt and stitched into being by the strange gods of this primeval reality, the Tane are as mysterious as they are powerful. Two other creatures of the Tane are presented in this book—the sard and the thrasfyr. None of the Tane are lower than CR 16 in power and all possess the planar acclimation special quality, but beyond that, they generally share no specific abilities or characteristics save for their common source in the primal world.
When a jabberwock comes to the Material Plane, it does so to spread destruction and ruin. Typically, the monster seeks out a remote forest lair at least a day's flight from civilization, then emerges from this den once a week to seek out a new place to destroy. It has no true interest in amassing treasure, but often gathers objects of obvious value to bring back to its den in order to encourage heroes to seek it out—to a jabberwock, it makes no difference whether it seeks out things to destroy or lets those things come to it.
Jabberwocks age, eat, drink, and sleep like any living creature, but they do not reproduce in the classic sense of the word. The creation of a new jabberwock—or of any of the Tane, in fact—is regulated by the strange and unknowable godlike entities that dwell in the primeval world. These fey lords create new jabberwocks as they are needed—sometimes varying the exact particulars (see Variant Jabberwocks), but always creating a fully formed adult creature. No young jabberwock has ever been encountered as a result.
The strange vulnerability a jabberwock possesses against vorpal weapons has long been a matter of intrigue and speculation among scholars. Most believe that, once upon a time, only one jabberwock existed, a creature of such great power that nothing could hurt it. Nothing, that is, save for a legendary sword forged for a mortal hero by a now-forgotten artisan or god. So epic was this battle that it created strange echoes throughout reality, and as a result, these echoes, in the form of the vorpal swords and jabberwocks known today, can be found on many worlds.
yeaah, maybe later.
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Give me some credit. I have no intention to actively hunt a CR 23 monster right this second.
I was mostly doing that jokingly, but I may have worder that better. Apologies.

But isn't that the 4th or 5th big, high-cr dragon you want to kill?
There's Gorinich, those lava dragons of Valyria, an Adult Ice Dragon...
I was mostly doing that jokingly, but I may have worder that better. Apologies.

But isn't that the 4th or 5th big, high-cr dragon you want to kill?
There's Gorinich, those lava dragons of Valyria, an Adult Ice Dragon...
Also the Older-Than-Adult Shadow Dragon that Tiamat has, another aspect of Tiamat if she's willing to show up (preferably CR 16 or stronger), all the the Tiamat-blessed Wyverns, the Champion of Tiamat Red Dragon that's with the Golden Company, etc.
Also the Older-Than-Adult Shadow Dragon that Tiamat has, another aspect of Tiamat if she's willing to show up (preferably CR 16 or stronger), all the the Tiamat-blessed Wyverns, the Champion of Tiamat Red Dragon that's with the Golden Company, etc.
duesal I adore the way you think we need an expanded trophy room. Do you guys think someday we could have a full museum of just the parties exploits? Maybe include a legion and inquisition section?
How many charges do we have on our healing orb? We've only used it once right?

[X] Use Blood Wish to mimic the effects of Circle Dance until you are certain who he is
We could use Nuri to draw the crowd in. She was made days ago and went straight from the lab to KL, being Mindblanked the whole time. So Varys definitely doesn't know her.

Either Varys leaves or is forced to get closer to other people, giving us visual cues to locate him.
We could use Nuri to draw the crowd in. She was made days ago and went straight from the lab to KL, being Mindblanked the whole time. So Varys definitely doesn't know her.

Either Varys leaves or is forced to get closer to other people, giving us visual cues to locate him.
I wonder how prepared varys is. something like a twine double can't fool our scrying right? Cause I am worried Varys isn't even here I am just super paranoid and probably thinking stupidly.
I wonder how much lore and espionage potential we can get from varys brain loot. oh sweet sweet lore. Also so many hidden treasures to steal oh so many.
@DragonParadox Would Greater Arcane Sight be able to reveal him to us by looking at the magical auras of his gear and wards? Assuming he hasn't masked them all with Magic Aura spells?